969 resultados para desafios
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar como a formação de professores em seu processo de escrita interfere em suas estratégias em sala de aula. Investigar documentos e materiais de apoio produzidos desde 1978 até 2008, década a década, visando reconhecer a abordagem da produção escrita em diferentes contextos históricos compõe a pesquisa documental. À análise desses documentos precede o estudo dos contextos nacional e estadual. Questionários aplicados a professores e a estudantes e análise desse material encaminham a algumas possibilidades de alteração na relação entre professores, alunos e a produção escrita. António Nóvoa e Donald Schön fundamentam aspectos tanto relacionados às respostas dos questionários e relatos quanto ao processo de formação de educadores.
Esta pesquisa de mestrado analisa a educação de Timor-Leste, tendo como principal foco os professores, procurando identificar os principais desafios por eles enfrentados para a sua formação e atuação e suas implicações para o futuro educacional do país. Timor-Leste é um país do sudoeste asiático, que se tornou independente em 1999; deste então tem procurado se estabelecer como um país livre e democrático. Sua história pregressa é marcada por dominações, tendo sido colônia portuguesa por mais de quatro séculos e posteriormente invadido pela Indonésia. Esses distintos períodos históricos marcaram profundamente todas as instâncias da nação, sobretudo a educação, que sempre foi produto dos povos dominantes. Esta pesquisa, portanto, traz um panorama histórico, considerando sua importância para compreensão dos desdobramentos do sistema educacional hodierno, especialmente no que se refere à formação de professores diante dos dilemas herdados, tais como: evasão dos professores, que eram na sua maioria do país invasor, infra-estrutura precária, limitações linguísticas, entre outros. O método utilizado para a realização da pesquisa foi uma aproximação da etnografia, tendo uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. As fontes foram diversificadas; utilizei documentos escritos, orais e iconográficos, alguns já existentes e outros produzidos no processo de pesquisa. Paulo Freire e António Nóvoa são as principais referências teóricas neste estudo, na reflexão sobre a formação de professores. Pude constatar que o caminho para a autonomia e para que haja uma boa qualidade no sistema educacional de Timor, dentro de uma visão realista e plausível, pode ser longo, há muito trabalho a fazer, e isto depende de muitos aspectos para que possa se concretizar. Ações conjuntas do governo, sociedade e organismos internacionais são extremamente necessárias, principalmente para o planejamento de uma política séria, significativa e contextualizada que servirá de base para o que se tornará a educação do país.
As IPSS são instituições particulares de solidariedade social. São instituições sem fins lucrativos que, embora não sendo instituições constituídas pelo Estado ou por outro organismo público, podem usufruir do seu apoio. Os seus objetivos visam responder às necessidades da sociedade de uma forma transversal, oferecendo apoio social às famílias, crianças, jovens e idosos e visando a integração e bem-estar da sociedade (Instituto da Segurança Social, 2013). O presente estudo focou-se no âmbito das respostas oferecidas à terceira idade, mais concretamente através do serviço prestado nos centros de convívio. Procurou-se analisar as práticas existentes, identificar as eventuais boas práticas e perceber qual a sua frequência. Em complemento, procurou-se ainda compreender se existe abertura para a mudança e para a inovação na gestão deste tipo de centros. Como metodologia de investigação recorreu-se à elaboração e tratamento de inquéritos feitos aos utentes e técnicos dos centros de convívio do concelho de Barcelos, presentes na Carta Social de Barcelos. Para identificar as boas práticas fez-se um exercício do Benchmarking, ferramenta de gestão que, enquanto instrumento de comparação das Boas Práticas, surge como recurso para comparar e procurar no seio destas instituições as boas práticas (Costa, 2009). O estudo permitiu concluir que existe comunicação entre as diferentes instituições, havendo entre algumas delas um efetivo trabalho em rede com vista a melhorar o desempenho e as respostas que podem ser oferecidas. A satisfação dos utentes dos centros permitiu ainda concluir que existem efetivamente boas práticas e que essas boas práticas são também reconhecidas no seio de outros centros, sendo adaptadas à realidade dos mesmos.
Este artigo estabelece uma postura crítica e analítica em relação às abordagens baseadas em microatividades para se entender a estratégia. Argumenta-se que tais abordagens trazem desafios teóricos e empíricos importantes. Argumenta-se também contra a tendência ao reducionismo, sem igual ênfase nas influências contextuais que configuram a estratégia em um nível micro. Finalmente, o artigo defende uma abordagem mais internacional e comparativa para os estudos da estratégia em um nível micro. This paper takes a critical and evaluative stance toward micro-activity-based approaches to understanding strategy. It argues that such approaches bring with them important theoretical and empirical challenges. The paper argues against a tendency to reductionism without equal emphasis to the contextual influences that bound micro-strategising. Finally, the paper argues for a more international and comparative approach to micro-strategy studies than has currently been the case.
As for the Education for Youth and Adult (EYA), the challenge of training these teachers is to provide tools to understand and act on the teaching of mathematics. It is realized just how special education in this modality and as such teaching is lacking in an adequate and solid training in the area of knowledge. One of the major problems affecting this type of education is the high dropout and failure rates, and lack of motivation among students. Thus the need to provide differentiated profile with a professional to teach youth and adults students, so that they are able to mobilize didactic-pedagogic knowledge, methodologies and theoretical frameworks that serve as a basis for school-developed teaching practice. This thesis aims to investigate how the math teacher, who acts in adult education from elementary school, has developed its didactic and pedagogical action, and that professional knowledge has been mobilized to teach? It has highlighted the importance of initial and continuing training and professionalization of teachers dedicated to this specific type of education, when teachers should be the protagonists of their professional development. The methodological approach was begun with a literature review, then the research was anchored mainly on the ideas by Gauthier, Nuñez and Ramalho (2004); Imbernon (2011), Garcia (2006); Perrenoud (2000); Tardif (2007 ); Haddad, Di Pierro (2000), D'Ambrosio (2002), Mendes (2006, 2009), Freire (1996, 2011), and other theorists and official documents of field of adult education here and abroad. That work leads us to the understanding of the present moment from a foray into historical and conceptual aspects, as well as educational policies of EYA, as well as training, professionalism, knowledge and skills necessary for professional practice. Then, the subjects and the locus of research and the instrument for data collection were set up and led by the object of study. To consolidate the study was selected a sample of 27 mathematics teachers, working in municipal EYA Network Teaching of Natal. This research is in an investigative nature, within the quantitative and qualitative approaches focused on the responses of study subjects from the content analysis by Bardin (1977). Results from the analyzes have revealed that the initial training of mathematics teachers of adult education needs to be reconfigured in order to formalize the knowledge base of professionals (the mathematical content, didactics and professional knowledge). Thus the study suggests that this base knowledge is embedded in the pedagogical practice of these teachers, so that there is a completion of the teaching and learning process for young people and adults. The study also has pointed out that there is a need for teachers to participate in a continuing education plan that prioritizes learning situations of mathematical content considering the previous knowledge of the students. The final analyses thus indicate that knowledge of mathematics and the didactic and pedagogical strategies to be mobilized by teachers must be able to motivate the students in such a way that they feel need to incorporate in their knowledge, mathematical knowledge capable of making them more likely to have access to social, economic and labor market
Este estudo de caráter qualitativo, com base em metodologia pesquisa – ação, procurou descrever características funcionais da estratégia de ensino „Imitating Art”, construída com base em métodos de dramatização, solução de problemas e tempestade cerebral e alicerçada no processo de ensino de arte do conhecer, apreciar e fazer arte. Participaram da pesquisa 96 alunos do ensino em saúde com idade média de 21 anos. Com o objetivo de desenhar as características funcionais da estratégia, a mesma foi planejada, descrita, modificada e avaliada em 4 etapas: experimentação, metodização, adequação e replicação. Cada etapa foi verificada a partir de avaliação observacional pelos docentes envolvidos e análise de conteúdo sobre as respostas dos alunos participantes, em instrumento de avaliação próprio. Da fase experimental participaram 14 alunos dos quais 100 % aprovaram a estratégia. A análise de conteúdo mostrou Identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (30,6%), características da atividade (22,2%), e mediação de trabalho em grupo (16,7%). A observação identificou ativo trabalho atitudinal em uma dinâmica de grupo criativa. Na fase de metodização participaram 31 alunos, dos quais 96,9% aprovaram a estratégia. Na análise de conteúdo, as ideias mais presentes foram, dificuldades encontradas pelos participantes (28%), identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (17,6%), Implicação da estratégia no cotidiano profissional (13,2%) e mediação do trabalho em grupo (13,2%). Na fase de Adequação, participaram 32 alunos, dos quais 90,7% demonstraram aprovação da estratégia. A avaliação dos participantes evidenciou como mais importante a mediação do trabalho em grupo (29,6%), identificação de ferramentas cognitivas e afetivas (21,3%) e características da atividade (19,7%). A fase de replicação teve 19 alunos, dos quais 100% aprovaram a estratégia e cuja avaliação demonstrou principalmente dificuldades encontradas pelo participante (27,8%), mediação do trabalho em grupo (25%) e Habilidade criativa da atividade (22,2%). A avaliação bidimensional mostrou que se constitui como uma estratégia de abordagem ativa e colaborativa, podendo ser usada como instrumento linear de diagnóstico e incremento de competências atitudinais tais como criatividade e trabalho em grupo.
The democratization of Brazilian education and discussion about the educational rights of persons with disabilities in refer to reflection on the conceptions of teaching and learning and the folding of these concepts in practice and in the formation of professional identity of the teacher educator. Thus, the proposed research in this dissertation aimed to describe educational processes developed by educators in classrooms in which they are enrolled students with disabilities a view to considering how these processes affect the construction of their professional identity of the pedagogue. As the methodology used to research is classified as Case Study. This methodological approach enables the analysis of singularities of educational contexts. In this work, the case investigated consisted of the analytical study of the pedagogical practices developed in classrooms where there are students with disabilities and their relation to the establishment of the professional identity of the teacher in a school linked to a non-governmental organization supporting people with disabilities in the city of Natal / RN. The Data were collected through the use of the following instruments: exploratory questionnaires, observation and respective registration in the field diary of research and interviews with educators in different professional cycles proposed by Huberman. The data reveal didactic and pedagogical aspects common in educational processes in the observed classes and differences concerning the specifics of pedagogues in the teaching profession in different moments of their professional careers. The analysis of the conceptions tell us the nuances of meanings constructed on teaching and learning and its interface with the reflection on teaching practice. As to the meaning assigned to be pedagogue research highlights the professional identification related to the meanings of teaching and learning in school. The experiences in the teaching profession according to the survey data point to changes in teachers conceptions about teaching and learning disabled people in the perspective of inclusion. Therefore, the study concludes that the pedagogical practices with students with disabilities the different experiences add up and can transform conceptions of teachers about teaching and learning interfering with constant reflection on practices and the construction of professional identities of pedagogues.
The Environmental Education is a plural and diversified knowledge field, composed by a group of social agents of specific State, government and civil society sectors, with different world views and theoretical matrices that exercised and influenced its genealogy and constitutive dynamic. The Environmental Education – while specific knowledge field – has been produced, systematized and diffused in Brazil in the last decades by official State organisms, through public policies, as well as by social movements of popular education, and constitutes a large and historical movement about the environmental question, that was worldwide projected in the 1960 decade (the environmentalist movement). Concerning the creation of public policies and specific programs to the Environmental Education, in the scope of the governmental initiative, the approval of the National Policy of Environmental Education, by means of the Law n. 9.795/99 – together with its regulatory decree, the Decree nº 4.281 – represents the consolidation of a inclusion process of the environmental dimension in the educational field. These normative acts, beyond charging the public power with the incumbency to define public policies that incorporate the environmental dimension and to promote the Environmental Education in all education levels, also charge the educational institution with the duty of promoting this component in an integrated and articulated way with the educational programs that such institutions develop. In this context, it is aimed to identify and analyze under the light of the dialectical and historical materialism, the practices and concepts developed under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with regard to its institutional policy on Environmental Education, relating it to establishing the Pnea. The analysis by means specific legislation on the subject and institutional documents UFRN. The research showed that, in general, the National Environmental Education Policy has limits to its effectiveness given the absence of specific funding for this purpose and the little government involvement in that the Brazilian State assumes, by through effective policies, the material conditions of financing actions with respect to this field of education. The fragmented and disjointed way the analyzed actions are developed constitutes a limit to the challenge for the UFRN implement, consistently and objectively, an Environmental Education policy, which can be monitored and evaluated as an effective public policy, both landmarks major goal of own Pnea as the demands of development whose agenda a critical environmental perspective.
The Health Multiprofessional Residency Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (PRMS/UFRN) adopts as guiding keystones the learning process of in-service teaching, the interdisciplinary multiprofessional work and the compliance with the principles and guidelines of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Although PRMS/UFRN have been idealized with a focus on hospital care, the training process in the insertion of residents in the Primary Health Care (PHC) has an important role because they need to experience all levels of care, taking into account that the educational process through work proposed by the Residence is based on the comprehensiveness of health care. In light of the foregoing, the present research has sought to elucidate the insertion of these residents in PHC services, through a qualitative approach of case study, where data collection was held in two different moments: firstly, a questionnaire was accomplished, through an semi-structured script, with the residents of PRMS/UFRN, Natal Campus; subsequently, the focus group technique was accomplished with a group of nine residents, and data were analyzed from the categorical thematic content analysis. From the process of empirical categorization, categories and subcategories were raised, among which, the positive aspects and potentialities of insertion of residents in PHC. We detected the articulation of actions for promoting, preventing and recovering health; training in comprehensiveness of health care, multiprofessional activities and activities aimed at doing the integration among teaching-service-community. Regarding the difficulties found in this experience, we dealt with the organization and planning of rotation activities, the preceptorship, the process of work found in the Basic Health Units (BHU), in addition to factors external to educational practice, such as the issue of safety within these communities. Accordingly, with this situational diagnosis, we became able to realize that residents have identified the importance of this rotation for their vocational training, since these are inserted in post-graduate programs in hospital care. As an immediate product of this study, we will present a report that will provide a space for discussion and assessment of this rotation by the coordination bodies of PRMS/UFRN, in order to seek organizational and pedagogical adaptations, besides the proposition of qualification courses for the actors involved with this process, aiming the implementation of improvements in the rotation of PHC toward the qualified training of professionals for SUS.
OBJECTIVE: to identify a profile of the main causes of inappropriate referrals from primary care to specialized services, as strategy for the curriculum development of core competencies related to maternal health. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was performed using document analysis of all referrals of pregnant women from primary care to the high-risk pregnancy service, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. All pregnant women referred from June to December 2014 (n = 771) were included. According to their causes the referrals were categorized as adequate, inadequate or inconclusive. RESULTS: a total of 188 referrals were classified as inadequate (24.4%) and 93 inconclusive (12.1%) totalizing 36.5% of inappropriate referrals. The main causes identified in these inappropriate referrals were: low-risk pregnancy (12.8%), unconfirmed hypertension (12.1%), risk of abortion (8.9%), teenage pregnancy (7.1%) , toxoplasmosis (5.3%), Rh incompatibility (4.6%) and urinary tract infection (4.3%). These data contributed to the formulation of the following products: 1) a continuing education program for health professionals working in primary care, undergraduate students and residents; and 2) development of a virtual platform to support professionals who need to refer patients to high-risk pregnancy service. CONCLUSION: the results of this study are relevant in the current context of education of health professionals, with potential for positively impact not only in the development of skills related to maternal health in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as contributing for improvement of the health care of the population.
The Rural Tourism appears as an economic alternative to the agricultural way, having to base itself on the revaluation of the local resources, as well as must be implemented through the local agents, a tourism of communitarian base. In this perspective the present objective work to analyze of that it forms if configures the tourist activity in the agricultural space of the Rio Grande do Norte, which the challenges and perspectives faced for the development of this activity. On the basis of this approach searched to argue on the deep transformations that the rural space comes suffering, with insertions of activities not-agriculturists, alternative for the effect of the economic reorganization, as well as on the public politics come back toward the Rural Tourism and an analysis concerning the activities of Rural Tourism that the Rio Grande do Norte comes developing and as this if it presents. As it arrives in port theoretical, we use the Concept of Territory, according to Saints, this if it makes pertinent in the conflicting analyses of the agricultural space for inside to embody of its conceptual picture the territorial dynamics substantiated by the relations politics, economic, social and cultural, where in them it made possible one better analysis in this process. As methodology bibliographical survey was used, in periodic, digital books, documents and interviews in some governmental spheres. The Great River of the North was evidenced that, signals for the development of the agricultural Tourism, therefore the state if presents with a gamma of potentialities, identified and developed some already being through some projects, however if it makes necessary a bigger involvement of all the spheres, considered basic so that this activity can be consolidated as plus a tourist segment in the RN.
The work referred to above, in order to contribute to the legal issues, economic, political and social of the violation of social rights, performs even firmer approach to various implementation mechanisms of social rights in Brazil. Therefore, it begins the study dealing with aspects and important characters of the rights under discussion, as its normative forecast, concept, classifications; respect of social rights with the existential minimum; the principle of reservation of the possible and the need to use this principle as optimization commandment of state resources and the deficit of the realization of social rights in the country. This, in later chapters, in an interdisciplinary approach, challenges and proposals for the realization of social rights by bringing in each chapter, mechanisms for such implementation. That way, as a general objective, it has been to contribute to the discussed problems, when present proposals for the realization of social rights in the Brazilian context. As specific objectives, as well as record the key aspects of the rights in allusion, the one has to promote the perspective of economic development and taxation as posts instruments that the State must be focused on the promotion of social rights by registering in this context that nonexistent economic development without reducing poverty, misery and social inequality and adding that there should be a directly proportional relationship between the tax burden in the country and the human and social development index; analyze the achievement of budget control as essential and healthy measure for the realization of social rights; highlight the importance of society to the achievement of unavailable social interests, affirming the need for the implementation of participatory democracy and, in this line, brings knowledge of the Constitution and the constitutional sense as elements that provide the constitutional progress. Finally, it presents a study on public policies, considering that these are equivalent to the primary means of the promotion of social rights. That way it analyzes the stages that integrate public policies, ranging from the perception of social problems for evaluation and control of the policies implemented; debate about the administrative discretion in when it comes to public policies; brings the classification of essential public policies, the relationship of these with the existential minimum, control parameters and, finally, the legalization of public policy, regarded as legitimate to remedy the unconstitutional state failure and give normative effectiveness and strength to the defining constitutional rules for fundamental social rights. It uses to achieve the objectives outlined, the bibliographic and normative approach method and performs an analysis of jurisprudence related understandings to matter. In the conclusions, it rescues the most important aspects elucidated at work, with the aim of giving emphasis to the proposals and mechanisms that contribute to the solution of the discussed problems.
Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.
Over the past decades, starting mainly in the 1960s, the number of elderly has grown in the country and an aging population is considered a remarkable global phenomenon. Given the speed of this process, this growth has produced different implications for the structure of the social, economic and cultural societies and, as such, constitutes new challenges for public policy, and particularly for the Brazilian social assistance policy. Considering the significant increase aging population in Natal and the challenges of social welfare policy, this research aims to identify and analyze the demands and challenges of Social Assistance Policy in the city of Natal / RN, in particular the access of the elderly to social protection basic in the Reference Centers of Social Assistance. This research uses a critical dialectical method, and the methodological procedures that guided the study: the bibliographical research, documentary and field as well as systematic observation. Some initial questions were important to guide this work: What are the demands that come to CRAS the elderly population? What are the answers to these demands by the Basic Social Protection? How this CRAS has implemented social protection responses to these demands as rights guarantee the elderly population? The services offered by CRAS meets user needs? To get the results of this research, bibliographic sources were used, documentary and observation for four (4) CRAS of different district areas of the city of Natal. The results of this research show that basic social protection is quite fragile, leaving part of the population at risk and social vulnerability still without attention due to several factors, including the reduced technical team and the impossibility of service to all neighborhoods referenced by CRAS in the respective zones, and 50% of elderly assisted arising from spontaneous demands.
Education and community are currently intertwined, so that social practices, situated problems and emancipation processes have, more and more, entered in the school environment. Considering this context, the expansion of studies focusing on family literacy becomes necessary for the mobilization of alternatives and actions in this area. This research forms part of the project "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in metropolitan Natal" (CAPES/OBEDUC/UFRN) and the program "Literacies and public policies: the family at school" (MEC/PROEXT/UFRN). In view of the chosen object – family literacy – therefore, we try to: 1) discuss actions implemented in a family literacy program, with specific reference to create literacy resources to register, discuss material, events, texts, 2) actions and promote forms of interaction by the family in the school environment; 2develop bonding strategies between school and families; 3) point the impact of such experiences of family literacy. To achieve these objectives, we base the discussion on theoretical contributions of the New Literacy Studies (STREET, 1984; McLAREN, 1988; BARTON & HAMILTON, 1993; KLEIMAN, 1995, 2000), focusing on Family Literacy and Literacy Project issues. Regarding to the research paradigm, we consider the Applied Linguistics field of study and we take the qualitative model (ERICKSON, 1990; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2008), with ethnographic critical approach (MOITA LOPES, 1993; THOMAS, 1993; HEATH & STREET, 2008). We understand, through our analysis, that families have much to contribute to the reality of schools, and, having seen relevance and value, these collaborators participate and act in support of the actions and the student’s education, even in the midst of complex routine situations. Still, we have learned that dialogues and activities with the community are necessary, looking forward to having involvement, local knowledge and the construction of shared learning; following this path, the collaborative environment is produced and the collaboration is effective.