988 resultados para universal soil loss equation
In cases of extensive damage to the foot, with significant bone loss, it is generally accepted that reconstruction must include bone flaps or grafts either in the emergency setting or subsequently. In this report, we describe the case of an 18-year-old student with an avulsion injury of the dorsum of his right foot. Consequently, he lost most of the soft tissue over the dorsum of the foot and the cuboid, navicular, and cuneiform bones. A latissimus dorsi free flap was used to reconstruct the defect. A functional pseudoarthrosis developed between the remaining bones of the foot, and the patient experienced satisfactory foot function after rehabilitation. For this reason, no additional reconstructive procedure was undertaken. This case suggests that it might be adequate to use the latissimus dorsi muscle flap more liberally than previously reported in the reconstruction of extensive defects of the dorsum of the foot, including cases with significant bone loss. This option could avoid the morbidity and inconvenience of a second surgery and the need to harvest a bone flap or graft.
Spent coffee grounds (SCG) represent a high-volume food waste worldwide, and several reuse approaches have been attempted. Herein, a greenhouse field experiment was carried out by cultivating Batavia lettuce with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% (v/v) espresso SCG directly composted in the soil. Healthy vegetables were obtained for all treatments, without yield loss for up to 10% SCG. A progressive increment of green color intensity with increasing SCG content was observed, corroborated by the increase of their photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids). Furthermore, total ascorbic acid and tocopherols showed statistical significant increases (p < 0.001) between control and all tested groups. Marked variations of nutritionally relevant minerals, particularly potassium, phosphorous and sodium were also revealed at higher percentage treatments (20% and 30%). This approach constitutes a clean, direct, simple and cost-effective measure to produce value-added vegetables, while reducing food waste disposal.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Filosofia
In order to decrease the risk of severe wildfire, prescribed fire has recently been adopted in Portugal and elsewhere in the Mediterranean as a major tool for reducing the fuel load instead of manual or mechanical removal of vegetation. There has been some research into its impact on soils in shrublands and grasslands, but to date little research has been conducted in forested areas in the region. As a result, the impact of prescribed fire on the physico-chemical soil characteristics of forest soils has been assumed to be minimal, but this has not been demonstrated. In this study, we present the results of a monitoring campaign of a detailed pre- and post-prescribed fire assessment of soil properties in a long-unburnt P. pinaster plantation, NW Portugal. The soil characteristics examined were pH, total porosity, bulk density, moisture content, organic matter content and litter/ash quantity. The results show that there was no significant impact on the measured soil properties, the only effect being confined to minor changes in the upper 1 cm of soil. We conclude that provided the fire is carried out according to strict guidelines in P. pinaster forest, a minimal impact on soil properties can be expected.
5th International Conference of Fire Effects on Soil Properties
Environmental nanoremediation of various contaminants has been reported in several recent studies. In this paper, the state of the art on the use of nanoparticles in soil and groundwater remediation processes is presented. There is a substantive body of evidence on the growing and successful application of nanoremediation for a diversity of soil and groundwater contamination contexts, particularly, for heavy metals, other inorganic contaminants, organic contaminants and emerging contaminants, as pharmaceutical and personal care products. This review confirms the competence of the use of nanoparticles in the remediation of contaminated media and the prevalent use of iron based nanoparticles.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of variables in a flotation technique for the recovery of Toxocara canis eggs from soil. The trials were done under standardized conditions on one gram of previously sterilized soil samples contaminated with 200 eggs of T. canis. The following variables were evaluated in serial steps: sieving; type of wash; time of stirring; resuspension of sediment; solution flotation. Centrifuge-flotation in sodium nitrate (d = 1.20 g/cm³) was adopted as an initial technique, using Tween 80 (0.2%) and decinormal sodium hydroxide as solutions for washing the samples. Ten tests were done to compare the variables, using counting in triplicate. The sieving of the material reduced significantly the recovery of eggs (p < 0.001) and the number of eggs recovered was higher when the sediment was resuspended (p < 0.05). After standardization, flotation solutions sodium chloride, zinc sulfate, sodium dichromate, magnesium sulfate, and sodium nitrate (d = 1.20g/cm³) were compared. The best results were obtained by using zinc sulfate solution. In conclusion, the chances of recovering T. canis eggs from samples using flotation solutions can be increased by washing of soil twice using distilled water, and resuspension of sediment. On the other hand, the sieving procedure can drastically reduce the number of eggs.
The environmental contamination by geohelminths represents a world public health problem and has been well documented by several authors. However, few papers describe the presence of such contamination in saline soils of coastal beaches. A study was performed on the beaches of the municipality of Santos in the period between May 2004 to April 2005 with the aim of determining the degree of contamination, and the correlation between contamination level and seasonal conditions and characteristics of the environment. Of the 2,520 samples analyzed, 18.2% (458) were contaminated, 32.3% (148) of which were localized in children's recreational areas (playgrounds). The parasite profile found in the analyzed samples indicated the presence of several zoonotic parasites: Ancylostoma larvae (82.5%), Toxocara sp. eggs (59.4%), Ancylostomidae-like eggs (37.1%), coccid oocysts (13.5%), Trichostrongylus sp. eggs and larvae, Ascaris lumbricoides eggs, (11.6%), Entamoeba sp. cysts (10.0%), Strongyloides sp. (4.8%), several free nematoids and some non-identified parasitic structures (3.3%). It was established that the highest frequency of parasitic structures occurred in the months between May and October 2004, and from February to March 2005. An increase in the diversity of parasitic forms was documented in the months between February to December 2004 and from January to April 2005, these periods having the highest rainfall.
SUMMARY To evaluate soil contamination by parasites in different developmental stages in public squares used as recreation and leisure areas for children in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil), 210 soil samples and 141 canine fecal samples were collected from 42 squares in the city. These samples were analyzed by the Caldwell and Caldwell technique and the Hoffman, Pons, and Janer technique. Of the samples analyzed, 89 (42.4%) soil samples and 104 (73.5%) fecal samples were contaminated with Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara sp., Trichuris sp., or Dipylidium sp. eggs; Giardia sp. cysts; or Isospora sp. oocysts. The commonest parasite was Ancylostoma sp., found in 85% soil and 99% fecal samples, followed by Toxocara sp., found in 43.7% soil and 30.7% fecal samples.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
O Rastreio Universal da Audição Neonatal tem sido um objectivo que várias gerações de audiologistas, otorrinolaringologistas e pediatras tem tentado ao longo dos anos. Os autores fazem uma revisão dos principais métodos utilizados para a avaliação da audição dos recém-nascidos, bem como das dificuldades encontradas e limitações da sua utilização. Desde o inicio da década de noventa vêm a ser implementados verdadeiros métodos de detecção precoce e universal da surdez infantil, utilizando métodos fisiológicos tais como os potenciais evocados auditivos e as otoemissões acústicas (c1ássicos e automáticos). São descritos os artigos mais importantes que fundamentam a necessidade de diagnóstico e intervenção precoces na surdez sensorioneural, com vista a melhorar a aquisição e desenvolvimento da fala e da competência linguística, o que permite uma melhor integração da criança, independentemente do seu grau de surdez. São também enunciadas as directivas do "European Consensus Development on Neonatal Hearing Screening" e do "Joint Comitee on Infant Hearing".
Com o aparecimento de técnicas de rastreio da audição sensíveis, especificas e de fácil execução, é possível implementar rastreios de audição que abranjam todos os recém-nascidos. O objectivo destes programas e a detecção precoce de todas as crianças com hipoacusia significativa até aos três meses de idade, com vista a iniciar a reabilitação antes dos seis meses. Neste artigo de revisão apontam-se os passos mais importantes da organização e implementação de um Rastreio Universal da Audição Neonatal (RUAN), em três fases, descrevendo-se as opções possíveis de técnicas, equipamento e pessoal a utilizar.