1000 resultados para nanotube debundling kinetics


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In this paper, the isothermal crystallization kinetics of polypropylene (iPP) during self-nucleation was studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The iPP was melted at 438 K and then isothermally crystallized in the range of temperature between 421 and 425 K. The mechanism of nucleation and growth of iPP was discussed. The Avrami equation was applied to analyzing the process of isothermal crystallization of iPP from the melt. The average value of Avrami exponent is n=3.01, suggesting that the primary crystallization maybe corresponds to three-dimensional spherulitic growth. The K-g value obtained from Lauritzen-Hoffman equation is 1.128 X 10(5) K-2, which suggests that crystallization species should be regime I. The decrease of crystallization active energy and chain folding work indicates that the self-nucleation can greatly promote the overall crystallization of iPP.


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We study the kinetics of the biomolecular binding process at the interface using energy landscape theory. The global kinetic connectivity case is considered for a downhill funneled energy landscape. By solving the kinetic master equation, the kinetic time for binding is obtained and shown to have a U-shape curve-dependence on the temperature. The kinetic minimum of the binding time monotonically decreases when the ratio of the underlying energy gap between native state and average non-native states versus the roughness or the fluctuations of the landscape increases. At intermediate temperatures,fluctuations measured by the higher moments of the binding time lead to non-Poissonian, non-exponential kinetics. At both high and very low temperatures, the kinetics is nearly Poissonian and exponential.


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The isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization processes of nylon 1212 were investigated by polarized optical microscopy. The crystal growth rates of nylon 1212 measured in isothermal conditions at temperatures ranged from 182 to 132 degreesC are well comparable with those measured by non-isothermal procedures (cooling rates ranged from 0.5 to 11 degreesC/min). The kinetic data were examined with the Hoffman-Lauritzen nucleation theory on the basis of the obtained values of the thermodynamic parameters of nylon 1212. The classical regime I --> II and regime II --> III transitions occur at the temperatures of 179 and 159 degreesC, respectively. The crystal growth parameters were calculated with (100) plane assumed to be the growth plane. The regime I --> II --> III transition is accompanied by a morphological transition from elliptical-shaped structure to banded spherulite and then non-banded spherulite. The development of morphology during isothermal and non-isothermal processes shows a good agreement.


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Isothermal crystallization kinetics under shear in the melt of iPP was investigated by optical microscopy. It appears that shearing from 200 to the crystallization temperatures enhanced the kinetics, but the shear effect was not obvious if the melt of iPP was sheared only at 200. The experiment results show that relaxation plays an important role during crystallization, and that spherulite growth rates increased with shear rates and were governed by relaxation. The effect of flow on the crystallization kinetics can be understood by considering that the increase of the degree of order due to flow results is an effective change of the melt free energy. The Laurizen-Hoffman theory and the DE-IAA model were used to describe the shear-induced crystallization kinetics of iPP excellently.


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Isothermal crystallization kinetics in the melting of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were investigated as a function of the shear rate and crystallization temperature by optical microscopy. The radial growth rates of the spherulites are described by a kinetics equation including shearing and relaxation combined effects and the free energy for the formation of a secondary crystal nucleus. The free-energy difference between the liquid and crystalline phases increased slightly with rising shearing rates. The experimental findings showed that the influence of the relaxation of PEO, which is related to the shear-induced orientation and stretch in a PEO melt, on the rate of crystallization predominated over the influence of the shearing. This indicated that the relaxation of PEO should be more important so that the growth rates increase with shearing, but it was nearly independent of the shear rate within the measured experimental range.


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The electrochemistry and electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) of ruthenium(II) tris(bipyridine) (Ru(bpy)(3)(2+)) ion-exchanged in carbon nanotube (CNT)/Nafion composite films were investigated with tripropylamine (TPA) as a coreactant at a glassy carbon (GC) electrode. The major goal of this work was to investigate and develop new materials and immobilization approaches for the fabrication of ECL-based sensors with improved sensitivity, reactivity, and long-term stability. Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) could be strongly incorporated into Nafion film, but the rate of charge transfer was relative slow and its stability was also problematic. The interfusion of CNT in Nafion resulted in a high peak current of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) and high ECL intensity. The results indicated that the composite film had more open structures and a larger surface area allowing faster diffusion of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) and that the CNT could adsorb Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) and also acted as conducting pathways to connect Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) sites to the electrode. In the present work, the sensitivity of the ECL system at the CNT/Nafion film-modified electrodes was more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than that observed at a silica/Nafion composite film-modified electrode and 3 orders of magnitude higher than that at pure Nafion films.


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The pH-sensitive property of the single-wall carbon nanotube modified electrode based oil the electroactive group on the single-wall carbon nanotube was explored by differential pulse voltammetry technique. In pH range 1-13 investigated in Britton-Robinson (B-R) buffer, the anodic peak shifted negatively along with the increase of pH exhibiting a reversible Nernstian response. Experiments were carried out to investigate the response of the single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) modified electrode to analytes associated with pH change. The response behavior of the modified electrode to ammonia was studied as an example. The potential response could reach equilibrium within 5 min. The modified electrode had good operational stability. Voltammetric urease and acetylcholinesterase biosensors were constructed by immobilizing the enzymes with sol-get hybrid material. The maximum potential shift could reach 0.130 and 0.220V for urea and acetylthiocholine, respectively. The methods for preparing sensor and biosensor were simple and reproducible and the range of analytes could be extended to substrates of other hydrolyases and esterases.


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Nanocomposites based on poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were prepared by solution processing. Ultrasonic energy was used to uniformly disperse MWNTs in solutions and to incorporate them into composites. Microscopic observation reveals that polymer-coated MWNTs dispersed homogenously in the PHBV matrix. The thermal properties and the crystallization behavior of the composites were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and wide-angle X-ray diffraction, the nucleant effect of MWNTs on the crystallization of PHBV was confirmed, and carbon nanotubes were found to enhanced the thermal stability of PHBV in nitrogen.


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The extraction and stripping kinetics of yttrium(III) with bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid (Cyanex 272, HA) dissolved in heptane as an acid extractant have been investigated by constant interfacial cell with laminar flow. The experimental hydrodynamic conditions have been chosen so that the contribution of diffusion to the measured rate of reaction is minimized. The plot of interfacial area on the rate has shown a linear relationship, which makes the interface the most probable local for the chemical reactions. At the same time, the extraction thermodynamic and kinetic methods are compared to determine the equilibrium extraction constant. A rate equation and the rate-determining step of the extraction and stripping of yttrium(III) have also been obtained, respectively.


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The complex protein folding kinetics in wide temperature ranges is studied through diffusive dynamics on the underlying energy landscape. The well-known kinetic chevron rollover behavior is recovered from the mean first passage time, with the U-shape dependence on temperature. The fastest folding temperature T-0 is found to be smaller than the folding transition temperature T-f. We found that the fluctuations of the kinetics through the distribution of first passage time show rather universal behavior, from high-temperature exponential Poissonian kinetics to the relatively low-temperature highly nonexponential kinetics. The transition temperature is at T-k and T-0, T-k, T-f. In certain low-temperature regimes, a power law behavior at long time emerges. At very low temperatures ( lower than trapping transition temperature T< T-0/(4&SIM;6)), the kinetics is an exponential Poissonian process again.


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We propose an approach to integrate the theory, simulations, and experiments in protein-folding kinetics. This is realized by measuring the mean and high-order moments of the first-passage time and its associated distribution. The full kinetics is revealed in the current theoretical framework through these measurements. In the experiments, information about the statistical properties of first-passage times can be obtained from the kinetic folding trajectories of single molecule experiments ( for example, fluorescence). Theoretical/simulation and experimental approaches can be directly related. We study in particular the temperature-varying kinetics to probe the underlying structure of the folding energy landscape. At high temperatures, exponential kinetics is observed; there are multiple parallel kinetic paths leading to the native state. At intermediate temperatures, nonexponential kinetics appears, revealing the nature of the distribution of local traps on the landscape and, as a result, discrete kinetic paths emerge. At very low temperatures, exponential kinetics is again observed; the dynamics on the underlying landscape is dominated by a single barrier.


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An effective and facile in Situ reduction approach for the fabrication of carbon nanotube-supported Au nanoparticle (CNT/Au NP) composite nanomaterials is demonstrated in this article. Linear polyethyleneimine (PEI) is ingeniously used as both a functionalizing agent for the multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and a reducing agent for the formation of An NPs. This method involves a simple mixing process followed by a mild heating process. This approach does not need the exhaustive surface oxidation process of CNTs. The coverage of Au NPs on CNTs is tunable by varying the experimental parameters, such as the initial molar ratio of PEI to HAuCl4, the relative concentration of PEI and HAUCl(4) to MWNTs, and the temperature and duration of the heat treatment. More importantly, even the heterogeneous CNT/Au composite nanowires are obtainable through this method. TEM, XPS, and XRD are all used to characterize the CNT/Au composite materials. In addition, the optical and electrocatalytic properties are investigated.


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Atomic force microscope (AFM)-based scanned probe oxidation (SPO) nanolithography has been carried out on an octadecyl-terminated Si(111) surface to create dot-array patterns under ambient conditions in contact mode. The kinetics investigations indicate that this SPO process involves three stages. Within the steadily growing stage, the height of oxide dots increases logarithmically with pulse duration and linearly with pulse voltage. The lateral size of oxide dots tends to vary in a similar way. Our experiments show that a direct-log kinetic model is more applicable than a power-of-time law model for the SPO process on an alkylated silicon in demonstrating the dependence of oxide thickness on voltage exposure time within a relatively wide range. In contrast with the SPO on the octodecysilated SiO2/silicon surface, this process can be realized by a lower voltage with a shorter exposure time, which will be of great benefit to the fabrication of integrated nanometer-sized electronic devices on silicon-based substrates. This study demonstrates that the alkylated silicon is a new promising substrate material for silicon-based nanolithography.


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The electrochemistry and electrogenerated chemilurninescence (ECL) of tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) ion-exchanged in Eastman-AQ-carbon nanotube (CNT) composite films were investigated at a glassy carbon (GC) electrode. Eastman-AQ55D is a poly (ester sulfonic acid) cation exchanger available in a commercial dissolved form. It is much more hydrophilic than Nafion due to its unique structure, so Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) does not diffuse into the hydrophobic region where it may lose its electroactivity as that in Nafion. The interfused CNT could act as electronic wires that connect the electrode with Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), which made the composite film much more electronically which finally led to the increasing of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) conductive. Besides, the negatively charged CNT could also absorb some Ru(bpy)(3)(2+). Moreover, the strong electrostatic interaction between AQ and Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) made the composite films much more stable. The combination of AQ and CNT brings excellent sensitivity with the detection limit as low as 3 x 10(-11) M for TPA.


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The effects of diluents, temperature, acidity, and ionic strength of the aqueous phase on the interfacial properties of DEHEHP have been extensively investigated using the Du Nouy ring method. In addition, the effect of cerium(IV) concentration loaded in the organic phase on the interfacial tension has also been studied. With the increase of DEHEHP concentration, the value of interfacial tension (gamma) decreases in the studied system, which shows that DEHEHP has interfacial activity as a kind of surfactant. The surface excess at the saturated interface (Gamma(max)) and the minimum bulk concentration of the extractant necessary to saturate the interface (C-min) under the different conditions are calculated according to two adsorption equations such as the Gibbs and Szyszkowski functions to be presented in comprehensive tables and figures. The relationship between the interfacial activity of DEHEHP and cerium(IV) extraction kinetics by DEHEHP has been discussed by considering different factors such as the effects of diluents and temperature. However, the interfacial activity parameter of extractant only is a qualitative parameter, but cannot provide strong enough evidence to quantitatively explain the relationship between extraction kinetics and interfacial properties of an extractant.