857 resultados para essential concepts


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The chemical composition of essential oils obtained from fresh leaves and stem bark of Southeastern Brazilian native Drimys brasiliensis Miers were analyzed by GC and GC/MS and 37 compounds were identified. The oils from fresh leaves showed the presence of monoterpenes (53.9%) and sesquiterpenes (38.4%), with sabinene (9.5%), myrcene (10.5%), limonene (10.6%) and cyclocolorenone (16.0%) being the most abundant. The stern bark oil was characterized by predominance of sesquiterpenoids (87.6%) and the absence of monoterpenes, the main components being cyclocolorenone (28.3%) and spathuleneol (22.9%). A small amount of phenylpropanes (6.8-6.9%) was also detected in both oil samples.


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The leaves and twigs of Piper krukoffii, collected in the Carajas National Forest, north Brazil, yielded essential oils (2.0% and 0.8%), the main constituents of which were myristicin (40.3% and 26.7%), apiole (25.4% and 34.1%) and elemicin (2.8% and 3.0%). The antioxidant activities of the oils, methanol extract and its sub-fractions were evaluated. The DPPH EC(50) values varied from the ethyl acetate sub-fraction (73.4 +/- 3.7 mu g/mL) to the methanol extract (24.9 +/- 0.8 mu g/mL), and the ABTS TEAC values ranged in the same order from 265.7 to 349.2 mu Mol TE/g. These results indicated a significant antioxidant activity for the plant. The lignans (-)-kusunokin, yatein, (-)-hinokin and cubebin were identified in the methanol extract. The hydro-methanolic sub-fraction showed a high value for total phenol content (106.5 +/- 0.7 mg GAE/g), as well as (1)H NMR signals for sugar moieties. Crude extracts and sub-fractions were also able to inhibit beta-carotene bleaching, varying from 22.4 to 47.1%. The oils from the leaves and twigs showed strong larvicidal (21.4 and 3.6 mu g/mL) and fungicide (0.5 and 0.1 mu g/mL) activities.


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The chemical composition and the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Croton heterocalyx leaves were evaluated. The oil which was analyzed by GC and GUMS was found to contain germacrene D (12.5%), bicyclogermacrene (11.2%), delta-elemene (9.2%) beta-elemene (8.2%), spathulenol (6.9%), linalool (5.4%) and 1,8-cineole (3.7%) its major components. Croton. heterocalyx oil displayed a high inhibitory activity against the fungi Aspergillus niger (16404) and Candida albicans (ATCC 10231.) as well its the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), hut a very weak activity was observed for the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 9027).


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The essential oil from seeds of Licaria puchury-major was isolated by hydrodistillation. The chemical composition of the oil was analyzed by GC and GUMS. Sixteen compounds were identified, representing 91.4% of the total oil. The major components were safrole (58.4%), dodecanoic acid (13.7%) and alpha-terpineol (8.4%). Oxygenated monoterpenoids were the main group of compounds.


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The study of Aloysia gratissima essential oil from leaves was obtained by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger type apparatus. The essential oil composition was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The major compounds were identified representing 94.7% of the oil. The most abundant compounds were isopinocamphone (cis-3-pinanone) (25.4%), limonene (15.1%), and guaiol (12.7%).


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Eugenol is the main volatile compound extracted oil from clove bud, Syzygium aromaticum L., and used in traditional medicine, as a bactericide, fungicide, anesthetic, and others. Its extraction was performed using hydrodistillation which is the most common extraction technique. Its components and thermal behavior were evaluated using gas chromatography (GC) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which provide a better characterization of these natural compounds. This extracted product was compared to the standard eugenol results. The GC results suggested similar to 90% eugenol was found in the total extracted oil, and some of its boiling characteristics were 270.1 A degrees C for peak temperature and 244.1 J g(-1) for the enthalpy variation.


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The present work had as objective the isolation of the five compounds by thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) from the essential oil of the Aloysia gratissima. For this, a number of systems of eluents were used for its separation, indicating that through the system acetone/hexane in proportions (v/v) 1:30 it was possible to isolate guaiol, elemol, pinocanphone (trans-3-pinanone), cis-pinocarvyl, and acorenone. The isolation of the compound acorenone from the other compounds was possible with the mixture of solvents hexane/dichloromethane in proportions (v/v) (1:1,3).


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This presentation was offered as part of the CUNY Library Assessment Conference, Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment, held at the City University of New York in June 2014.


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This thesis focuses on four different aspects of history teachers’ comprehensiveunderstanding of the school subject history. More specifically, the aim is tostudy the comprehension of the subject as perceived by individual historyteachers. Special emphasis is placed on identifying the concepts of the field ofhistory that are central to the teachers’ understanding of the school subject history.The first aspect studied is the teachers’ biographical changes. In a life historyperspective it seems as if the teachers’ subject conception changes from anunproblematic and tentative approach to a more complex and confident understandingof the subject. The second aspect treated is the rationale behind theirgrasp of the purpose and content of the subject. Three major positions areidentified, namely educational (bildung) orientation, critical orientation, andidentity orientation.The third aspect studied is the teachers’ interpretation of a curriculumnew to them. The teachers placed the curriculum in the field of tension betweenan education policy position, emphasizing more precise knowledge, onthe one hand, and a history science position, emphasizing concepts of historicalconsciousness. The fourth aspect studied is five different conceptual tools displayedin the teachers’ remarks on having completed the teaching of a newcourse. These are termed ‘history as narrative’, ‘history as time-space’, ‘historyas explanation’, ‘history as perspective taking’, and ‘history as skills’At the general level the study shows not only that subject conception is ofimportance to the teachers’ understanding of their obligation as teachers of historybut also how it is formed and constantly transformed by many differentfactors. In this process it is clear that the concepts used by the teachers, althoughvariously defined, can be seen as specific to the school subject historyand essential to the construction of history as a school subject.


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Abstract  In a case study about viewing habits in a Swedish audience I sampled 309 questionnaires; interviews with five focus group were conducted together with ten in-depth individual interviews discussing altogether fifteen favorite films exploring specific scenes of idiosyncratic relevance.  The outcome supports claims about viewers as active and playful (cf. Höijer 1998, Frampton 2006, Hoover 2006, Plantinga 2009). In line with mediatization theory I also argue that spiritual meaning making takes place through mediated experiences and I support theories about fiction films as important sources for moral and spiritual reflection (Partridge 2004, Zillman 2005, Lynch 2007, Plantinga 2009). What Hjarvard calls the soft side of mediatization processes (2008) is illustrated showing adults experiencing enchantment through favorite films (Jerslev 2006, Partridge 2008, Klinger 2008, Oliver & Hartmann 2010).  Vernacular meaning making embedded in everyday life and spectators dealing with fiction narratives such as Gladiator, Amelie from Montmartre or Avatar highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of elevated cinematic experiences. The reported impact of specific movies is analyzed through theories where cognition and affect are central aspects of spectators’ engagements with a film (Tan 1996, Caroll 1999, Grodal 2009). Crucially important are theories of meaning-making where viewers’ detailed interpretation of specific scenes are embedded in high-level meaning-making where world view issues and spectators’ moral frameworks are activated (Zillman 2005, Andersson & Andersson 2005, Frampton 2006, Lynch 2007, Avila 2007, Axelson 2008, Plantinga 2009).  Also results from a growing body of empirical oriented research in film studies are relevant with an interest in what happens with the flesh and blood spectator exposed to filmic narratives (Jerslev 2006, Klinger 2008, Barker 2009, Suckfüll 2010, Oliver & Hartmann 2010). Analyzing the qualitative results of my case study, I want to challenge the claim that the viewer has to suspend higher order reflective cognitive structures in order to experience suture (Butler & Palesh 2004). What I find in my empirical examples is responses related to spectators’ highest levels of mental activity, all anchored in the sensual-emotional apparatus (Grodal 2009). My outcome is in line with a growing number of empirical case studies which support conclusions that both thinking and behavior are affected by film watching (Marsh 2007, Sückfull 2010, Oliver & Hartmann 2010, Axelson forthcoming). The presentation contributes to a development of concepts which combines aesthetic, affective and cognitive components in an investigation of spectator’s moves from emotional evaluation of intra-text narration to extra-textual assessments, testing the narrative for larger significance in idiosyncratic ways (Bordwell & Thompson 1997, Marsh 2007, Johnston 2007, Bruun Vaage 2009, Axelson 2011). There are a several profitable concepts suggested to embrace the complex interplay between affects, cognition and emotions when individuals respond to fictional narratives. Robert K. Johnston label it “deepening gaze” (2007: 307) and “transformative viewing” (2007: 305). Philosopher Mitch Avila proposes “high cognition” (2007: 228) and Casper Thybjerg ”higher meaning” (2008: 60). Torben Grodal talks about “feelings of deep meaning” (Grodal 2009: 149). With a nod to Clifford Geertz, Craig Detweiler adopts “thick description” (2007: 47) as do Kutter Callaway altering it to ”thick interpretations” (Callaway 2013: 203).  Frampton states it in a paradox; ”affective intelligence” (Frampton 2006: 166). As a result of the empirical investigation, inspired by Geertz, Detweiler & Callaway, I advocate thick viewing for capturing the viewing process of these specific moments of film experience when profound and intensified emotional interpretations take place. The author As a sociologist of religion, Tomas Axelsons research deals with people’s use of mediated narratives to make sense of reality in a society characterized by individualization, mediatization and pluralized world views.  He explores uses of fiction film as a resource in every day life and he is currently finishing his three year project funded by the Swedish Research Council: Spectator engagement in film and utopian self-reflexivity. Moving Images and Moved Minds. http://www.du.se/sv/AVM/Personal/Tomas-Axelson Bibliography Axelson, T. (Forthcoming 2014). Den rörliga bildens förmåga att beröra.[1] Stockholm: Liber Axelson, T. (In peer review). Vernacular Meaning Making. Examples of narrative impact in fiction film questioning the ’banal’ notion in mediatization theory. Nordicom Review. Nordicom Göteborg. Axelson, T. (2011). Människans behov av fiktion. Den rörliga bildens förmåga att beröra människan på djupet.[2]Kulturella perspektiv. Volume 2. Article retrieved from www.kultmed.umu.se/digitalAssets/74/74304_axelson-22011.pdf Axelson, Tomas (2010) “Narration, Visualization and Mind. Movies in everyday life as a resource for utopian self-reflection.” Paper presentation at CMRC, 7th Conference of Media, Religion & Culture in Toronto, Canada 9 – 13th August 2010. Axelson, Tomas (2008) Movies and Meaning. Studying Audience, Favourite Films and Existential Matters. Particip@tions : Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. Volume 5, (1). Doctoral dissertation summary. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS. Article retrieved from http://www.participations.org/Volume%205/Issue%201%20-%20special/5_01_axelson.htm  [1] English translation: Moving Images and Moved Minds. [2] English translation: Our need for fiction. Deeply Moved by Moving Images. Cultural Perspectives.


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