964 resultados para flame kernel


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In the present paper, a multifluid model of two-phase flows with pulverized-coal combustion, based on a continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase, is developed and employed to simulate the 3-D turbulent two-phase hows and combustion in a new type of pulverized-coal combustor with one primary-air jet placed along the wall of the combustor. The results show that: (1) this continuum-trajectory model with reacting particle phase can be used in practical engineering to qualitatively predict the flame stability, concentrations of gas species, possibilities of slag formation and soot deposition, etc.; (2) large recirculation zones can be created in the combustor, which is favorable to the ignition and flame stabilization.


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The paper adapts a non cooperative game presented by Dagan, Serrano and Volij (1997) for bankruptcy problems to the context of TU veto balanced games. We investigate the relationship between the Nash outcomes of a noncooperative game and solution concepts of cooperative games such as the nucleolus, kernel and the egalitarian core.


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对微重力下薄燃料表面逆风火焰传播的地面窄通道模拟,进行了量纲分析,并通过火焰传播图像记录进行了实验验证.结果表明,减小实验段特征尺寸可以实现微重力燃烧的地面模拟.在各种氧气浓度条件下,竖直和水平窄通道内的火焰传播速度随气流速度的变化趋势完全不同,而且,水平窄通道可以有效限制自然对流,而竖直窄通道较难.当通道高度增大时,竖直和水平窄通道中,火焰传播速度和吹熄极限速度都不同程度地增大,这是热损失减小、火焰面遇见的气流速度减小以及自然对流速度增大3个因素的综合结果.对于水平窄通道, 1 cm是一个可以定性模拟微重力下自然对流的尺寸.对于竖直窄通道,则需要高度更小的窄通道来限制自然对流.


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*Table of Contents* Sustainable Aquaculture Fertilization, soil and water quality management in small-scale ponds part II:Soil and water quality management S. Adhikari Fisheries and aquaculture activities in Nepal Tek Gurung Peter Edwards writes on rural aquaculture: A knowledge-base for rural aquaculture Farmers as Scientists: Commercialization of giant freshwater prawn culture in India M.C. Nandeesha Aquaculture in reservoir fed canal based irrigation systems of India – a boon for fish production K.M. Rajesh, Mridula R. Mendon, K. N. Prabhudeva and P. Arun Padiyar Research and Farming Techniques Production and grow-out of the Black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera Idris Lane Breeding of carps using a low-cost, small-scale hatchery in Assam, India: A farmer proven technology S.K. Das Genes and Fish: Hybridisation – more trouble than its worth? Graham Mair Breeding and culture of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra in Vietnam R. Pitt and N. D. Q. Duy The potential use of palm kernel meal in aquaculture feeds Wing-Keong Ng Using a Simple GIS model to assess development patterns of small-scale rural aquaculture in the wider environment Simon R. Bush Aquaculture fundamentals: Getting the most out of your feed Simon Wilkinson Marine finfish section Status of marine finfish aquaculture in Myanmar U Khin Kolay Regional training course on grouper hatchery production Aquatic Animal Health Advice on aquatic animal health care: Problems in Penaeus monodon culture in low salinity areas Pornlerd Chanratchakool


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建立了微重力蜡烛火焰的数学模型。计算与分析表明,火焰的形状由空气动力学特征决定,火焰是温度取决于化学反应动力学特征和火焰的热损失。在静止微重力环境中,自然对流的消失使火焰为半球形。辐射热损失对烛火焰温度(颜色)特征的形成有重要贡献,在静止重力环境下,化学反应放热速率受氧气扩散速率控制,辐射热损失的冷却使火焰温度低于正常重力温度值。但当环境气体的流动速度加大时,辐射热损失的影响逐渐减小,蜡烛火焰的温度逐渐接近正常重力蜡烛火焰的温度。当氧浓度较小时,火焰峰值温度小于烟黑形成的阈值温度(1300 K);当氧浓度较大时,火焰温度大于烟黑形成的阈值温度。


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针对氢/空气混合物,通过实验研究了其预混火焰在半开口管道中的火焰传播加速现象。结果表明,火焰传播状态随着氢气当量比的变化而发生改变。当氢/空气混合物被点燃后,由于障碍物的扰动,火焰在管道中不断加速传播,并最终到一准稳态传播。在氢气当量比0.34附近时,火焰速度发生跃变。当氢气当量比足够大时,火焰传播由爆燃态转变为爆轰态。在本实验条件下,爆燃转准爆轰的临界条件是d/λ ≥ 2.6(d是圆环形障碍物内径,λ是爆轰格胞尺度)。障碍物阻塞比的变化对最大火焰速度和压力提升的影响不明显。


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在一端封闭、一端开口的火焰传播管中均匀布置障碍物,研究了障碍物结构对管道中预混火焰传播的影响。结果表明,由于障碍物的扰动,火焰不断加速,在阻塞比相同的条件下,最终的火焰稳态速度与障碍物的形状和间距基本无关,其中障碍物间距仅仅影响火焰的加速速率,在障碍物间距约等于火焰传播管内径(W/D ≈ 1.0)时,平均火焰速度达到最大值,火焰到达稳态传播的距离最短。同时,本文用一维简化模型模拟了火焰在障碍物管道中的加速过程,计算结果与实验测试结果在定性上比较吻合,说明在管内火焰速度较低的情况下,用一维可压缩流动近似处理能初步揭示管内火焰的加速机制。


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The high-speed combustible gas ignited by a hot gas jet, which is induced by shock focusing, was experimentally investigated. By use of the separation mode of shock tube, the test section of a single shock tube is split into two parts, which provide the high-speed flow of combustible gas and pilot flame of hot gas jet, respectively. In the interface of two parts of test sections the flame of jet was formed and spread to the high-speed combustible gas. Two kinds of the ignitions, 3-D "line-flame ignition" and 2-D "plane-flame ignition", were investigated. In the condition of 3-D "line-flame ignition" of combustion, thicker hot gas jet than pure air jet, was observed in schlieren photos. In the condition of 2-D "plane-flame ignition" of combustion, the delay time of ignition and the angle of flame front in schlieren photos were measured, from which the velocity of flame propagation in the high-speed combustible gas is estimated in the range of 30-90m/s and the delay time of ignition is estimated in the range of 0.12-0.29ms.


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A side-wall compression scramjet model with different combustor geometries has been tested in a propulsion tunnel that typically provides the testing flow with Mach number of 5.8, total temperature of 1800K, total pressure of 4.5MPa and mass flow rate of 4kg/s. This kerosene-fueled scramjet model consists of a side-wall compression inlet, a combustor and a thrust nozzle. A strut was used to increase the contraction ratio and to inject fuels, as well as a mixing enhancement device. Several wall cavities were also employed for flame-holding. In order to shorten the ignition delay time of the kerosene fuel, a little amount of hydrogen was used as a pilot flame. The pressure along the combustor has an evident raise after ignition occurred. Consequently thrust was observed during the fuel-on period. However, the thrust was still less than the drag of the scramjet model. For this reason, the drag variation produced by different strut and cavities was tested. Typical results showed that the cavities do not influence the drag so much, but the length of the strut does.


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Executive Summary: Information found in this report covers the years 1986 through 2005. Mussel Watch began monitoring a suite of trace metals and organic contaminants such as DDT, PCBs and PAHs. Through time additional chemicals were added, and today approximately 140 analytes are monitored. The Mussel Watch Program is the longest running estuarine and coastal pollutant monitoring effort conducted in the United States that is national in scope each year. Hundreds of scientific journal articles and technical reports based on Mussel Watch data have been written; however, this report is the first that presents local, regional and national findings across all years in a Quick Reference format, suitable for use by policy makers, scientists, resource managers and the general public. Pollution often starts at the local scale where high concentrations point to a specific source of contamination, yet some contaminants such as PCBs are atmospherically transported across regional and national scales, resulting in contamination far from their origin. Findings presented here showed few national trends for trace metals and decreasing trends for most organic contaminants; however, a wide variety of trends, both increasing and decreasing, emerge at regional and local levels. For most organic contaminants, trends have resulted from state and federal regulation. The highest concentrations for both metal and organic contaminants are found near urban and industrial areas. In addition to monitoring throughout the nation’s coastal shores and Great Lakes, Mussel Watch samples are stored in a specimen bank so that trends can be determined retrospectively for new and emerging contaminants of concern. For example, there is heightened awareness of a group of flame retardants that are finding their way into the marine environment. These compounds, known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), are now being studied using historic samples from the specimen bank and current samples to determine their spatial distribution. We will continue to use this kind of investigation to assess new contaminant threats. We hope you find this document to be valuable, and that you continue to look towards the Mussel Watch Program for information on the condition of your coastal waters. (PDF contains 118 pages)