927 resultados para submerged fermentation


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Bacterial surface colonization is a universal adaptation strategy in aquatic environments. However, neither the identities of early colonizers nor the temporal changes in surface assemblages are well understood. To determine the identities of the most common bacterial primary colonizers and to assess the succession process, if any, of the bacterial assemblages during early stages of surface colonization in coastal water of the West Pacific Ocean, nonnutritive inert materials (glass, Plexiglas, and polyvinyl chloride) were employed as test surfaces and incubated in seawater off the Qingdao coast in the spring of 2005 for 24 and 72 h. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the recovered surface-colonizing microbiota indicated that diverse bacteria colonized the submerged surfaces. Multivariate statistical cluster analyses indicated that the succession of early surface-colonizing bacterial assemblages followed sequential steps on all types of test surfaces. The Rhodobacterales, especially the marine Roseobacter clade members, formed the most common and dominant primary surface-colonizing bacterial group. Our current data, along with previous studies of the Atlantic coast, indicate that the Rhodobacterales bacteria are the dominant and ubiquitous primary surface colonizers in temperate coastal waters of the world and that microbial surface colonization follows a succession sequence. A conceptual model is proposed based on these findings, which may have important implications for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function of marine biofilms and for developing strategies to harness or control surface-associated microbial communities.


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Fractional energy losses of waves due to wave breaking when passing over a submerged bar are studied systematically using a modified numerical code that is based on the high-order Boussinesq-type equations. The model is first tested by the additional experimental data, and the model's capability of simulating the wave transformation over both gentle slope and steep slope is demonstrated. Then, the model's breaking index is replaced and tested. The new breaking index, which is optimized from the several breaking indices, is not sensitive to the spatial grid length and includes the bottom slopes. Numerical tests show that the modified model with the new breaking index is more stable and efficient for the shallow-water wave breaking. Finally, the modified model is used to study the fractional energy losses for the regular waves propagating and breaking over a submerged bar. Our results have revealed that how the nonlinearity and the dispersion of the incident waves as well as the dimensionless bar height (normalized by water depth) dominate the fractional energy losses. It is also found that the bar slope (limited to gentle slopes that less than 1:10) and the dimensionless bar length (normalized by incident wave length) have negligible effects on the fractional energy losses.


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Song and Banner (2002, henceforth referred to as SB02) used a numerical wave tank (developed by Drimer and Agnon, and further refined by Segre, henceforth referred to as DAS) to study the wave breaking in the deep water, and proposed a dimensionless breaking threshold that based on the behaviour of the wave energy modulation and focusing during the evolution of the wave group. In this paper, two modified DAS models are used to further test the SB02's results, the first one (referred to MDAS1) corrected many integral calculation errors appeared in the DAS code, and the second one (referred to MDAS2) replaced the linear boundary element approximation of DAS into the cubic element on the free surface. Researches show that the results of MDAS1 are the same with those of DAS for the simulations of deep water wave breaking, but, the different values of the wavemaker amplitude, the breaking time and the maximum local average energy growth rate delta(max) for the marginal breaking cases are founded by MDAS2 and MDAS1. However, MDAS2 still satisfies the SB02' s breaking threshold. Furthermore, MDAS1 is utilized to study the marginal breaking case in the intermediate water depth when wave passes over a submerged slope, where the slope is given by 1 : 500, 1 : 300, 1 : 150 or 1 : 100. It is found that the maximum local energy density U increases significantly if the slope becomes steeper, and the delta(max) decreases weakly and increases intensively for the marginal recurrence case and marginal breaking case respectively. SB02's breaking threshold is still valid for the wave passing over a submerged slope gentler than 1 : 100 in the intermediate water depth.


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近年来,生物制氢技术与废物综合治理技术相结合,在处理废物的同时获得清洁的能源。目前生物制氢技术发展的瓶颈问题是高效产氢菌种的获得。因此,本研究采用不同预处理方法对海洋污泥的产氢能力的影响进行了分析,同时分离获得多株海洋产酸产氢细菌和海洋光合产氢细菌。 采用不同预处理方法(包括酸处理、碱处理、热处理和硝酸盐处理)获得海洋产酸产氢混合菌种,且其对产氢能力的影响进行分析。结果表明在所有预处理方法中,热处理的最大产氢量最高;于是,我们研究了不同起始pH值(pH 4-10.0)和不同底物浓度对热处理产氢菌群的产氢能力的影响。结果表明热处理产氢菌群的最适起始pH值为8.0,该值与天然海水的pH值相近。这意味着该产酸产氢菌群可作为海洋有机废物处理的候选菌群。 通过富集获得两类海洋光合产氢菌群,它们分别可以利用发酵产氢的关键副产物—乙酸或丁酸作为产氢碳源。研究表明温度、光照强度、起始pH和乙酸或丁酸浓度皆对两类光合产氢菌群的生长和产氢能力皆有明显影响。此外,产酸产氢菌群和光合细菌菌群耦联放氢进行了初步研究,结果表明藕联放氢可以获得较高的产氢量和底物利用率。 建立了一种厌氧产氢细菌的快速筛选方法。采用该方法从已获得的暗发酵和光合高效产氢菌群中分别分离高效产氢菌株。结果分离纯化获得暗发酵产氢细菌61株和光合产氢细菌34株。其中12株暗发酵产氢细菌和7株光合产氢细菌产氢量相对较高。 利用海水养殖有机废水进行微生物制氢技术将微生物制氢和环境治理相结合,是集污水治理和废物利用为一体的综合技术,具有广阔的应用前景,本研究为海水养殖有机废水进行微生物制氢技术发展奠定了基础。


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大米草是一种外来引种植物,本来引进的目的是为了保滩护岸、促淤造陆。然而大米草过度繁殖,侵袭海洋沿岸滩涂,所以综合开发大米草有着重要的经济意义和生态意义。本实验研究着力于将大米草水解液通过皮状丝孢酵母发酵而制取生物油脂。并且随着近年来石油价格的攀升和对于汽车尾气对环境造成的日趋严重的污染,生物柴油的开发受到高度重视。微生物油脂则是生物柴油生产的很好的原料,因为它无需占用耕地,而能够把农业加工剩余物或是其它的含纤维素的生物质转化为油脂。 本实验采用产油酵母菌皮状丝孢酵母(Trichosporon cutaneum)直接发酵经过简单脱毒处理的大米草水解液生产微生物油脂。在122℃,固—液比为10%(w/v),分别用1%、2%、4%和6%稀硫酸水解大米草,结果表明在6%的酸浓度下水解40 min后还原糖含量最高,达到22.8 g/L。而同时以1%稀硫酸在140℃下水解大米草,2.8h后,水解液中葡萄糖产量达到最高14.2g/L。确定了摇瓶发酵最适工艺条件:摇床转速200 rpm,接种量10%(v/v),装液量为200 mL (1000-mL三角瓶)。在此基础上,确定了水解液最适浓缩倍数和pH值,水解液浓缩倍数为4.0时产油量高达6.0 g/L,产油率为46.3%。本文为高效利用大米草提供了新的途径。 关键词:皮状丝孢酵母,大米草,水解,发酵,微生物油脂


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海洋微生物拥有丰富多样的次生代谢途径,其中海洋生物内生真菌次生代谢产物研究日益受到天然产物化学界的重视。本论文以菌丝体生物量、发酵产物重量、抗菌与细胞毒活性、薄层色谱分析结果以及高效液相色谱分析结果等为评价依据对采自青岛沿海的13株海藻内生真菌在四种液体培养基上的静置发酵产物进行了综合评价,并从中选择了黑曲霉Aspergillus niger EN-13(分离自褐藻囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa)和杂色曲霉A. versicolor EN-7(分离自褐藻鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii)两株真菌进行了30升规模发酵(分别采用GPYM培养基和PDB培养)和化学成分的研究,对分离得到的大部分化合物进行了初步的生物活性筛选。 发酵提取物采用常规的硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析,凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、制备薄层层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等分离手段,得到单体化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术(IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等)并结合化学方法从两种菌株发酵提取物中鉴定了55个化合物的结构。其中从菌株A. niger EN-13分离鉴定了31个化合物,发现9个新化合物,包括2个鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)、3个萘并-γ-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-3~5)、3个苯乙基取代的α-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-17, AN-19~20)和1个甾体Diels-Alder加成产物(AN-21),另有1个新的天然环二肽(AN-27)被分离鉴定;从菌株A. versicolor EN-7分离鉴定了24个化合物,发现2个新化合物,为蒽醌AV-12与AV-17,另外,从前一菌株(A. niger EN-13)中鉴定的2个新鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)在A. versicolor EN-7中也被再次分离到。 对大部分单体化合物进行了抗菌活性、DPPH自由基清除活性和细胞毒活性测试。结果显示新化合物AN-1、AN-5和AN-20具有弱或中等强度的抑制白色念珠菌生长的活性,AN-4、AN-5、AN-21显示了弱或中等强度的抑制黑曲霉生长的活性,AV-12、AV-17显示了弱的抑制大肠杆菌生长的活性。在DPPH自由基清除活性筛选中,AN-5显示了中等强度的活性,其EC50为109.3 mM,与阳性对照BHT相近(EC50为81.8 mM)。其它部分已知化合物在抗菌和DPPH自由基清除活性的筛选中也显示了弱或中等强度的活性。在针对人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721和人肺腺癌细胞株A549的体外细胞毒活性筛选中,所测样品均未显示显著活性。


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Magnetotactic bacteria are a heterologous group of motile prokaryotes, ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. Here, we studied the diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in a seawater pond within an intertidal zone at Huiquan Bay in the China Sea. The pond is composed of a permanently submerged part and a low tide subregion. The magnetotactic bacteria collected from the permanently submerged part display diversity in morphology and taxonomy. In contrast, we found a virtually homogenous population of ovoid-coccoid magnetotactic bacteria in the low tide subregion of the pond. They were bilophotrichously flagellated and exhibited polar magnetotactic behaviour. Almost all cells contained two chains of magnetosomes composed of magnetite crystals. Intriguingly, the combination of restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and sequencing of cloned 16S rDNA genes from the low tide subregion samples as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the presence of a homogenous population. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Qingdao Huiquan low tide magnetotactic bacteria belong to a new genus affiliated with the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria. This finding suggests the adaptation of the magnetotactic bacterial population to the marine tide.


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In order to explore marine microorganisms with medical potential, marine bacteria were isolated from seawater, sediment, marine invertebrates and seaweeds collected from different coastal areas of the China Sea. The antimicrobial activities of these bacteria were investigated. Ethyl acetate extracts of marine bacterial fermentation were screened for antimicrobial activities using the method of agar diffusion. The results showed that 42 strains of the isolates have antimicrobial activity. The proportion of active bacteria associated with marine invertebrates (20%) and seaweeds (11%) is higher than that isolated from seawater (7%) and sediment (5%). The active marine bacteria were assigned to the genera Alteromonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Flavobacterium. The TLC autobiographic overlay assay implied that the antimicrobial metabolites produced by four strains with wide antimicrobial spectrum were different. Due to a competitive role for space and nutrient, the marine bacteria associated with marine macroorganisms (invertebrates and seaweeds) could produce more antibiotic substances. These marine bacteria were expected to be potential resources of natural antibiotic products.


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Effect of alloy elements on corrosion of low alloy steel was studied under simulated offshore conditions. The results showed that the elements Cu, P, Mo, W, V had evident effect on corrosion resistance in the atmosphere zone; Cu, P, V, Mo in the splash zone and Cr, Al, Mo in the submerged zone.


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To initially describe vegetation structure and spatial variation in plant biomass in a typical alpine wetland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, net primary productivity and vegetation in relationship to environmental factors were investigated. In 2002, the wetland remained flooded to an average water depth of 25 cm during the growing season, from July to mid-September. We mapped the floodline and vegetation distribution using GPS (global positioning system). Coverage of vegetation in the wetland was 100%, and the vegetation was zonally distributed along a water depth gradient, with three emergent plant zones (Hippuris vulgaris-dominated zone, Scirpus distigmaticus-dominated zone, and Carex allivescers-dominated zone) and one submerged plant zone (Potamogeton pectinatus-dominated zone). Both aboveground and belowground biomass varied temporally within and among the vegetation zones. Further, net primary productivity (NPP) as estimated by peak biomass also differed among the vegetation zones; aboveground NPP was highest in the Carex-dominated zone with shallowest water and lowest in the Potamogeton zone with deepest water. The area occupied by each zone was 73.5% for P. pectinatus, 2.6% for H. vulgaris, 20.5% for S. distigmaticus, and 3.4% for C. allivescers. Morphological features in relationship to gas-transport efficiency of the aerial part differed among the emergent plants. Of the three emergent plants, H. vulgaris, which dominated in the deeper water, showed greater morphological adaptability to deep water than the other two emergent plants.


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To initially characterize the dynamics and environmental controls of CO2, ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured for different vegetation zones in a deep-water wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the growing season of 2002. Four zones of vegetation along a gradient from shallow to deep water were dominated, respectively by the emergent species Carex allivescens V. Krez., Scirpus distigmaticus L., Hippuris vulgaris L., and the submerged species Potamogeton pectinatus L. Gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Re), and net ecosystem production (NEP) were markedly different among the vegetation zones, with lower Re and GPP in deeper water. NEP was highest in the Scirpus-dominated zone with moderate water depth, but lowest in the Potamogeton-zone that occupied approximately 75% of the total wetland area. Diurnal variation in CO2 flux was highly correlated with variation in light intensity and soil temperature. The relationship between CO2 flux and these environmental variables varied among the vegetation zones. Seasonal CO2 fluxes, including GPP, Re, and NEP, were strongly correlated with aboveground biomass, which was in turn determined by water depth. In the early growing season, temperature sensitivity (Q(10)) for Re varied from 6.0 to 8.9 depending on vegetation zone. Q(10) decreased in the late growing season. Estimated NEP for the whole deep-water wetland over the growing season was 24 g C m(-2). Our results suggest that water depth is the major environmental control of seasonal variation in CO2 flux, whereas photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) controls diurnal dynamics.


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We measured methane (CH4) emissions in the Luanhaizi wetland, a typical alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the plant growth season (early July to mid-September) in 2002. Our aim was to quantify the spatial and temporal variation of CH4 flux and to elucidate key factors in this variation. Static chamber measurements of CH4 flux were made in four vegetation zones along a gradient of water depth. There were three emergent-plant zones (Hippuris-dominated; Scirpus-dominated; and Carex-dominated) and one submerged-plant zone (Potamogeton-dominated). The smallest CH4 flux (seasonal mean = 33.1 mg CH4 m(-2) d(-1)) was, observed in the Potamogeton-dominated zone, which occupied about 74% of the total area of the wetland. The greatest CH4 flux (seasonal mean = 214 mg CH4 m(-2) d(-1)) was observed in the Hippuris-dominated zone, in the second-deepest water area. CH4 flux from three zones (excluding the Carex-dominated zone) showed a marked diurnal change and decreased dramatically under dark conditions. Light intensity had a major influence on the temporal variation in CH4 flux, at least in three of the zones. Methane fluxes from all zones increased during the growing season with increasing aboveground biomass. CH4 flux from the Scirpus-dominated zone was significantly lower than in the other emergent-plant zones despite the large biomass, because the root and rhizome intake ports for CH4 transport in the dominant species were distributed in shallower and more oxidative soil than occupied in the other zones. Spatial and temporal variation in CH4 flux from the alpine wetland was determined by the vegetation zone. Among the dominant species in each zone, there were variations in the density and biomass of shoots, gas-transport system, and root-rhizome architecture. The CH4 flux from a typical alpine wetland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was as high as those of other boreal and alpine wetlands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The modeling formula based on seismic wavelet can well simulate zero - phase wavelet and hybrid-phase wavelet, and approximate maximal - phase and minimal - phase wavelet in a certain sense. The modeling wavelet can be used as wavelet function after suitable modification item added to meet some conditions. On the basis of the modified Morlet wavelet, the derivative wavelet function has been derived. As a basic wavelet, it can be sued for high resolution frequency - division processing and instantaneous feature extraction, in acoordance with the signal expanding characters in time and scale domains by each wavelet structured. Finally, an application example proves the effectiveness and reasonability of the method. Based on the analysis of SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) filter, by taking wavelet as basic wavelet and combining SVD filter and wavelet transform, a new de - noising method, which is Based on multi - dimension and multi-space de - noising method, is proposed. The implementation of this method is discussed the detail. Theoretical analysis and modeling show that the method has strong capacity of de - noising and keeping attributes of effective wave. It is a good tool for de - noising when the S/N ratio is poor. To give prominence to high frequency information of reflection event of important layer and to take account of other frequency information under processing seismic data, it is difficult for deconvolution filter to realize this goal. A filter from Fourier Transform has some problems for realizing the goal. In this paper, a new method is put forward, that is a method of processing seismic data in frequency division from wavelet transform and reconstruction. In ordinary seismic processing methods for resolution improvement, deconvolution operator has poor part characteristics, thus influencing the operator frequency. In wavelet transform, wavelet function has very good part characteristics. Frequency - division data processing in wavelet transform also brings quite good high resolution data, but it needs more time than deconvolution method does. On the basis of frequency - division processing method in wavelet domain, a new technique is put forward, which involves 1) designing filter operators equivalent to deconvolution operator in time and frequency domains in wavelet transform, 2) obtaining derivative wavelet function that is suitable to high - resolution seismic data processing, and 3) processing high resolution seismic data by deconvolution method in time domain. In the method of producing some instantaneous characteristic signals by using Hilbert transform, Hilbert transform is very sensitive to high - frequency random noise. As a result, even though there exist weak high - frequency noises in seismic signals, the obtained instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals may be still submerged by the noises. One method for having instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals in wavelet domain is put forward, which obtains directly the instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals by taking the characteristics of both the real part (real signals, namely seismic signals) and the imaginary part (the Hilbert transfom of real signals) of wavelet transform. The method has the functions of frequency division and noise removal. What is more, the weak wave whose frequency is lower than that of high - frequency random noise is retained in the obtained instantaneous characteristics of seismic signals, and the weak wave may be seen in instantaneous characteristic sections (such as instantaneous frequency, instantaneous phase and instantaneous amplitude). Impedance inversion is one of tools in the description of oil reservoir. one of methods in impedance inversion is Generalized Linear Inversion. This method has higher precision of inversion. But, this method is sensitive to noise of seismic data, so that error results are got. The description of oil reservoir in researching important geological layer, in order to give prominence to geological characteristics of the important layer, not only high frequency impedance to research thin sand layer, but other frequency impedance are needed. It is difficult for some impedance inversion method to realize the goal. Wavelet transform is very good in denoising and processing in frequency division. Therefore, in the paper, a method of impedance inversion is put forward based on wavelet transform, that is impedance inversion in frequency division from wavelet transform and reconstruction. in this paper, based on wavelet transform, methods of time - frequency analysis is given. Fanally, methods above are in application on real oil field - Sansan oil field.