992 resultados para twisted canonical homomorphism


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex


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Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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El comportamiento biológico de las células cancerosas es influenciado por el microambiente en el que se desarrollan y en este, factores como la angiogénesis o el estímulo de agentes estresores como la hipoxia, se han considerado críticos para su evolución y manejo terapéutico. Uno de los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la respuesta celular frente a estímulos estresores es la activación de vías de señalización intracelulares; en este estudio, se evaluó el estado de la vía JAK/STAT y en ella la expresión/activación de la proteína STAT3 en la línea tumoral (HeLa) y endotelial (EA.hy926), sometidas a hipoxia física y química con mesilato de deferoxamina durante 2, 6 y 24 horas. Adicionalmente, al considerar la importancia de la hipoxia como un agente modificador de la respuesta en el manejo del cáncer utilizando radiaciones ionizantes, se construyeron curvas de supervivencia celular que permitieron evaluar el comportamiento celular frente a estos estímulos. El presente estudio resalta la importancia de la hipoxia como un estímulo que modifica la activación de la proteína STAT3 y la supervivencia de células irradiadas en las dos líneas estudiadas.


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Este artículo trata de mostrar de qué manera la obra de Hannah Arendt se ha convertido en un espacio teórico obligado e ineludible en el ámbito de la teoría y la filosofía política. Intenta revisar y volver a poner en consideración conceptos arendtianos, como los de libertad, política, philía, y presentarlos como una alternativa frente al derrotero apocalíptico de la historia, que se nos presenta como inevitable. Arendt fue crítica incansable del lamentable estado de la ciencia política contemporánea, por no haber sido capaz de distinguir entre conceptos como poder, autoridad o fuerza, conceptos que se han entendido como sinónimos que hacen referencia, de manera equivocada, a las relaciones de mando-obediencia. Arendt les otorga su sello propio y con ello intenta evitar la confusión que se ha generado en torno a ellos. De esta manera, define su propio matiz sobre lo político, oponiéndose radicalmente a la concepción canónica de la política como “espacio de aparición” que emana allí donde un grupo plural de seres libres e iguales comparten palabras y acciones.-----This article intends to show how Hannah Arendt’s work has become a compulsory and unavoidable theoretical forum in the realm of the political theory and philosophy. It intends to review and restate Arendtian concepts such as freedom, politics and philia, and present them as an alternative to the apocalyptic course of history that faces us as unavoidable. Arendt was a tireless judge of the pitiful state of contemporary political science because it could not differentiate concepts such as power, authority or strength, which have been understood as synonyms that wrongfully refer to a command-obedience relationship. Arendt marks them with her own seal trying to avoid the confusion that has been created around them. In this way, she defines politics in her very own way, radically opposing the canonical notion of politics as a “world of appearances” that arises where a plural group of free equal human beings shares words and actions.


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Esta disertación busca estudiar los mecanismos de transmisión que vinculan el comportamiento de agentes y firmas con las asimetrías presentes en los ciclos económicos. Para lograr esto, se construyeron tres modelos DSGE. El en primer capítulo, el supuesto de función cuadrática simétrica de ajuste de la inversión fue removido, y el modelo canónico RBC fue reformulado suponiendo que des-invertir es más costoso que invertir una unidad de capital físico. En el segundo capítulo, la contribución más importante de esta disertación es presentada: la construcción de una función de utilidad general que anida aversión a la pérdida, aversión al riesgo y formación de hábitos, por medio de una función de transición suave. La razón para hacerlo así es el hecho de que los individuos son aversos a la pérdidad en recesiones, y son aversos al riesgo en auges. En el tercer capítulo, las asimetrías en los ciclos económicos son analizadas junto con ajuste asimétrico en precios y salarios en un contexto neokeynesiano, con el fin de encontrar una explicación teórica de la bien documentada asimetría presente en la Curva de Phillips.


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The theory of reciprocity is predicated on the assumption that people are willing to reward nice or kind acts and to punish unkind ones. This assumption raises the question as to how to define kindness. In this paper we offer a new definition of kindness that we call “blame-freeness.” Put most simply, blame-freeness states that in judging whether player i has been kind or unkind to player j in a social situation, player j would have to put himself in the strategic position of player i, while retaining his preferences, and ask if he would have acted in a manner that was worse than i did under identical circumstances. If j would have acted in a more unkind manner than i acted, then we say that j does not blame i for his behavior. If, however, j would have been nicer than i was, then we say that “j blames i” for his actions (i’s actions were blameworthy). We consider this notion a natural, intuitive and empirically relevant way to explain the motives of people engaged in reciprocal behavior. After developing the conceptual framework, we then test this concept in a laboratory experiment involving tournaments and find significant support for the theory.


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In this paper, investment cost asymmetry is introduced in order to test wheter this kind of asymmetry can account for asymmetries in business cycles. By using a smooth transition function, asymmetric investment cost is modeled and introduced in a canonical RBC model. Simulations of the model with Perturbations Method (PM) are very close to simulations through Parameterized Expectations Algorithm (PEA), which allows the use of the former for the sake of time reduction and computational costs. Both symmetric and asymmetric models were simulated and compared. Deterministic and stochastic impulse-response excersices revealed that it is possible to adequately reproduce asymmetric business cycles by modeling asymmetric investment costs. Simulations also showed that higher order moments are insu_cient to detect asymmetries. Instead, methods such as Generalized Impulse Response Analysis (GIRA) and Nonlinear Econometrics prove to be more e_cient diagnostic tools.


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A set of connections among several nuclear and electronic indexes of reactivity in the framework of the conceptual Density Functional Theory by using an expansion ofthe energy functional in terms of the total number of electrons and the normal coordinates within a canonical ensemble was derived. The relations obtained provided explicit links between important quantities related to the chemical reactivity of a system. This paper particularly demonstrates that the derivative of the electronic energy with respect to the external potential of a system in its equilibrium geometry was equal to the negative of the nuclear repulsion derivative with respect to the external potential


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Electronic coupling Vda is one of the key parameters that determine the rate of charge transfer through DNA. While there have been several computational studies of Vda for hole transfer, estimates of electronic couplings for excess electron transfer (ET) in DNA remain unavailable. In the paper, an efficient strategy is established for calculating the ET matrix elements between base pairs in a π stack. Two approaches are considered. First, we employ the diabatic-state (DS) method in which donor and acceptor are represented with radical anions of the canonical base pairs adenine-thymine (AT) and guanine-cytosine (GC). In this approach, similar values of Vda are obtained with the standard 6-31 G* and extended 6-31++ G* basis sets. Second, the electronic couplings are derived from lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) of neutral systems by using the generalized Mulliken-Hush or fragment charge methods. Because the radical-anion states of AT and GC are well reproduced by LUMOs of the neutral base pairs calculated without diffuse functions, the estimated values of Vda are in good agreement with the couplings obtained for radical-anion states using the DS method. However, when the calculation of a neutral stack is carried out with diffuse functions, LUMOs of the system exhibit the dipole-bound character and cannot be used for estimating electronic couplings. Our calculations suggest that the ET matrix elements Vda for models containing intrastrand thymine and cytosine bases are essentially larger than the couplings in complexes with interstrand pyrimidine bases. The matrix elements for excess electron transfer are found to be considerably smaller than the corresponding values for hole transfer and to be very responsive to structural changes in a DNA stack


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Fins a la darreria del segle VIII, el complex episcopal gironí se situava fora murs, al voltant de l'església martirial de Sant Feliu; a principis del segle IX, el complex es desdoblà amb la consagració d'una segona església episcopal, Santa Maria, dins murs, raó per la qual la seu fou coneguda, al llarg d'aquella centúria, amb la doble advocació de Santa Maria i Sant Feliu. Al llarg del segle X, s'afermà la preeminència de Santa Maria fins al punt que, en l'últim terç del segle. Sant Feliu ja no és esmentada com a seu episcopal, encara que hi continuà vinculada com a una església dependent, sense personalitat ni administració pròpia. Des de final del segle, el procés s'accelerà amb la construcció d'una nova església catedral a Santa Maria, que complementà l'aixecament d'un nou complex episcopal dins murs, en gran part culminat a mitjan segle XI i format per xenodoquium, catedral, palau episcopal i conjunt canonical, a banda de noves residències de canonges i altres clergues en el seu entorn. Aquests fets significaren la consolidació de Santa Maria com a seu única, però també la profunda remodelació urbanística d'un sector significatiu de la ciutat, prop d'un 20% del total, expressió del nou domini del bisbe i dels clergues sobre la 'seva ciutat'


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La autora reflexiona, a partir de esta novela de Humberto Salvador, sobre la razón de ser del texto novelesco. Resalta la intención del ecuatoriano de presentar una novela que busca integrar distintos discursos sociales, ensamblados como al azar, cuestionan diversas definiciones canónicas, tanto en lo literario como en lo social. Salvador prioriza en ellas el mostrar «cómo» se escribe una novela, y no el acabarla o dar por cerrado el producto. Concebido así, el texto novelesco se vuelve infinito, al igual que sus posibles lecturas: cada una produce una novela diferente, que jamás resulta definitiva.


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Chronic pesticide poisoning is difficult to detect. We sought to develop a low-cost test battery for settings such as Ecuador’s floriculture industry. First we had to develop a case definition; as with all occupational diseases a case had to have both sufficient effective dose and associated health effects. For the former, using canonical discriminant analysis, we found that adding measures of protection and overall environmental stressors to occupational category and duration of exposure was useful. For the latter, factor analysis suggested three distinct manifestations of pesticide poisoning. We then determined sensitivity and specificity of various combinations of symptoms and simple neurotoxicity tests from the Pentox questionnaire, and found that doing so increased sensitivity and specificity compared to use of acethylcholinesterase alone – the current screening standard. While sensitivity and specificity varied with different case definitions, our results support the development of a low-cost test battery for screening in such settings.