983 resultados para semi-parabolic quantum well


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Using the framework of a new relaxation system, which converts a nonlinear viscous conservation law into a system of linear convection-diffusion equations with nonlinear source terms, a finite variable difference method is developed for nonlinear hyperbolic-parabolic equations. The basic idea is to formulate a finite volume method with an optimum spatial difference, using the Locally Exact Numerical Scheme (LENS), leading to a Finite Variable Difference Method as introduced by Sakai [Katsuhiro Sakai, A new finite variable difference method with application to locally exact numerical scheme, journal of Computational Physics, 124 (1996) pp. 301-308.], for the linear convection-diffusion equations obtained by using a relaxation system. Source terms are treated with the well-balanced scheme of Jin [Shi Jin, A steady-state capturing method for hyperbolic systems with geometrical source terms, Mathematical Modeling Numerical Analysis, 35 (4) (2001) pp. 631-645]. Bench-mark test problems for scalar and vector conservation laws in one and two dimensions are solved using this new algorithm and the results demonstrate the efficiency of the scheme in capturing the flow features accurately.


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This work focuses on the factors affecting species richness, abundance and species composition of butterflies and moths in Finnish semi-natural grasslands, with a special interest in the effects of grazing management. In addition, an aim was set at evaluating the effectiveness of the support for livestock grazing in semi-natural grasslands, which is included in the Finnish agri-environment scheme. In the first field study, butterfly and moth communities in resumed semi-natural pastures were com-pared to old, annually grazed and abandoned previous pastures. Butterfly and moth species compo-sition in restored pastures resembled the compositions observed in old pastures after circa five years of resumed cattle grazing, but diversity of butterflies and moths in resumed pastures remained at a lower level compared with old pastures. None of the butterfly and moth species typical of old pas-tures had become more abundant in restored pastures compared with abandoned pastures. There-fore, it appears that restoration of butterfly and moth communities inhabiting semi-natural grass-lands requires a longer time that was available for monitoring in this study. In the second study, it was shown that local habitat quality has the largest impact on the occurrence and abundance of butterflies and moths compared to the effects of grassland patch area and connec-tivity of the regional grassland network. This emphasizes the importance of current and historical management of semi-natural grasslands on butterfly and moth communities. A positive effect of habitat connectivity was observed on total abundance of the declining butterflies and moths, sug-gesting that these species have strongest populations in well-connected habitat networks. Highest species richness and peak abundance of most individual species of butterflies and moths were generally observed in taller grassland vegetation compared with vascular plants, suggesting a preference towards less intensive management in insects. These differences between plants and their insect herbivores may be understood in the light of both (1) the higher structural diversity of tall vegetation and (2) weaker tolerance of disturbances by herbivorous insects due to their higher trophic level compared to plants. The ecological requirements of all species and species groups inhabiting semi-natural grasslands are probably never met at single restricted sites. Therefore, regional implementation of management to create differently managed areas is imperative for the conservation of different species and species groups dependent on semi-natural grasslands. With limited resources it might be reasonable to focus much of the management efforts in the densest networks of suitable habitat to minimise the risk of extinction of the declining species.


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We consider a suspended elastic rod under longitudinal compression. The compression can be used to adjust potential energy for transverse displacements from the harmonic to the double well regime. The two minima in potential energy curve describe two possible buckled states. Using transition state theory (TST) we have calculated the rate of conversion from one state to other. If the strain epsilon = 4 epsilon c the simple TST rate diverges. We suggest a method to correct this divergence for quantum calculations. We also find that zero point energy contributions can be quite large so that single mode calculations can lead to large errors in the rate.


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In this paper we present and compare the results obtained from semi-classical and quantum mechanical simulation for a Double Gate MOSFET structure to analyze the electrostatics and carrier dynamics of this device. The geometries like gate length, body, thickness of this device have been chosen according to the ITRS specification for the different technology nodes. We have shown the extent of deviation between the semi-classical and quantum mechanical results and hence the need of quantum simulations for the promising nanoscale devices in the future technology nodes predicted in ITRS.


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Arguments arising from quantum mechanics and gravitation theory as well as from string theory, indicate that the description of space-time as a continuous manifold is not adequate at very short distances. An important candidate for the description of space-time at such scales is provided by noncommutative space-time where the coordinates are promoted to noncommuting operators. Thus, the study of quantum field theory in noncommutative space-time provides an interesting interface where ordinary field theoretic tools can be used to study the properties of quantum spacetime. The three original publications in this thesis encompass various aspects in the still developing area of noncommutative quantum field theory, ranging from fundamental concepts to model building. One of the key features of noncommutative space-time is the apparent loss of Lorentz invariance that has been addressed in different ways in the literature. One recently developed approach is to eliminate the Lorentz violating effects by integrating over the parameter of noncommutativity. Fundamental properties of such theories are investigated in this thesis. Another issue addressed is model building, which is difficult in the noncommutative setting due to severe restrictions on the possible gauge symmetries imposed by the noncommutativity of the space-time. Possible ways to relieve these restrictions are investigated and applied and a noncommutative version of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model is presented. While putting the results obtained in the three original publications into their proper context, the introductory part of this thesis aims to provide an overview of the present situation in the field.


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This paper deals with the development of simplified semi-empirical relations for the prediction of residual velocities of small calibre projectiles impacting on mild steel target plates, normally or at an angle, and the ballistic limits for such plates. It has been shown, for several impact cases for which test results on perforation of mild steel plates are available, that most of the existing semi-empirical relations which are applicable only to normal projectile impact do not yield satisfactory estimations of residual velocity. Furthermore, it is difficult to quantify some of the empirical parameters present in these relations for a given problem. With an eye towards simplicity and ease of use, two new regression-based relations employing standard material parameters have been discussed here for predicting residual velocity and ballistic limit for both normal and oblique impact. The latter expressions differ in terms of usage of quasi-static or strain rate-dependent average plate material strength. Residual velocities yielded by the present semi-empirical models compare well with the experimental results. Additionally, ballistic limits from these relations show close correlation with the corresponding finite element-based predictions.


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Diffusion in a composite slab consisting of a large number of layers provides an ideal prototype problem for developing and analysing two-scale modelling approaches for heterogeneous media. Numerous analytical techniques have been proposed for solving the transient diffusion equation in a one-dimensional composite slab consisting of an arbitrary number of layers. Most of these approaches, however, require the solution of a complex transcendental equation arising from a matrix determinant for the eigenvalues that is difficult to solve numerically for a large number of layers. To overcome this issue, in this paper, we present a semi-analytical method based on the Laplace transform and an orthogonal eigenfunction expansion. The proposed approach uses eigenvalues local to each layer that can be obtained either explicitly, or by solving simple transcendental equations. The semi-analytical solution is applicable to both perfect and imperfect contact at the interfaces between adjacent layers and either Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary conditions at the ends of the slab. The solution approach is verified for several test cases and is shown to work well for a large number of layers. The work is concluded with an application to macroscopic modelling where the solution of a fine-scale multilayered medium consisting of two hundred layers is compared against an “up-scaled” variant of the same problem involving only ten layers.


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Variation of switching frequency over the entire operating speed range of an induction motor (M drive is the major problem associated with conventional two-level three-phase hysteresis controller as well as the space phasor based PWM hysteresis controller. This paper describes a simple hysteresis current controller for controlling the switching frequency variation in the two-level PWM inverter fed IM drives for various operating speeds. A novel concept of continuously variable hysteresis boundary of current error space phasor with the varying speed of the IM drive is proposed in the present work. The variable parabolic boundary for the current error space phasor is suggested for the first time in this paper for getting the switching frequency pattern with the hysteresis controller, similar to that of the constant switching frequency voltage-controlled space vector PWM (VC-SVPWM) based inverter fed IM drive. A generalized algorithm is also developed to determine parabolic boundary for controlling the switching frequency variation, for any IM load. Only the adjacent inverter voltage vectors forming a triangular sector, in which tip of the machine voltage vector ties, are switched to keep current error space vector within the parabolic boundary. The controller uses a self-adaptive sector identification logic, which provides smooth transition between the sectors and is capable of taldng the inverter up to six-step mode of operation, if demanded by drive system. The proposed scheme is simulated and experimentally verified on a 3.7 kW IM drive.


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It is well known that n-length stabilizer quantum error correcting codes (QECCs) can be obtained via n-length classical error correction codes (CECCs) over GF(4), that are additive and self-orthogonal with respect to the trace Hermitian inner product. But, most of the CECCs have been studied with respect to the Euclidean inner product. In this paper, it is shown that n-length stabilizer QECCs can be constructed via 371 length linear CECCs over GF(2) that are self-orthogonal with respect to the Euclidean inner product. This facilitates usage of the widely studied self-orthogonal CECCs to construct stabilizer QECCs. Moreover, classical, binary, self-orthogonal cyclic codes have been used to obtain stabilizer QECCs with guaranteed quantum error correcting capability. This is facilitated by the fact that (i) self-orthogonal, binary cyclic codes are easily identified using transform approach and (ii) for such codes lower bounds on the minimum Hamming distance are known. Several explicit codes are constructed including two pure MDS QECCs.


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In this thesis the current status and some open problems of noncommutative quantum field theory are reviewed. The introduction aims to put these theories in their proper context as a part of the larger program to model the properties of quantized space-time. Throughout the thesis, special focus is put on the role of noncommutative time and how its nonlocal nature presents us with problems. Applications in scalar field theories as well as in gauge field theories are presented. The infinite nonlocality of space-time introduced by the noncommutative coordinate operators leads to interesting structure and new physics. High energy and low energy scales are mixed, causality and unitarity are threatened and in gauge theory the tools for model building are drastically reduced. As a case study in noncommutative gauge theory, the Dirac quantization condition of magnetic monopoles is examined with the conclusion that, at least in perturbation theory, it cannot be fulfilled in noncommutative space.


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This thesis presents ab initio studies of two kinds of physical systems, quantum dots and bosons, using two program packages of which the bosonic one has mainly been developed by the author. The implemented models, \emph{i.e.}, configuration interaction (CI) and coupled cluster (CC) take the correlated motion of the particles into account, and provide a hierarchy of computational schemes, on top of which the exact solution, within the limit of the single-particle basis set, is obtained. The theory underlying the models is presented in some detail, in order to provide insight into the approximations made and the circumstances under which they hold. Some of the computational methods are also highlighted. In the final sections the results are summarized. The CI and CC calculations on multiexciton complexes in self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots are presented and compared, along with radiative and non-radiative transition rates. Full CI calculations on quantum rings and double quantum rings are also presented. In the latter case, experimental and theoretical results from the literature are re-examined and an alternative explanation for the reported photoluminescence spectra is found. The boson program is first applied on a fictitious model system consisting of bosonic electrons in a central Coulomb field for which CI at the singles and doubles level is found to account for almost all of the correlation energy. Finally, the boson program is employed to study Bose-Einstein condensates confined in different anisotropic trap potentials. The effects of the anisotropy on the relative correlation energy is examined, as well as the effect of varying the interaction potential.}


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In this work a physically based analytical quantum threshold voltage model for the triple gate long channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor is developed The proposed model is based on the analytical solution of two-dimensional Poisson and two-dimensional Schrodinger equation Proposed model is extended for short channel devices by including semi-empirical correction The impact of effective mass variation with film thicknesses is also discussed using the proposed model All models are fully validated against the professional numerical device simulator for a wide range of device geometries (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Hybrid monolayer arrays of metal and semiconductor quantum dots have been prepared to study the exciton-plasmon interaction. We observed crossover from strong quenching to enhancement in photoluminescence of the quantum dots as a function of the emission wavelength for fixed interparticle spacings. Remarkably, the enhancement is observed even for extremely short separation at which strong quenching has been observed and predicted earlier. A significant redshift in emission maxima is also observed for quantum dots with quenched emission. The possible role of collective phenomena as well as strong interactions in such ordered hybrid arrays in controlling the emission is discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3553766]


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A symmetric cascade of selective pulses applied on connected transitions leads to the excitation of a selected multiple-quantum coherence by a well-defined angle. This cascade selectively operates on the subspace of the multiple-quantum coherence and acts as a generator of rotation selectively on the multiple-quantum subspace. Single-transition operator algebra has been used to explain these experiments. Experiments have been performed on two- and three-spin systems. It is shown that such experiments can be utilized to measure the relaxation times of selected multiple-quantum coherences or of a specifically prepared initial longitudinal state of the spin system.


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In this paper we propose to study the evolution of the quantum corrections to the conductivity in an oxide system as we approach the metal-insulator (M-I) transition from the metallic side. We report here the measurement of the low-temperature (0.1 K0.65), m takes on large values and ?(0)=0. We explain the temperature dependence of ?(T), for T<2 K, on the metallic side (x?0.4), as arising predominantly from electron-electron interactions, taking into account the diffusion-channel contribution (which gives m=0.5) as well as the Cooper-channel contribution. In this regime, the correction to conductivity, ??(T), is a small fraction of ?(T). However, as the M-I transition is approached (x?xc), ??(T) starts to dominate ?(T) and the above theories fail to explain the observed ?(T).