960 resultados para rules-in-form


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Antisemitische Flugschrift in Form eines Gedichts zur Judenemanzipation


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Sensitive assays utilizing a cell-free and an intracellular system were employed to study the molecular bases of the DNA-damaging reactions of neocarzinostatin (NCS). In the cell-free DNA system, super-helical form I DNA from the bacteriophage PM2 was used as the substrate. The three forms of DNA present after treatment with NCS were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. When NCS-damaged DNA was assayed under neutral conditions, there was a progressive decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA and a corresponding increase in form II (nicked, relaxed circular) DNA, but very little increase in form III (linear duplex) DNA. This indicates that NCS introduces primarily single-strand breaks. However later studies showed that there were some site-specific double-strand breaks mediated by NCS on PM2 DNA. Seven such specific sites were mapped on the PM2 genome. When the damage was assayed under nondenaturing alkaline conditions or with the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease IV, there was a slightly greater decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA compared with neutral conditions indicating the presence of some alkali-labile sites.^ NCS-mediated DNA damage and repair were examined with cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using either alkaline elution for analysis of single-strand breaks or neutral elution for analysis of double-strand breaks. Most of the strand breaks introduced by NCS were capable of being rejoined. However, there was a small amount of residual DNA damage remaining unrejoined at 24-hr after removal of the drug. The amount of residual DNA damage was higher in a CHO mutant cell line (EM9) having a higher sensitivity to killing by NCS than its parental strain (AA8). Other lesions, DNA-protein complexes and alkali-labile sites, were detected after NCS treatment but they constituted only a small fraction of the DNA damage.^ Based on the above information, it can be postulated that NCS introduces some very lethal DNA damage. It is likely that the lethal lesions are a subset of the total DNA lesions representing the residual DNA damage. This DNA damage may be composed of site-specific, unrejoinable double-strand breaks and are thus the primary lesion leading to NCS-mediated lethality.^


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Aufzeichnungen eines deutschen Arztes, der den Burenkrieg in Südafrika als Augenzeuge miterlebt hat. In Form eines Tagebuchs schildert er Kultur und Lebensbedingungen in Südafrika, seine Studien in der Natur und seine Arbeit im Hospital "Jacobsdal"


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Anonyme Schmähschrift über den Pfarrer des Wiener Vorortes Lichtental, dem - zu Recht oder zu Unrecht - die Vernachlässigung der bedürftigen bzw. die allzu offensichtliche Bevorzugung der reichen Gemeindemitglieder vorgeworfen wird. In Form einer Unterhaltung der Frau Lenerl mit der Frau Sepherl (in Wiener Mundart)


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Concentrically ringed manganese nodules, similar in form to many found on modern ocean and sea floors, occur in a very fine grained argillaceous sandstone bed of the Permian Park City Formation near Dillon, Montana. They are enriched in many rare elements and contain us much as 2.5 percent zinc, l.3 percent nickel, and 0.22 percent cobalt. The manganese minerals are chalcophanite and todorokite. The nodules probably formed in a shallow marine oxidizing environment on the western side of the Permian sedimentary basin. The occurrence of an appreciable amount of fluorite in the bed suggests that the water was saline.


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Uno de los principales problemas que se presenta para la investigación en césped acerca de la adaptabilidad de diferentes especies y sus mezclas o la introducción de otras nuevas, consiste en la dificultad de calcular la densidad de plantas, en forma lo suficientemente aproximada a los resultados reales como para permitir comparaciones estadísticamente válidas de la calidad o usos del cultivo resultante. Se propone una nueva metodología para reemplazar aquella tradicional de cálculo de necesidades de semilla por peso, con densidades determinadas por prueba y error según el resultado final por aspecto y corrección de cantidad de mezcla sólo por valor cultural. La propuesta considera cálculos matemáticos para determinar la cantidad exacta de semillas a emplear para obtener una densidad final de siembra controlada, teniendo en cuenta peso específico de la semilla y valor cultural, afectando el dato resultante por un factor de corrección (CN) que relaciona el valor teórico obtenido con la respuesta a campo. Es decir que la cantidad de semilla a emplear debe calcularse en función de la densidad de plantas deseada. En el presente trabajo el factor CN se determina para diferentes especies. Se parte de la hipótesis que es posible mejorar las formas de selección de especies y preparación de mezclas a través del cálculo de la necesidad de semillas por cm2 y que algunas de las especies utilizadas poseen baja eficiencia en la relación semilla-planta, por lo que se debería ajustar su proporción en las mezclas comerciales locales según este factor de cultivo. Como metodología se propone: a. análisis de poder germinativo, pureza y peso específico de semillas comerciales; b. con cuatro repeticiones, en bloques al azar, realizar siembras individuales de las especies en condiciones ideales de sustrato, iluminación y humedad, y siembra en las mismas condiciones de campo que un cultivo tradicional en condiciones de especie pura y consociadas (mezclas); c. conteo del número de plántulas obtenidas en cada caso por método propuesto por Lush y Franz; d. con los resultados, estimar los coeficientes (CN) promedio y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza. Esta nueva manera de calcular las cantidades exactas de cada componente de una mezcla para césped abre un campo muy importante a la investigación de especies más adecuadas a cada ambiente, dado que el método tradicional conduce a resultados muy ambiguos y de difícil comparación.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Daten einer systematischen Vermessung in der Lazarev Sea nahe des Fimbul-Ice-Shelfs (Fimbulisen) genutzt, die während der Expedition ANT XIX-2 mit dem Fächersonarsystem Hydrosweep DS-2 und dem Sedimentecholot Parasound erhoben wurden. Nach kurzer Darstellung der Hintergründe dieser durchgeführten Untersuchungen in dem Messgebiet wird allgemein auf wesentliche Aspekte der Hydroakustik hinsichtlich der Anwendung von Echolotsystemen eingegangen. Schwerpunktmäßig soll dabei der parametrischen Effekt, das Messprinzip parametrischer Sedimentecholote, behandelt werden. Nach anschließender Anführung zweier praktischer Anwendungen hydroakustischer Messverfahren anhand des Hydrosweep DS-2 und des Parasound-Systems wird eingehend deren Positionierung auf FS 'Polarstern' dargestellt, da sich bei der Aufbereitung der Messungen zeigte, dass sich das größte Problem der Daten beider Systeme in der minderwertigen Qualität der Navigationsdaten abzeichnete. Aus den bereinigten Tiefendaten der Fächersonarmessung wird ein digitales Geländemodell (DGM) mit einer Rasterweite von 100 m generiert. Dieses Modell liegt für die weitere Bearbeitung digital und in Form einer bathymetrischen Karte im Maßstab 1:250,000 vor, bei der die Topographie des Canyon-Systems nahe dem Fimbulisen durch Isolinien mit einer Aquidistanz von 50 m dargestellt wird. Die als Ergebnis der prozessierten Parasound-Daten erhaltenen Seismogramme, die gefiltert im digitalen Bildformat mit bekannter Start- und Endposition für einen definierten Tiefenbereich vorliegen, können zusammen mit dem DGM in einem dreidimensionalen Modell dargestellt werden. Dieses in digitaler Form vorliegende Modell kann durch den Nutzer interaktiv durchschritten und die darin enthaltenen Messergebnisse in ihrer Gesamtheit sowie in Detailansichten aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet werden, was das gegenseitige Verständnis und Einschätzung der Ergebnisse aus den beiden Messverfahren fördert. Diese gemeinsame Darstellungsweise eines digitalen Geländemodells in Kombination mit den Seismogramm-Bildern des Sedimentecholotes Parasound bietet sich auch hinsichtlich einer geologischen Klassifizierung der verschiedenen Echotypen und einer anschließenden Interpretation der Sedimentationsvorgänge in einem flächenhaft vermessenen Gebiet an.


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Este trabajo de investigación se ha propuesto indagar y comprender las prácticas asociadas con la construcción de una ciudadanía activa y participativa que desarrollan los jóvenes estudiantes en las escuelas secundarias seleccionadas, en la ciudad de Olavarría, durante el período 2009-2011. Iniciado un proceso de reposicionamiento estatal, la Ley de Educación Nacional No 26.206 deposita en la escuela sus expectativas de formación de una ciudadanía activa, construida sobre la base jurídica de "igualdad de derechos". Las escuelas, como parte de un sistema educativo fragmentado, tienen serias dificultades para instituir normas democráticas e igualitarias en el marco del escenario social contemporáneo. En su interior se desarrollan prácticas sociales que revelan la contingencia de lo social caracterizado por la desigualdad y la fragmentación, situación que genera, para los jóvenes, diversas y desiguales posibilidades de producir acciones orientadas a la convivencia, la participación y la generación de demandas ante situaciones de conflictos irresueltos. El formato del curriculum escolar, que mantiene en su desarrollo el peso de la historia de la escuela secundaria tradicional, pareciera, por momentos, constituirse en un obstáculo para sostener las nuevas relaciones pedagógicas y sociales necesarias para educar a los jóvenes como sujetos políticos. Ya sea para comprender las disposiciones de los jóvenes como también la propuesta de la nueva LEN es preciso indicar que -a pesar de los nuevos aires democratizantes que surcan el cono sur del continente- sigue siendo necesario reflexionar sobre las nuevas formas de construcción de hegemonía neoliberal, de acuerdo con los posicionamientos que marcan reconocidos referentes de la Pedagogía Crítica (Apple, Torres, entre otros)


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Este trabajo de investigación se ha propuesto indagar y comprender las prácticas asociadas con la construcción de una ciudadanía activa y participativa que desarrollan los jóvenes estudiantes en las escuelas secundarias seleccionadas, en la ciudad de Olavarría, durante el período 2009-2011. Iniciado un proceso de reposicionamiento estatal, la Ley de Educación Nacional No 26.206 deposita en la escuela sus expectativas de formación de una ciudadanía activa, construida sobre la base jurídica de "igualdad de derechos". Las escuelas, como parte de un sistema educativo fragmentado, tienen serias dificultades para instituir normas democráticas e igualitarias en el marco del escenario social contemporáneo. En su interior se desarrollan prácticas sociales que revelan la contingencia de lo social caracterizado por la desigualdad y la fragmentación, situación que genera, para los jóvenes, diversas y desiguales posibilidades de producir acciones orientadas a la convivencia, la participación y la generación de demandas ante situaciones de conflictos irresueltos. El formato del curriculum escolar, que mantiene en su desarrollo el peso de la historia de la escuela secundaria tradicional, pareciera, por momentos, constituirse en un obstáculo para sostener las nuevas relaciones pedagógicas y sociales necesarias para educar a los jóvenes como sujetos políticos. Ya sea para comprender las disposiciones de los jóvenes como también la propuesta de la nueva LEN es preciso indicar que -a pesar de los nuevos aires democratizantes que surcan el cono sur del continente- sigue siendo necesario reflexionar sobre las nuevas formas de construcción de hegemonía neoliberal, de acuerdo con los posicionamientos que marcan reconocidos referentes de la Pedagogía Crítica (Apple, Torres, entre otros)


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Este trabajo de investigación se ha propuesto indagar y comprender las prácticas asociadas con la construcción de una ciudadanía activa y participativa que desarrollan los jóvenes estudiantes en las escuelas secundarias seleccionadas, en la ciudad de Olavarría, durante el período 2009-2011. Iniciado un proceso de reposicionamiento estatal, la Ley de Educación Nacional No 26.206 deposita en la escuela sus expectativas de formación de una ciudadanía activa, construida sobre la base jurídica de "igualdad de derechos". Las escuelas, como parte de un sistema educativo fragmentado, tienen serias dificultades para instituir normas democráticas e igualitarias en el marco del escenario social contemporáneo. En su interior se desarrollan prácticas sociales que revelan la contingencia de lo social caracterizado por la desigualdad y la fragmentación, situación que genera, para los jóvenes, diversas y desiguales posibilidades de producir acciones orientadas a la convivencia, la participación y la generación de demandas ante situaciones de conflictos irresueltos. El formato del curriculum escolar, que mantiene en su desarrollo el peso de la historia de la escuela secundaria tradicional, pareciera, por momentos, constituirse en un obstáculo para sostener las nuevas relaciones pedagógicas y sociales necesarias para educar a los jóvenes como sujetos políticos. Ya sea para comprender las disposiciones de los jóvenes como también la propuesta de la nueva LEN es preciso indicar que -a pesar de los nuevos aires democratizantes que surcan el cono sur del continente- sigue siendo necesario reflexionar sobre las nuevas formas de construcción de hegemonía neoliberal, de acuerdo con los posicionamientos que marcan reconocidos referentes de la Pedagogía Crítica (Apple, Torres, entre otros)


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The studies described here base mainly on sedimentary material collected during the "Indian Ocean Expedition" of the German research vessel "Meteor" in the region of the Indian-Pakistan continental margin in February and March 1965. Moreover,samples from the mouth of the Indus-River were available, which were collected by the Pakistan fishing vessel "Machhera" in March 1965. Altogether, the following quantities of sedimentary material were collected: 59.73 m piston cores. 54.52 m gravity cores. 33 box grab samples. 68 bottom grab samples Component analyses of the coarse fraction were made of these samples and the sedimentary fabric was examined. Moreover, the CaCO3 and Corg contents were discussed. From these investigations the following history of sedimentation can be derived: Recent sedimentation on the shelf is mainly characterized by hydrodynamic processes and terrigenous supply of material. In the shallow water wave action and currents running parallel to the coast, imply a repeated reworking which induces a sorting of the grains and layering of the sediments as well as a lack of bioturbation. The sedimentation rate is very high here. From the coast-line down to appr. 50 m the sediment becomes progressively finer, the conditions of deposition become less turbulent. On the outer shelf the sediment is again considerably coarser. It contains many relicts of planktonic organisms and it shows traces of burrowing. Indications for redeposition are nearly missing, a considerable part of the fine fraction of the sediments is, however, whirled up and carried away. In wide areas of the outer shelf this stirring has gained such a degree that recent deposits are nearly completely missing. Here, coarse relict sands rich in ooids are exposed, which were formed in very shallow stirred water during the time when the sea reached its lowest level, i.e. at the turn of the Pleistocene to the Holocene. Below the relict sand white, very fine-grained aragonite mud was found at one location (core 228). This aragonite mud was obviously deposited in very calm water of some greater depth, possibly behind a reef barrier. Biochemic carbonate precipitation played an important part in the formation of relict sands and aragonite muds. In postglacial times the relict sands were exposed for long periods to violent wave action and to areal erosion. In the present days they are gradually covered by recent sediments proceeding from the sides. On the continental margin beyond the shelf edge the distribution of the sediments is to a considerable extent determined by the morphology of the sea bottom. The material originating from the continent and/or the shelf, is less transported by action of the water than by the force of gravity. Within the range of the uppermost part of the continental slope recent sedimentation reaches its maximum. Here the fine material is deposited which has been whirled up in the zone of the relict sands. A laminated fine-grained sediment is formed here due to the very high sedimentation rate as well as to the extremely low O2-content in the bottom water, which prevents life on the bottom of the sea and impedes thus also bioturbation. The lamination probaly reflects annual variation in deposition and can be attributed to the rhythm of the monsoon with its effects on the water and the weather conditions. In the lower part of the upper continental slope sediments are to be found which show in varying intensity, intercalations of fine material (silt) from the shelf, in large sections of the core. These fine intercalations of allochthonous material are closely related to the autochthonous normal sediment, so that a great number of small individual depositional processes can be inferred. In general the intercalations are missing in the uppermost part of the cores; in the lower part they can be met in different quantities, and they reach their maximum frequency in the upper part of the lower core section. The depositions described here were designated as turbid layer sediments, since they get their material from turbid layers, which transport components to the continental slope which have been whirled up from the shelf. Turbidites are missing in this zone. Since the whole upper continental slope shows a low oxygen-content of the bottom water the structure of the turbid layer sediments is more or less preserved. The lenticular-phacoidal fine structure does, however, not reflect annual rhythms, but sporadic individual events, as e.g. tsunamis. At the lower part of the continental slope and on the continental rise the majority of turbidites was deposited, which, during glacial times and particularly at the beginning of the post-glacial period, transported material from the zone of relict sands. The Laccadive Ridge represented a natural obstacle for the transport of suspended sediments into the deep sea. Core SIC-181 from the Arabian Basin shows some intercalations of turbidites; their material, however, does not originate from the Indian Shelf, but from the Laccadive Ridge. Within the range of the Indus Cone it is surprising that distinct turbidites are nearly completely missing; on the other hand, turbid layer sediments are to be found. The bottom of the sea is showing still a slight slope here, so that the turbidites funneled through the Canyon of the Swatch probably rush down to greater water depths. Due to the particularly large supply of suspended material by theIndus River the turbid layer sediments show farther extension than in other regions. In general the terrigenous components are concentrated on the Indus Cone. It is within the range of the lower continental slope that the only discovery of a sliding mass (core 186) has been located. It can be assumed that this was set in motion during the Holocene. During the period of time discussed here the following development of kind and intensity of the deposition of allochthonous material can be observed on the Indian-Pakistan continental margin: At the time of the lowest sea level the shelf was only very narrow, and the zone in which bottom currents were able to stir up material by oscillating motion, was considerably confined. The rivers flowed into the sea near to the edge of the shelf. For this reason the percentage of terrigenous material, quartz and mica is higher in the lower part of many cores (e.g. cores 210 and 219) than in the upper part. The transition from glacial to postglacial times caused a series of environmental changes. Among them the rise of the sea level (in the area of investigation appr. 150 m) had the most important influence on the sedimentation process. In connection with this event many river valleys became canyons, which sucked sedimentary material away from the shelf and transported it in form of turbidites into the deep sea. During the rise of the sea level a situation can be expected with a maximum area of the comparatively plane shelf being exposed to wave action. During this time the process of stirring up of sediments and formation of turbid layers will reach a maximum. Accordingly, the formation of turbidites and turbid layer sediments are most frequent at the same time. This happened in general in the older polstglacial period. The present day high water level results in a reduced supply of sediments into the canyons. The stirring up of sediments from the shelf by wave action is restricted to the finest material. The missing of shelf material in the uppermost core sections can thus be explained. The laminated muds reflect these calm sedimentation conditions as well. In the southwestern part of the area of investigation fine volcanic glass was blown in during the Pleistocene, probably from the southeast. It has thus become possible to correlate the cores 181, 182, 202. Eolian dust from the Indian subcontinent represents probably an important component of the deep sea sediments. The chemism of the bottom as well as of the pore water has a considerable influence on the development of the sediments. Of particular importance in this connection is a layer with a minimum content of oxygen in the sea water (200-1500 m), which today touches the upper part of the continental slope. Above and beyond this oxygen minimum layer somewhat higher O2-values are to be observed at the sea bottom. During the Pleistocene the oxygen minimum layer has obviously been locatedin greater depth as is indicated by the facies of laminated mud occuring in the lower part of core 219. The type of bioturbation is mainly determined by the chemism. Moreover, the chemism is responsible for a considerable selective dissolution, either complete or partial, of the sedimentary components. Within the range of the oxygen minimum layer an alkaline milieu is developed at the bottom. This causes a complete or partial dissolution of the siliceous organisms. Here, bioturbation is in general completely missing; sometimes small pyrite-filled burrowing racks are found. In the areas rich in O2 high pH-values result in a partial dissolution of the calcareous shells. Large, non-pyritized burrowing tracks characterize the type of bioturbation in this environment. A study of the "lebensspuren" in the cores supports the assumption that, particularly within the region of the Laccadive Basin, the oxygen content in the bottom sediments was lower than during the Holocene. This may be attributed to a high sedimentation rate and to a lower O2-content of the bottom water. The composition of the allochthonous sedimentary components, detritus and/or volcanic glass may locally change the chemism to a considerable extent for a certain time; under such special circumstances the type of bioturbation and the state of preservation of the components may be different from those of the normal sediment.


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Der Lemgow wird von den Sedimenten der dreifachen saalezeitlichen Eisbedeckung aufgebaut. Ältere (tertiäre) Ablagerungen bilden entweder direkt die Quartärbasis oder sind in Form von Schollen am Aufbau beteiligt. Altquartäre oder elsterzeitliche Sedimente konnten bislang nicht nachgewiesen werden.


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Variability of total alkalinity in sea ice of the high-latitudinal Arctic from November 2005 to May 2006 is considered. For the bulk of one- and two-year sea ice, alkalinity dependence on salinity is described as TA = k x Sal, where k is salinity/alkalinity ratio in under-ice water. The given relationship is valid within a wide range of salinity from 0.1 psu in desalinated fraction of two-year ice to 36 psu in snow on the young ice surface. Geochemically significant deviations from the relationship noted were observed exclusively in snow and the upper layer of one-year ice. In the upper layer of one-year ice, deficiency of alkalinity is observed ( delta TA ~= -0.07 mEq/kg, or -15%). In snow on the surface of the one-year ice, alkalinity excess is formed under desalination ( delta TA is as high as 1.3 mEq/kg, or 380%). Deviations registered are caused by possibility of carbonate precipitation in form of CaCO3 x 6H2O under seawater freezing. It is shown that ice formation and the following melting might cause losses of atmospheric CO2 of up to 3 x 10**12 gC/year.


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Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) provide protection for organisms subjected to the presence of ice crystals. The psychrophilic diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus which is frequently found in polar sea ice carries a multitude of AFP isoforms. In this study we report the heterologous expression of two antifreeze protein isoforms from F. cylindrus in Escherichia coli. Refolding from inclusion bodies produced proteins functionally active with respect to crystal deformation, recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. We observed a reduction of activity in the presence of the pelB leader peptide in comparison with the GS-linked SUMO-tag. Activity was positively correlated to protein concentration and buffer salinity. Thermal hysteresis and crystal deformation habit suggest the affiliation of the proteins to the hyperactive group of AFPs. One isoform, carrying a signal peptide for secretion, produced a thermal hysteresis up to 1.53 °C ± 0.53 °C and ice crystals of hexagonal bipyramidal shape. The second isoform, which has a long preceding N-terminal sequence of unknown function, produced thermal hysteresis of up to 2.34 °C ± 0.25 °C. Ice crystals grew in form of a hexagonal column in presence of this protein. The different sequences preceding the ice binding domain point to distinct localizations of the proteins inside or outside the cell. We thus propose that AFPs have different functions in vivo, also reflected in their specific TH capability.


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Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la computación con membranas. Se trata de un tipo de computación bio-inspirado, concretamente basado en las células de los organismos vivos, en las que se producen múltiples reacciones de forma simultánea. A partir de la estructura y funcionamiento de las células se han definido diferentes modelos formales, denominados P sistemas. Estos modelos no tratan de modelar el comportamiento biológico de una célula, sino que abstraen sus principios básicos con objeto de encontrar nuevos paradigmas computacionales. Los P sistemas son modelos de computación no deterministas y masivamente paralelos. De ahí el interés que en los últimos años estos modelos han suscitado para la resolución de problemas complejos. En muchos casos, consiguen resolver de forma teórica problemas NP-completos en tiempo polinómico o lineal. Por otra parte, cabe destacar también la aplicación que la computación con membranas ha tenido en la investigación de otros muchos campos, sobre todo relacionados con la biología. Actualmente, una gran cantidad de estos modelos de computación han sido estudiados desde el punto de vista teórico. Sin embargo, el modo en que pueden ser implementados es un reto de investigación todavía abierto. Existen varias líneas en este sentido, basadas en arquitecturas distribuidas o en hardware dedicado, que pretenden acercarse en lo posible a su carácter no determinista y masivamente paralelo, dentro de un contexto de viabilidad y eficiencia. En esta tesis doctoral se propone la realización de un análisis estático del P sistema, como vía para optimizar la ejecución del mismo en estas plataformas. Se pretende que la información recogida en tiempo de análisis sirva para configurar adecuadamente la plataforma donde se vaya a ejecutar posteriormente el P sistema, obteniendo como consecuencia una mejora en el rendimiento. Concretamente, en esta tesis se han tomado como referencia los P sistemas de transiciones para llevar a cabo el estudio de dicho análisis estático. De manera un poco más específica, el análisis estático propuesto en esta tesis persigue que cada membrana sea capaz de determinar sus reglas activas de forma eficiente en cada paso de evolución, es decir, aquellas reglas que reúnen las condiciones adecuadas para poder ser aplicadas. En esta línea, se afronta el problema de los estados de utilidad de una membrana dada, que en tiempo de ejecución permitirán a la misma conocer en todo momento las membranas con las que puede comunicarse, cuestión que determina las reglas que pueden aplicarse en cada momento. Además, el análisis estático propuesto en esta tesis se basa en otra serie de características del P sistema como la estructura de membranas, antecedentes de las reglas, consecuentes de las reglas o prioridades. Una vez obtenida toda esta información en tiempo de análisis, se estructura en forma de árbol de decisión, con objeto de que en tiempo de ejecución la membrana obtenga las reglas activas de la forma más eficiente posible. Por otra parte, en esta tesis se lleva a cabo un recorrido por un número importante de arquitecturas hardware y software que diferentes autores han propuesto para implementar P sistemas. Fundamentalmente, arquitecturas distribuidas, hardware dedicado basado en tarjetas FPGA y plataformas basadas en microcontroladores PIC. El objetivo es proponer soluciones que permitan implantar en dichas arquitecturas los resultados obtenidos del análisis estático (estados de utilidad y árboles de decisión para reglas activas). En líneas generales, se obtienen conclusiones positivas, en el sentido de que dichas optimizaciones se integran adecuadamente en las arquitecturas sin penalizaciones significativas. Summary Membrane computing is the focus of this doctoral thesis. It can be considered a bio-inspired computing type. Specifically, it is based on living cells, in which many reactions take place simultaneously. From cell structure and operation, many different formal models have been defined, named P systems. These models do not try to model the biological behavior of the cell, but they abstract the basic principles of the cell in order to find out new computational paradigms. P systems are non-deterministic and massively parallel computational models. This is why, they have aroused interest when dealing with complex problems nowadays. In many cases, they manage to solve in theory NP problems in polynomial or lineal time. On the other hand, it is important to note that membrane computing has been successfully applied in many researching areas, specially related to biology. Nowadays, lots of these computing models have been sufficiently characterized from a theoretical point of view. However, the way in which they can be implemented is a research challenge, that it is still open nowadays. There are some lines in this way, based on distributed architectures or dedicated hardware. All of them are trying to approach to its non-deterministic and parallel character as much as possible, taking into account viability and efficiency. In this doctoral thesis it is proposed carrying out a static analysis of the P system in order to optimize its performance in a computing platform. The general idea is that after data are collected in analysis time, they are used for getting a suitable configuration of the computing platform in which P system is going to be performed. As a consequence, the system throughput will improve. Specifically, this thesis has made use of Transition P systems for carrying out the study in static analysis. In particular, the static analysis proposed in this doctoral thesis tries to achieve that every membrane can efficiently determine its active rules in every evolution step. These rules are the ones that can be applied depending on the system configuration at each computational step. In this line, we are going to tackle the problem of the usefulness states for a membrane. This state will allow this membrane to know the set of membranes with which communication is possible at any time. This is a very important issue in determining the set of rules that can be applied. Moreover, static analysis in this thesis is carried out taking into account other properties such as membrane structure, rule antecedents, rule consequents and priorities among rules. After collecting all data in analysis time, they are arranged in a decision tree structure, enabling membranes to obtain the set of active rules as efficiently as possible in run-time system. On the other hand, in this doctoral thesis is going to carry out an overview of hardware and software architectures, proposed by different authors in order to implement P systems, such as distributed architectures, dedicated hardware based on PFGA, and computing platforms based on PIC microcontrollers. The aim of this overview is to propose solutions for implementing the results of the static analysis, that is, usefulness states and decision trees for active rules. In general, conclusions are satisfactory, because these optimizations can be properly integrated in most of the architectures without significant penalties.