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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2015.
La maladie de Hirschsprung est une affection congénitale de la motilité intestinale caractérisée par un segment aganglionnaire dans le côlon terminal. Un criblage génétique par mutation insertionnelle aléatoire chez la souris nous a permis d’identifier la lignée transgénique Spot dont les homozygotes souffrent de mégacôlon aganglionnaire. L’analyse d’intestins d’embryons mutants a révélé une baisse de prolifération et un délai de migration des cellules de la crête neurale entériques (CCNe) progénitrices dus à leur différenciation gliale précoce, entrainant un défaut de colonisation de l’intestin et une aganglionose du côlon. Le séquençage du génome Spot indique que le transgène s’est inséré à l’intérieur du locus K12-Nr2f1 sur le chromosome 13, une région dépourvue de gènes préalablement associés à la maladie, perturbant également une séquence non-codante très conservée dans l’évolution. K12 est un gène d’ARN long non codant (ARNlnc) et antisens du gène Nr2f1, lui-même impliqué dans la gliogénèse du système nerveux central. Le séquençage du transcriptome des CCN a montré une surexpression de Nr2f1 et des formes courtes de K12 chez Spot et des essais luciférase ont révélé l’activité répressive de l’élément conservé. Nous avons observé l’expression de K12 dans les CCNe et sa localisation subcellulaire dans des zones transcriptionnellement actives du noyau. Avec l’émergence des ARNlnc régulateurs, ces données nous permettent de pointer deux nouveaux gènes candidats associés à une différenciation gliale prématurée du SNE menant au mégacôlon aganglionnaire, en supposant que la régulation de Nr2f1 se fait par son antisens, K12.
La maladie de Hirschsprung est une affection congénitale de la motilité intestinale caractérisée par un segment aganglionnaire dans le côlon terminal. Un criblage génétique par mutation insertionnelle aléatoire chez la souris nous a permis d’identifier la lignée transgénique Spot dont les homozygotes souffrent de mégacôlon aganglionnaire. L’analyse d’intestins d’embryons mutants a révélé une baisse de prolifération et un délai de migration des cellules de la crête neurale entériques (CCNe) progénitrices dus à leur différenciation gliale précoce, entrainant un défaut de colonisation de l’intestin et une aganglionose du côlon. Le séquençage du génome Spot indique que le transgène s’est inséré à l’intérieur du locus K12-Nr2f1 sur le chromosome 13, une région dépourvue de gènes préalablement associés à la maladie, perturbant également une séquence non-codante très conservée dans l’évolution. K12 est un gène d’ARN long non codant (ARNlnc) et antisens du gène Nr2f1, lui-même impliqué dans la gliogénèse du système nerveux central. Le séquençage du transcriptome des CCN a montré une surexpression de Nr2f1 et des formes courtes de K12 chez Spot et des essais luciférase ont révélé l’activité répressive de l’élément conservé. Nous avons observé l’expression de K12 dans les CCNe et sa localisation subcellulaire dans des zones transcriptionnellement actives du noyau. Avec l’émergence des ARNlnc régulateurs, ces données nous permettent de pointer deux nouveaux gènes candidats associés à une différenciation gliale prématurée du SNE menant au mégacôlon aganglionnaire, en supposant que la régulation de Nr2f1 se fait par son antisens, K12.
This thesis investigates the rotational behavior of abstracted small-wind-turbine rotors exposed to a sudden increase in oncoming flow velocity, i.e. a gust. These rotors consisted of blades with aspect ratios characteristic of samara seeds, which are known for their ability to maintain autorotation in unsteady wind. The models were tested in a towing tank using a custom-built experimental rig. The setup was designed and constructed to allow for the measurement of instantaneous angular velocity of a rotor model towed at a prescribed kinematic profile along the tank. The conclusions presented in this thesis are based on the observed trends in effective angle-of-attack distribution, tip speed ratio, angular velocity, and time delay in the rotational response for each of rotors over prescribed gust cases. It was found that the blades with the higher aspect ratio had higher tip speed ratios and responded faster than the blades with a lower aspect ratio. The decrease in instantaneous tip speed ratio during the onset of a prescribed gust correlated with the time delay in each rotor model's rotational response. The time delays were found to increase nonlinearly with decreasing durations over which the simulated gusts occurred.
As ever more devices are connected to the internet, and applications turn ever more interactive, it becomes more important that the network can be counted on to respond reliably and without unnecessary delay. However, this is far from always the case today, as there can be many potential sources of unnecessary delay. In this thesis we focus on one of them: Excess queueing delay in network routers along the path, also known as bufferbloat. We focus on the home network, and treat the issue in three stages. We examine latency variation and queueing delay on the public internet and show that significant excess delay is often present. Then, we evaluate several modern AQM algorithms and packet schedulers in a residential setting, and show that modern AQMs can almost entirely eliminate bufferbloat and extra queueing latency for wired connections, but that they are not as effective for WiFi links. Finally, we go on to design and implement a solution for bufferbloat at the WiFi link, and also design a workable scheduler-based solution for realising airtime fairness in WiFi. Also included in this thesis is a description of Flent, a measurement tool used to perform most of the experiments in the other papers, and also used widely in the bufferbloat community.
Introducción La ventilación mecánica es fundamental en el manejo de la falla respiratoria aguda, actualmente no existe consenso sobre el momento exacto de extubación. Este estudio describe el comportamiento de la escala OMAHA+ en nuestra institución. Objetivo Principal Describir los desenlaces clínicos relacionados con la escala OMAHA+ durante la extubación de los pacientes de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del hospital universitario. Métodos Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, basado en el registro de la escala OMAHA+ de 68 pacientes durante el proceso de extubación en las Unidades de cuidado intensivo adulto de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá durante Agosto de 2014 a Mayo de 2015. Resultados Se encontraron valores gasométricos cercanos a la normalidad, con una PaO2/FiO2 media de 261 (DS 60,6), SaO2 media de 96% (DS 2%), media de lactato sérico de 1.5 mmol/L (DS 1,2 mmol/L), con signos vitales normales. La causa más común de ingreso a UCI fue Neumonía, seguida por cirugía cardiaca y abdominal. Las medias de parámetros ventilatorios al momento de extubación fueron; PEEP de 6 (DS 0,8), volumen corriente de 8ml/Kg (DS 1,4 ml/Kg), índice de Tobín de 34 (DS 11,9), test de fuga positivo 94%, y sólo una extubación fallida. Conclusiones La escala OMAHA+ puede ser una herramienta útil, aplicable y fácilmente reproducible en los pacientes con soporte ventilatorio mecánico invasivo previo al proceso de extubación, con baja proporción de fallo. Estos resultados deben ser evaluados en estudios prospectivos.
Las enfermedades raras o huérfanas corresponden a aquellas con baja prevalencia en la población, y en varios países tienen una definición distinta de acuerdo con el número de pacientes que afectan en la población. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), las define como un trastorno que afecta de 650 a 1.000 personas por millón de habitantes, de las que se han identificado alrededor de 7.000. En Colombia su prevalencia es menor de 1 por cada 5.000 personas y comprenden: las enfermedades raras, las ultra-huérfanas y las olvidadas. Los pacientes con este tipo de enfermedades imponen retos a los sistemas sanitarios, pues si bien afectan a un bajo porcentaje de la población, su atención implica una alta carga económica por los costos que involucra su atención, la complejidad en su diagnóstico, tratamiento, seguimiento y rehabilitación. El abordaje de las enfermedades raras requiere un manejo interdisciplinar e intersectorial, lo que implica la organización de cada actor del sistema sanitario para su manejo a través de un modelo que abraque las dinámicas posibles entre ellos y las competencias de cada uno. Por lo anterior, y teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de formular políticas sanitarias específicas para la gestión de estas enfermedades, el presente trabajo presenta una aproximación a la formulación de un modelo de gestión para la atención integral de pacientes con enfermedades raras en Colombia. Esta investigación describe los distintos elementos y características de los modelos de gestión clínica y de las enfermedades raras a través de una revisión de literatura, en la que se incluye la descripción de los distintos actores del Sistema de Salud Colombiano, relacionados con la atención integral de estos pacientes para la documentación de un modelo de gestión integral.
Introduction The hospitalization of a child causes big changes in child and his family life. Parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectives: To define what family-centered care is, the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs and to identify the differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Methods and procedures The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion criteria. Second part is a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. Results family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. Conclusion Nurses should collect information which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children and take care of themselves. Nurses must create an environment where parents feel safe and have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.
Introduction The hospitalization of a child causes big changes in child and his family life. Parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectives: To define what family-centered care is, the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs and to identify the differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Methods and procedures The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion criteria. Second part is a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. Results family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. Conclusion Nurses should collect information which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children and take care of themselves. Nurses must create an environment where parents feel safe and have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.