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While extant studies have greatly advanced our understanding of corruption, we still know little of the processes through which specific practices or events come to be labeled as corruption. In a time when public attention devoted to corruption and other forms of corporate misbehavior has exploded, this thesis raises – and seeks to answer – crucial questions related to how the phenomenon is socially and discursively constructed. What kinds of struggles are manifested in public disputes about corruption? How do constructions of corruption relate with broader conceptions of (il)legitimacy in and around organizations? What are the discursive dynamics involved in the emergence and evolution of corruption scandals? The thesis consists of four essays that each employ different research designs and tackle these questions in slightly different theoretical and methodological ways. The empirical focus is on the media coverage of a number of significant and widely discussed scandals in Norway in the period 2003-2008. By illuminating crucial processes through which conceptions of corruption were constructed, reproduced, and transformed in these scandals, the thesis seeks to paint a more nuanced picture of corruption than what is currently offered in the literature. In particular, the thesis challenges traditional conceptions of corruption as a dysfunctional feature of organizations in and of itself by emphasizing the ambiguous, temporal, context-specific, and at times even contradictory features of corruption in public discussions.
The temperature (T) and electric field-to-gas pressure (E/P) dependences of the rate coefficientk for the reaction SF 6 � +SOF4rarrSOF 5 � +SF5 have been measured. ForT<270>k approaches a constant of 2.1×10�9 cm3/s, and for 433>T>270 K,k decreases withT according tok (cm3/s)=0.124 exp [�3.3 lnT(K)]. ForE/Pk has a constant value of about 2.5×10�10 cm3/s, and for 130 V/cm·torr>E/P>60 V/cm·torr, the rate is approximately given byk (cm3/s)sim7.0×10�10 exp (�0.022E/P). The measured rate coefficient is used to estimate the influence of this reaction on SOF4 production from negative, point-plane, glow-type corona discharges in gas mixtures containing SF6 and at least trace amounts of O2 and H2O. A chemical kinetics model of the ion-drift region in the discharge gap is used to fit experimental data on SOF4 yields assuming that the SF 6 � +SOF4 reaction is the predominant SOF4 loss mechanism. It is found that the contribution of this reaction to SOF4 destruction falls considerably below the estimated maximum effect assuming that SF 6 � is the predominant charge carrier which reacts only with SOF4. The results of this analysis suggest that SF 6 � is efficiently deactivated by other reactions, and the influence of SF 6 � +SOF4 on SOF4 production is not necessarily more significant than that of other slower secondary processes such as gas-phase hydrolysis
Among the various cathode materials studied for Li-ion batteries over the past many years, spinet LiMn2O4 is found to be one of the most attractive materials. Nanoparticles of the electrode materials sustain high rate capability due to large surface to volume ratio and small diffusion path length. Nanoparticles of spinel LiMn2O4 have been synthesized by microwave hydrothermal technique using prior synthesized amorphous MnO2 and LiOH. The phase and purity of spinel LiMn2O4 are confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction. The morphological studies have been investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The electrochemical performances of the material for Li insertion/extraction are evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling and AC impedance studies. The initial discharge capacity is found to be about 89 mAh g(-1) at current density of 21 mA g(-1). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mutual diffusion coefficients for binary liquid systems of benzene-n-alkyl alcohol at various compositions have been determined by the diaphragm cell method at 28-degrees-C. The alcohols used were the members of n-paraffinic alcohols ranging from C1 to C8. The maximum possible experimental error is 14%. The data were fitted with a generalized correlation, giving the deviation from the experimental data to within 2.75%, on average.
Korpien puustorakenteen palautumisen nopeus ja ennallistettujen kohteiden kehitys on huonosti tunnettua. Monet tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että korvet ovat lajistollisen monimuotoisuuden keskittymiä boreaalisessa vyöhykkeessä. Korvet ovat usein merkittäviä lahopuukeskittymiä, joten niillä on iso vaikutus lahottajalajistolle. Valtaosa suojelualu- eiden korvista Etelä-Suomessa on ojitettu ja korpien puustorakenne on metsätalouden muovaamaa ja yksipuolistamaa. Korpien puustorakennetta tutkittiin kahdella erillisellä tutkimusalueella, jotka sijaitsevat Etelä-Suomessa. Työn tavoit- teena oli selvittää luonnontilaisten ja ennallistettujen korpien puuston rakenteellista monimuotoisuutta sekä ennallista- mistoimien vaikutuksia Evon suojelumetsässä ja Liesjärven kansallispuistossa. Molemmat alueet ovat olleet aikaisem- min metsänhoidon piirissä. Evolta valittiin tarkasteluun ennallistettuja ja luonnontilaisen kaltaisia korpia: 12 ennallis- tettua koealaa ja 16 luonnontilaisen kaltaista koealaa. Liesjärveltä valittiin tarkasteluun ennallistettu Soukonkorpi, jossa oli 15 koealaa. Koealat olivat pinta-alaltaan neljä aaria. Evon tutkimusalueella maastomittaukset on tehty kesällä 2002 ja 2010. Liesjärven tutkimusalueella maastomittaukset on tehty vuosina 1995–2010. Tarkastellut muuttujat olivat elävän puuston määrä ja puulajisuhteet, lahopuun määrä ja laatu (lahopuutyyppi, läpimittaluokka, lahoaste ja puulaji). Lahopuuston määrää ja laatua sekä lahopuuston ja elävän puuston suhdetta kuvaavien muuttujien välisiä eroja testattiin ei-parametrisellä Kolmogorov-Smirnov-testillä. Evon ja Liesjärven tutkimusalueiden ennallistamistoimien yhtenä tavoitteena oli lahopuumäärien lisääminen ja laho- puun monipuolistaminen. Lahopuun lisäämisessä on onnistuttu molemmilla tutkimusalueilla. Ennallistamisen jälkeen lahopuumäärä kasvoi Evolla kolminkertaiseksi 8 vuodessa. Lahopuuta oli ennallistamisen jälkeen keskimäärin 71 m³/ha. Sen sijaan Evon luonnontilaisen kaltaisissa korvissa lahopuumäärä pysyi keskimäärin samana (28 m³/ha) tar- kastelujakson aikana. Liesjärvellä lahopuumäärä kasvoi ennallistamisen jälkeen noin kuusinkertaiseksi 15 vuodessa. Lahopuuta oli ennallistamisen jälkeen keskimäärin 124 m³/ha. Suuriläpimittaisen (? 30 cm) lahopuun määrä kasvoi huomattavasti ennallistamisen jälkeen molemmilla tutkimusalueilla. Suuriläpimittaisen lahopuun määrä kasvoi Evolla noin 12-kertaiseksi ja Liesjärvellä noin 9-kertaiseksi. Lahopuun määrä ja laatu vaihtelivat suuresti ennallistettujen ja luonnontilaisen kaltaisten korpien välillä. Evolta löytyi lahopuustoltaan runsaita ja monipuolisia korpia, mutta myös korpia, joiden lahopuusto on luonnontilaisiin korpiin ver- rattuna määrältään vähäistä ja laadultaan yksipuolista. Liesjärvellä koealojen lahopuumäärät poikkesivat suuresti toisis- taan. Valtaosalla koealoista lahopuusto oli kuitenkin runsaampaa ja monimuotoisempaa kuin talousmetsissä yleensä. Molemmilla tutkimusalueilla ennallistetut korvet muistuttavat nyt puustorakenteeltaan lahopuun osalta enemmän luon- nontilaisia korpia kuin ennen ennallistamista. Ilman ennallistamistoimia lahopuumäärän kasvu olisi todennäköisesti ollut hidasta. Evolla ennallistettujen ja luonnontilaisen kaltaisten korpien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja suuriläpimittaisen lahopuun ja tuoreimpien lahoasteiden (1 ja 2) määrässä. Valtaosalla korvista oli lahopuuta vähintään 20 m³/ha. Metsäaluetasolla keskimäärin 20–30 m³/ha järeää, vaihtelevanlaatuista lahopuuta näyttäisi aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan täyttävän useimpien saproksyylilajien elinympäristövaatimukset Etelä-Suomessa.
The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound has been determined by direct methods from diffractometer data. Crystals are orthorhombic, with Z= 4 in a unit cell of dimensions : a= 13.811 (10), b= 5.095(5), c= 12.914(10)Å, space group P212121. The structure was refined by least-squares to R 3.31% for 868 observed reflections. There is significant non-planarity of the peptide group and its nitrogen atom is significantly pyramidal. There is no correlation between the double-bond character and reactivity of the C–N bond of the terminal amide group in glutamine and acetamide
Engl. summary: Studies on conditioning and mechanical dewatering of waste water sludge
Diruthenium(II1) compounds, Ru20(02CAr)2(MeCN)4(PPh3)2(C104)(z1~) Hazn0d R U ~ O ( O ~ C A ~ ) ~(2() P(PA~r ~= )P~h,C6H4-p-OMe), were prepared by reacting R U ~ C I ( O ~ CaAnd~ P)P~h 3 in MeCN and characterized by analytical and spectral data. The molecular structures of 1 with Ar = Ph and of 2 with Ar = C&p-OMe were determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data for Ru~~(~~CP~)~(M~CN),(PP~(~la)):~ m(oCnIoc~lin,ic), n~/~cH, ~a O= 27.722 (3) A, b = 10.793 (2) A, c = 23.445 ( 2 )A , fi = 124.18 (l)', V = 5803 A3, and 2 = 4. Cr stal data for Ru~O(O~CC~H~-~-O(M2b~): )o~rth(orPhoPm~bi~c, )Pn~n a, a = 22.767 (5) A, b = 22.084 (7) A, c = 12.904 (3) 1, V = 6488 AS; and 2 = 4. Both 1 and 2 have an (Ruz0(02CAr)z2t1 core that is analogous to the diiron core present in the oxidized form of the nonheme respiratory protein hemerythrin. The Ru-Ru distances of 3.237 (1) and 3.199 ( I ) A observed in 1 and 2, respectively, are similar to the M-M distances known in other model systems. The essentially diamagnetic nature of 1 and 2 is due to the presence of two strongly interacting t22 Ru"' centers. The intense colors of 1 (blue) and 2 (purple) are due to the charge-transfer transition involving an ( R ~ ~ ( f i - 0m)o~ie~ty.) The presence of labile MeCN and carboxylato ancillary ligands in I and 2, respectively, makes these systems reactive toward amine and heterocyclic bases.
Former President of Finland Urho Kekkonen was not only a powerful politician but also a well-known sportsman and keep-fit enthusiast. The president’s sports hobbies were covered and celebrated in the media and thus became an integral part of his public persona. This paper looks at Kekkonen’s athletic and able-bodied image and its significance for his power from the perspective of gender. In his exercise activities, Kekkonen was able to display his bodily prowess and demonstrate his version of masculinity, which emphasized both physical and mental strength. The union of mind and muscle in turn buttressed his political ascendancy. Kekkonen’s athletic body served as a cornerstone of his dominance over his country and, simultaneously, as a shield protecting Finland from both internal and external threats. Furthermore, Kekkonen’s sports performances were essential elements in the myth that was created around the president during his term and which was carefully conserved after his fall from power. Drawing upon scholarship on men and masculinities, this paper reassesses the still-effective mythical image of Kekkonen as an invincible superman. The article reveals the performative nature of his athletic activities and shows that in part, his pre-eminence in them was nothing more than theatre enacted by him and his entourage. Thus, Kekkonen’s superior and super-masculine image was actually surprisingly vulnerable and dependent on the success of the performance. The president’s ageing, in particular, demonstrates the fragility of his displays of prowess, strength and masculinity, and shows how fragile the entanglement of body and power can be.
Spironaphthalenones 1b–g on reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride gave the expected pyrrolotropones 2b–g. Furanotropone 6, postulated as an intermediate in the formation of pyrrolotropones, remained unchanged on reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in ethanol. Reaction of unsymmetrical spironaphthalenones 1h–o with NH2OH.HCl gave the rearranged pyrrolotropones 2h–o.
There has been revival of interest in Jerky flow from the point of view of dynamical systems. The earliest attempt in this direction was from our group. One of the predictions of the theory is that Jerky flow could be chaotic. This has been recently verified by us. We have recently extended the earlier model to account for the spatial aspect as well. Both these models are in the form of coupled set of nonlinear differential equations and hence, they are complicated in their structure. For this reason we wish to devise a model based on the results of these two theories in the form of coupled lattice map for the description of the formation and propagation of dislocation bands. We report here one such model and its results.
The concept of one enzyme-one activity had influenced biochemistry for over half a century. Over 1000 enzymes are now described. Many of them are highly 'specific'. Some of them are crystallized and their three-dimensional structures determined. They range from 12 to 1000 kDa in molecular weight and possess 124 to several hundreds of amino acids. They occur as single polypeptides or multiple-subunit proteins. The active sites are assembled on these by appropriate tertiary folding of the polypeptide chain, or by interaction of the constituent subunits. The substrate is held by the side-chains of a few amino acids at the active site on the surface, occupying a tiny fraction of the total area. What is the bulk of the protein behind the active site doing? Do all proteins have only one function each? Why not a protein have more than one active site on its large surface? Will we discover more than one activity for some proteins? These newer possibilities are emerging and are finding experimental support. Some proteins purified to homogeneity using assay methods for different activities are now recognized to have the same molecular weight and a high degree of homology of amino acid sequence. Obviously they are identical. They represent the phenomenon of one protein-many functions.
Tutte (1979) proved that the disconnected spanning subgraphs of a graph can be reconstructed from its vertex deck. This result is used to prove that if we can reconstruct a set of connected graphs from the shuffled edge deck (SED) then the vertex reconstruction conjecture is true. It is proved that a set of connected graphs can be reconstructed from the SED when all the graphs in the set are claw-free or all are P-4-free. Such a problem is also solved for a large subclass of the class of chordal graphs. This subclass contains maximal outerplanar graphs. Finally, two new conjectures, which imply the edge reconstruction conjecture, are presented. Conjecture 1 demands a construction of a stronger k-edge hypomorphism (to be defined later) from the edge hypomorphism. It is well known that the Nash-Williams' theorem applies to a variety of structures. To prove Conjecture 2, we need to incorporate more graph theoretic information in the Nash-Williams' theorem.