963 resultados para sleep apnea syndrome


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– Concern of the deterioration of indoor environmental quality as a result of energy efficient building design strategies is growing. Apprehensions of the effect of airtight, super insulated envelopes, the reduction of infiltration, and the reliance on mechanical systems to provide adequate ventilation (air supply) is promoting emerging new research in this field. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of an indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort investigation in UK energy efficient homes, through a case study investigation.

– The case study dwellings consisted of a row of six new-build homes which utilize mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems, are built to an average airtightness of 2m3/m2/hr at 50 Pascal’s, and constructed without a central heating system. Physical IAQ measurements and occupant interviews were conducted during the summer and winter months over a 24-hour period, to gain information on occupant activities, perception of the interior environment, building-related health and building use.

– The results suggest inadequate IAQ and perceived thermal comfort, insufficient use of purge ventilation, presence of fungal growth, significant variances in heating patterns, occurrence of sick building syndrome symptoms and issues with the MVHR system.

Practical implications
– The findings will provide relevant data on the applicability of airtight, mechanically ventilated homes in a UK climate, with particular reference to IAQ.

– IAQ data of this nature is essentially lacking, particularly in the UK context. The findings will aid the development of effective sustainable design strategies that are appropriate to localized climatic conditions and sensitive to the health of building occupants.


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Acute respiratory distress syndrome presents as hypoxia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on chest imaging in the absence of heart failure sufficient to account for this clinical state. Management is largely supportive, and is focused on protective mechanical ventilation and the avoidance of fluid overload. Patients with severe hypoxaemia can be managed with early short-term use of neuromuscular blockade, prone position ventilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The use of inhaled nitric oxide is rarely indicated and both β2 agonists and late corticosteroids should be avoided. Mortality remains at approximately 30%.


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A patient with loin pain haematuria syndrome suffering chronic throbbing pulsing pain overlaid with prolonged periods of incapacitating colic and overnight vomiting was presented 10 months following diagnosis. Ultrasound was normal. No renal or ureteral stones, or filling defects were seen on CT. At cytoscopy, bladder and urethra were normal, and bloody urine effluxed from the left ureteric orifice. The ureters were normal at diagnosis, and developed new abutting non‐penetrating calcifications by 8 months. Pain episodes of complete incapacitating intensity of 2–4 h duration were reduced to 10 min with 5 mg crushed tadalafil administered at onset. If tadalafil was delayed to after onset, the original course of agony resulted. Daily tadalafil reduced loin pain intensity, but not the exacerbations. Tadalafil efficacy may indicate that the pain exacerbations are due to spasm of ureter smooth muscle. 5 mg tadalafil taken at onset alleviated severe loin pain exacerbations in this case of loin pain haematuria syndrome.


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Objectif : Évaluer l’association entre l’activité estimée du stéaryle-CoA désaturase (SCD) et le syndrome métabolique (MetS) chez une population adulte de la Polynésie française. Méthode : Étude transversale (2006-2007) de 178 adultes vivants en zone urbaine (Papeete, île de Tahiti, archipel de la Société) et rurale (Tubuai, île de Tubuai, archipel des Australes). L’activité estimée de la SCD a été calculée par le ratio produit/précurseur d’acides gras mesurés dans la membrane des érythrocytes (SCD = C16:1n-7/C16:0). Le MetS a été défini selon les critères du NIH (National Institutes of Health, États-Unis). L’analyse de covariance a été utilisée pour comparer la composition en acide gras sanguin et l’activité estimée de la SCD selon la présence de MetS et de différents critères du MetS. La régression logistique multiple a été utilisée afin d’évaluer l’association entre l’activité estimée de la SCD en quartiles et le risque de MetS. Résultats : La prévalence de surpoids était de 87 % (dont 59 % d’obèses) et celle du MetS de 32 %. Les niveaux du précurseur du C16:1n-7, l’acide palmitoléique (C16:0), entre les participants avec et sans MetS étaient similaires. Le niveau d’activité estimée de la SCD était plus élevé chez les participants avec MetS, plus particulièrement chez ceux avec une hypertriglycéridémie. Une activité estimée de la SCD plus élevée était associée positivement à un risque plus élevé de MetS (Ptendance=0,04). Conclusion : Les résultats de notre étude suggèrent qu’une augmentation de l’activité estimée de la SCD est associée positivement au risque de MetS chez la population adulte de la Polynésie française. Une étude longitudinale serait requise afin de confirmer cette association.


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Original wav file in this record was 0 bytes; re-extracted a new wav file from the CD in Special Collections Nov 2016 and replaced the original wav file in this record.


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Infant sleep undergoes significant re-organization throughout the first 12 months of life, with sleep quality having significant consequences for infant learning and cognitive development. While there has been great interest in the neural basis and developmental trajectories of infant sleep in general, relatively little is known about individual differences in infant sleep and the socio-economic and cultural sources of that variability. We investigated this using questionnaire sleep data in a large, unique multi-ethnic sample of 6-7 month-olds (n=174), with families from South Asian ethnic groups in the UK (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi) being especially well represented. Consistent with previous data from less variable samples, no effects of SES on sleep latency or nocturnal sleep duration emerged. However, perinatal risk factors and ethnic differences did predict daytime sleep, sleep fragmentation and sleep-onset time. While these results should be interpreted with caution due to several limitations, they likely demonstrate that even when socio-economic status and ethnicity are much less confounded than in previous studies, they have a surprisingly limited impact on individual differences in sleep patterns in young infants.


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Heterogeneous multicore platforms are becoming an interesting alternative for embedded computing systems with limited power supply as they can execute specific tasks in an efficient manner. Nonetheless, one of the main challenges of such platforms consists of optimising the energy consumption in the presence of temporal constraints. This paper addresses the problem of task-to-core allocation onto heterogeneous multicore platforms such that the overall energy consumption of the system is minimised. To this end, we propose a two-phase approach that considers both dynamic and leakage energy consumption: (i) the first phase allocates tasks to the cores such that the dynamic energy consumption is reduced; (ii) the second phase refines the allocation performed in the first phase in order to achieve better sleep states by trading off the dynamic energy consumption with the reduction in leakage energy consumption. This hybrid approach considers core frequency set-points, tasks energy consumption and sleep states of the cores to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Major value has been placed on a realistic power model which increases the practical relevance of the proposed approach. Finally, extensive simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the best-case, savings up to 18% of energy are reached over the first fit algorithm, which has shown, in previous works, to perform better than other bin-packing heuristics for the target heterogeneous multicore platform.


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Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome are two rare diseases that can cause tumors in several organs, having a special predilection for the hand. However, there have been very few reports in the literature focusing on hand manifestations of these diseases. We report the cases of three female patients: one with Ollier Disease, and two other with Maffucci Syndrome. All patients had hand involvement as their initial primary complaint. The Ollier Disease patient developed chondrosarcomas of two digits and had to have these fingers amputated. One of the Maffucci patients died one year after presentation from a brain glioblastoma. These cases emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome, as these two conditions are associated not only to crippling hand deformity, but also to a significant risk of chondrosarcoma, and other malignant tumors.


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Introduction:Women with antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) may suffer from recurrent miscarriage, fetal death, fetal growth restriction (FGR), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, premature delivery and thrombosis. Treatment with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance can change these outcomes. Objective: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in a cohort of Portuguese women with primary APS. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 51 women with primary APS followed in our institution (January 1994 to December 2007). Forty one(80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 35.3%(n=18) suffered previous thrombotic events. In their past they had a total of 116 pregnancies of which only 13.79 % resulted in live births. Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. All women received treatment with low dose aspirin and LMWH. Results: There were a total of 67 gestations (66 single and one multiple). The live birth rate was 85.1%(57/67) with 10 pregnancy failures: seven in the first and second trimesters, one late fetal death and two medical terminations of pregnancy (one APS related). Mean (± SD) birth weight was 2837 ± 812 g and mean gestational age 37 ± 3.3 weeks. There were nine cases of FGR and 13 hypertensive complications(4 HELLP syndromes). 54.4% of the patients delivered by caesarean section. Conclusions: In our cohort, early treatment with aspirin and LMWH combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance was associated with a very high chance of a live newborn.