955 resultados para specific cake resistance
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Vol. 57, nº 1
The presence of circulating immune complexes formed by IgM and IgG (CIC-IgM and CIC-IgG) was investigated, using antigen-specific enzyme-immunoassays (ELISA), in 30 patients with acute Chagas' disease who showed parasitemia and inoculation chagoma. Control population consisted of patients with chronic T. cruzi infection (30), acute toxoplasmosis 10), leishmaniasis (8), rheumatoid arthritis (3) and healthy individuals with negative serology for Chagas* disease (30). Acute chagasic patients were 100% CIC-IgG and 96.66% CIC-IgM positive whereas immunofluorescence tests yielded 90% and 86.66% of positivity for specific IgG and IgM antibodies, respectively. Chronic patients were 68% CIC-IgG and 0% CIC-IgM positive. The 30 negative and the 21 cross-reaction controls proved negative for ELISA (CIC-IgM and CIC-IgG). The high sensitivity of ELISA assays would allow early immunologic diagnosis, as well as prompt treatment, of acute T. cruzi infection, thus eliminating the problem of the false-positive and false-negative results which affects traditional methods for detection of circulating antibodies.
Sixteen S. mansoni infected and untreated patients (5 with recent infection and 11 with chronic disease) were evaluated for their in vitro natural killer (NK) activity against the NK sensitive target K562 cell line. NK levels in 9 out of 11 patients (82%) with chronic disease were significantly lower (mean = 15 ± 6%),compared with patients recently infected (mean = 41 ± 9% p < 0.001) and with the control group (mean = 38 ± 13% p < 0.001). However, both patients and controls NK activity was stimulated by soluble adult worm antigens (SAWA), indicating that NK function even in the chronic stage of the infection is able to respond to the parasite antigens. These results suggest the possibility of NK cell participation as effector mechanism against S. mansoni.
In two distinct experiments, immature S. mansoni worms (LE strain, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), aged 20 days, obtained from the portal system of white outbred mice, were irradiated with 14 and 4 Krad, respectively. Afterwards, the worms were directly inoculated into the portal vein of normal mice. Inoculation was performed with 20 irradiated worms per animal. Fifty days after inoculation, the mice that received 4 and 14 Krad-irradiated worms and their respective controls were infected with S. mansoni cercariae (LE strain), by transcutaneous route. Twenty days after this challenge infection, the animals were sacrificed and perfused for mature irradiated (90-day-old) and immature (20-day-old) worm counts. Analysis of the results showed that statistically significant protection against cercariae occurred in both groups with irradiated worms.
Facing chloroquine drug resistance, Angola promptly adopted artemisinin-based combination therapy as the first-line to treat malaria. Currently, the country aims to consolidate malaria control, while preparing for the elimination of the disease, along with others African countries in the region. However, the remarkable capacity of Plasmodium to develop drug resistance represents an alarming threat for those achievements. Herein, the available, but relatively scarce and dispersed, information on malaria drug resistance in Angola, is reviewed and discussed. The review aims to inform but also to encourage future research studies that monitor and update the information on anti-malarial drug efficacy and prevalence of molecular markers of drug resistance, key fields in the context and objectives of elimination.
Energy efficiency plays an important role to the CO2 emissions reduction, combating climate change and improving the competitiveness of the economy. The problem presented here is related to the use of stand-alone diesel gen-sets and its high specific fuel consumptions when operates at low loads. The variable speed gen-set concept is explained as an energy-saving solution to improve this system efficiency. This paper details how an optimum fuel consumption trajectory based on experimentally Diesel engine power map is obtained.
Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.
The humoral and cellular immune responses as well as the resistance to infection with bloodstream forms of T. cruzi were studied in mice immunized with acidic antigenic fractions from parasite cytosol, F III and F IV, plus Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant. The immunization with F III induced positive ITH and DTH responses to homologous antigens. In mice immunized with F IV, the ITH was negative and four out of six animals presented positive DTH reactions. In both groups of mice the analysis of IgG aginst T. cruzi showed that the major isotype elicited was IgG1. Specific IgE was also detected in sera from F III immunized mice, thus confirming the presence of homocytothropic antibodies. The parasitemias reached by F III and F IV immunized mice after challenge were lower than those of the controls showing in this way a partial protection against the acute infection. The histological studies of heart and skeletal muscle performed two months after the infection revealed variable mononuclear infiltration in all infected mice despite immunization.
In this paper we study a delay mathematical model for the dynamics of HIV in HIV-specific CD4 + T helper cells. We modify the model presented by Roy and Wodarz in 2012, where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a single CD4 + T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative target cell population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. In this paper, we include two types of delay: (1) a latent period between the time target cells are contacted by the virus particles and the time the virions enter the cells and; (2) virus production period for new virions to be produced within and released from the infected cells. We compute the reproduction number of the model, R0, and the local stability of the disease free equilibrium and of the endemic equilibrium. We find that for values of R0<1, the model approaches asymptotically the disease free equilibrium. For values of R0>1, the model approximates asymptotically the endemic equilibrium. We observe numerically the phenomenon of backward bifurcation for values of R0⪅1. This statement will be proved in future work. We also vary the values of the latent period and the production period of infected cells and free virus. We conclude that increasing these values translates in a decrease of the reproduction number. Thus, a good strategy to control the HIV virus should focus on drugs to prolong the latent period and/or slow down the virus production. These results suggest that the model is mathematically and epidemiologically well-posed.
Abstract The emergence of multi and extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB and XDRTB) has increased the concern of public health authorities around the world. The World Health Organization has defined MDRTB as tuberculosis (TB) caused by organisms resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the main first-line drugs used in TB therapy, whereas XDRTB refers to TB resistant not only to isoniazid and rifampicin, but also to a fluoroquinolone and to at least one of the three injectable second-line drugs, kanamycin, amikacin and capreomycin. Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mainly due to the occurrence of spontaneous mutations and followed by selection of mutants by subsequent treatment. However, some resistant clinical isolates do not present mutations in any genes associated with resistance to a given antibiotic, which suggests that other mechanism(s) are involved in the development of drug resistance, namely the presence of efflux pump systems that extrude the drug to the exterior of the cell, preventing access to its target. Increased efflux activity can occur in response to prolonged exposure to subinhibitory concentrations of anti-TB drugs, a situation that may result from inadequate TB therapy. The inhibition of efflux activity with a non-antibiotic inhibitor may restore activity of an antibiotic subject to efflux and thus provide a way to enhance the activity of current anti-TB drugs. The work described in this thesis foccus on the study of efflux mechanisms in the development of multidrug resistance in M. tuberculosis and how phenotypic resistance, mediated by efflux pumps, correlates with genetic resistance. In order to accomplish this goal, several experimental protocols were developed using biological models such as Escherichia coli, the fast growing mycobacteria Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Mycobacterium avium, before their application to M. tuberculosis. This approach allowed the study of the mechanisms that result in the physiological adaptation of E. coli to subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline (Chapter II), the development of a fluorometric method that allows the detection and quantification of efflux of ethidium bromide (Chapter III), the characterization of the ethidium bromide transport in M. smegmatis (Chapter IV) and the contribution of efflux activity to macrolide resistance in Mycobacterium avium complex (Chapter V). Finally, the methods developed allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps in M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance (Chapter VI). By this manner, in Chapter II it was possible to observe that the physiological adaptation of E. coli to tetracycline results from an interplay between events at the genetic level and protein folding that decrease permeability of the cell envelope and increase efflux pump activity. Furthermore, Chapter III describes the development of a semi-automated fluorometric method that allowed the correlation of this efflux activity with the transport kinetics of ethidium bromide (a known efflux pump substrate) in E. coli and the identification of efflux inhibitors. Concerning M. smegmatis, we have compared the wild-type M. smegmatis mc2155 with knockout mutants for LfrA and MspA for their ability to transport ethidium bromide. The results presented in Chapter IV showed that MspA, the major porin in M. smegmatis, plays an important role in the entrance of ethidium bromide and antibiotics into the cell and that efflux via the LfrA pump is involved in low-level resistance to these compounds in M. smegmatis. Chapter V describes the study of the contribution of efflux pumps to macrolide resistance in clinical M. avium complex isolates. It was demonstrated that resistance to clarithromycin was significantly reduced in the presence of efflux inhibitors such as thioridazine, chlorpromazine and verapamil. These same inhibitors decreased efflux of ethidium bromide and increased the retention of [14C]-erythromycin in these isolates. Finaly, the methods developed with the experimental models mentioned above allowed the study of the role of efflux pumps on M. tuberculosis strains induced to isoniazid resistance. This is described in Chapter VI of this Thesis, where it is demonstrated that induced resistance to isoniazid does not involve mutations in any of the genes known to be associated with isoniazid resistance, but an efflux system that is sensitive to efflux inhibitors. These inhibitors decreased the efflux of ethidium bromide and also reduced the minimum inhibitory concentration of isoniazid in these strains. Moreover, expression analysis showed overexpression of genes that code for efflux pumps in the induced strains relatively to the non-induced parental strains. In conclusion, the work described in this thesis demonstrates that efflux pumps play an important role in the development of drug resistance, namely in mycobacteria. A strategy to overcome efflux-mediated resistance may consist on the use of compounds that inhibit efflux activity, restoring the activity of antimicrobials that are efflux pump substrates, a useful approach particularly in TB where the most effective treatment regimens are becoming uneffective due to the increase of MDRTB/XDRTB.
Resistant populations of the Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria (two reference ones and two isolated from human and Callithrix penicillata marmoset) were obtained by the gradient plate technique, to clindamycin, penicillin G, metronidazole and mercuric chloride. All the four tested strains were originaly susceptible to the four antimicrobial drugs at the breakpoint used in this study. MICs determination for the four cultures gave constant values for each antimicrobial, on the several steps by the gradient plate technique. The intestinal human B. fragilis strains showed three DNA bands, that could be representative of only two plasmids in the closed covalently circular (CCC) form with molecular weights of approximately 25 and 2.5 Md. The results do not permit an association between the presence of plasmid in the human strain with the susceptibility to the studied drugs. The four strains were ß-lactamase negative in the two methods used, and no particular chromosomal genetic resistance marker was demonstred. The resistance (MIC) observed, after contact with penicillin G and mercuric chloride, were two-fold in the four tested strains
Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) prevalence was studied in the north of Portugal, among 193 clinical isolates belonging to citizens in a district in the boundaries between this country and Spain from a total of 7529 clinical strains. In the present study we recovered some members of Enterobacteriaceae family, producing ESBL enzymes, including Escherichia coli (67.9%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (30.6%), Klebsiella oxytoca (0.5%), Enterobacter aerogenes (0.5%), and Citrobacter freundii (0.5%). β-lactamases genes blaTEM, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M were screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing approaches. TEM enzymes were among the most prevalent types (40.9%) followed by CTX-M (37.3%) and SHV (23.3%). Among our sample of 193 ESBL-producing strains 99.0% were resistant to the fourth-generation cephalosporin cefepime. Of the 193 isolates 81.3% presented transferable plasmids harboring genes. Clonal studies were performed by PCR for the enterobacterial repetitive intragenic consensus (ERIC) sequences. This study reports a high diversity of genetic patterns. Ten clusters were found for E. coli isolates and five clusters for K. pneumoniae strains by means of ERIC analysis. In conclusion, in this country, the most prevalent type is still the TEM-type, but CTX-M is growing rapidly.
Total serum IgE, and Strongyloides - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were studied in 27 patients with parasitologically proven strongyloidiasis. Clinical manifestations in this case series were investigated by a restrospective study of the patient's records. Total serum IgE levels were elevated (greater than 250 IU/ml) in 59% of the patients (mean concentration = 1364 IU/ml). Parasite - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were detected by ELISA in the serum of 23 (85.2%) and 21 (77.8%) patients, respectively. Elevated serum IgE and clinical manifestations were not useful indexes of the presence of strongyloidiasis. On the other hand, our results support the view that serologic tests, particularly ELISA for detecting Strongyloides - specific IgG antibodies, can be usefully exploited for diagnostic purposes in strongyloidiasis.
A existência de estirpes de Plasmodium falciparum resistentes a multiplos fármacos é um dos problemas mais graves no controlo da malária. Novos fármacos, como a artemisinina (ART) e seus derivados são cada vez mais utilizados no tratamento da malaria e muito embora até ao momento não haja registos de fármaco-resistência estável à ART o seu surgimento seria desastroso devido á falta de alternativas. A investigação apresentada nesta tese descreve a selecção de resistência estável à ART e ao artesunato (ATN) utilizando um modelo roedor de malária, o parasita Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (Plasmodium chabaudi). Dois clones de Plasmodium chabaudi diferentes, AS-15CQ e AS-30CQ, foram inoculados em murganhos que por sua vez foram tratados na presença de concentrações sucessivamente crescentes de ATN e ART, sendo que no final do processo de seleção de resistência, os parasitas obtidos apresentavam uma resistência de 6 e 15 vezes superior ao ATN e à ART, respectivamente, em relação aos parasitas iniciais. Os clones obtidos foram nomeados respectivamente AS-ATN (obtido a partir de AS-15CQ por seleção com pressão de ATN) e AS-ART (obtido a partir de AS-30CQ por seleção com pressão de ART). A resistência obtida durante o processo de seleção é estável após clonagem, congelamento/descongelamento, passagem sanguínea na ausência de pressão de fármaco e transmissão natural através do mosquito vector. A sequência nucleotídica e o número de cópias dos genes previamente descritos na literatura como moduladores putativos de resistência à ART e seus derivados: mdr1, cg10, tctp e atp6; foi comparada entre parasitas resistentes e sensíveis, não tendo sido encontradas nenhumas alterações, quer na sequência quer no número de cópias destes genes. Posteriormente, numa tentativa de identificar os genes envolvidos na resistância à ART e ao ATN a técnica de Linkage Group Selection (LGS) foi utilizada. Para tal dois cruzamentos genéticos foram realizados. Estes cruzamentos foram realizados entre os clones fármaco-resistentes; AS-ART e AS-ATN e um clone geneticamente distinto dos anteriores e sensível aos fármacos em estudos, AJ. Após realização do LGS quatro loci genéticos; nos cromossomas de P. chabaudi 1, 2, 6 e 8 foram encontrados associados à resistência. Atendendo a que, a selecção no cromossoma 2 era a mais forte, este locus foi submetido a subsequentes análises genéticas, tendo sido encontradas duas mutações diferentes (V739F e V770F) num gene que codifica para um enzima de desubiquitinação (gene ubp-1).