947 resultados para satellite-to-ground laser communications


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This paper presents the vulnerabilities of single event effects (SEEs) simulated by heavy ions on ground and observed oil SJ-5 research satellite in space for static random access memories (SRAMs). A single event upset (SEU) prediction code has been used to estimate the proton-induced upset rates based oil the ground test curve of SEU cross-section versus heavy ion linear energy transfer (LET). The result agrees with that of the flight data.


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Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) as a powerful analytical technique is applied to analyze trace-elements in fresh plant samples. We investigate the LIBS spectra of fresh holly leaves and observe more than 430 lines emitted from 25 elements and molecules in the region 230-438 nm. The influence of laser wavelength on LIBS applied to semi-quantitative analysis of trace-element contents in plant samples is studied. The results show that the UV laser has lower relative standard deviations and better repeatability for semi-quantitative analysis of trace-element contents in plant samples. This work may be helpful for improving the quantitative analysis power of LIBS applied to plant samples.


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Porous silicon powder and silica gel particles have been applied as inorganic matrices for the analysis of small molecules in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). In contrast to conventional MALDI-TOFMS, the signal interference of low-molecular analytes by the matrix has been eliminated. Almost no fragmentations of the analytes were observed. Effects of various factors, such as the particle and pore size, the suspending solution, and sample preparation procedures, on the intensity of mass spectra have been investigated. The pore structure of the inorganic matrix and penetration of the analytes into the pores must be optimized for effective desorption and ionization of the analytes. Matrices (DHB and HCCA) were covalently bound to silica gel for improvement of spectrum intensity. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies, and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied using density functional method. Ground electronic state was assigned for each molecule. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that, besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d orbitals, and the p orbital of S, Se, and Te. For neutral and cationic molecules, the covalent character increases from ScX to CrX and from FeX to CuX with an exception of decrease at MnX and ZnX, while for anionic molecules, the trend is not obvious. For both neutral and charged molecules, the sulfides have the shortest bond distance and largest vibrational frequency, while tellurides have the largest bond distance and smallest vibrational frequency. For neutral and anionic molecules, the dissociation energy of sulfides is the largest, that of tellurides is the smallest, while this only remains true for cationic molecules from ScX+ to FeX+.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively and negatively charged ions were studied by use of density functional method. Ground electronic state was assigned for each molecule. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that besides ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d and f orbitals and oxygen p orbitals. Contrary to the well known lanthanide contraction, the bond distance is not regular from LaO to LuO for both neutral and charged molecules. An obvious population at 5d orbital was observed through the lanthanide series. 4f electrons also participate the chemical bonding for CeO to NdO and TbO to TmO. For EuO, GdO, YbO and LuO, 4f electrons tend to be localized. The spin multiplicity is regular for neutral and charged molecules. The spin multiplicity of the charged molecules can be obtained by -1 (or +1 for TbO+, DyO+, YbO- and YbO+) compared with the corresponding neutral molecules.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory is applied to a rare-earth ion-doped laser crystal. TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the first 4f5d state in Pr3+:YAG are calculated. The results indicate the density matrix TPA theory is attractive in studying TPA in laser crystals. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The density matrix resonant two-photon absorption (TPA) theory applicable to laser crystals doped with rare earth ions is described. Using this theory, resonant TPA cross sections for transitions from the ground state to the second excited state of the 4f5d configuration in cm(4)s Pr3+:Y3Al5O12 are calculated. The peak value of TPA cross section calculated is 2.75 x 10(-50) cm(4)s which is very close to the previous experimental value 4 x 10(-50) cm(4) s. The good agreement of calculated data with measured values demonstrates that the density matrix resonant TPA theory can predict resonant TPA intensity much better than the standard second-order perturbation TPA theory.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) was used to study a series of synthetic cationic porphyrins as the perchlorate and bromide salts. This work presents the analytical results for the porphyrins obtained using 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and 1,8,9-anthratriol as matrices. The selective use of matrix affects ion formation from these porphyrins. By using DHB as the matrix, we not only observed [M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 1-4) ions, but also obtained [2M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 2-7) ions from the synthetic cationic porphyrins. The space volume of the side chains (R groups) and the nature of the anions (Br- or CIO4-) affected the relative importance of monomeric and dimeric ions of the porphyrin. The possible mechanisms of desorption and ionization of these cationic porphyrins were also considered in this study. MALDI-TOFMS proved to be a very useful method for obtaining structural information on these synthetic cationic porphyrins. Copyright (C) 1999 John Whey & Sons, Ltd.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) was used to analyze two enzymes, phospholipase AZ and fibrinolytic enzyme isolated from Chinese Agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis venom. Using sinapinic acid as the matrix, positive ion mass spectra of the enzymes were obtained, In addition to the dominant protein [M+H](+) ions, multimeric and multiply charged ions were also observed in the mass spectra, The higher the concentration of the enzymes, the more multiply charged polymer and multimeric ions were detected, Our results indicate that MALDI-TOFMS can provide a rapid and accurate method for molecular weight determination of snake venom enzymes, Mass accuracies of 0.1 and 0.3 % were achieved by analysis of highly dialyzed phospholipase A2 and fibrinolytic enzyme, and these results are much better than those obtained using sodium dodecyl sulfate-palyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. MALDI-TOFMS thus provides a reliable method to determine the purity and molecular weight of these enzymes, which are of potential use as therapeutants, Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.