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A hydrographic section in the region east of Luzon was repeated 14 times during the period from 1986 to 1991. The data revealed the existence of a subsurface countercurrent located on the shoreward side of the Kuroshio with its upper boundary at about 500 m. The countercurrent, which should be called the Luzon Undercurrent (LUG), was only about 50 km wide, which is comparable to the baroclinic radius of deformation. Despite considerable variabilities both in velocity profile and intensity, the LUC appears to be a permanent feature. Over the period of observations, the maximum speed in the LUC calculated from the mean temperature and salinity by assuming geostrophy (relative to 2500 db) was 7 cm s(-1) at about 700 m and its mean geostrophic volume transport was 3.6 Sv (1 Sv = 10(6) m(3) s(-1)). About 28% of this transport was composed of the low-salinity North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) advected to the south along the coast of Luzon. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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海洋浮游纤毛虫是在海洋中浮游生活的一类单细胞原生动物,主要是指寡毛类纤毛虫(Oligotrich ciliates),隶属原生动物界(Protozoa)、纤毛门(Ciliophora)、寡毛纲(Oligotrichea),分属于Oligotrichina 和Tintinnina两个亚纲。它们个体微小,粒径在5-200 µm之间,是微型浮游动物和海洋微食物环(Marine Microbial Food Web)的重要组成部分。 2006年4月至2007年12月,在黄海(包括胶州湾)采样分析海洋浮游纤毛虫的种类组成(砂壳纤毛虫)、丰度和生物量,分析纤毛虫在这一海区的季节变化和空间变化。 纤毛虫丰度和生物量的研究方法为:Rosette采水器(胶州湾用Niskin采水器)采集水样,取1 L水样,加Lugol’s试剂固定(终浓度1%),Utermöhl方法100倍镜检。测量虫体的体长、体宽,按最接近的几何形状(圆柱体、球体和圆锥体)计算体积。生物量由体积乘转换系数(0.19 pgC/µm3)得到,砂壳纤毛虫的肉体体积按照壳体积的1/3近似。 本文的结果表明,胶州湾各站纤毛虫平均丰度于6月达到全年最高值6065 ind./L,12月为全年丰度最低值843 ind./L。平均生物量8月达全年最高值(18.5 µg C/L),6月为全年最低值(0.6 µg C/L)。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度于8月达到最高值,共发现25种砂壳纤毛虫,1月种类最少(6种)。湾内站位的纤毛虫平均丰度比湾外的高(6月和8月除外)。砂壳纤毛虫在纤毛虫总丰度中的比例较小,平均为25%,范围为8-57%,分别于1月和8月达到最低和最高值。 两次冷水团大面调查结果表明,4月表层纤毛虫平均丰度(1490 ind./L)要高于10月(972 ind./L)。10月表层纤毛虫生物量0.14-5.33 µg C/L,14194站、15694站和15894站生物量较高,为4.08-5.33 µg C/L。无壳纤毛虫优势种Laboea strobila在两个航次中均呈现斑块分布,4月航次丰度0-10000 ind./L,10月航次丰度11-350 ind./L;砂壳纤毛虫优势种Ptychocylis obtusa仅在4月航次发现,最大丰度2895 ind./L,10月航次未发现。4月航次砂壳纤毛虫有百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea),丰度为0-1920 ind./L;卡拉直克拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis karajacensis),丰度很小(10-93 ind./L)。10月航次砂壳纤毛虫优势种Tintinnidium primitivum,丰度为35-700 ind./L;也出现了尖底类瓮虫(Amphorellopsis acuta)和网纹虫(Favella spp.),但丰度不大(0-210 ind./L);运动类铃虫(Codonellopsis mobilis)、筒状拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis tubulosoides)和Eutintinnus sp.丰度也较低(35-105 ind./L);Craterella torulata丰度为0-120 ind./L,主要分布于15694站。10月航次已经出现了温跃层,位于30 m左右水层,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层之上。 六次黄海断面航次表明:温跃层在5月已经出现,到12月消失。在有温跃层的5月、6月、8月、9月,纤毛虫主要分布于温跃层(30 m左右)之上。其中8月份航次纤毛虫丰度最高,表层平均丰度3103 ind./L。12月份纤毛虫丰度最低,表层平均丰度406 ind./L。纤毛虫生物量春夏季为0.02-5.5 µg C/L,冬季为0.04-1.99 µg C/L。小型无壳纤毛虫占优势,砂壳纤毛虫东方拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis orientalis)、筒状拟铃虫、运动类铃虫、Craterella torulata和Tintinnidium primitivum几乎在各个航次均有分布。


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紫菜作为一种经济海藻, 具有重要的经济价值和生物学价值,可作为海洋生物学研究中的模式生物。我们将生物反应器等生化工程技术用于紫菜无性丝状体细胞的培养和增殖,以实现迅速大量的为育种提供优质苗源,并为紫菜基础和应用研究提供材料、建立细胞培养技术。 适合大型藻类细胞增殖的光生物反应器需要五个基本因素:光照、温度控制、气体传输、营养物质传输、混合。针对大型藻类细胞生长特点,本文以坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)丝状体为研究对象,采用本实验室自行设计的光生物反应器进行培养,得到的主要结果为: 1)摇瓶悬浮培养丝状体细胞,发现丝状体细胞营养增殖的生长特性是细胞分裂而不分开,由丝状藻丝生长为细胞团,容易聚团、贴壁。 2)本实验室开发了300 mL 鼓泡式光生物反应器。它具有结构简单、操作方便、适合藻细胞生长、制作成本廉价等特点。通过运行本系统验证了光生物反应器培养紫菜丝状体的可行性,并优化了过程参数,得到的结果为:初始密度为700 mg DCW/L,通气量为 1.2 L air min-1 L-1(vvm),氮和磷浓度为:15 mM和0.6 mM, 培养时间为20天。在此培养条件下坛紫菜丝状体最大生物产量达到4000 mg DCW/L。 3)将鼓泡式光生物反应器的实验体系扩大到2500 mL,研究了不同光强及光周期对丝状体细胞生长的影响,结果发现光暗周期为14h light/10h dark、光强为80 μmol m-2s-1是最佳光照条件,最大生物量4350mg DCW/L。 4)对光生物反应器体系进行改进,设计了2500 mL气升式光生物反应器,进行了鼓泡式光生物反应器和气升式光生物反应器对坛紫菜丝状体细胞培养的比较研究,发现气升式光生物反应器更适合丝状体的生长,最大生物产量达到4850 mg DCW/L。


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鱼类胚胎由于其自身结构特征:体积大、含水量高、多室结构等,迄今超低温保存尚未成功。超低温保存过程中所造成的冷冻损伤是制约鱼类胚胎超低温保存成功与否的关键,具体表现为渗透压影响、抗冻剂毒性、冰晶损伤等。系统研究并阐明鱼类胚胎冷冻损伤机理,是成功建立鱼类胚胎超低温保存技术的基础。本论文主要针对胚胎对渗透压的耐受性、抗冻剂对胚胎的渗透性、降温速率对胚胎内外冰晶形成温度的影响等冷冻损伤机理进行了系统研究,主要研究结果如下: 1.通过检测胚胎在不同浓度人工海水(0%、25%、50%、75%、1×、2×、3×、4×,渗透压范围0~3740 mOsm/kg)中的孵化率,确定了真鲷不同发育时期胚胎对渗透压的耐受范围,以及心跳期胚胎浸泡不同时间对渗透压的耐受范围。结果显示:①真鲷2-4细胞期、原肠期、10-14体节期胚胎、心跳期和出膜前期胚胎孵化率>50%时渗透压的范围依次为:919~1391 mOsm/kg、919~1391 mOsm/kg、462 ~1391 mOsm/kg、232~1878 mOsm/kg和692~1391 mOsm/kg,表明心跳期胚胎对渗透压变化的耐受范围最广;②在不同浓度人工海水中分别浸泡10 min、30 min、1 h、5 h和10 h后,真鲷胚胎孵化率无显著变化的渗透压范围分别为0~2804 mOsm/kg、0~1878 mOsm/kg、232~1391 mOsm/kg、232~1391 mOsm/kg和919~1391 mOsm/kg;结果表明心跳期胚胎对渗透压的耐受范围随浸泡时间的延长而减小。 2.采用毛细管电泳技术检测胚胎内部DMSO的浓度,并且分析了胚胎孵化率和胚胎内部DMSO的浓度随浸泡时间变化与外部抗冻剂的关系。结果表明胚胎孵化率随胚胎外部抗冻剂溶液浓度和浸泡时间的增加而降低;胚胎内部DMSO浓度随胚胎外部抗冻剂溶液浓度和浸泡时间的增加而增加。对胚胎孵化率(y1)随抗冻剂溶液浓度(x)的变化进行一元三次多项式回归,当浸泡时间分别为10 min、30 min和60 min时,回归方程依次为:y1 = -2832.7x3 + 575.01x2 - 37.011x + 99.641(R2 = 0.9722);y1 = 30288x3 - 16322x2 + 2077.3x + 27.603(R2 = 0.9876);y1 = 16052x3 - 5985.2x2 - 32.696x + 119.6(R2 = 0.9124)。对胚胎内部DMSO浓度(y2)随抗冻剂溶液浓度(x)的变化进行回归,当浸泡时间分别为10 min、30 min和60 min时,回归方程依次为:y2 = 0.2584e6.7294x(R2 = 0.9876);y2 = 0.2521e10.964x(R2 = 0.9644);y2 = 0.4054e10.95x(R2 = 0.8954)。 3. 利用低温显微镜观察了不同降温速率(20、40、60、80、100、120℃/min)对胚胎内外冰晶形成温度的影响。胚胎外部冰晶形成温度(TEIF)随降温速率的增加显著下降,在降温速率大于80℃/min之后,TEIF随降温速率增加而降低的幅度减小;胚胎内部冰晶形成温度(TIIF)在降温速率小于80℃/min 时随降温速率的升高而降低,在降温速率大于80℃/min 时随降温速率的升高而升高;胚胎内外冰晶形成温度差值(TEIF - TIIF)在降温速率小于80℃/min时随降温速率的升高而增大,在降温速率大于80℃/min时随降温速率的升高而减小。 4. 在低温显微镜下观察了真鲷胚胎低温保存中有复活胚胎记录的保存方法在冷冻解冻过程中的冰晶形成过程,结果表明:①在冷冻过程中,玻璃化法冷冻的胚胎的内部冰晶形成温度(-53.70,-64.33℃)显著低于程序降温法(-17.51,-21.40℃);而且在玻璃化法冷冻的胚胎内部冰晶形成温度高于外部冰晶后形成(-70.30℃),程序降温法中则相反,胚胎内部冰晶形成温度显著低于外部冰晶形成温度(-4.93,-5.00℃);玻璃化法中,40%PG冷冻的胚胎外部溶液出现玻璃化现象,其他组均未出现;②在解冻过程中,各组均出现重结晶现象;解冻后,玻璃化法的胚胎完整率(62.82%)远高于程序降温法(9.21%)。


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热带西太平洋环流是副热带环流与热带环流关键分量,毗邻西太平洋暖池,对暖池的形成与变化有重要的作用。然而,目前为止,热带西太平洋环流还有许多问题,包括动力结构还不清楚。因此,论文针对热带西太平洋环流的研究不仅在太平洋环流动力学上有理论意义,而且对气候变化的研究和预测也具有理论和实用价值。 太平洋北赤道流分叉是大洋,特别是太平洋西部边界流海域的一个非常突出的环流现象,它是大洋中副热带大流环和热带流环的发源地,很大程度上决定着海盆尺度的大洋环流结构,在大洋环流动力学上具有非常重要的意义和地位;同时它决定着大洋西边界区质量、热量的经向输送,进而对气候变化产生重要影响,是气候系统中不可忽视的重要分量。因此,北赤道流分叉的研究,不仅具有在海洋动力学上科学意义,而且对气候变化和预测也有实践意义。 从30年代至今,关于北赤道流分叉的研究有两种,一是根据实际观测水文数据,二是由数值模拟结果得出结论。用观测数据做出的结果,相对比较接近实际,但资料的分辨率较差,会引起估算结果的偏差;数值模拟结果有较高的时空分辨率,但由于模式本身的某些缺点会导致结果偏离实际。目前为止,诸多有关北赤道流分叉的结果,如分叉纬度变化的结论很不一致。所以,如何找到一种高时空分辨率的数据或提出一个比较符合物理实际并得到实测数据验证的数值模式是研究北赤道流分叉的关键。 本文用1992年10月到2004年12月高时空分辨率的卫星高度计数据,通过计算迹线的方法,确定了北赤道流分叉的纬度。结果表明,年平均分叉纬度约在13.4°N. 关于北赤道流分叉的季节变化,6月份发生在最南端(12.9°N),12月份发生在最北端(14.1°N)。12年的平均结果显示,7月份的分叉纬度比6月份和8月份明显偏大,这是局地风应力旋度导致的结果。本文同时研究了北赤道流分叉的年际变化,结果表明在厄尔尼诺年,北赤道流分叉纬度北移,在拉尼娜年,分叉纬度南移。 在热带西太平洋地区,特别是西边界流区和印度尼西亚贯通流邻近海域,岛屿众多,地形非常复杂,历史水文数据和测流数据又极少,所以几乎无法用分析观测数据的方法求得这一海域海洋环流,特别是次表层环流结构的深刻了解。因此,本文利用一个既适用于开阔大洋又适宜于地形变化剧烈海域的混合坐标海洋模式HYCOM,模拟了热带西太平洋环流,特别是西边界流及其相关海流,如,新几内亚沿岸潜流、棉兰老潜流、赤道潜流和印度尼西亚贯通流的气候态及其月、季变化。模式结果再现了该海域主要流系及其季节变化,模拟得到的海面高度场与卫星高度计数据基本一致;模拟所得的诸多关键断面上的海流、温度和盐度结构与实地观测数据(Johnson et al., 2002)有良好的一致性,说明本文的HYCOM模拟结果是比较可信、可靠的,可以用来做西太平洋环流分析用。本文得到结果如下: (1)赤道潜流究竟起源于何处,是赤道环流动力学上一个重要问题。鉴于实测数据缺乏和赤道潜流起源邻近海域地形复杂,相关研究很少,仅有的几项研究结果认为赤道潜流起源于135-137°E。本文一系列经向跨赤道断面的纬向流速模拟结果表明,赤道潜流最西源于129-130°E之间;另外,事实上,从200米层水平环流的模拟结果来看,赤道潜流有4个源头,各季有所不同:(i) 新几内亚沿岸潜流在135°E附近汇入赤道潜流;与Tsuchiya et al.(1989)结论相同;(ii) 来自棉兰老海流,这与Lu and McCreary(1995),Gu and Philander(1997)结论相同;(iii) 南海水经民都洛海峡、苏禄海和苏拉威西海西部由哈马黑拉岛以北进入赤道潜流,特别是,在春、夏、秋季;(iv) 印度洋海水经班达海和马鲁古海沿苏拉威西东岸北上沿哈马黑拉岛以东汇入赤道潜流(特别是春季)。所以,赤道潜流就水源来说,它有来自南海、印度洋和棉兰老以东的海水,就其起源来说,还是应该算从129-130°E开始的。 (2)棉兰老潜流发现于80年代末,尽管棉兰老潜流的起源对这一海域环流动力学非常重要,但由于资料缺乏,其起源的研究甚少。本文的模拟结果表明棉兰老潜流似乎有一部分水来自棉兰老海流,这主要在300-500米层。但更重要的是,从马鲁古海西边界(苏拉威西岛以东)向北的一支流更是棉兰老潜流的重要水源,说明棉兰老潜流的水源有相当部分是来自南半球,在600,700米层,特别是800,900和1000米层,棉兰老海流流速急剧减小至几乎看不到,而棉兰老潜流非常突出,其水源主要来自南半球苏拉威西岛东部向北的流动。至于棉兰老潜流的去处,500,600米层的模拟结果显示,棉兰老潜流在12-13°N附近,一大部分向东流去,一小部分向南加入棉兰老海流。在700米层以下,棉兰老潜流则在12°N向东流去,这与Hu and Cui(1989, 1991)和Wang and Hu(1998)的结果一致。 (3)关于印度尼西亚贯通流。HYCOM模拟的印度尼西亚贯通流年平均状况指出:250米以浅,印度尼西亚贯通流由西太平洋主要经由望加锡海峡进入东印度洋;300米以深,印度尼西亚贯通流反向,由东印度洋经由弗罗勒斯海、班达海和马鲁古海的西部边界进入太平洋。由200米层环流可以看出,从民都洛海峡南下的南海水是进入望加锡海峡构成印度尼西亚贯通流的主要的来源,另一小部分来自棉兰老海流。 (4)关于黑潮南海分支。在本文的模拟结果中,一年四季都有明显的黑潮分支由吕宋北端向西北进入南海后,沿大约21°N附近向西南流动,宽约100-200公里,深达300-400米,最大流速一般可达20厘米/秒,最大在冬季,可达40厘米/秒,流量约为6.5Sv,冬季强,5、9月份偏弱。证明了仇德忠、杨天鸿、郭忠信(1984)和郭忠信、杨天鸿、仇德忠(1985)关于南海黑潮分支存在的论述,并在一定程度上定量的解释了其季节变化规律。


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本论文通过对东海内陆架浙闽沿岸泥质沉积带EC2005孔沉积物岩性、粒度、AMS14C测年、粘土矿物以及全岩矿物衍射分析、沉积物常微量元素和稀土元素分析、总碳氮以及有机碳氮分析、磁化率测试和综合研究,以EC2005孔岩芯记录为依据分析了研究区的沉积环境演化、海平面升降、浙闽沿岸流形成历史以及蕴含的古气候信息,探讨了陆源物质矿物、地球化学成分与粒度的关系。 EC2005孔岩芯自底部至41.00 m(17.3~13.1 ka BP)为末次冰消期以来的湖泊三角洲沉积序列,物质来源主要是来自湖盆流域物质的输入。随着海平面逐渐上升,海水自13.1 ka BP开始侵入研究区,自12.3 ka BP开始海水深度加大,沿岸流的地位开始显现,7.3 ka BP以来,形成了高海平面以来主要受沿岸流控制的浅海沉积。稀土元素结果显示,东海内陆架EC2005孔12.3~9.8 ka BP是以湖盆流域近源物质为主向长江物质为主转变的过渡阶段,自大约10~9.8 ka BP开始,由于海水深度的进一步加大、沿岸流作用进一步增强,长江物质对研究区的物质供给成为主导。海平面的升高以及沿岸流的形成是物质来源发生变化的重要原因。 东海内陆架泥质沉积物中全新世期间长达700 a(5.9~5.2 ka BP)的高分辨率细粒敏感组分资料揭示的东亚冬季风增强,与GRIP冰芯δ18O揭示的冷期具有良好的对应关系。5500 a BP前后东亚冬季风突然增强,与世界范围内的5500 a BP强降温事件非常一致。功率谱分析揭示出62 a和11 a的太阳活动周期以及与现代ENSO周期相似的6 a和5 a周期,因此,中全新世东亚冬季风演化可能是太阳活动以及古ENSO事件对全球气候系统的影响所致。 东海内陆架区对末次冰消期至早全新世气候回暖的记录与该时期世界性的广泛记录相一致,应该是轨道时间尺度上太阳辐射增强与ITCZ北移以及太阳活动变化综合影响的结果。东海内陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质带EC2005孔存在的4个百年时间尺度上快速沉积事件:12.3~12.1 ka BP、7.5~7.3 ka BP、5.9~5.2 ka BP和1.5~1.3 ka BP,与新仙女木事件、7.3 ka BP冷事件、第二新冰期(5.5 ka BP强降温事件)以及北大西洋1.4 ka BP浮冰事件均有良好的对应,世界范围内广泛存在的8.2 ka冷事件对本钻孔沉积也形成了一定影响。 EC2005孔磁化率变化受到多种因素的制约,如岩性粗细、早期成岩作用以及人类活动等的影响。近3.6 ka以来,磁化率的剧烈波动可能是由于人类活动影响造成的。东海内陆架EC2005孔TOC、TN和TOC/TN的大小主要受控于岩性变化。 此外,根据陆源物质粒度和矿物成分之间的关系,建立了陆源物质平均粒径与主要矿物成分含量大小的函数模型。地球化学成分与其所赋存单种矿物的相关性分析则进一步表明,陆源矿物种类和含量控制着地球化学成分及其含量,矿物种类和含量对地球化学成分的控制是决定性的,而粒度对元素(化学成分)的“控制”实际上是由于不同粒度的矿物组分不同而造成。


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Hydrogen permeation of 16Mn steel under a cyclic wet-dry condition was investigated by Devanathan-Stachurski's electrolytic cell with a membrane covered on the exit side by a nickel layer and the weight loss was measured for each wet-dry cycle. The results show that hydrogen permeation current change with different atmospheric environment: distilled water, seawater, and seawater containing 100 ppm H2S. The results show that seawater can induce an increase in the hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And after the increase, equilibrium is reached due to the equilibrium of hydrolyzation reaction effect and the block of the rust layer. On the other hand, H2S contamination also can induce an increase in the maximum hydrogen permeation current due to the hydrolyzation reaction. And H2S contamination delays the time that hydrogen permeation is detected because of the formation of the FeS(1-x) film. The FeS(1-x) film can block the absorption of hydrogen onto the specimen surface. The surface potential change and the pH change of the metal surface control the hydrogen permeation current. And a clear linear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through the 16Mn steel and the weight loss. Based on the linear correlation, we monitored the corrosion rate by monitoring the hydrogen permeation current by a sensor outside. Good coherences were shown between results in laboratory and outside.


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This paper provides a new taxonomic system for the Eurasian Pamphagidae, in which the 47 known genera are divided into 6 subfamilies including 4 new subfamilies: Prionotropisinae nov., Thrinchinae, Pamphaginae, Tropidaucheninae nov., Nocarodesinae nov., Orchaminae nov.


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非线性系统辨识是现代控制理论的一个重要分支,是人们认识非线性系统的理论基础。今年来,利用神经网络辨一识非线性系统,是非线性系统辨识理论i}jf究的热点,现己形成了比较完善的理论体系。本文以某种反坦克导弹武器系统的弹道轨迹辨识为背景,在研究神经网络的辨识理论基础上,更深入地研究了纂于小波网络与模糊神经网络的非线性系统辨识的方法。一方面完善了现有的理沦,另佩方面提出了几种新的算法,主要内容如下:(1)提出了一种基于输入变量重要性指标的神经网络输入变量选择算法,对候选输入变量的重要性进行降序排序,引入一种正规化准则函数作为性能指标,最终确定同时具有良好的逼近能力和泛化能力的输入组合。该算法同基于宽度优先的搜索树算法相比,效率明佩Ul-Ul-提高。(2)基于小波多分辨率分析理论,引入非正交的小波基,从低尺度到高尺度逐渐逼近,L2(Rd)上的非线性连续函数,并且引用递推思想对辨识的偏差再进行多分辨率辨识,这样既降低了对正交小波基的要求,又能以较高的精度来辨识。(3)针对高维非线性系统,提出一种基于正交化思想的小波网络的参数和结构辨识算法。提出递推正交最小二乘法RGLS实现对小波向量矩阵的正交分 解,同传统的CGS, MGS算法相比,ROLE算法计算量小,可实现权值参数的在线辨识。利用ROLS算法的结果,采用从复杂到简单及从简单到复杂两种思想进行结构辨识,结构辨识算法是在上三角矩阵上进行的,而不是在小波向量矩阵上进行的,且在上述两种结构辨识算法中都不需要 重新训练网络,计碑算量小,运行效率高。本文所提的小波网络辨识方法,改变以往小波网络受限于低维非线性系统的状况。(4)针对基于聚类的模糊神经网络对维数不敏感,国内外很多研究集中到聚类算法上。本文完善了Ching-Chang Wong等1999年,提出的一种新聚类算一法,并根据Brouwer不动点定理给出了算法收敛的理论证明,该聚类算法同其他聚类算法相比不需预先知道聚类数目及初始中心点的设置,且.有较好的聚类效果。在新聚类算法的基础上,建立一阶TSK模糊神经网络模型,进行非线性系统辨识,收到很好的辨识效果。(5)对Ching-Hung Lee等2000年,提出的一种递归型模糊神经网络,引入遗传算法来完善该网络的学习算法。利用新聚类算法的结果,对初始种群的个体进行初始化,避免了通常采用遗传算法由于初始值选择不当而产生的早熟问题。对种群中的个体采用实数编码,实现网络参数的全局寻优。


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The West Shandong Uplift and its adjacent basins, with same evolutional history before Mesozoic, are an important basin-orogenic systems in North China. After late Mesozoic, tectonic differentiation between basin and orogenic belt gradually displayed in the study area. The Boxing sag is a part of Jiyang Depression near to West Shandong Uplift, in which the whole Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are preserved. Based on the analysis of sedimentary records in the Boxing sag, the Cenozoic structural and sedimentary evolutions in Boxing Sag and its response to Western Shandong uplift are discussed in this dissertation. The main conclusions in this research are presented as follows. Based on Seismic and well logging profile interpretation, fault growth index, thickness difference between bottom wall and top wall and fault activity rate from Eocene to Pliocene are studied. Boxing sag had three main faults, NE, NW and NEE trending faults. Research shows that the activity of the NW trending fault in the Boxing sag became weaken from E1-2S4 to N2m gradually. The evolution of NE and the NEE trending fault can be divided into three episodes, from E1-2k to E2s4, from E2s3 to E3s1, from N2m to E3d. The analysis of Paleogene samples of heavy mineral assemblages shows that metamorphic rocks represented by garnet, intermediate-acid igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of apatite, zircon and tourmaline became less from E1-2k to N2g, and sedimentary rocks represented by the assemblage of pyrite, barite and limonite also became less. Intermediate-basic igneous rocks represented by the assemblage of leucoxene, rutile and ilmenite and metamorphic rocks represented by epidote became more and more. Electronic microprobe analysis shows that glaucophane and barroisite are existed in Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation, and they demonstrate that Western Shandong and Eastern Shandong are all the source regions of the Boxing Sag, and they also indicate that oceanic crust existed before the collision between the Yangtze and North China continent. The fact that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag also indicates that Western Shandong was not high enough to prevent sediment from Eastern Shandong at E1-2k and E2s4. The results of the dating of five detrital zircons of Boxing Sag show Kongdian Formation and the 4th member of Shahejie Formation have the age peaks of 2800Ma and 700-800. It means that Eastern Shandong is the source region of Boxing Sag at early Paleogene and Western Shandong is not high enough to prevent the sediment from Eastern Shandong. The ages of 160-180 and 220-260 Ma, which exist in the Guantao Formation and Paleogene, are common in Eastern Shandong and rare in Western Shandong,and it implied that Western Shandong is a low uplift at 24Ma. The Paleogene strata have almost same age groups, while the Guantao Formation has significant variations of age groups, and this indicates that Boxing Sag and Western Shandong uplift had taken place tremendous changes. The results of apatite fission track in Boxing sag show that three times uplifts happened at the source region at 60 Ma, 45Ma and 15Ma respectively, and the Boxing sag experienced two subsidences at 60Ma, 45Ma and one uplift at 20Ma.


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Granulites from Huangtuling in the North Dabie metamorphic core complex in eastern China preserve rare mineralogical and mineral chemical evidence for multistage metamorphism related to Paleoproterozoic metamorphic processes, Triassic continental subduction-collision and Cretaceous collapse of the Dabieshan Orogen. Six stages of metamorphism are established, based on detailed mineralogical and petrological studies: (I) amphibolite facies (6.3–7.0 kbar, 520–550 °C); (II) high-pressure/high-temperature granulite facies (12–15.5 kbar, 920–980 °C); (III) cooling and decompression (4.8–6.0 kbar, 630-700 °C); (IV) medium-pressure granulite facies (7.7–9.0 kbar, 690–790 °C); (V) low-pressure/high-temperature granulite facies (4.0–4.7 kbar, 860–920 °C); (VI) retrograde greenschist facies overprint (1–2 kbar, 340–370 °C). The P–T history derived in this study and existing geochronological data indicate that the Huangtuling granulite records two cycles of orogenic crustal thickening events. The earlier three stages of metamorphism define a clockwise P–T path, implying crustal thickening and thinning events, possibly related to the assembly and breakup of the Columbia Supercontinent ca. 2000 Ma. Stage IV metamorphism indicates another crustal thickening event, which is attributed to the Triassic subduction/collision between the Yangtze and Sino–Korean Cratons. The dry lower crustal granulite persisted metastable during the Triassic subduction/collision due to lack of hydrous fluid and deformation. Stage V metamorphism records the Cretaceous collapse of the Dabieshan Orogen,possibly due to asthenosphere upwelling or removal of the lithospheric mantle resulting in heating of the granulite and partial melting of the North Dabie metamorphic core complex. Comparison of the Huangtuling granulite in North Dabie and the high-pressure (HP)–ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in South Dabie indicates that the subducted upper (South Dabie) and lower (North Dabie) continental crusts underwent contrasting tectonometamorphic evolution during continental subduction–collision and orogenic collapse. High-pressure granulites are generally characterized by the absence of orthopyroxene. However, the Huangtuling felsic granulite rarely preserves the high-pressure granulite facies assemblage of garnet + orthopyroxene + biotite + plagioclase + K-feldspar + quartz. To investigate the effects of bulk rock composition on the stability of orthopyroxene-bearing, high-pressure granulite facies assemblages in the NCKFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) system, we constructed a series of P–T–X pseudosections based on the melt-reintegrated composition of the Huangtuling felsic high-pressure granulite. Our calculations demonstrate that the orthopyroxene-bearing, high-pressure granulite facies assemblages are restricted to low XAl [Al2O3/(Na2O + CaO + K2O + FeO + MgO + Al2O3) < 0.35, mole proportion] or high XMg [MgO/(MgO + FeO) > 0.85] felsic–metapelitic rock types. Our study also reveals that the XAl values in the residual felsic–metapelitic, high-pressure granulites could be significantly reduced by a high proportion of melt loss. We suggest that orthopyroxene-bearing high-pressure granulites occur in residual overthickened crustal basement under continental subduction–collision zones and arc–continent collision belts.


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The fluvio-lacustrine sequence in the Nihewan Basin is an important archive of late Pliocene-Pleistocene climate and environment changes in temperate northern China, which provides excellent sources of early human settlements in high latitude East Asia. The recent years have witnessed a considerable progress in the paleomagnetic dating of its stratigraphy, which has notably increased our understanding of a series of important issues such as the early human occupation in the Old World, the infilling history of the Nihewan Basin, and the chronological sequence of the Nihewan faunas. Up to now, the long-term paleoenvironmental changes directly retrieved from this basin, which might influence the evolution and expansion of early humans in the Nihewan Basin, are still poorly constrained, although several paleoclimatic records have been retrieved from this area. In this study, a combined mineral-magnetic and geochemical investigation was carried out on the fluvio-lacustrine sequence from the Dachangliang section at the eastern margin of the basin in order to reveal its rock magnetic and environmental magnetic characteristics and its implications for early human evolution in East Asia. The major findings and conclusions are listed as the following: First, there is an increased cooling coupled with an intensified aridification recorded in the fluvio-lacustrine sequence of the Dachangliang section. The cooling is related to an up-section decrease in propensity to chemical weathering as inferred from an increase in low-field susceptibility after cycling to 700 °C. Close to 700 °C, reacting chlorite is providing the iron source for newly formed very fine-grained ferrimagnetic minerals which enhances the susceptibility signal. The reactivity of chlorite after annealing at temperatures above 600 °C is documented with X-ray diffraction. Second, degrees of chemical weathering in the Nihewan Basin are further estimated by clay mineralogy (i.e. chlorite and illite contents and chlorite/illite ratio) and a series of major element proxies (i.e. Na2O/Al2O3 versus K2O/Al2O3 diagram, Al2O3-(CaO + Na2O)-K2O ternary diagram (A-CN-K), chemical index of alteration (CIA), (CaO + Na2O + MgO)/TiO2, (CaO + Na2O + MgO + K2O)/(TiO2 + Al2O3), CaO/Al2O3 and CaO/TiO2). The up-section decrease in propensity to chemical weathering suggested by the aforementioned rock mangetic measurement is further confirmed by these geochemical analyses. Combining the chemical weathering records from the Nihewan Basin, Chinese Loess Plateau, South China Sea and eastern China, we find that the consecutive decreasing trend in chemical weathering intensity during the late Cenozoic is ubiquitous across China. This pattern may result from a long-term decreasing East Asian summer monsoon and increasing East Asian winter monsoon, and thus a consecutive increasing of aridification and cooling in Asia during the Quaternary. Furthermore, the chemical weathering intensity increased from South China to North China during the Quaternary, in line with the decreasing East Asian summer monsoon and increasing East Asian winter monsoon and thus the gradually intensified aridification and cooling from South China to North China. Third, a combined mineral-magnetic and geochemical investigation provides evidences that the large-amplitude alterations of concentration of magnetic minerals mainly result from preservation/dissolution cycles of detrital magnetic minerals in alternately oxic and anoxic depositional environments. The preservation/dissolution model implies that the high-magnetic and low-magnetic cycles of this sedimentary sequence represent glacial and interglacial climate cycles, respectively. This contribute significnatly to our understanding of the link between climate and magnetic properties. Finally, the paleoclimatic implications of these rock magnetic and geochemical characteristics significantly increase our understanding of the general setting of early humans in high northern latitude in East Asia. We propose that the cold and dry climate may have contributed significantly to the expansion and adaptation of early humans, rather than bringing hardship, as is often thought. The relationship between magnetic properties and climate possibly provides valuable information on the climatic context of the Paleolithic sites in the basin, especially whether the occupation occurred during an interglacial or glacial period.


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The South continent of China lies to southeast of Eurasia block. It is an active area from the view of crust growth and continent spread and is a transition zone between continental crust and oceanic crust. The compressional wave velocities and anisotropies of typical crustal metamorphic rocks were determined at high temperature (up to 1000 ℃) and high pressure(up to 800MPa). The experimental results show that the velocities generally increase with pressure, and is unaffected by temperature up to around 550 ℃. But the velocities of all experimental samples start to drop above a temperature point. For an example, this greatly reduce the speed of wave propagation in amphibolite and serpentinite above 760 ℃ and above 550 ℃ respectively, which may be due to dehydrate of amphibole and serpentine. P-wave anisotropy coefficients of those rocks range from 2% to 10% at 800MPa and 500 ℃. The anisotropies decrease with increasing pressure at room temperature, but hardly change as function of temperature at constant 800MPa or 600MPa pressure. The average velocity of the six crustal rocks is 6.28km/s under the condition of 800MPa and 550 ℃, which is consistent with the result of deep seismic sounding data. Based on this experimental result, we deduce there may exist a lot of felsic granulites and amphibolites at the depth of 15-25km underground. With increasing temperature and pressure, the deformation behavior of the rocks undergoes from localized brittle fracture, semi-brittle deformation (cataclastic flow or semi-brittle faulting, semi-brittle flow) to homogeneous crystal-plastic flow. This transition is associated with mechanical behavior and micro-mechanism. It is very important to understanding earthquake source mechanics, the strength of the lithosphere and the style of deformation. The experiments were conducted at temperature of 600-1000 ℃, confining pressure of 500MPa, and stain rates of 10~(-4)-10~(-6) S~(-1). For fine-grained natural amphibolite, the results of experiments show that brittle faulting is major failure mode at temperature <600 ℃, but crystal-plastic deformation is dominate at temperature >800 ℃, and there is a transition with increasing temperature from sembrittle faulting to cataclastic flow and sembrittle flow at temperature of 670-750 ℃. For medium-grained natural Felsic granulite, the results of experiments show that brittle faulting is major failure mode at temperature <500 ℃, but crystal-plastic deformation is dominate at temperature >700 ℃, and there is a transition with increasing temperature from semibrittle faulting to cataclastic flow and sembrittle flow at temperature of 500-600 ℃.


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In this paper, we studied the secular variations of the main geomagnetic field during 1900-2000 in details. Emphasis is put on three aspects of the secular variations, i.e. westward drifts and intensity variations of non-dipole part, the decay of the dipole field. Firstly, we introduced the method of correlation analysis of moving random pattern into Geomagnetism in order to overcome the weakness of available methods on westward drift studies. We had committed testing and modifying the method, and analyzed the westward drifts and intensity variations of the non-dipole parts of geomagnetic field and 6 planetary-scale geomagnetic anomalies by this way. The globe and area characters of the westward drifts and intensity variations were discussed in detail. Second, the lat-dependence and dispersion of drift velocities were examined carefully. The results showed the velocities of the different wavelengths (from m = 1 to m = 10) geomagnetic potential were changing with the latitude. The lat-dependence of drift velocities is related to the latitude distributing of the geomagnetic potential. There was a negative dispersion in the westward drift, namely, the components of long wavelength drift faster than that of short wavelengths. Finally, we calculated the moments of the geomagnetic dipole, and found that the intensity of the dipole fields has been decreasing. Linking to the results in paleomagnetism, we draw a conclusion that the geomagnetic polarities may be reversed in 700 years.


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Transition from brittle fracture to ductile creep of the Gaojiabian diabase is investigated as a function of temperature and water content. Experiments are conducted at 500 MPa confining pressure, with strain rate being 1 * 10~(-4) and temperature from 300 ℃ to 800 ℃. The transition from semibrittle to ductile flow of dry diabase occurs at temperatures between 700 ℃ and 750 ℃, while the transition of wet diabase takes place at about 500 ℃. The transition temperature in the wet diabase is about 200 ℃ lower than in the dry diabase. The strength of both dry and wet samples is temperature insensitive in brittle-semibrittle regime and temperature sensitive in ductile regime. At the same conditions, water within the sample could weaken the strength of wet samples. The microstructures of dry and wet samples are different. In experimental conditions, feldspars show two different deformation mechanisms, the first acting in brittle and semibrittle regime and the second acting in plastic regime, and water must have greatly affected the two mechanisms. Strength of pyroxene is lower than that of feldspar at low temperature. Pyroxene can be transformed to hornblende in deformation process and this transformation is quite temperature and water dependent. Feldspar plays a key role in the deformation in its first mechanism regime, and no dominant minerals are identified in the second mechanism regime of feldspar. The result of FTIR analysis show that water exists in wet sample in the form of -OH.