957 resultados para economic model of disability
We aimed to investigate the effects of an anti-tumor necrosis factor-α antibody (ATNF) on cartilage and subchondral bone in a rat model of osteoarthritis. Twenty-four rats were randomly divided into three groups: sham-operated group (n=8); anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT)+normal saline (NS) group (n=8); and ACLT+ATNF group (n=8). The rats in the ACLT+ATNF group received subcutaneous injections of ATNF (20 μg/kg) for 12 weeks, while those in the ACLT+NS group received NS at the same dose for 12 weeks. All rats were euthanized at 12 weeks after surgery and specimens from the affected knees were harvested. Hematoxylin and eosin staining, Masson's trichrome staining, and Mankin score assessment were carried out to evaluate the cartilage status and cartilage matrix degradation. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13 immunohistochemistry was performed to assess the cartilage molecular metabolism. Bone histomorphometry was used to observe the subchondral trabecular microstructure. Compared with the rats in the ACLT+NS group, histological and Mankin score analyses showed that ATNF treatment reduced the severity of the cartilage lesions and led to a lower Mankin score. Immunohistochemical and histomorphometric analyses revealed that ATNF treatment reduced the ACLT-induced destruction of the subchondral trabecular microstructure, and decreased MMP-13 expression. ATNF treatment may delay degradation of the extracellular matrix via a decrease in MMP-13 expression. ATNF treatment probably protects articular cartilage by improving the structure of the subchondral bone and reducing the degradation of the cartilage matrix.
Psoriasis may cause a substantial economic burden to patients, health service providers, third parties, and the society as a whole. However, all of these costs may not be adequately considered when assessing the treatment costs for psoriasis. Psoriasis may negatively affect work productivity as psoriasis has a relatively high incidence in working age people that lead to possible costs because of lost productivity. The aims of this thesis were to estimate the economic burden of psoriasis particularly from patients’ and health service providers’ perspectives and to estimate the background factors (e.g., severity of psoriasis) that may have led to high costs. Another aim was to estimate the total medication costs and to estimate psoriasis’ proportion of health-related productivity losses. The patient sample was based on patients with psoriasis who visited the Department of Dermatology in Turku University Hospital during a one-year study period. These patients were sent a questionnaire. From the patients who gave consent, medication information, clinical information, and number of visits to Turku University Hospital were collected. This data was linked to the information from the questionnaire. Overall psoriasis was estimated to cause a substantial economic burden for the patient, health service provider, health insurance system, employer, and the society as a whole. The direct costs represented only a small proportion of the overall financial burden of psoriasis, whereas indirect costs were significant. The estimated annual costs for patients and employers were almost twice the costs to health service providers or the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. In conclusion, the cost contribution of patients and employers should be considered when assessing the costs of different treatments, in addition to commonly studied direct costs of medications and costs to health service providers. Methods used to assess these costs should be well justified and be described clearly to allow comparisons between studies and to evaluate the quality of the results.
As increasing efficiency of a wind turbine gearbox, more power can be transferred from rotor blades to generator and less power is used to cause wear and heating in the gearbox. By using a simulation model, behavior of the gearbox can be studied before creating expensive prototypes. The objective of the thesis is to model a wind turbine gearbox and its lubrication system to study power losses and heat transfer inside the gearbox and to study the simulation methods of the used software. Software used to create the simulation model is Siemens LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim, which can be used to create one-dimensional mechatronic system simulation models from different fields of engineering. When combining components from different libraries it is possible to create a simulation model, which includes mechanical, thermal and hydraulic models of the gearbox. Results for mechanical, thermal, and hydraulic simulations are presented in the thesis. Due to the large scale of the wind turbine gearbox and the amount of power transmitted, power loss calculations from AMESim software are inaccurate and power losses are modelled as constant efficiency for each gear mesh. Starting values for simulation in thermal and hydraulic simulations were chosen from test measurements and from empirical study as compact and complex design of gearbox prevents accurate test measurements. In further studies to increase the accuracy of the simulation model, components used for power loss calculations needs to be modified and values for unknown variables are needed to be solved through accurate test measurements.
Tämä diplomityö arvioi hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistomarkkinoiden kilpailijoita. Kilpailukenttä on uusi ja ei ole tarkkaa tietoa siitä minkälaisia kilpailijoita on markkinoilla. Hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmisto auttaa yrityksiä takaamaan korkean laadun. Ohjelmisto takaa korkean laadun varmistamalla, että hitsaaja on pätevä, hän noudattaa hitsausohjeita ja annettuja parametreja. Sen lisäksi ohjelmisto kerää kaiken tiedon hitsausprosessista ja luo siitä vaadittavat dokumentit. Diplomityön teoriaosuus muodostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ratkaisuliike-toimintaan, kilpailija-analyysin ja kilpailuvoimien teoriaan sekä hitsauksen laadunhallintaan. Työn empiriaosuus on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkitaan kilpailevia hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistoja ja haastatellaan ohjelmistojen käyttäjiä. Diplomityön tuloksena saadaan uusi kilpailija-analyysimalli hitsauksen laadunhallintaohjelmistoille. Mallin avulla voidaan arvostella ohjelmistot niiden tarjoamien primääri- ja sekundääriominaisuuksien perusteella. Toiseksi tässä diplomityössä analysoidaan nykyinen kilpailijatilanne hyödyntämällä juuri kehitettyä kilpailija-analyysimallia.
In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.
Finnish Defence Studies is published under the auspices of the War College, and the contributions reflect the fields of research and teaching of the College. Finnish Defence Studies will occasionally feature documentation on Finnish Security Policy. Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the War College.
In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow has been a key concern for Bangladesh to obtain additional support for the economic development. The Government of Bangladesh continuously competing with other South Asian countries and putting more effort to increase the number of FDI inflows in the country. From the country’s perspective, the constant increasing rate of economic growth shows a positive outcome of FDI inflow. However, the country still not performing up to the mark to pull enough FDI inflows to its potential. Thus, this study discusses about the major determinants and factors affecting FDI inflows in Bangladesh. Among those determinants and factors, infrastructural facility is considered as the most important to affect FDI inflows. FDI inflow is fundamentally depending upon infrastructural facilities to achieve its desire success. Foreign investors take this issue very seriously because based on this they can measure their ease of doing business in the host country. Despite of providing a large market size, due to having weak and lack of infrastructural facilities, Bangladesh is facing trouble in drawing attention of the foreign investors. In order to make the infrastructural facilities happen, it is highly required to organize each of the systems under of it. The body of this study discussed about the weak infrastructures in Bangladesh such as transport and communication, power and energy, education system, and governance services. Improvement in one of these systems cannot provide valuable positive changes on FDI inflows. It requires improvement in all the weak systems to grasp multinational companies and attract foreign investors. On the basis of this research problem, research questions are established. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to answer the research questions. Furthermore, several theories have been applied to justify possible scenarios from the research problem. In addition, the history in between Bangladesh, trade liberalization, and FDI inflows is presented briefly.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow has been a key concern for Bangladesh to obtain additional support for the economic development. The Government of Bangladesh continuously competing with other South Asian countries and putting more effort to increase the number of FDI inflows in the country. From the country’s perspective, the constant increasing rate of economic growth shows a positive outcome of FDI inflow. However, the country still not performing up to the mark to pull enough FDI inflows to its potential. Thus, this study discusses about the major determinants and factors affecting FDI inflows in Bangladesh. Among those determinants and factors, infrastructural facility is considered as the most important to affect FDI inflows. FDI inflow is fundamentally depending upon infrastructural facilities to achieve its desire success. Foreign investors take this issue very seriously because based on this they can measure their ease of doing business in the host country. Despite of providing a large market size, due to having weak and lack of infrastructural facilities, Bangladesh is facing trouble in drawing attention of the foreign investors. In order to make the infrastructural facilities happen, it is highly required to organize each of the systems under of it. The body of this study discussed about the weak infrastructures in Bangladesh such as transport and communication, power and energy, education system, and governance services. Improvement in one of these systems cannot provide valuable positive changes on FDI inflows. It requires improvement in all the weak systems to grasp multinational companies and attract foreign investors. On the basis of this research problem, research questions are established. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to answer the research questions. Furthermore, several theories have been applied to justify possible scenarios from the research problem. In addition, the history in between Bangladesh, trade liberalization, and FDI inflows is presented briefly
This thesis tested a path model of the relationships of reasons for drinking and reasons for limiting drinking with consumption of alcohol and drinking problems. It was hypothesized that reasons for drinking would be composed of positively and negatively reinforcing reasons, and that reasons for limiting drinking would be composed of personal and social reasons. Problem drinking was operationalized as consisting of two factors, consumption and drinking problems, with a positive relationship between the two. It was predicted that positively and negatively reinforcing reasons for drinking would be associated with heavier consumption and, in turn, more drinking problems, through level of consumption. Negatively reinforcing reasons were also predicted to be associated with drinking problems directly, independent of level of consumption. It was hypothesized that reasons for limiting drinking would be associated with lower levels of consumption and would be related to fewer drinking problems, through level of consumption. Finally, among women, reasons for limiting drinking were expected to be associated with drinking problems directly, independent of level of consumption. The sample, was taken from the second phase of the Niagara Young Aduh Health Study, a community sample of young adult men and women. Measurement models of reasons for drinking, reasons for limiting drinking, and problem drinking were tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. After adequate fit of each measurement model was obtained, the complete structural model, with all hypothesized paths, was tested for goodness of fit. Cross-group equality constraints were imposed on all models to test for gender differences. The results provided evidence supporting the hypothesized structure of reasons for drinking and problem drinking. A single factor model of reasons for limiting drinking was used in the analyses because a two-factor model was inadequate. Support was obtained for the structural model. For example, the resuhs revealed independent influences of Positively Reinforcing Reasons for Drinking, Negatively Reinforcing Reasons for Drinking, and Reasons for Limiting Drinking on consumption. In addition. Negatively Reinforcing Reasons helped to account for Drinking Problems independent of the amount of alcohol consumed. Although an additional path from Reasons for Limiting Drinking to Drinking Problems was hypothesized for women, it was of marginal significance and did not improve the model's fit. As a result, no sex differences in the model were found. This may be a result of the convergence of drinking patterns for men and women. Furthermore, it is suggested that gender differences may only be found in clinical samples of problem drinkers, where the relative level of consumption for women and men is similar.
The present research study was designed to test a contingency model of job satisfaction based on participation in decision making as the antecedent variable and job involvement as the intervening variable. The instruments used to measure the variables were the participation in decision making scale developed by Siegel and Ruh (1973), the job involvement scale by Lodahl and Kejner (1965) and the job satisfaction construct derived from Hoppock (1935). The findings indicate that statistically significant correlations do exist for the 1995 educators surveyed in this study. Educators who reported high levels of participation in decision making consistently reported high levels of job involvement (p!: 0.001). Also, teachers reporting high levels of job involvement consistently scored high on their levels of job satis faction (p!: 0.001). All major hypotheses were sUPFOrted by the data. Through exploratory hypotheses, the study attempted to develop statements of relationships between criteria of job satisfaction and sex and marital status of employees in the system. The hypotheses received only minimal support, but the results did highlight the impracticability of attempting to develop any such relationships without using definite personality and situational variables as moderators. Differences between male and female socialization, sex discrimination and multiplicity of roles are briefly discussed as possible explanations for the reported findings.
The purpose of this study was to examine a model of personality and health. Specifically, this thesis examined perfectionism as a predictor of health status and health behaviours, as moderated by coping styles. A community sample of 813 young adults completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Coping Strategy Indicator, and measures of health symptoms, health care utilization, and various health behaviours. Multiple regression analyses revealed a number of significant findings. First, perfectionism and coping styles contributed significant main effects in predicting health status and health behaviours, although coping styles were not shown to moderate the perfectionism-health relationship. The data showed that perfectionism did constitute a health risk, both in terms of health status and health behaviours. Finally, an unexpected finding was that perfectionism also included adaptive features related to health. Specifically, some dimensions of perfectionism were also associated with reports of better health status and involvement in some positive health behaviours.
years 8 months) and 24 older (M == 7 years 4 months) children. A Monitoring Process Model (MPM) was developed and tested in order to ascertain at which component process ofthe MPM age differences would emerge. The MPM had four components: (1) assessment; (2) evaluation; (3) planning; and (4) behavioural control. The MPM was assessed directly using a referential communication task in which the children were asked to make a series of five Lego buildings (a baseline condition and one building for each MPM component). Children listened to instructions from one experimenter while a second experimenter in the room (a confederate) intetjected varying levels ofverbal feedback in order to assist the children and control the component ofthe MPM. This design allowed us to determine at which "stage" ofprocessing children would most likely have difficulty monitoring themselves in this social-cognitive task. Developmental differences were obselVed for the evaluation, planning and behavioural control components suggesting that older children were able to be more successful with the more explicit metacomponents. Interestingly, however, there was no age difference in terms ofLego task success in the baseline condition suggesting that without the intelVention ofthe confederate younger children monitored the task about as well as older children. This pattern ofresults indicates that the younger children were disrupted by the feedback rather than helped. On the other hand, the older children were able to incorporate the feedback offered by the confederate into a plan ofaction. Another aim ofthis study was to assess similar processing components to those investigated by the MPM Lego task in a more naturalistic observation. Together the use ofthe Lego Task ( a social cognitive task) and the naturalistic social interaction allowed for the appraisal of cross-domain continuities and discontinuities in monitoring behaviours. In this vein, analyses were undertaken in order to ascertain whether or not successful performance in the MPM Lego Task would predict cross-domain competence in the more naturalistic social interchange. Indeed, success in the two latter components ofthe MPM (planning and behavioural control) was related to overall competence in the naturalistic task. However, this cross-domain prediction was not evident for all levels ofthe naturalistic interchange suggesting that the nature ofthe feedback a child receives is an important determinant ofresponse competency. Individual difference measures reflecting the children's general cognitive capacity (Working Memory and Digit Span) and verbal ability (vocabulary) were also taken in an effort to account for more variance in the prediction oftask success. However, these individual difference measures did not serve to enhance the prediction oftask performance in either the Lego Task or the naturalistic task. Similarly, parental responses to questionnaires pertaining to their child's temperament and social experience also failed to increase prediction oftask performance. On-line measures ofthe children's engagement, positive affect and anxiety also failed to predict competence ratings.