904 resultados para planets and satellites : individual : Mimas
In order to maintain pond-breeding amphibian species richness, it is important to understand how both natural and anthropogenic disturbances affect species assemblages and individual species distributions both at the scale of individual ponds and at a larger landscape scale. The goal of this project was to investigate what characteristics of ponds and the surrounding wetland landscape were most effective in predicting pond-breeding species richness and the individual occurrence of wood frog (Rana sylvatica), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and pickerel frog (Rana palustris) breeding sites in a beaver-modified landscape and how this landscape has changed over time. The wetland landscape of Acadia National Park was historically modified by the natural disturbance cycles of beaver (Castor cazadensis), and since their reintroduction to the island in 1921, beaver have played a large role in creating and maintaining palustrine wetlands. In 2000 and 2001, I studied pond-breeding amphibian assemblages at 71 palustrine wetlands in Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine. I determined breeding presence of 7 amphibian species and quantified 15 variables describing local pond conditions and characteristics of the wetland landscape. I developed a priori models to predict sites with high amphibian species and used model selection with Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) to identify important variables. Single species models were also developed to predict wood frog, bullfrog and pickerel frogs breeding presence. The variables for wetland connectivity by stream corridors and the presence of beaver disturbance were the most effective variables to predict sites with high amphibian richness. Wood frog breeding was best predicted by local scale variables describing temporary, fishless wetlands and the absence of active beaver disturbance. Abandoned beaver sites provided wood frog breeding habitat (70%) in a similar proportion to that found in non beaver-influenced sites (79%). In contrast, bullfrog breeding presence was limited to active beaver wetlands with fish and permanent water, and 80% of breeding sites were large (≥2ha in size). Pickerel frog breeding site selection was predicted best by the connectivity of sites in the landscape by stream corridors. Models including the presence of beaver disturbance, greater wetland perimeter and greater depth were included in the confidence set of pickerel frog models but showed considerably less support. Analysis of historic aerial photographs showed an 89% increase in the total number of ponded wetlands available in the landscape between the years of 1944 and 1997. Beaver colonization generally converted forested wetlands and riparian areas to open water and emergent wetlands. Temporal colonization of beaver wetlands favored large sites low in the watersheds and sites that were impounded later were generally smaller, higher in the watershed, and more likely to be abandoned. These results suggest that beaver have not only increased the number of available breeding sites in the landscape for pond-breeding amphibians, but the resulting mosaic of active and abandoned beaver wetlands also provides suitable breeding habitat for species with differing habitat requirements.
Despite many researches on development in education and psychology, not often is the methodology tested with real data. A major barrier to test the growth model is that the design of study includes repeated observations and the nature of the growth is nonlinear. The repeat measurements on a nonlinear model require sophisticated statistical methods. In this study, we present mixed effects model in a negative exponential curve to describe the development of children's reading skills. This model can describe the nature of the growth on children's reading skills and account for intra-individual and inter-individual variation. We also apply simple techniques including cross-validation, regression, and graphical methods to determine the most appropriate curve for data, to find efficient initial values of parameters, and to select potential covariates. We illustrate with an example that motivated this research: a longitudinal study of academic skills from grade 1 to grade 12 in Connecticut public schools. ^
This paper investigates the effects on open-seat races in the United States House of Representatives. This project focuses on the influence that the House leadership exerts on races. Generally, the leadership influences race through spending by party organizations and leadership visits. During each election cycle, national party organizations spend millions of dollars to get their candidates into office. I have developed a multiple regression model that measures different types of spending from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the Republican National Committee and the effects of these spending types on the election results. Also, the study examines the number of visits by each party’s leadership to each race. I introduced control variables that account for the year, the competitiveness of each race, and the individual candidate fundraising. In terms of statistical significance, the results were mixed showing one type of party spending to be highly influential in the outcome of the race. Competitiveness and individual candidate fundraising also achieved statistical significance. The study also includes a qualitative investigation of leadership visits and individual case studies in order to understand better the way in which the data interact in real campaigns.
Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) after abdominal surgeries account for approximately 26% of all reported SSIs. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines 3 types of SSIs: superficial incisional, deep incisional, and organ/space. Preventing SSIs has become a national focus. This dissertation assesses several associations with the individual types of SSI in patients that have undergone colon surgery. ^ Methods: Data for this dissertation was obtained from the American College of Surgeons' National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP); major colon surgeries were identified in the database that occurred between the time period of 2007 and 2009. NSQIP data includes more than 50 preoperative and 30 intraoperative factors; 40 collected postoperative occurrences are based on a follow-up period of 30 days from surgery. Initially, four individual logistic regressions were modeled to compare the associations between risk factors and each of the SSI groups: superficial, deep, organ/space and a composite of any single SSI. A second analysis used polytomous regression to assess simultaneously the associations between risk factors and the different types of SSIs, as well as, formally test the different effect estimates of 13 common risk factors for SSIs. The final analysis explored the association between venous thromboembolism (VTEs) and the different types of SSIs and risk factors. ^ Results: A total of 59,365 colon surgeries were included in the study. Overall, 13% of colon cases developed a single type of SSI; 8% of these were superficial SSIs, 1.4% was deep SSIs, and 3.8% were organ/space SSIs. The first article identifies the unique set of risk factors associated with each of the 4 SSI models. Distinct risk factors for superficial SSIs included factors, such as alcohol, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dyspnea and diabetes. Organ/space SSIs were uniquely associated with disseminated cancer, preoperative dialysis, preoperative radiation treatment, bleeding disorder and prior surgery. Risk factors that were significant in all models had different effect estimates. The second article assesses 13 common SSI risk factors simultaneously across the 3 different types of SSIs using polytomous regression. Then each risk factor was formally tested for the effect heterogeneity exhibited. If the test was significant the final model would allow for the effect estimations for that risk factor to vary across each type of SSI; if the test was not significant, the effect estimate would remain constant across the types of SSIs using the aggregate SSI value. The third article explored the relationship of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and the individual types of SSIs and risk factors. The overall incidence of VTEs after the 59,365 colon cases was 2.4%. All 3 types of SSIs and several risk factors were independently associated with the development of VTEs. ^ Conclusions: Risk factors associated with each type of SSI were different in patients that have undergone colon surgery. Each model had a unique cluster of risk factors. Several risk factors, including increased BMI, duration of surgery, wound class, and laparoscopic approach, were significant across all 4 models but no statistical inferences can be made about their different effect estimates. These results suggest that aggregating SSIs may misattribute and hide true associations with risk factors. Using polytomous regression to assess multiple risk factors with the multiple types of SSI, this study was able to identify several risk factors that had significant effect heterogeneity across the 3 types of SSI challenging the use of aggregate SSI outcomes. The third article recognizes the strong association between VTEs and the 3 types of SSIs. Clinicians understand the difference between superficial, deep and organ/space SSIs. Our results indicate that they should be considered individually in future studies.^
Geochemical investigation of 18 samples of sediments from Site 434 involved determining the content of organic carbon, of bitumoid A (The chloroform A-chl and alcohol-benzene A-alb extracts) and its various fractions, and of individual hydrocarbons as well as the structural group composition of resins. We identified certain samples that differed sharply from the rest by their increased bitumen content and relatively low molecular hydrocarbons and by the fact that their resinous components were more neutral and aliphatic in composition. The distribution of bitumoid and its components seems to reflect migration processes in operation during the early stages of the transformation of organic matter.
Se estudiaron los efectos de la adición de un preparado enzimático a la vendimia sobre el color, composición fenólica y perfil antociánico del vino y se realizaron vinificaciones a escala reducida con uvas de la variedad Tannat. Los vinos fueron analizados al descube y a los dos meses de finalizada la fermentación alcohólica, determinándose la composición fenólica por métodos espectrofotométricos y los antocianos individuales por HPLC. Se obtuvieron vinos con altas concentraciones de polifenoles totales y antocianos y elevada intensidad colorante; estos valores fueron superiores en los vinos enzimados que en el testigo. En general, las concentraciones de antocianos en los vinos testigo y enzimado sufrieron los mismos cambios en el transcurso del tiempo, de manera que el perfil antociánico puede considerarse característico de la variedad.
El presente trabajo constituye una propuesta para abordar textos referidos al viaje que se basa en analizar la mayor o menor relevancia dada a la distancia recorrida, al exotismo o extrañeza de los espacios visitados y a las experiencias en cuanto modificadoras de la persona del viajero. Las concepciones de diversas épocas sobre el mundo exterior y sobre el interior del "yo" han ejercido una influencia fundamental en la gran variabilidad de estas valoraciones. Pero no se trata de un proceso desarrollado de forma lineal y por lo tanto, en los ejemplos presentados se subrayan las interrelaciones entre pormenores de dicho proceso histórico y los desfases y matices propios de cada texto.
La hipoacusia se define como la disminución de la percepción auditiva, la cual constituye la vía habitual para la adquisición el lenguaje. Se trata de un problema relevante en la infancia temprana, dado que el logro de capacidades y habilidades intelectuales y sociales están ligados a un desarrollo adecuado de la audición como principal vía de aprendizaje. La audición, junto con el resto de los sentidos permite el establecer relaciones sociales y del individuo con su entorno. Es uno de los principales procesos fisiológicos que posibilita a los niños el aprendizaje, siendo de suma importancia para el desarrollo del pensamiento. Por ello es importante analizar las diferentes aristas que intervienen en la prevención, promoción y atención primaria y secundaria de dicha afección. A continuación analizaremos el Programa Nacional de Detección Temprana de Hipoacusias (su legislación, gestión y funcionalización), la importancia de una adecuada información a los padres o responsables del niño hipoacúsico, la perspectiva de la cultura sorda y la perspectiva de la oralización de pacientes sordos mediante el implante coclear en la infancia.
Las enfermedades periodontales son infecciones asociadas a microorganismos patogénicos y alteraciones en la respuesta del huésped. Se desarrollan cuando se produce un desequilibrio entre los microorganismos y los mecanismos de defensa del individuo. Los factores psicosociales como el estrés y las conductas de afrontamiento inadecuadas al mismo pueden ejercer efectos inmunosupresivos, incrementando la susceptibilidad a periodontitis. La resiliencia es la capacidad de autosostén para enfrentar situaciones estresantes, es decir que es la capacidad de encarar los problemas en forma activa con conductas de afrontamiento adecuadas, para atenuar los efectos del estrés y recuperarse superando el problema. La evidencia demuestra que hay una clara asociación entre las enfermedades periodontales y las conductas de afrontamiento frente al estrés
Las enfermedades periodontales son infecciones asociadas a microorganismos patogénicos y alteraciones en la respuesta del huesped. Se desarrollan cuando se produce un desequilibrio entre los microorganismos y los mecanismos de defensa del individuo. Los factores ambientales como el tabaquismo pueden ejercer efectos inmunosupresivos, medioambientales negativos, incrementando la susceptibilidad a periodontitis. La evidencia demuestra que hay una clara asociación entre las enfermedades periodontales y el tabaquismo.
How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists
Este trabajo se propone examinar los procesos cognitivos de alumnos de escuelas primaria en las prácticas de lectura en bibliotecas virtuales en el contexto de dos situaciones didácticas contrastantes. La perspectiva teórica adoptada considera los aportes de la tradición socio-histórica vigotskiana y del constructivismo relacional piagetiano. El diseño metodológico se inscribe en un estudio cualitativo de casos en el que se realiza el seguimiento de las prácticas de lectura de los alumnos mediante observaciones de aula donde se registran minuciosamente las acciones de un grupo frente a la pantalla y los intercambios con sus compañeros y el docente. Estos datos se complementan con encuestas realizadas previamente y entrevistas clínicas individuales, administradas a posteriori de la observación. Los resultados evidencian que los estudiantes parten de ideas provenientes de una historia socio-cognitivo-cultural que guían sus representaciones acerca de las bibliotecas virtuales. Estas ideas entran en constante contradicción con las formas organizativas y los contenidos que las bibliotecas les presentan. Las condiciones e intervenciones didácticas tienen un papel constitutivo en el desarrollo de las prácticas y saberes altamente complejos que requieren las búsquedas. La comparación permite avanzar sobre las situaciones que generan una mayor autonomía de los alumnos.
Este trabajo se propone examinar los procesos cognitivos de alumnos de escuelas primaria en las prácticas de lectura en bibliotecas virtuales en el contexto de dos situaciones didácticas contrastantes. La perspectiva teórica adoptada considera los aportes de la tradición socio-histórica vigotskiana y del constructivismo relacional piagetiano. El diseño metodológico se inscribe en un estudio cualitativo de casos en el que se realiza el seguimiento de las prácticas de lectura de los alumnos mediante observaciones de aula donde se registran minuciosamente las acciones de un grupo frente a la pantalla y los intercambios con sus compañeros y el docente. Estos datos se complementan con encuestas realizadas previamente y entrevistas clínicas individuales, administradas a posteriori de la observación. Los resultados evidencian que los estudiantes parten de ideas provenientes de una historia socio-cognitivo-cultural que guían sus representaciones acerca de las bibliotecas virtuales. Estas ideas entran en constante contradicción con las formas organizativas y los contenidos que las bibliotecas les presentan. Las condiciones e intervenciones didácticas tienen un papel constitutivo en el desarrollo de las prácticas y saberes altamente complejos que requieren las búsquedas. La comparación permite avanzar sobre las situaciones que generan una mayor autonomía de los alumnos.
How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists
Este trabajo se propone examinar los procesos cognitivos de alumnos de escuelas primaria en las prácticas de lectura en bibliotecas virtuales en el contexto de dos situaciones didácticas contrastantes. La perspectiva teórica adoptada considera los aportes de la tradición socio-histórica vigotskiana y del constructivismo relacional piagetiano. El diseño metodológico se inscribe en un estudio cualitativo de casos en el que se realiza el seguimiento de las prácticas de lectura de los alumnos mediante observaciones de aula donde se registran minuciosamente las acciones de un grupo frente a la pantalla y los intercambios con sus compañeros y el docente. Estos datos se complementan con encuestas realizadas previamente y entrevistas clínicas individuales, administradas a posteriori de la observación. Los resultados evidencian que los estudiantes parten de ideas provenientes de una historia socio-cognitivo-cultural que guían sus representaciones acerca de las bibliotecas virtuales. Estas ideas entran en constante contradicción con las formas organizativas y los contenidos que las bibliotecas les presentan. Las condiciones e intervenciones didácticas tienen un papel constitutivo en el desarrollo de las prácticas y saberes altamente complejos que requieren las búsquedas. La comparación permite avanzar sobre las situaciones que generan una mayor autonomía de los alumnos.