998 resultados para power constraint


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We propose a novel technique for reducing the power consumed by the on-chip cache in SNUCA chip multicore platform. This is achieved by what we call a "remap table", which maps accesses to the cache banks that are as close as possible to the cores, on which the processes are scheduled. With this technique, instead of using all the available cache, we use a portion of the cache and allocate lesser cache to the application. We formulate the problem as an energy-delay (ED) minimization problem and solve it offline using a scalable genetic algorithm approach. Our experiments show up to 40% of savings in the memory sub-system power consumption and 47% savings in energy-delay product (ED).


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We propose a novel technique for reducing the power consumed by the on-chip cache in SNUCA chip multicore platform. This is achieved by what we call a "remap table", which maps accesses to the cache banks that are as close as possible to the cores, on which the processes are scheduled. With this technique, instead of using all the available cache, we use a portion of the cache and allocate lesser cache to the application. We formulate the problem as an energy-delay (ED) minimization problem and solve it offline using a scalable genetic algorithm approach. Our experiments show up to 40% of savings in the memory sub-system power consumption and 47% savings in energy-delay product (ED).


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We show that the operation and the output power of a quantum heat engine that converts incoherent thermal energy into coherent cavity photons can be optimized by manipulating quantum coherences. The gain or loss in the efficiency at maximum power depends on the details of the output power optimization. Quantum effects tend to enhance the output power and the efficiency as the photon occupation in the cavity is decreased.


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Linear quadratic stabilizers are well-known for their superior control capabilities when compared to the conventional lead-lag power system stabilizers. However, they have not seen much of practical importance as the state variables are generally not measurable; especially the generator rotor angle measurement is not available in most of the power plants. Full state feedback controllers require feedback of other machine states in a multi-machine power system and necessitate block diagonal structure constraints for decentralized implementation. This paper investigates the design of Linear Quadratic Power System Stabilizers using a recently proposed modified Heffron-Phillip's model. This model is derived by taking the secondary bus voltage of the step-up transformer as reference instead of the infinite bus. The state variables of this model can be obtained by local measurements. This model allows a coordinated linear quadratic control design in multi machine systems. The performance of the proposed controller has been evaluated on two widely used multi-machine power systems, 4 generator 10 bus and 10 generator 39 bus systems. It has been observed that the performance of the proposed controller is superior to that of the conventional Power System Stabilizers (PSS) over a wide range of operating and system conditions.


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It is generally known that addition of conducting or insulating particles to mineral transformer oil, lowers its breakdown strength, E-d. However, if the particulates are of molecular dimensions, or nanoparticles, (NPs), as they are called, the breakdown strength is seen to increase considerably. Recent experiments by the authors on oil cooled power equipment such as transformers showed that, nanofluids comprising NPs of selected oxides of iron, such as Fe(3)o(4), called magnetite, added to transformer oil increased the breakdown voltage of the virgin oil and more importantly a remarkable enhancement in the thermal conductivity and the viscosity and hence an increased loadability of the transformer for a given top oil temperature (TOT).


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Introduction of processor based instruments in power systems is resulting in the rapid growth of the measured data volume. The present practice in most of the utilities is to store only some of the important data in a retrievable fashion for a limited period. Subsequently even this data is either deleted or stored in some back up devices. The investigations presented here explore the application of lossless data compression techniques for the purpose of archiving all the operational data - so that they can be put to more effective use. Four arithmetic coding methods suitably modified for handling power system steady state operational data are proposed here. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using actual data pertaining to the Southern Regional Grid of India. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this letter, we analyze the Diversity Multiplexinggain Tradeoff (DMT) performance of a training-based reciprocal Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) system. Assuming Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the Receiver (CSIR), we propose a channel-dependent power-controlled Reverse Channel Training (RCT) scheme that enables the transmitter to directly estimate the power control parameter to be used for the forwardlink data transmission. We show that, with an RCT power of (P) over bar (gamma), gamma > 0 and a forward data transmission power of (P) over bar, our proposed scheme achieves an infinite diversity order for 0 <= g(m) < L-c-L-B,L-tau/L-c min(gamma, 1) and r > 2, where g(m) is the multiplexing gain, L-c is the channel coherence time, L-B,L-tau is the RCT duration and r is the number of receive antennas. We also derive an upper bound on the outage probability and show that it goes to zero asymptotically as exp(-(P) over bar (E)), where E (sic) (gamma - g(m)L(c)/L-c-L-B,L-tau), at high (P) over bar. Thus, the proposed scheme achieves a significantly better DMT performance compared to the finite diversity order achieved by channel-agnostic, fixed-power RCT schemes.


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Bidirectional relaying, where a relay helps two user nodes to exchange equal length binary messages, has been an active area of recent research. A popular strategy involves a modified Gaussian MAC, where the relay decodes the XOR of the two messages using the naturally-occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes. In this work, we consider the Gaussian MAC in bidirectional relaying with an additional secrecy constraint for protection against a honest but curious relay. The constraint is that, while the relay should decode the XOR, it should be fully ignorant of the individual messages of the users. We exploit the symbol addition that occurs in a Gaussian MAC to design explicit strategies that achieve perfect independence between the received symbols and individual transmitted messages. Our results actually hold for a more general scenario where the messages at the two user nodes come from a finite Abelian group G, and the relay must decode the sum within G of the two messages. We provide a lattice coding strategy and study optimal rate versus average power trade-offs for asymptotically large dimensions.


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Points-to analysis is a key compiler analysis. Several memory related optimizations use points-to information to improve their effectiveness. Points-to analysis is performed by building a constraint graph of pointer variables and dynamically updating it to propagate more and more points-to information across its subset edges. So far, the structure of the constraint graph has been only trivially exploited for efficient propagation of information, e.g., in identifying cyclic components or to propagate information in topological order. We perform a careful study of its structure and propose a new inclusion-based flow-insensitive context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm based on the notion of dominant pointers. We also propose a new kind of pointer-equivalence based on dominant pointers which provides significantly more opportunities for reducing the number of pointers tracked during the analysis. Based on this hitherto unexplored form of pointer-equivalence, we develop a new context-sensitive flow-insensitive points-to analysis algorithm which uses incremental dominator update to efficiently compute points-to information. Using a large suite of programs consisting of SPEC 2000 benchmarks and five large open source programs we show that our points-to analysis is 88% faster than BDD-based Lazy Cycle Detection and 2x faster than Deep Propagation. We argue that our approach of detecting dominator-based pointer-equivalence is a key to improve points-to analysis efficiency.


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We investigate the effect of a prescribed tangential velocity on the drag force on a circular cylinder in a spanwise uniform cross flow. Using a combination of theoretical and numerical techniques we make an attempt at determining the optimal tangential velocity profiles which will reduce the drag force acting on the cylindrical body while minimizing the net power consumption characterized through a non-dimensional power loss coefficient (C-PL). A striking conclusion of our analysis is that the tangential velocity associated with the potential flow, which completely suppresses the drag force, is not optimal for both small and large, but finite Reynolds number. When inertial effects are negligible (R e << 1), theoretical analysis based on two-dimensional Oseen equations gives us the optimal tangential velocity profile which leads to energetically efficient drag reduction. Furthermore, in the limit of zero Reynolds number (Re -> 0), minimum power loss is achieved for a tangential velocity profile corresponding to a shear-free perfect slip boundary. At finite Re, results from numerical simulations indicate that perfect slip is not optimum and a further reduction in drag can be achieved for reduced power consumption. A gradual increase in the strength of a tangential velocity which involves only the first reflectionally symmetric mode leads to a monotonic reduction in drag and eventual thrust production. Simulations reveal the existence of an optimal strength for which the power consumption attains a minima. At a Reynolds number of 100, minimum value of the power loss coefficient (C-PL = 0.37) is obtained when the maximum in tangential surface velocity is about one and a half times the free stream uniform velocity corresponding to a percentage drag reduction of approximately 77 %; C-PL = 0.42 and 0.50 for perfect slip and potential flow cases, respectively. Our results suggest that potential flow tangential velocity enables energetically efficient propulsion at all Reynolds numbers but optimal drag reduction only for Re -> infinity. The two-dimensional strategy of reducing drag while minimizing net power consumption is shown to be effective in three dimensions via numerical simulation of flow past an infinite circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 300. Finally a strategy of reducing drag, suitable for practical implementation and amenable to experimental testing, through piecewise constant tangential velocities distributed along the cylinder periphery is proposed and analysed.


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We consider a complex, additive, white Gaussian noise channel with flat fading. We study its diversity order vs transmission rate for some known power allocation schemes. The capacity region is divided into three regions. For one power allocation scheme, the diversity order is exponential throughout the capacity region. For selective channel inversion (SCI) scheme, the diversity order is exponential in low and high rate region but polynomial in mid rate region. For fast fading case we also provide a new upper bound on block error probability and a power allocation scheme that minimizes it. The diversity order behaviour of this scheme is same as for SCI but provides lower BER than the other policies.


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Pervasive use of pointers in large-scale real-world applications continues to make points-to analysis an important optimization-enabler. Rapid growth of software systems demands a scalable pointer analysis algorithm. A typical inclusion-based points-to analysis iteratively evaluates constraints and computes a points-to solution until a fixpoint. In each iteration, (i) points-to information is propagated across directed edges in a constraint graph G and (ii) more edges are added by processing the points-to constraints. We observe that prioritizing the order in which the information is processed within each of the above two steps can lead to efficient execution of the points-to analysis. While earlier work in the literature focuses only on the propagation order, we argue that the other dimension, that is, prioritizing the constraint processing, can lead to even higher improvements on how fast the fixpoint of the points-to algorithm is reached. This becomes especially important as we prove that finding an optimal sequence for processing the points-to constraints is NP-Complete. The prioritization scheme proposed in this paper is general enough to be applied to any of the existing points-to analyses. Using the prioritization framework developed in this paper, we implement prioritized versions of Andersen's analysis, Deep Propagation, Hardekopf and Lin's Lazy Cycle Detection and Bloom Filter based points-to analysis. In each case, we report significant improvements in the analysis times (33%, 47%, 44%, 20% respectively) as well as the memory requirements for a large suite of programs, including SPEC 2000 benchmarks and five large open source programs.


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This paper presents analysis and design of multilayer ultra wide band (UWB) power splitter suitable for wireless communications. An UWB power splitter is designed in suspended substrate stripline medium. The quarter wave transformer in the conventional Wilkinson power divider is replaced by broadside coupled lines to achieve tight coupling for broadband operation. The UWB power splitter is analyzed using circuit models of coupled lines and full wave simulator. Experimental results of 3dB power splitter designed using the proposed structure have been verified against the results from circuit simulation and full wave simulation. The return loss is better than 12 dB across the band 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz. Size of the power splitter is 30mm× 20mm×6.38mm.


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Advances in technology have increased the number of cores and size of caches present on chip multicore platforms(CMPs). As a result, leakage power consumption of on-chip caches has already become a major power consuming component of the memory subsystem. We propose to reduce leakage power consumption in static nonuniform cache architecture(SNUCA) on a tiled CMP by dynamically varying the number of cache slices used and switching off unused cache slices. A cache slice in a tile includes all cache banks present in that tile. Switched-off cache slices are remapped considering the communication costs to reduce cache usage with minimal impact on execution time. This saves leakage power consumption in switched-off L2 cache slices. On an average, there map policy achieves 41% and 49% higher EDP savings compared to static and dynamic NUCA (DNUCA) cache policies on a scalable tiled CMP, respectively.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC) have been recently reported, wherein introducing appropriate rotation between the constellations of the two users is shown to maximally enlarge the CC capacity region. Such a Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NO-MA) method of enlarging the CC capacity region is referred to as Constellation Rotation (CR) scheme. In this paper, we propose a novel NO-MA technique called Constellation Power Allocation (CPA) scheme to enlarge the CC capacity region of two-user GMAC. We show that the CPA scheme offers CC sum capacities equal (at low SNR values) or close (at high SNR values) to those offered by the CR scheme with reduced ML decoding complexity for some QAM constellations. For the CR scheme, code pairs approaching the CC sum capacity are known only for the class of PSK and PAM constellations but not for QAM constellations. In this paper, we design code pairs with the CPA scheme to approach the CC sum capacity for 16-QAM constellations. Further, the CPA scheme used for two-user GMAC with random phase offsets is shown to provide larger CC sum capacities at high SNR values compared to the CR scheme.