900 resultados para project management processes
Completing projects faster than the normal duration is always a challenge to the management of any project, as it often demands many paradigm shifts. Opportunities of globalization, competition from private sectors and multinationals force the management of public sector organizations in the Indian petroleum sector to take various aggressive strategies to maintain their profitability. Constructing infrastructure for handling petroleum products is one of them. Moreover, these projects are required to be completed in faster duration compared to normal schedules to remain competitive, to get faster return on investment, and to give longer project life. However, using conventional tools and techniques of project management, it is impossible to handle the problem of reducing the project duration from a normal period. This study proposes the use of concurrent engineering in managing projects for radically reducing project duration. The phases of the project are accomplished concurrently/simultaneously instead of in a series. The complexities that arise in managing projects are tackled through restructuring project organization, improving management commitment, strengthening project-planning activities, ensuring project quality, managing project risk objectively and integrating project activities through management information systems. These would not only ensure completion of projects in fast track, but also improve project effectiveness in terms of quality, cost effectiveness, team building, etc. and in turn overall productivity of the project organization would improve.
Time, cost and quality are the prime objectives of any project. Unfortunately, today’s project management does not always ensure the realisation of these objectives. The main reasons of project non-achievement are changes in scope and design, changes in Government policies and regulations, unforeseen inflation, under-estimation and mis-estimation. An overall organisational approach with the application of appropriate management philosophies, tools and techniques can only solve the problem. The present study establishes a methodology for achieving success in implementing projects using a business process re-engineering (BPR) framework. Internal performance characteristics are introspected through condition diagnosis that identifies and prioritises areas of concern requiring attention. Process re-engineering emerges as a most critical area for immediate attention. Project process re-engineering is carried out by eliminating non-value added activities, taking up activities concurrently by applying information systems rigorously and applying risk management techniques throughout the project life cycle. The overall methodology is demonstrated through applications to cross country petroleum pipeline project organisation in an Indian scenario.
A cross-country pipeline construction project is exposed to an uncertain environment due to its enormous size (physical, manpower requirement and financial value), complexity in design technology and involvement of external factors. These uncertainties can lead to several changes in project scope during the process of project execution. Unless the changes are properly controlled, the time, cost and quality goals of the project may never be achieved. A methodology is proposed for project control through risk analysis, contingency allocation and hierarchical planning models. Risk analysis is carried out through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) due to the subjective nature of risks in construction projects. The results of risk analysis are used to determine the logical contingency for project control with the application of probability theory. Ultimate project control is carried out by hierarchical planning model which enables decision makers to take vital decisions during the changing environment of the construction period. Goal programming (GP), a multiple criteria decision-making technique, is proposed for model formulation because of its flexibility and priority-base structure. The project is planned hierarchically in three levels—project, work package and activity. GP is applied separately at each level. Decision variables of each model are different planning parameters of the project. In this study, models are formulated from the owner's perspective and its effectiveness in project control is demonstrated.
These case studies from CIMA highlight the need to embed risk management within more easily understood behaviours, consistent with the overall organisational culture. In each case, some form of internal audit team provides either an oversight function or acts as an expert link in that feedback loop. Frontline staff, managers and specialists should be completely aligned on risk, in part just to ensure that there is a consistency of approach. They should understand instinctively that good performance includes good risk management. Tesco has continued to thrive during the recession and remains a robust and efficient group of businesses despite the emergence of potential threats around consumer spending and the supply chain. RBS, by contrast, has suffered catastrophic and very public failures of risk management despite a large in-house function and stiff regulation of risk controls. Birmingham City Council, like all local authorities, is adapting to more commercial modes of operation and is facing diverse threats and opportunities emerging as a result of social change. And DCMS, like many other public sector organisations, has to handle an incredibly complex network of delivery partners within the context of a relatively recent overhaul of central government risk management processes. Key Findings: •Risk management is no longer solely a financial discipline, nor is it simply a concern for the internal control function. •Where organisations retain a discrete risk management cadre – often specialists at monitoring and evaluating a range of risks – their success is dependent on embedding risk awareness in the wider culture of the enterprise. •Risk management is most successful when it is explicitly linked to operational performance. •Clear leadership, specific goals, excellent influencing skills and open-mindedness to potential threats and opportunities are essential for effective risk management. •Bureaucratic processes and systems can hamper good risk management – either as a result of a ‘box-ticking mentality’ or because managers and staff believe they do not need to consider risk themselves.
The rapid growth of emerging markets’ multinational companies (MNCs) is a recent phenomenon and, as such, their nature and structure of key management processes, functions, and roles need further examination. While an abundance of low-cost labor is often the starting point of competitive advantage for many of the emerging markets’ MNCs, it is the optimum configuration of people, processes, and technology that defines how they leverage their intangible resources. Based on case studies of four Indian IT services MNCs, involving 51 in-depth interviews of business and human resource (HR) leaders at the corporate and subsidiary levels, we identify five key HR roles—namely, strategic business partner, guardian of culture, builder of global workforce and capabilities, champion of processes, and facilitator of employee development. The analysis also highlights that the HR function in Indian IT service MNCs faces several challenges in consolidating the early gains of internationalization, such as lack of decentralized decision making, developing a global mind-set, localization of the workforce, and developing a global leadership pipeline. Based on our exploratory findings, we propose a framework outlining the global HR roles pursued by emerging IT services MNCs, the factors influencing them, and the challenges facing their HR function for future research.
It is presented a research on the application of a collaborative learning and authoring during all delivery phases of e-learning programmes or e-courses offered by educational institutions. The possibilities for modelling of an e-project as a specific management process based on planned, dynamically changing or accidentally arising sequences of learning activities, is discussed. New approaches for project-based and collaborative learning and authoring are presented. Special types of test questions are introduced which allow test generation and authoring based on learners’ answers accumulated in the frame of given e-course. Experiments are carried out in an e-learning environment, named BEST.
This book provides a practical guide for accountants working in practice or in business faced with the complexity of moving to adopt IFRS-based financial reporting. The book offers not only an overview of the regulatory framework and the requirements to produce IFRS-compliant financial statements but also guidance on developing an implementation strategy including project management, identifying and responding to challenges, dealing with change management and communication with external stakeholders.
Although the importance of translation for the development of tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and cell-based therapies is widely recognized, the process of translation is less well understood. This is particularly the case among some early career researchers who may not appreciate the intricacies of translational research or make decisions early in development which later hinders effective translation. Based on our own research and experiences as early career researchers involved in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine translation, we discuss common pitfalls associated with translational research, providing practical solutions and important considerations which will aid process and product development. Suggestions range from effective project management, consideration of key manufacturing, clinical and regulatory matters and means of exploiting research for successful commercialization.
This paper explores and rationalises the process of servitization adoption across manufacturing firms. A Delphi research methodology has been applied to capture evidence and opinion from 33 senior executives, in 28 different sized organisations, from a cross section of British industry. The findings focus on five areas: (1) servitization and advanced services, (2) transformation: stimulus, drivers and organisational change, (3) impact on the customer and manufacturer, (4) enablers and inhibitors and (5) potential for business and the economy. Six findings are presented and collectively these contribute to our understanding of the broader change management processes that transform manufacturers to compete through advanced services.
The aim of the case study is to express the delayed repair time impact on the revenues and profit in numbers with the example of the outage of power plant units. Main steps of risk assessment: • creating project plan suitable for risk assessment • identification of the risk factors for each project activities • scenario-analysis based evaluation of risk factors • selection of the critical risk factors based on the results of quantitative risk analysis • formulating risk response actions for the critical risks • running Monte-Carlo simulation [1] using the results of scenario-analysis • building up a macro which creates the connection among the results of the risk assessment, the production plan and the business plan.
Az agilitás az elmúlt húsz év egyik fontos fogalma, amelyet több területen (gyártás, szoftverfejlesztés és projektmenedzsment) is több-kevesebb eredménnyel alkalmaztak. A hazai akadémiai diskurzus eddig mostohagyermekként kezelte e témákat, holott az érintett szakmák gyakorlati művelői számos alkalommal foglalkoztak velük. A szerző rövid áttekintést ad e területek fontosabb gondolatairól, majd ezek közül néhányat a vezetés-szervezés általánosabb tárgyalásmódjával vizsgál. Az agilis szemlélet mögött rejlő alapgondolatok egy része nem nevezhető újnak. A cikk az agilitás témájának pozicionálásával zárul. _____ The agility of is an important concept of the last twenty years, which is applied with more or less results in several areas (manufacturing, software development and project management) as well. The author gives a brief overview of the main ideas from these areas, and examines some of these with general aspects of leadership and management. The article concludes with the theme of the positioning of agility.
A szerzők jelen cikkükben a projektmenedzsment és a változásmenedzsment szakirodalmában olvasható szerepelméleteket hasonlítják össze. A hasonlóságok szembeötlőek, de nem nyilvánvaló, hogy az egyes definíciók pontosan miben egyeznek vagy térnek el egymástól. A két szakterület irodalmában nem találtak ilyen összehasonlító elemzést. Először összehasonlítják a projekt, az elsőfokú (morfostatikus) és a másodfokú (morfogenetikus) változás közkeletű definícióit, hogy körülhatárolhassák a közöttük lévő átfedéseket, ahol egyáltalán van értelme összevetniük a különböző szerepmeghatározásokat. Találnak közöttük átfedést, ahol a különböző szerepdefiníciók egyaránt érvényesek, így összehasonlíthatók egymással. A két szakterület szerepmeghatározásainak tartalmát elemezve teljes egyezések, részleges hasonlóságok és különbségek is találhatók. Legfontosabb megállapításuk az, hogy a tartalmi átfedések és kapcsolódások miatt mindkét szakterület oktatói, kutatói és gyakorlati művelői komoly haszonnal forgathatják a másik terület szerepelméleti szakirodalmát is. ________ This paper compares the role concepts which are in current use in project management and change management literature. The similarities are noticeable at first sight but it is not clear where the domains of the different definitions of the two management disciplines overlap and where they vary from each other significantly. The authors have not found such an interdisciplinary comparison in the literature of the two fields. At first, they compared the widely used definitions of project, first order (or morphostatic) and second order (or morphogenetic) changes to find the overlapping areas where it is reasonable to compare the different role definitions at all. They found an overlapping area where the different role definitions are all valid and the role theories can be compared. The typical project stakeholders are: project sponsor, project manager, project management team, project team, influencers, customer/user, performing organization etc. The typical change roles are: sponsor (initiating and sustaining), agent, target, advocate, facilitator etc. The authors found samenesses, similarities and differences alike between the two sets of roles. The most important conclusion is that the findings enable participants working on these types of activities to rely on both bodies of knowledge properly.
Investigation of the performance of engineering project organizations is critical for understanding and eliminating inefficiencies in today’s dynamic global markets. The existing theoretical frameworks consider project organizations as monolithic systems and attribute the performance of project organizations to the characteristics of the constituents. However, project organizations consist of complex interdependent networks of agents, information, and resources whose interactions give rise to emergent properties that affect the overall performance of project organizations. Yet, our understanding of the emergent properties in project organizations and their impact on project performance is rather limited. This limitation is one of the major barriers towards creation of integrated theories of performance assessment in project organizations. The objective of this paper is to investigate the emergent properties that affect the ability of project organization to cope with uncertainty. Based on the theories of complex systems, we propose and test a novel framework in which the likelihood of performance variations in project organizations could be investigated based on the environment of uncertainty (i.e., static complexity, dynamic complexity, and external source of disruption) as well as the emergent properties (i.e., absorptive capacity, adaptive capacity, and restorative capacity) of project organizations. The existence and significance of different dimensions of the environment of uncertainty and emergent properties in the proposed framework are tested based on the analysis of the information collected from interviews with senior project managers in the construction industry. The outcomes of this study provide a novel theoretical lens for proactive bottom-up investigation of performance in project organizations at the interface of emergent properties and uncertainty
A gestão de projetos tem ganho preponderância nas organizações ao longo dos últimos anos. As abordagens organizativas de gestão de projetos, ao contrário das tradicionais, permitem integrar esforços complexos e reduzir o nível de burocracia, dando respostas mais efetivas e adequadas às elevadas exigências dos clientes, que frequentemente se traduzem em solicitações de alterações no decorrer da execução dos projetos. Face ao exposto e tendo em consideração que o core business da empresa facilitadora do estágio curricular do Mestrado em Gestão da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTG) do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPL) é a Capgemini Portugal, que se dedica à prestação de serviços de Consultoria, Tecnologia e Outsourcing e adota o modelo de gestão de projetos, atribuindo especial atenção à gestão de alterações, como área chave para o desenvolvimento de projetos bem-sucedidos, o presente relatório de estágio abordará essa temática. Assim, com base na observação participativa e na execução de tarefas de estágio na Capgemini Portugal, entre o mês de setembro de 2015 e o mês de janeiro de 2016, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso sobre a aplicação do modelo de gestão de projetos na empresa, particularmente no processo de gestão de alterações. Adicionalmente, foi sugerida uma proposta com soluções de melhoria baseadas em abordagens de referência. Para o efeito, foi realizada uma revisão da bibliografia publicada sobre gestão de projetos, que serviu de suporte à realização de um estudo empírico baseado na aplicação da metodologia de trabalho científico indutivo. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo de natureza qualitativa, onde a recolha de dados foi efetuada por observação participativa, de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, da análise de documentos facilitados pela empresa e de conteúdos de páginas da internet. Concluiu-se que o tratamento de alterações num projeto é um processo crucial da gestão de projetos e deve ser abordado com extrema minúcia. A Capgemini detém uma metodologia própria de gestão de projetos que lhe permite monitorizar e controlar todos os fatores associados a um projeto.
Infrastructural deficiencies, limited access to medicare, and shortage of health care workers are just a few of the barriers to health care in developing countries. As a consequence, the burden of disease and its impact on the livelihoods and the economic productivity of people are staggering. mHealth has been extolled as one possible solution to overcoming these challenges, yet discussion of mHealth systems is often limited to specific tasks and user groups. To address this, we adopt a stakeholder perspective and analyze existing research on the mHealth process in developing countries. Specifically, we focus on three key stakeholder groups, i.e. healthcare workers, patients, and system developers. We perform an in-depth analysis of 60 peer-reviewed studies to determine the extent to which different mHealth stakeholder interactions are researched, and to identify high-level themes emerging within these interactions. This analysis illustrates two key gaps in existing mHealth research. First, while interactions involving healthcare workers and/or patients have received significant attention, relatively little research has looked at the role of patient-to-patient interactions. Second, the interactions between system developers and the other stakeholder groups are strikingly under-represented. We conclude by calling for more mHealth research that explicitly addresses these stakeholder interactions.