1000 resultados para sector energético
In this study, the validation of a method for analyzing the uranium (U) concentration in human urine samples by inductively coupled plasma-sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) was conducted. PROCORAD (the Association for the Promotion of Quality Control in Radiotoxicological Analysis) provided two urine samples spiked with unknown contents of U (Sample A = 33.6 ± 1.0 µg/L and Sample B = 3.3 ± 0.1 µg/L) and one unspiked sample as a blank. The analyses were directly performed on the diluted urine samples (dilution factor = 1:20) in 5% v/v HNO3. The results obtained by ICP-SFMS corresponded well with the reference values, and the limits of detection were 235U = 0.049 × 10-3 µg/L and 238U = 7.37 × 10-3 µg/L. The ICP-SFMS technique has been shown to be successful in the analysis of the U concentration in human urine samples and for the quantification of isotopic ratios.
Deregulation of the electricity sector liberated the electricity sale and production for competitive forces while in the network business, electricity transmission and distribution, natural monopoly positions were recognised. Deregulation was accompanied by efficiencyoriented thinking on the whole electricity supply industry. For electricity distribution this meant a transition from a public service towards profit-driven business guided by economic regulation. Regulation is the primary means to enforce societal and other goals in the regulated monopoly sector. The design of economic regulation is concerned with two main attributes; end-customer price and quality of electricity distribution services. Regulation limits the costs of the regulated company but also defines the desired quality of monopoly services. The characteristics of the regulatory framework and the incentives it provides are therefore decisive for the electricity distribution sector. Regulation is not a static factor; changes in the regulatory practices cause discontinuity points, which in turn generate risks. A variety of social and environmental concerns together with technological advancements have emphasised the relevance of quality regulation, which is expected to lead to the large-scale replacement of overhead lines with underground cables. The electricity network construction activity is therefore currently witnessing revolutionary changes in its competitive landscape. In a business characterised by high statutory involvement and a high level of sunk costs, recognising and understanding the regulatory risks becomes a key success factor. As a response, electricity distribution companies have turned into outsourcing to attain efficiency and quality goals. This doctoral thesis addresses the impacts of regulatory risks on electricity network construction, which is a commonly outsourced activity in the electricity distribution network sector. The chosen research approach is characterised as an action analytical research on account of the fact that regulatory risks are greatly dependent on the individual nature of the regulatory regime applied in the electricity distribution sector. The main contribution of this doctoral thesis is to develop a concept for recognising and managing the business risks stemming from economic regulation. The degree of outsourcing in the sector is expected to increase in years to come. The results of the research provide new knowledge to manage the regulatory risks when outsourcing services.
The objective of this thesis was to study the relationship between firstorder capabilities and online innovations. First-order capabilities can be divided into market and technology capabilities, and they play an important role in the production of innovations. The study was carried out in publishing industry, where many changes have taken place in the online environment during the last few years. In the empirical research, four companies were studied, two magazine publishers and two newspaper publishers. The analysis was done in two phases; first every case was analyzed alone and then the cases were compared in cross-case analysis. The most important finding was the positive impact of market capability to the production of online innovations. The study also increased understanding about the relationship between market and technology capabilities and online innovations in general.
This thesis studies cash and short term investments to net assets ratio of Finnish industrial companies during financial crisis, and how different firm specific and macro economical variables affect cash and short term investments. The data consists of quarter level interim reports. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of different variables. Regression models were formed based on previous studies on cash holdings. It was found that firms studied held more cash during financial crisis than before it. Cash and short-term investments acted as substitute of net working capital. Leverage had a positive and significant relationship to cash and short term investment ratio. It was also found out that firms have a target cash and short term investments ratio.
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o desempenho e estimar os custos de um sistema de cavaqueamento de ponteiras de eucalipto, resultantes de colheita florestal, para aproveitamento energético em uma empresa de base florestal localizada no Estado do Pará, na Região Norte do Brasil. O sistema era composto por um picador florestal, dois tratores florestais transportadores autocarregáveis (com grua) e uma carregadora frontal. A coleta de dados baseou-se em estudo de tempos e movimentos, determinação do consumo de combustível e pesagem dos cavacos produzidos. A produtividade média do sistema foi de 17,51 toneladas por hora efetiva. A eficiência operacional foi de 51,9%, devido a diversas demoras operacionais, principalmente para conserto e manutenção do picador. O transporte de cavacos foi considerado o ponto de estrangulamento do sistema, devido a ocorrências de falta de caminhão disponível no local para o carregamento. O sistema pode produzir entre 94 e 162 vezes mais energia do que consome. O custo do sistema por hora efetiva foi de R$376,56, o que representa R$21,51/t de cavacos ou R$2,70/GJ.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a influência da idade e de diferentes materiais genéticos de Eucalyptus sp. na produção de madeira para energia. Neste estudo, foram avaliados três clones de Eucalyptus sp., em quatro idades diferentes, aos 3, 4, 5 e 7 anos, sendo provenientes da Gerdau S/A. De cada árvore foram retirados cinco discos (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% da altura comercial do tronco), bem como determinados a densidade básica, o poder calorífico superior e a análise elementar da madeira, e, como base nesses valores, foi possível estimar a quantidade de energia m-3. Observou-se que houve efeito da idade e do material genético para a densidade básica da madeira e para o poder calorífico superior. Verificou-se ainda que a quantidade de energia m-3 aumentou com a idade, e houve diferença significativa entre os três materiais genéticos avaliados. O clone GG 680 apresentou melhor desempenho dessa variável, apresentando, aos 7 anos, 2.943 kW.h.m-³. Cabe ressaltar que a escolha do melhor material genético deve levar em consideração as características tecnológicas da madeira, bem como a sua produtividade e efetividade técnica de produção.
ABSTRACT One of the fastest growing sectors in the domestic industry is the forestry, which has contributed significantly to economic development, job creation, income taxes, putting Brazil in a prominent position in the world market. This paper analyzes the evolution of the technological intensity of 12 main products exported by the sector, from 2000 to 2011. For that, utilizes an indicator called PRODY, which allows classifying different products according to their technological intensity or income content and considers the GDP per capita of exporting countries of each product, weighted by its revealed comparative advantage. It can be seen by the results, a continuous growth in all products' technology indicators and their decomposition into income effects, comparative advantage and joint effects, allowed to verify the main causes of this growth. Products with lower PRODY values are those that presented a higher evolution during the period studied. Products of higher processing, and those from pulp and paper industry, had greater technological advances, thanks to a joint effect, while the ones of lower processing, had a technological improvement due to the increase in GDP per capita in exporting countries. Sawn wood was the standout product, being the only one who proved to be dependent of comparative advantage effect, confirming that this industry has been reinventing itself and incorporating, in fact, more technology. This study revealed the importance of technological intensification to generate comparative advantage and be able to stand against international competition.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o fluxo de energia em galpão de frangos de corte, realizou-se estudo de balanço energético após acompanhamento de oito lotes de criação, em galpão comercial da empresa Frango Sertanejo, Sertãozinho - SP. Foi quantificado o poder calorífico de cada componente envolvido no processo de produção (direto e indireto, entradas e saídas), utilizando-os posteriormente para o cálculo do coeficiente de eficiência energética. Determinaram-se os consumos de ração (kg), produção de frango vivo (kg), aves mortas/descartadas (kg), produção de cama de frango (kg), água (L), gás liquefeito de petróleo - GLP (kg), energia elétrica (kWh), combustíveis (L), mão-de-obra (hora-homem), máquinas e implementos (horas) e instalações e equipamentos (m² e horas). O fluxo líquido de energia demonstrou que a atividade possui alto consumo energético, apresentando eficiência energética de 28%. Da energia direta de entrada, 10,2% corresponde à maravalha; 0,3% às aves; 86,5% à ração; 0,8% à eletricidade, e 2,1% ao GLP, e da energia de saída, 46,7% poderia retornar na forma de biogás, por meio da biodigestão anaeróbia da cama, gerando economia, já que se deixa de adquirir GLP para consumo no galpão.
Este trabalho traz o desenvolvimento de ferramenta computacional de auxílio ao planejamento energético na eletrificação rural, tendo como referência os principais softwares disponíveis no mercado mundial e citados na literatura científica. Após identificar as principais limitações dos mesmos, obteve-se um produto em português, que compara a extensão da rede convencional de energia elétrica às principais modalidades de geração elétrica de pequeno porte em uso no Brasil. Traz a inovação do dimensionamento e do uso da geração de energia elétrica a partir da produção de biogás no local. Para validação do programa, foram comparados os resultados obtidos pela mesma em dois estudos de casos reais de eletrificação rural.