946 resultados para 2.0 Web
Este trabalho científico refere-se aos New Media num contexto empresarial, demonstrando essa tecnologia como uma nova forma de comunicar. A delimitação é feita numa perspectiva da ilha de São Vicente, em Cabo Verde, concentrando assim nas empresas de comunicação. Objectiva-se verificar se essas ferramentas da Web 2.0 são utilizadas nesse contexto, se os funcionários são conhecedores dessa tecnologia, qual a prática na sua utilização e se sofrem algum tipo de influência social quando usam os New Media.
Los nuevos hábitos de consumo de medios en el marco de la convergencia digital están propiciando un cambio en las estrategias de los medios de comunicación. Mientras unos usuarios siguen prefiriendo la radio, la televisión y la prensa tradicional para informarse otros participan de la experiencia digital en internet (blogs, redes sociales...) y dispositivos móviles, etc. En este panorama es complicado precisar dónde nace y termina el contenido o hasta qué punto es la participación del usuario quien (re) construye la información; así los contenidos mutan y se diluyen en varios soportes. En este contexto, la prensa local también vive las consecuencias del nuevo paradigma y asume los retos del reacomodo del sector ante la nueva realidad. Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones del estudio cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a los responsables de medios locales en Cataluña sobre sus usuarios, contenidos y soportes en el marco de la convergencia digital.
BACKGROUND: Transient balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP) has shown substantial promise for noninvasive assessment of coronary arteries but its utilization at 3.0 T and above has been hampered by susceptibility to field inhomogeneities that degrade image quality. The purpose of this work was to refine, implement, and test a robust, practical single-breathhold bSSFP coronary MRA sequence at 3.0 T and to test the reproducibility of the technique. METHODS: A 3D, volume-targeted, high-resolution bSSFP sequence was implemented. Localized image-based shimming was performed to minimize inhomogeneities of both the static magnetic field and the radio frequency excitation field. Fifteen healthy volunteers and three patients with coronary artery disease underwent examination with the bSSFP sequence (scan time = 20.5 ± 2.0 seconds), and acquisitions were repeated in nine subjects. The images were quantitatively analyzed using a semi-automated software tool, and the repeatability and reproducibility of measurements were determined using regression analysis and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), in a blinded manner. RESULTS: The 3D bSSFP sequence provided uniform, high-quality depiction of coronary arteries (n = 20). The average visible vessel length of 100.5 ± 6.3 mm and sharpness of 55 ± 2% compared favorably with earlier reported navigator-gated bSSFP and gradient echo sequences at 3.0 T. Length measurements demonstrated a highly statistically significant degree of inter-observer (r = 0.994, ICC = 0.993), intra-observer (r = 0.894, ICC = 0.896), and inter-scan concordance (r = 0.980, ICC = 0.974). Furthermore, ICC values demonstrated excellent intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan agreement for vessel diameter measurements (ICC = 0.987, 0.976, and 0.961, respectively), and vessel sharpness values (ICC = 0.989, 0.938, and 0.904, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The 3D bSSFP acquisition, using a state-of-the-art MR scanner equipped with recently available technologies such as multi-transmit, 32-channel cardiac coil, and localized B0 and B1+ shimming, allows accelerated and reproducible multi-segment assessment of the major coronary arteries at 3.0 T in a single breathhold. This rapid sequence may be especially useful for functional imaging of the coronaries where the acquisition time is limited by the stress duration and in cases where low navigator-gating efficiency prohibits acquisition of a free breathing scan in a reasonable time period.
Descripción y características del Directorio EXIT (Expertos en el tratamiento de la información), puesto en marcha oficialmente en junio de 2005. A los dos años (julio de 2007) se ha evaluado y analizado su funcionamiento, implantación, visibilidad y aceptación por parte de la comunidad profesional de bibliotecarios, documentalistas, archiveros y especialistas en información a la que sirve, y en especial su uso. Técnicamente, EXIT está considerado un directorio estado-del-arte a nivel mundial, siendo además un genuino producto de la web 2.0 ya que son los propios interesados los que rellenan y mantienen al día sus fichas, bajo la supervisión de sus creadores-gestores y de un Comité Evaluador internacional.
Evaluación de DocuMenea, sistema de promoción social de noticias de biblioteconomía y documentación.
Uno de los servicios más populares de la Web 2.0 son las plataformas de promoción social de noticias. En el entorno hispanoamericano quizá el más conocido sea Menéame; utilizando su código abierto se creó DocuMenea con las mismas características pero circunscrito exclusivamente al ámbito de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación. En este trabajo se presenta una evaluación de este servicio desde su creación en noviembre del año 2006 hasta diciembre de 2008. Como resultados se obtiene que se envió un total de 2.166 noticias de las que 1.610 fueron publicadas. El servicio cuenta con 582 usuarios con una participación desigual ya el 74% nunca ha enviado ninguna noticia y el 91% no ha votado en ninguna ocasión. Temáticamente se identificaron cuatro ejes: Google, bibliotecas, redes sociales/web 2.0 y el libro. Finalmente se obtuvo el ranking de fuentes cuyas tres primeras posiciones la obtuvieron diarios de información general.
Crónica del curso ¿Sociedad red: Cambios sociales, organizaciones y ciudadanos¿ (Barcelona, octubre 2008). Los temas tratados fueron el estado de desarrollo de la sociedad red, organizaciones, ciudadanía, comunicación e innovación.
Background: Freshwater planarians are an attractive model for regeneration and stem cell research and have become a promising tool in the field of regenerative medicine. With the availability of a sequenced planarian genome, the recent application of modern genetic and high-throughput tools has resulted in revitalized interest in these animals, long known for their amazing regenerative capabilities, which enable them to regrow even a new head after decapitation. However, a detailed description of the planarian transcriptome is essential for future investigation into regenerative processes using planarians as a model system. Results: In order to complement and improve existing gene annotations, we used a 454 pyrosequencing approach to analyze the transcriptome of the planarian species Schmidtea mediterranea Altogether, 598,435 454-sequencing reads, with an average length of 327 bp, were assembled together with the ~10,000 sequences of the S. mediterranea UniGene set using different similarity cutoffs. The assembly was then mapped onto the current genome data. Remarkably, our Smed454 dataset contains more than 3 million novel transcribed nucleotides sequenced for the first time. A descriptive analysis of planarian splice sites was conducted on those Smed454 contigs that mapped univocally to the current genome assembly. Sequence analysis allowed us to identify genes encoding putative proteins with defined structural properties, such as transmembrane domains. Moreover, we annotated the Smed454 dataset using Gene Ontology, and identified putative homologues of several gene families that may play a key role during regeneration, such as neurotransmitter and hormone receptors, homeobox-containing genes, and genes related to eye function. Conclusions: We report the first planarian transcript dataset, Smed454, as an open resource tool that can be accessed via a web interface. Smed454 contains significant novel sequence information about most expressed genes of S. mediterranea. Analysis of the annotated data promises to contribute to identification of gene families poorly characterized at a functional level. The Smed454 transcriptome data will assist in the molecular characterization of S. mediterranea as a model organism, which will be useful to a broad scientific community.
Background Freshwater planarians are an attractive model for regeneration and stem cell research and have become a promising tool in the field of regenerative medicine. With the availability of a sequenced planarian genome, the recent application of modern genetic and high-throughput tools has resulted in revitalized interest in these animals, long known for their amazing regenerative capabilities, which enable them to regrow even a new head after decapitation. However, a detailed description of the planarian transcriptome is essential for future investigation into regenerative processes using planarians as a model system. Results In order to complement and improve existing gene annotations, we used a 454 pyrosequencing approach to analyze the transcriptome of the planarian species Schmidtea mediterranea Altogether, 598,435 454-sequencing reads, with an average length of 327 bp, were assembled together with the ~10,000 sequences of the S. mediterranea UniGene set using different similarity cutoffs. The assembly was then mapped onto the current genome data. Remarkably, our Smed454 dataset contains more than 3 million novel transcribed nucleotides sequenced for the first time. A descriptive analysis of planarian splice sites was conducted on those Smed454 contigs that mapped univocally to the current genome assembly. Sequence analysis allowed us to identify genes encoding putative proteins with defined structural properties, such as transmembrane domains. Moreover, we annotated the Smed454 dataset using Gene Ontology, and identified putative homologues of several gene families that may play a key role during regeneration, such as neurotransmitter and hormone receptors, homeobox-containing genes, and genes related to eye function. Conclusions We report the first planarian transcript dataset, Smed454, as an open resource tool that can be accessed via a web interface. Smed454 contains significant novel sequence information about most expressed genes of S. mediterranea. Analysis of the annotated data promises to contribute to identification of gene families poorly characterized at a functional level. The Smed454 transcriptome data will assist in the molecular characterization of S. mediterranea as a model organism, which will be useful to a broad scientific community.
En aquest article es presenta l'eina web de catalogació de llibres LibraryThing, creada per Tim Spalding l'any 2005, que s'emmarca en l'anomenat Web 2.0 gràcies a les opcions que ofereix com a instrument social. Se'n descriuen l'origen i l'abast actual, les característiques que la diferencien d'altres eines semblants, les principals opcions de personalització i el procés de creació d'una biblioteca. Malgrat que ha estat concebut com una eina no professional, moltes biblioteques petites l'han adoptat, atès que és molt fàcil d'emprar. Això ha portat Tim Spalding i el seu equip a oferir versions per a organitzacions i un producte pensat especialment per compartir la informació deLibraryThing amb les biblioteques: LibraryThing for libraries.
Este artigo apresenta a síntese de um projeto de pesquisa do Núcleo de Estudos em Inovação, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação (IGTI) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) cujo objetivo foi desenvolver um modelo de relação entre universidades e empresas por meio de um ambiente presencial e virtual que promova a difusão da ciência, tecnologia e inovação, baseado no compartilhamento do conhecimento entre membros de uma comunidade de prática. O modelo estimula a construção do conhecimento a partir das tecnologias da Web 2.0, visando a promover o processo de transferência do conhecimento das instituições de ensino/pesquisa ao setor produtivo. A metodologia de construção deste modelo compreendeu cinco etapas: 1) fase decisória: definição do tema e delimitação do problema; 2) revisão da literatura: dividido em três temas - gestão do conhecimento, gestão da inovação e comunidades de prática; 3) diagnóstico: levantamento de informações do cenário empresarial e do núcleo de pesquisa onde se aplicou o projeto-piloto; 4) desenvolvimento do modelo, e 5) aplicação do projeto-piloto. Conclui-se que o trabalho trouxe grandes contribuições, sendo a principal o desenvolvimento de um modelo que consegue estimular a aproximação do conhecimento universitário com a prática empresarial, criando condições favoráveis à inovação.
La importancia de mecanismos de regulación de los propios aprendizajes por parte de los estudiantes, así como de la calidad de la retroalimentación y de la evaluación formativa por parte de los profesores está en las agendas internacionales de la calidad de la enseñanza superior. El uso de herramientas de lectura, escritura e interacción web 2.0 se enmarca claramente en ese propósito general. El artículo ofrece resultados de una investigación-acción interuniversitaria sobre la evaluación de competencias con blogs. Más concretamente, presenta tres escenarios formativos en los que el blog se utiliza como herramienta de evaluación reflexiva; indaga el grado en que el alumnado se hace consciente de su proceso de aprendizaje, cómo lo evidencia y cómo lo autorregula; y, finalmente, analiza el tipo de feed-back utilizado por el profesorado. Se presentan resultados del análisis documental tanto de las producciones llevadas a cabo en los blogs como del feed-back facilitado por el profesorado. Los resultados muestran el peso que tiene la calidad del feed-back que facilita el profesorado en el proceso de acompañamiento de construcción de competencias.
Introducció al LOD. Evolució tecnològica de la última dècada i repàs dels principals conceptes relacionats fins a arribar a la web semàntica i les dades enllaçables en obert. Evolució en l'àmbit bibliotecari i els catàlegs: tendències encaminades cap a la millora de l’accés, el web 2.0 i l’accés a la informació a text complet. Per què i com participar en el moviment LOD. Iniciatives en el món bibliotecari: Què s’està fent a nivell internacional en el món dels catàlegs i la catalogació?. Com seran doncs els catàlegs del futur, i finalment, com es concreta a la pràctica.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és descriure els riscos i les possibilitats d’Internet i les Web 2.0 i la importància de com utilitzem Internet, les xarxes socials i els jocs de rol massius en línia (MMORPG). A la recerca han participat 34 estudiants universitaris, els quals han respost un qüestionari per determinar els usos, abusos, les conductes de risc i la possible addicció a Internet o a alguna aplicació 2.0. Per últim, hi ha una proposta de disseny d’un projecte per a la sensibilització d’educadors/es socials entorn d’aquestes eines.
Context: Both biallelic and monoallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2 have been found in Kallmann syndrome (KS). Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the phenotypes of KS patients harboring monoallelic and biallelic mutations in these genes. Design and Patients: We studied clinical and endocrine features that reflect the functioning of the pituitary-gonadal axis, and the nonreproductive phenotype, in 55 adult KS patients (42 men and 13 women), of whom 41 had monoallelic mutations and 14 biallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2. Results: Biallelic mutations were associated with more frequent cryptorchidism (70% vs. 34%, P < 0.05) and microphallus (90% vs. 28%, P < 0.001) and lower mean testicular volume (1.2 +/- 0.4 vs. 4.5 +/- 6.0 ml; P < 0.01) in male patients. Likewise, the testosterone level as well as the basal FSH level and peak LH level under GnRH-stimulation were lower in males with biallelic mutations (0.2 +/- 0.1 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.8 ng/ml; P = 0.05, 0.3 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.8 +/- 3.0 IU/liter; P < 0.05, and 0.8 +/- 0.8 vs. 5.2 +/- 5.5 IU/liter; P < 0.05, respectively). Nonreproductive, nonolfactory anomalies were rare in both sexes and were never found in patients with biallelic mutations. The mean body mass index of the patients (23.9 +/- 4.2 kg/m(2) in males and 26.3 +/- 6.6 kg/m(2) in females) did not differ significantly from that of gender-, age-, and treatment-matched KS individuals who did not carry a mutation in PROK2 or PROKR2. Finally, circadian cortisol levels evaluated in five patients, including one with biallelic PROKR2 mutations, were normal in all cases. Conclusion: Male patients carrying biallelic mutations in PROK2 or PROKR2 have a less variable and on average a more severe reproductive phenotype than patients carrying monoallelic mutations in these genes. Nonreproductive, nonolfactory clinical anomalies associated with KS seem to be restricted to patients with monoallelic mutations.