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The direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c (cyt-c) has been investigated on exfoliated graphite (EG) electrodes. The as-polished and roughened (using SiC emery sheet) EG surfaces are inactive for the direct electron transfer. However, when the EG electrode was sonicated before the experiment, a pair of redox waves were obtained for freely diffusing cyt-c in the solution phase. The formal potential was found to be 0.01 V (vs. SCE) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at a pH of 7.1. The electrochemical response for the adsorbed cyt-c on sonicated EG electrodes, which is shown to have carbonyl functional groups on its surface, shows nearly reversible voltammograms in the same electrolyte. However, the formal potential in the adsorbed state is more negative than that observed for the solution phase cyt-c. A structure based on an open heme conformation proposed by Hildebrandt and Stockburger is probably present on the EG surface. It is suggested that the electrochemistry at the EG electrode is essentially governed by favourable electrostatic interactions.


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Doctoral dissertation work in sociology examines how human heredity became a scientific, political and a personal issue in the 20th century Finland. The study focuses on the institutionalisation of rationales and technologies concerning heredity, in the context of Finnish medicine and health care. The analysis concentrates specifically on the introduction and development of prenatal screening within maternity care. The data comprises of medical articles, policy documents and committee reports, as well as popular guidebooks and health magazines. The study commences with an analysis on the early 20th century discussions on racial hygiene. It ends with an analysis on the choices given to pregnant mothers and families at present. Freedom to choose, considered by geneticists and many others as a guarantee of the ethicality of medical applications, is presented in this study as a historically, politically and scientifically constructed issue. New medical testing methods have generated new possibilities of governing life itself. However, they have also created new ethical problems. Leaning on recent historical data, the study illustrates how medical risk rationales on heredity have been asserted by the medical profession into Finnish health care. It also depicts medical professions ambivalence between maintaining the patients autonomy and utilizing for example prenatal testing according to health policy interests. Personalized risk is discussed as a result of the empirical analysis. It is indicated that increasing risk awareness amongst the public, as well as offering choices, have had unintended consequences. According to doctors, present day parents often want to control risks more than what is considered justified or acceptable. People s hopes to anticipate the health and normality of their future children have exceeded the limits offered by medicine. Individualization of the government of heredity is closely linked to a process that is termed as depolitization. The concept refers to disembedding of medical genetics from its social contexts. Prenatal screening is regarded to be based on individual choice facilitated by neutral medical knowledge. However, prenatal screening within maternity care also has its basis in health policy aims and economical calculations. Methodological basis of the study lies in Michel Foucault s writings on the history of thought, as well as in science and technology studies.


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Coating of azobenzene chromophore with multivalent sugar ligands has been accomplished. Such sugar coating allows the study of the isomerization properties of this chromophore in aqueous solutions. The predominantly cis-isomer-containing photostationary state (PS) mixture of these azobenzene derivatives is found to be stable for hours. The rate constants for their isomerization, as well as the Arrhenius activation energies, are determined experimentally. An assessment of the lectin binding properties of the lactoside bearing isomeric azobenzene derivatives, by isothermal calorimetric methods, reveals the existence of an unusual cooperativity in their binding to lectin peanut agglutinin. Thermodynamic parameters evaluated for the trans and the PS mixture are discussed, in detail, for the lactoside bearing bivalent azobenzene derivative.


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Iron deficiency has been found to occur in Neurospora crassa grown in sole nitrate medium, even when levels of iron, normal with respect to the usual ammonium nitrate medium, were provided. Under this condition, mycelial nitrate reductase and catalase levels were high, there was inhibition of growth, and there was accumulation of an iron-binding compound and nitrite in the culture filtrate. These were counteracted by increasing the iron level of the sole nitrate medium, except that the catalase level increased still further. Evidence is presented for the control of nitrate reductase by iron.


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1.(1) Incorporation of Na235SO4 into acid mucopolysaccharides of intestine and colon tissue has been studied in normal, vitamin A-deficient and excess vitamin A-fed rats. 2. (2) Vitamin A deficiency resulted in a significant decrease in [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides isolated from intestines of male rats. There was no significant change in the total mucopolysaccharides per gram of fresh tissue. 3. (3) When rats are fed excessive amounts of retinyl acetate, increased [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides of rat intestine and colon is observed. 4. (4) Supplementation of vitamin K1 to rats fed excessive amounts of vitamin A restores the incorporation of [35S]sulfate into the acid mucopolysaccharides to the normal level. 5. (5) The implications of these findings with special reference to the role of vitamins A and K in the synthesis of sulfated mucopolysaccharides are discussed.


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The absolute configuration of echitamine iodide has been determined by the Bijvoet technique, making use of the intensity differences between hkl and {Mathematical expression} reflections due to the anomalous scattering of CuKa radiation by the iodine atom. The various steps in the procedure are discussed in detail in this paper.


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Uniform field steady-state ionization currents were measured in dry air as a function of N at constant E/N (E is the electric field strength and N the gas number density) and constant electrode separation d for 14·13 × 10-16 less-than-or-eq, slant E/N less-than-or-eq, slant 282·5 × 10-16 V cm2. Uniform field sparking potentials were also measured for Nd range 1·24 × 1016 less-than-or-eq, slant Nd less-than-or-eq, slant 245 × 1016 cm-2. The ratio of the Townsend primary ionization coefficient α to N, α/N, was found to depend on E/N only. The secondary coefficients were also evaluated for aluminium and gold-plated electrodes for the above range of E/N. Measurements of the sparking potentials showed that Paschen's law is not obeyed in air at values of Nd near and below the Paschen minimum.


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Although we have seen a proliferation of studies examining the discursive aspects of strategy, the full potential of the linguistic turn has not yet been realized. This paper argues for a multifaceted interdiscursive approach that can help to go beyond simplistic views on strategy as unified discourse and pave the way for the new research efforts. At the meta-level, it is important to focus attention on struggles over competing conceptions of strategy in this body of knowledge. At the meso-level it is interesting to examine alternative strategy narratives to better understand the polyphony and dialogicality in organizational strategizing. At the micro-level, it is useful to reflect on the rhetorical tactics and skills that are used in strategy conversations to promote or resist specific views. This paper calls for new focused analyses at these different levels of analysis, but also for studies of the processes linking these levels.


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The driving force behind this study is the gap between the reality of the firms engaged in project business and the available studies covering project management and business process development. Previous studies show that project-based organizations were ‘immature’ in terms of the project-management ‘maturity model’, as few firms were found to be optimizing processes. Even within those, very little attention was paid to combine inter-organizational and intra-organizational perspectives. In this study an effort is made to elaborate some thoughts and views on project management, which interrelate firms’ external and internal activities. In line with the integration, the dissertation uses an approach to the management of project-business interdependencies in the networks of actors, activities and resources. Firstly, the study develops an understanding for inter-organizational perspectives by exploring the complementarities of process activities in the basic development of project business. It presents a framework that is elaborated on the basis of the reciprocal interactions of activities within and outside the organization—thus providing a coherent basis for continuous business-process improvement. In addition, the study presents new tools that can be used to develop project-business processes in each of its functional areas. The research demonstrates how project-business activities can be optimized using the right resources at the right time with the right actors and the right actions. The selected five articles included in this dissertation explain the basic framework for the development of project business. Each paper covers various aspects of inter-organizational and intra-organizational perspectives for project management. The study develops a valuable and procedural model for business-process improvement using the Delphi method that can be used not only in academia but also as a guide for practitioners that takes them through a series of well-defined steps when making informed, consistent and efficient changes to their business processes.


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We study an abelian Chern-Simons theory on a five-dimensional manifold with boundary. We find it to be equivalent to a higher-derivative generalization of the abelian Wess-Zumino-Witten model on the boundary. It contains a U(1) current algebra with an operational extension.


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Since the emergence of service marketing, the focus of service research has evolved. Currently the focus of research is shifting towards value co-created by the customer. Consequently, value creation is increasingly less fixed to a specific time or location controlled by the service provider. However, present service management models, although acknowledging customer participation and accessibility, have not considered the role of the empowered customer who may perform the service at various locations and time frames. The present study expands this scope and provides a framework for exploring customer perceived value from a temporal and spatial perspective. The framework is used to understand and analyse customer perceived value and to explore customer value profiles. It is proposed that customer perceived value can be conceptualised as a function of technical, functional, temporal and spatial value dimensions. These dimensions are suggested to have value-increasing and value-decreasing facets. This conceptualisation is empirically explored in an online banking context and it is shown that time and location are more important value dimensions relative to the technical and functional dimensions. The findings demonstrate that time and location are important not only in terms of having the possibility to choose when and where the service is performed. Customers also value an efficient and optimised use of time and a private and customised service location. The study demonstrates that time and location are not external elements that form the service context, but service value dimensions, in addition to the technical and functional dimensions. This thesis contributes to existing service management research through its framework for understanding temporal and spatial dimensions of perceived value. Practical implications of the study are that time and location need to be considered as service design elements in order to differentiate the service from other services and create additional value for customers. Also, because of increased customer control and the importance of time and location, it is increasingly relevant for service providers to provide a facilitating arena for customers to create value, rather than trying to control the value creation process. Kristina Heinonen is associated with CERS, the Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration


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This paper investigates the clustering pattern in the Finnish stock market. Using trading volume and time as factors capturing the clustering pattern in the market, the Keim and Madhavan (1996) and the Engle and Russell (1998) model provide the framework for the analysis. The descriptive and the parametric analysis provide evidences that an important determinant of the famous U-shape pattern in the market is the rate of information arrivals as measured by large trading volumes and durations at the market open and close. Precisely, 1) the larger the trading volume, the greater the impact on prices both in the short and the long run, thus prices will differ across quantities. 2) Large trading volume is a non-linear function of price changes in the long run. 3) Arrival times are positively autocorrelated, indicating a clustering pattern and 4) Information arrivals as approximated by durations are negatively related to trading flow.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.