937 resultados para extra-hepatic transcription
The present study was designed to investigate the protective effect of glucose, oxygen and epinephrine resuscitation on impairment in the functional role of GABAergic, serotonergic, muscarinic receptors, PLC, BAX, SOD, CAT and GPx expression in the brain regions of hypoxia induced neonatal rats. Also, the role of hormones - Triiodothyronine (T3) and insulin, second messengers – cAMP, cGMP and IP3 and transcription factors – HIF and CREB in the regulation of neonatal hypoxia and its resuscitation methods were studied. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the motor function and cognitive deficit in one month old control and experimental rats. The efficient and timely supplementation of glucose plays a crucial role in correcting the molecular changes due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. The sequence of glucose, epinephrine and oxygen administration at the molecular level is an important aspect of the study. The additive neuronal damage effect due to oxygen and epinephrine treatment is another important observation. The corrective measures by initial supply of glucose to hypoxic neonatal rats showed from the molecular study when brought to practice will lead to healthy intellectual capacity during the later developmental stages, which has immense clinical significance in neonatal care.
Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is a dramatic and challenging syndrome in clinical medicine. Although an uncommon disorder, it is usually fatal and occurs in previously healthy person. While the causes of FHF remain unclear, viral hepatitis and drug-induced liver injury account for the majority of cases. Hepatitis E causes large-scale epidemics of hepatitis in the Indian subcontinent, involving hundreds of thousands of cases with high mortality. FHF is associated with several clinical features like jaundice, shrunken liver, easy bruising, low levels of serum proteins, fatigue, multi-organ failure etc and metabolic derangements like hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyponatremia, defective protein synthesis, reduced energy production, decreased rate of urea production etc. These disturbances are predominantly attributed to oxidative stress, membrane destabilization and osmolytic imbalances. The options available for these patients are quite minimal with liver transplantation being one of them. But the procedure is ridden with issues causing it to find less favor among the patients and the caregivers. Use of hepatoprotective and cytoprotective drugs, is being considered to be a more acceptable alternative as a strategy to enhance liver regeneration. In this regard use of taurine a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a crucial role in many physiological processes would prove to be effective. In the present study, hepatoprotective effect of taurine on a rat model of induced FHF was studied. Taurine supplementation has effectively counteracted the metabolic and structural aberrations in the liver caused by D-galactosamine intoxication.
Hepcidin is cysteine-rich short peptide of innate immune system of fishes, equipped to perform prevention and proliferation of invading pathogens like bacteria and viruses by limiting iron availability and activating intracellular cascades. Hepcidins are diverse in teleost fishes, due to the varied aquatic environments including exposure to pathogens, oxygenation and iron concentration. In the present study, we report a 87-amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin (Hepc-CB1) with a signal peptide of 24 aa, a prodomain of 39 aa and a bioactive mature peptide of 24 aa from the gill mRNA transcripts of the deep-sea fish spinyjaw greeneye, Chlorophthalmus bicornis. Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analysis categorised the peptide to HAMP2-like group with a mature peptide of 2.53 kDa; a net positive charge (?3) and capacity to form b-hairpin-like structure configured by 8 conserved cysteines. The present work provides new insight into the mass gene duplication events and adaptive evolution of hepcidin isoforms with respect to environmental influences and positive Darwinian selection. This work reports a novel hepcidin isoform under the group HAMP2 from a nonacanthopterygian deep-sea fish, C. bicornis
Hepcidin is a family of short cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) participating in various physiological functions with inevitable role in host immune responses. Present study deals with identification and characterisation of a novel hepcidin isoform from coral fish Zanclus cornutus. The 81 amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin obtained from Z. cornutus consists of a hydrophobic aa rich 22 mer signal peptide, a highly variable proregion of 35 aa and a bioactive mature peptide with 8 conserved cysteine residues which contribute to the disulphide back bone. The mature hepcidin, Zc-hepc1 has a theoretical isoelectric point of 7.46, a predicted molecular weight of 2.43 kDa and a net positive charge of ?1. Phylogenetic analysis grouped Z. cornutus hepcidin with HAMP2 group hepcidins confirming the divergent evolution of hepcidin-like peptide in fishes. Zc-hepc1 can attain a b-hairpin-like structure with two antiparallel b-sheets. This is the first report of an AMP from the coral fish Z. cornutus.
Malayalam is one of the 22 scheduled languages in India with more than 130 million speakers. This paper presents a report on the development of a speaker independent, continuous transcription system for Malayalam. The system employs Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for acoustic modeling and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) for feature extraction. It is trained with 21 male and female speakers in the age group ranging from 20 to 40 years. The system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 87.4% and a sentence recognition accuracy of 84%, when tested with a set of continuous speech data.
Cell-cell interactions during embryonic development are crucial in the co-ordination of growth, differentiation and maintenance of many different cell types. To achieve this co-ordination each cell must properly translate signals received from neighbouring cells, into spatially and temporally appropriate developmental responses. A surprisingly limited number of signal pathways are responsible for the differentiation of enormous variety of cell types. As a result, pathways are frequently 'reused' during development. Thus, in mammals the JAK/STAT pathway is required during early embryogenesis, mammary gland formation, hematopoiesis and, finally, plays a pivotal role in immune response. In the canonical way, the JAK/STAT pathway is represented by a transmembrane receptor associated with a Janus kinase (JAK), which upon stimulation by an extra-cellular ligand, phosphorylates itself, the receptor and, finally, the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) molecules. Phosphorylated STATs dimerise and translocate to the nucleus where they activate transcription of target genes. The JAK/STAT pathway has been conserved throughout evolution, and all known components are present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Besides hematopoietic and immunity functions, the pathway is also required during development for processes including embryonic segmentation, tracheal morphogenesis, posterior spiracle formation etc. This study describes Drosophila Ken&Barbie (Ken) as a selective regulator of JAK/STAT signalling. ken mutations identified in a screen for modulators of an eye overgrowth phenotype, caused by over-expression of the pathway ligand unpaired, also interact genetically with the pathway receptor domeless (dome) and the transcription factor stat92E. Over-expression of Ken can phenocopy developmental defects known to be caused by the loss of JAK/STAT signalling. These genetic interactions suggest that Ken may function as a negative regulator of the pathway. Ken has C-terminal Zn-finger domain, presumably for DNA binding, and N-terminal BTB/POZ domain, often found in transcriptional repressors. Using EGFP-fused construct expressed in vivo revealed nuclear accumulation of Ken. Therefore, it is proposed that Ken may act as a suppresser of STAT92E target genes. An in vitro assay, termed SELEX, determined that Ken specifically binds to a DNA sequence, with the essential for DNA recognition core overlapping that of STAT92E. This interesting observation suggests that not all STAT92E sites may also allow Ken binding. Strikingly, when effects of ectopic Ken on the expression of putative JAK/STAT pathway target genes were examined, only a subset of the genes tested, namely vvl, trh and kni, were down-regulated by Ken, whereas some others, such as eve and fj, appeared to be unresponsive. Further analysis of vvl, one of the genes susceptible to ectopic Ken, was undertaken. In the developing hindgut, expression of vvl is JAK/STAT pathway dependent, but remains repressed in the posterior spiracles, despite the stimulation of STAT92E by Upd in their primordia. Importantly, ken is also expressed in the developing posterior spiracles. Strikingly, up-regulation of vvl is observed in these tissues in ken mutant embryos. These imply that while ectopic Ken is sufficient to repress the expression of vvl in the hindgut, endogenous Ken is also necessary to prevent its activation in the posterior spiracles. It is therefore conceivable that ectopic vvl expression in the posterior spiracles of the ken mutants may be the result of de-repression of endogenous STAT92E activity. Another consequence of these observations is a fine balance that must exist between STAT92E and Ken activities. Apparently, endogenous level of Ken is sufficient to repress vvl, but not other, as yet unidentified, JAK/STAT pathway targets, whose presumable activation by STAT92E is required for posterior spiracle development as the embryos mutant for dome, the receptor of the pathway, show severe spiracle defects. These defects are also observed in the embryos mis-expressing Ken. Though it is possible that the posterior spiracle phenotype caused by higher levels of Ken results from a JAK/STAT pathway independent activity, it seems to be more likely that Ken acts in a dosage dependent manner, and extra Ken is able to further antagonise JAK/STAT pathway target genes. While STAT92E binding sites required for target gene expression have been poorly characterised, the existence of genome data allows the prediction of candidate STAT92E sites present in target genes promoters to be attempted. When a 6kb region containing the putative regulatory domains flanking the vvl locus are examined, only a single potential STAT92E binding site located 825bp upstream of the translational start can be detected. Strikingly, this site also includes a perfect Ken binding sequence. Such an in silico observation, though consistent with both Ken DNA binding assay in vitro and regulation of STAT92E target genes in vivo, however, requires further analysis. The JAK/STAT pathway is implicated in a variety of processes during embryonic and larval development as well as in imago. In each case, stimulation of the same transcription factor results in different developmental outcomes. While many potential mechanisms have been proposed and demonstrated to explain such pleiotropy, the present study indicates that Ken may represent another mechanism, with which signal transduction pathways are controlled. Ken selectively down-regulates a subset of potential target genes and so modifies the transcriptional profile generated by activated STAT92E - a mechanism, which may be partially responsible for differences in the morphogenetic processes elicited by JAK/STAT signalling during development.
Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae represents an ever increasing entity which has mainly been described as occurring in Asia, even though, on a smaller scale, cases are being more frequently described from the USA and Europe, 13% overall mortality being reached worldwide. Affected patients are severely sick, suffering from fever, sweating, having increased acute phase reactants and risk factors such as Diabetes Mellitus, alcoholism and the inherent characteristics of the bacteria causing the disease. Objective: in this work we used a Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST), a nucleotide sequence-based method in order to characterize the genetic relationships among bacterial isolates. Materials and methods: the report is focused on three cases involving patients suffering from pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in two hospitals in Bogota, Colombia, where phenotyping and hypermucoviscosity studies were carried out, as well as the genotyping of cultured Klebsiella isolates. Reults: it was found that the isolated microorganism in cases I and II corresponded to the same K. pneumoniae strain, having 100% sequence identity for the 5 genes being studied while the strain in Case III was genotypically different. Conclusion: it is important to carry out multidisciplinary studies allowing all pyogenic liver abscess cases reported in Colombia to be complied to ascertain the frequency of microorganisms causing this pathology in our country, as well as a genotyping study of different K. pneumoniae strains to compare them and confirm clonal and pathogenicity relationships through housekeeping gene analysis.
La hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por ruido (HNIR) definida como la pérdida de la capacidad auditiva secundaria a la exposición ocupacional continua o intermitente a ruido en el lugar de trabajo, es la cuarta enfermedad ocupacional en prevalencia en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones audiométricas y su relación con exposición a ruido ocupacional y extra ocupacional, en un grupo de trabajadores que asistieron a una IPS de la ciudad de Bucaramanga en el periodo comprendido entre agosto de 2014 y agosto de 2015. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 2725 registros de las historias clínicas de fonoaudiología realizadas a los trabajadores con audiometría tonal como parte de los exámenes ocupacionales, entre el 1 de agosto de 2014 al 31 de agosto de 2015, en una Institución Prestadora de Salud (IPS) ocupacional, en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Santander. Resultados: El 17.2% de los trabajadores presentaron alteraciones audiométricas, de estos el 33,1%, cumplió con los criterios definidos en el estudio para ser calificados como casos probables de hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por ruido, de estos el 87,8% fueron clasificados como leves, 10,8% como moderados y el 1,2% como moderado severo, no se registraron casos de HNIR severa o profunda. El 62,7% se clasificaron como no HNIR y el 4% correspondió a hipoacusias con afectación de frecuencias conversacionales. Conclusiones: Al aplicar un modelo de regresión logística para controlar las variables de confusión, no se encontró asociación con ninguna de las variables anteriormente descritas. A pesar de esto, existe suficiente evidencia de la relación entre algunas ocupaciones y la HNIR.
Resumen tomado de la revista. Número extraordinario titulado: Calidad en la enseñanza universitaria. Innovaciones didácticas en la Universidad de Sevilla
Resumen basado en el de los autores. Trabajo al que se le concedió una ayuda para la creación de materiales curriculares interactivos en el año 2003
La biblioteca de la Universidad de Cantabria ha apostado por la creación de las denominadas bibliotecas de ocio. Este tipo de iniciativas responde a un deseo materializado en forma de colecciones de novelas, guías de viajes, cómics y CD de música que se ofrecen a través de la Web, como un servicio más de la biblioteca. En definitiva, las llamadas Extra Buc ofrecen un tipo de colecciones no curriculares dentro de las propias bibliotecas universitarias.
CD-ROM recopilado y editado para Cruz Roja con el objetivo de informar a los jóvenes acerca del alcohol, tabaco y drogas de síntesis y cómo llevar una vida más saludable. Trata también la sexualidad y el Sida. Incluye actividades, un juego 'La reoca de los hábitos' y siete obras musicales de grupos independientes. Ofrece también información sobre alternativas de ocio y tiempo libre que ofrece Cruz Roja Juventud como asociación juvenil.
Este recurso para el profesor se organiza en dieciocho unidades con temas de interés general, cada una de ellas lleva tres actividades para cada uno de los niveles: elemental, intermedio y avanzado. Estas actividades pueden utilizarse como material didáctico adicional y está destinado a jóvenes mayores de dieciséis años y adultos para practicar distintos tipos de conversación: de negociación, persuasión, expresión de la opinión y petición de información.
Este recurso para el profesor se organiza en dieciocho unidades con temas de interés general, cada una de éstas lleva tres actividades para cada uno de los niveles: elemental, intermedio y avanzado. Estas actividades pueden utilizarse como material didáctico adicional al existente y está destinado a estudiantes jóvenes mayores de dieciséis años y adultos.
Evaluar la interdependencia entre cultura y educación, elaborando criterios de extratificación social -en Sevilla-, tipología de la ciudad -espacio físico y estructura social-, indicadores socioculturales, criterios de calidad de centros escolares, calidad de educación según los valores de profesores y de escolares. 22 centros de EGB, 566 profesores, 2580 alumnos de octavo de EGB de Sevilla y área de influencia. La investigación está realizada por 2 equipos: antropólogos y expertos en educación. La hipótesis principal supone una interrelación entre aspectos culturales-sociales y educación. Se elaboran criterios de estratificacion social -desde 'baja' a 'alta'-, estratificación geográfica, estratificación social y familiar con indicadores materiales, indicadores de criterios de calidad de los centros -planificación diseño, proyecto educativo, coordinación, orientación tutor, psicólogo, equipo psicopedagógico, función docente, enroque, libros de texto usados, rendimiento escolar, disciplina-, tipología de centros -coherencia ideológica organizativa-. A/ De la investigación etnográfica: 1/ estratificación de la población de Sevilla -a partir de la muestra-: estrato bajo -5 por ciento-, bajo alto -47 por ciento-, medio -36 por ciento-, alta -10 por ciento-, alta alta -1 por ciento-. B/ De la investigación educativa: 1/ Tipos de centros con arreglo a indicadores de calidad, basados en planificación y dirección: tipo I -alto-: 20 por ciento; tipo II -medio-: 20 por ciento; tipo III -bajo-: 60 por ciento. 2/ De los resultados de la actividad educativa, en cuanto a valores expresados por alumnos de octavo EGB: a/ valores vitales -50 70 por ciento-; b/ valores técnicos: 30 por ciento; c/ intelectuales: 58 por ciento para tipo I, 20 por ciento en tipo II y III; d/ éticos: el más destacado - 50 por ciento-, la familia; e/ estéticos, la contemplación predomina sobre la creación estética en centros de tipo II y III sobre tipo I; f/ religiosos: centros estatales ca. 30 por ciento, religiosos 53 por ciento; g/ políticos: en tipo I se destaca la información sobre el voto, en II y III es al revés; en estos últimos la intención del voto favorece a la izquierda; h/ económicos: los señalan el 30 por cien de alumnos; en tipo I se espera obtener dinero de la profesión, en II y III de lotería y quinielas. Sobre aspectos etnográficos: 1) Descomposición del tejido social urbano tradicional de Sevilla. 2) Pérdida del sentido de 'comunidad' tanto del alumno como del profesor. 3) Pérdida del control social de familia y entorno de adolescentes de segunda etapa de EGB y problemática incorporación al trabajo. 4) Agresividad, vandalismo contra instalaciones escolares. 5) Población rural desarraigada produce fuerte absentismo escolar. A la salida del periodo de EGB se pierden los efectos de la educación. Se recomienda modificar las estructuras sociales -empleo- para evitarlo. En la adquisición de valores tiene más peso la familia que el colegio.