976 resultados para random copolymers overall crystallization rate crystal growth rate isothermal crystallization kinetics poly (L-lactide)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A germinação de sementes pode ser influenciada pela passagem através do trato digestório animal, que, nesse caso, poderá atuar como dispersor, dependendo de como as sementes são afetadas. Quando a passagem pelo trato digestório animal não reduz a capacidade germinativa das sementes, o agente dispersor é considerado legítimo. Este trabalho aborda a influência da ingestão de sementes de Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit, Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth e Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. por Bos taurus Linnaeus (1758), sobre sua germinação e viabilidade, com o objetivo de avaliar o gado bovino como legítimo agente dispersor dessas espécies utilizadas como forrageiras. Amostras de sementes foram misturadas ao alimento oferecido a três fêmeas de B. taurus, cujas fezes foram recolhidas até 36 horas após a ingestão e submetidas à triagem para recuperação das sementes, as quais foram testadas para germinação e crescimento inicial. Como controle foram usadas sementes intactas não ingeridas. A porcentagem de recuperação de sementes não danificadas variou de 12,3% até cerca de 17,5%. A ingestão pelos animais afetou severamente a capacidade de germinação das sementes de Cajanus cajan, enquanto que em Calopogonium mucunoides a redução da porcentagem de germinação ocorreu em menor escala em comparação com a primeira. No caso de L. leucocephala, a germinação não foi influenciada pelo tratamento, o que no caso pode estar relacionado a uma maior dureza do tegumento em sementes dessa espécie. em C. mucunoides e L. leucocephala a velocidade de protrusão radicular foi ligeiramente aumentada em sementes tratadas, ao passo que o IVE da primeira foi reduzido. A ingestão também reduziu a taxa de crescimento em altura de plântulas de C. cajan, sendo o efeito menos acentuado em C. mucunoides. em L. leucocephala, a altura média foi maior em plântulas de sementes tratadas. Os resultados sugerem que o gado bovino não pode ser considerado um legítimo dispersor para L. leucocephala, C. mucunoides e C. cajan.


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Colloidal suspensions of tin oxide nanocrystals were synthesized at room temperature by the hydrolysis reaction of tin chloride (II), in an ethanolic solution. The coarsening kinetics of such nanocrystals was studied by submitting the as-prepared suspensions to hydrothermal treatments at temperatures of 100, 150 and 200 degrees C for periods between 60 and 12,000 min. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to characterize the samples (i.e. distribution of nanocrystal size, average particle radius and morphology). The results show that the usual Ostwald ripening coarsening mechanism does not fit well the experimental data, which is an indicative that this process is not significant for SnO2 nanocrystals, in the studied experimental conditions. The morphology evolution of the nanocrystals upon hydrothermal treatment indicates that growth by oriented attachment (OA) should be significant. A kinetic model that describes OA growth is successfully applied to fit the data. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Natural or synthetic materials may be used to aid tissue repair of fracture or pathologies where there has been a loss of bone mass. Polymeric materials have been widely studied, aiming at their use in orthopaedics and aesthetic plastic surgery. Polymeric biodegradable blends formed from two or more kinds of polymers could present faster degradation rate than homopolymers. The purpose of this work was to compare the biological response of two biomaterials: poly(L-lactic acid)PLLA and poly(L-lactic acid)PLLA/poly(ethylene oxide)PEO blend. Forty four-week-old rats were divided into two groups of 20 animals, of which one group received PLLA and the other PLLA/PEO implants. In each of the animals, one of the biomaterials was implanted in the proximal epiphysis of the right tibia. Each group was divided into subgroups of 5 animals, and sacrificed 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks after surgery, respectively. Samples were then processed for analysis by light microscopy. Newly formed bone was found around both PLLA and PLLA/PEO implants. PLLA/PEO blends had a porous morphology after immersion in a buffer solution and in vivo implantation. The proportion 50/50 PLLA/PEO blend was adequate to promote this porous morphology, which resulted in gradual bone tissue growth into the implant.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) advises treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease, also called Buruli ulcer'' (BU), with a combination of the antibiotics rifampicin and streptomycin (R+S), whether followed by surgery or not. In endemic areas, a clinical case definition is recommended. We evaluated the effectiveness of this strategy in a series of patients with large ulcers of >= 10 cm in longest diameter in a rural health zone of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).Methods: A cohort of 92 patients with large ulcerated lesions suspected to be BU was enrolled between October 2006 and September 2007 and treated according to WHO recommendations. The following microbiologic data were obtained: Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stained smear, culture and PCR. Histopathology was performed on a sub-sample. Directly observed treatment with R+S was administered daily for 12 weeks and surgery was performed after 4 weeks. Patients were followed up for two years after treatment.Findings: Out of 92 treated patients, 61 tested positive for M. ulcerans by PCR. PCR negative patients had better clinical improvement than PCR positive patients after 4 weeks of antibiotics (54.8% versus 14.8%). For PCR positive patients, the outcome after 4 weeks of antibiotic treatment was related to the ZN positivity at the start. Deterioration of the ulcers was observed in 87.8% (36/41) of the ZN positive and in 12.2% (5/41) of the ZN negative patients. Deterioration due to paradoxical reaction seemed unlikely. After surgery and an additional 8 weeks of antibiotics, 98.4% of PCR positive patients and 83.3% of PCR negative patients were considered cured. The overall recurrence rate was very low (1.1%).Interpretation: Positive predictive value of the WHO clinical case definition was low. Low relapse rate confirms the efficacy of antibiotics. However, the need for and the best time for surgery for large Buruli ulcers requires clarification. We recommend confirmation by ZN stain at the rural health centers, since surgical intervention without delay may be necessary on the ZN positive cases to avoid progression of the disease. PCR negative patients were most likely not BU cases. Correct diagnosis and specific management of these non-BU ulcers cases are urgently needed.


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The effects of therapy in locally advanced breast cancer submitted to combined conventional telecobalt therapy plus chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil were studied in 49 patients. Associated to radical mastectomy in operable cases. Local tumor control was achieved in 86.7%. There were no local recurrences in those submitted to surgery but they reached 21.7% in inoperable patients who received only radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The median follow-up time for dead patients was 29.5 months and for living patients 79.3 months. The index of complete responses was 24.5% and the median disease free interval was 22.9 months. The overall survival rate, between three and five years, was 32.7%. Estrogen receptors were identified by using immunohistochemical assay ER-ICA and monoclonal antibody H222-SP gamma, Abbott. There were no differences in the complete response index, disease free interval and survival rates, among ER-positive and ER-negative patients, explained by the far advanced stage of the disease. ER-positivity was significantly correlated with histological features of the tumors: cell differentiation, presence of elastosis, absence of lymphocytic infiltration and absence of tumor necrosis.


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The crytallite and pore-size evolution during isothermal sintering (400 ≤ T ≤ 700°C) of SnO2 xerogels was studied by X-ray line broadening and nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms. The experimental results show a strong anisotropy of crystallite growth between [110] and [101] directions. The preferential growth at [101] is followed by an increase in the mean pore size, reduction of the specific surface area and invariance of total pore volume. This behaviour is typical of grain coalescence sintering. The kinetic analysis of experimental results suggests that the crystallite coalescence at [101] is governed by lattice diffusion. The strong anisotropy of the growth causes pore-size distribution broadening, hindering the macroscopic shrinkage of the compact during sintering. © 1996 Chapman & Hall.


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The evolution of Eu3+ doped SnO2 xerogels to the cassiterite structure observed during sintering was studied by means of Eu3+ spectroscopy, XRD and EXAFS at the Sn K-edge. Eu3+ ions adsorbed at the surface of colloidal particles present a broad distribution of sites, typical of oxide glasses. With sintering at 300°C, this distribution is still broadened. Crystallization is clearly observed by the three techniques with increasing sintering temperature. It is found that the addition of Eu3+ limits the crystallite growth.


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The understanding of the kinetics of devitrification of a glass is important for anticipating its stability in a particular purpose, such as fiber-drawing processes. The crystallization kinetics of (BaF2)16(ZnF2)20(SrF 2)20(NaF)2 (GaF3)5(InF3)36(GdF 3)1 glass prepared by quenching were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Avrami's exponent (n) obtained by a non-isothermal method was 4.3 for a solid and 2.4 for a powdered sample. According to the classical interpretation of n, these magnitudes correspond to an interface-controlled crystal growth and a diffusion-controlled crystal growth, respectively. The activation energies for crystallization (E) was 62 ± 1 kJ/mol for solid glass and 245 ± 2 kJ/mol for powdered glass. These results are discussed in terms of glass particle size. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.