954 resultados para comparative method


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Functionally graded materials are composite materials wherein the composition of the constituent phases can vary in a smooth continuous way with a gradation which is function of its spatial coordinates. This characteristic proves to be an important issue as it can minimize abrupt variations of the material properties which are usually responsible for localized high values of stresses, and simultaneously providing an effective thermal barrier in specific applications. In the present work, it is studied the static and free vibration behaviour of functionally graded sandwich plate type structures, using B-spline finite strip element models based on different shear deformation theories. The effective properties of functionally graded materials are estimated according to Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. These sandwich structures can also consider the existence of outer skins of piezoelectric materials, thus achieving them adaptive characteristics. The performance of the models, are illustrated through a set of test cases. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introdução: Estudar os factores de risco cardiovasculares (FRCV), permitem tomar medidas preventivas em relação ao estado de saúde, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos e ajudando a prevenir a ocorrência de um evento cardiovascular. Objectivo: O principal objectivo deste estudo é comprovar se o programa de exercício físico supervisionado melhora a condição física e a capacidade funcional. Como objectivo secundário, foi analisada a correlação existente entre as diferentes variáveis, após realização do programa. Métodos: Vinte sujeitos de Arouca, constituíram a amostra do estudo, dividindo-se em grupo de controlo (n=10) e grupo experimental (n=10). Todos os indivíduos receberam informação para controlo e prevenção dos FRCV, através de palestras educacionais. Apenas o grupo experimental participou no programa de exercício, com a duração de 12 semanas / 36 sessões. Foi feito o levantamento e registo dos valores das provas de esforço (Frequência Cardíaca (FC) máxima, equivalente metabólicos (MET´s) máximos e duplo produto (DP) máximo), avaliação antropométrica (índice de massa corporal (IMC), perímetro abdominal, peso, gordura visceral, massa muscular, gordura total), FRCV (Tensão Arterial, colesterol total, colesterol HDL, triglicerídeos, proteína C reactiva) e os níveis de ansiedade e depressão antes e após o programa. Por fim, verificou-se a correlação entre as variáveis. Foi utilizada a estatística inferencial e um nível de significância de 5% (α=0,05). Resultados: Na análise comparativa intergrupo da variável diferença (MII-MI), registaram-se diminuições estatisticamente significativas da variável perímetro abdominal (p=0,02) e aumento estatisticamente significativo da variável MET´s máximo (p=0,01). As principais correlações foram encontradas entre as variáveis antropométricas: peso – gordura visceral (r2=0,824; p<0,001), peso – perímetro abdominal (r2=0,560; p=0,013), peso – IMC (r2=0,527; p=0,017), IMC – peímetro abdominal (r2=0,770; p=0,001). Conclusões: Conclui-se que o programa de exercício parece aumentar a tolerância ao esforço máximo e diminui o perímetro abdominal dos indivíduos em estudo.


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This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Avança dados das perspetivas de diferentes gerações sobre questões ambientais e consumo energético.


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We have developed a new method for single-drop microextraction (SDME) for the preconcentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) from complex matrices. It is based on the use of a silicone ring at the tip of the syringe. A 5 μL drop of n-hexane is applied to an aqueous extract containing the OCP and found to be adequate to preconcentrate the OCPs prior to analysis by GC in combination with tandem mass spectrometry. Fourteen OCP were determined using this technique in combination with programmable temperature vaporization. It is shown to have many advantages over traditional split/splitless injection. The effects of kind of organic solvent, exposure time, agitation and organic drop volume were optimized. Relative recoveries range from 59 to 117 %, with repeatabilities of <15 % (coefficient of variation) were achieved. The limits of detection range from 0.002 to 0.150 μg kg−1. The method was applied to the preconcentration of OCPs in fresh strawberry, strawberry jam, and soil.


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A QuEChERS method has been developed for the determination of 14 organochlorine pesticides in 14 soils from different Portuguese regions with wide range composition. The extracts were analysed by GC-ECD (where GC-ECD is gas chromatography-electron-capture detector) and confirmed by GC-MS/MS (where MS/MS is tandem mass spectrometry). The organic matter content is a key factor in the process efficiency. An optimization was carried out according to soils organic carbon level, divided in two groups: HS (organic carbon>2.3%) and LS (organic carbon<2.3%). Themethod was validated through linearity, recovery, precision and accuracy studies. The quantification was carried out using a matrixmatched calibration to minimize the existence of the matrix effect. Acceptable recoveries were obtained (70–120%) with a relative standard deviation of ≤16% for the three levels of contamination. The ranges of the limits of detection and of the limits of quantification in soils HS were from 3.42 to 23.77 μg kg−1 and from 11.41 to 79.23 μg kg−1, respectively. For LS soils, the limits of detection ranged from 6.11 to 14.78 μg kg−1 and the limits of quantification from 20.37 to 49.27 μg kg−1. In the 14 collected soil samples only one showed a residue of dieldrin (45.36 μg kg−1) above the limit of quantification. This methodology combines the advantages of QuEChERS, GC-ECD detection and GC-MS/MS confirmation producing a very rapid, sensitive and reliable procedure which can be applied in routine analytical laboratories.


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In the initial stage of this work, two potentiometric methods were used to determine the salt (sodium chloride) content in bread and dough samples from several cities in the north of Portugal. A reference method (potentiometric precipitation titration) and a newly developed ion-selective chloride electrode (ISE) were applied. Both methods determine the sodium chloride content through the quantification of chloride. To evaluate the accuracy of the ISE, bread and respective dough samples were analyzed by both methods. Statistical analysis (0.05 significance level) indicated that the results of these methods did not differ significantly. Therefore the ISE is an adequate alternative for the determination of chloride in the analyzed samples. To compare the results of these chloride-based methods with a sodium-based method, sodium was quantified in the same samples by a reference method (atomic absorption spectrometry). Significant differences between the results were verified. In several cases the sodium chloride content exceeded the legal limit when the chloride-based methods were used, but when the sodium-based method was applied this was not the case. This could lead to the erroneous application of fines and therefore the authorities should supply additional information regarding the analytical procedure for this particular control.


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Nowadays, new emerging products claiming antioxidant properties are becoming more frequent. However, information about this topic in their labels is usually scarce. In this paper, we analyzed total phenolics, total flavonoids and ascorbic acid contents, as well as DPPH scavenging activity of several commercial samples, namely green tea and other herbal infusions, dietary supplements, and fruit juices, available in the Portuguese market. In general, beverages containing green tea and hibiscus showed higher phenolics contents (including flavonoids) and antioxidant activity than those without these ingredients. A borututu infusion presented the lowest concentrations of bioactive compounds and scavenging activity, due to the low recommended amount of plant to prepare the beverage. Some juices without antioxidant claims in the label presented similar values to those with it.


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Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.


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Previous Monte Carlo studies have investigated the multileaf collimator (MLC) contribution to the build-up region for fields in which the MLC leaves were fully blocking the openings defined by the collimation jaws. In the present work, we investigate the same effect but for symmetric and asymmetric MLC defined field sizes (2×2, 4×4, 10×10 and 3×7 cm2). A Varian 2100C/D accelerator with 120-leaf MLC is accurately modeled fora6MVphoton beam using the BEAMnrc/EGSnrc code. Our results indicate that particles scattered from accelerator head and MLC are responsible for the increase of about 7% on the surface dose when comparing 2×2 and 10×10 cm2 fields. We found that the MLC contribution to the total build-up dose is about 2% for the 2×2 cm2 field and less than 1% for the largest fields.


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The species abundance distribution (SAD) has been a central focus of community ecology for over fifty years, and is currently the subject of widespread renewed interest. The gambin model has recently been proposed as a model that provides a superior fit to commonly preferred SAD models. It has also been argued that the model's single parameter (α) presents a potentially informative ecological diversity metric, because it summarises the shape of the SAD in a single number. Despite this potential, few empirical tests of the model have been undertaken, perhaps because the necessary methods and software for fitting the model have not existed. Here, we derive a maximum likelihood method to fit the model, and use it to undertake a comprehensive comparative analysis of the fit of the gambin model. The functions and computational code to fit the model are incorporated in a newly developed free-to-download R package (gambin). We test the gambin model using a variety of datasets and compare the fit of the gambin model to fits obtained using the Poisson lognormal, logseries and zero-sum multinomial distributions. We found that gambin almost universally provided a better fit to the data and that the fit was consistent for a variety of sample grain sizes. We demonstrate how α can be used to differentiate intelligibly between community structures of Azorean arthropods sampled in different land use types. We conclude that gambin presents a flexible model capable of fitting a wide variety of observed SAD data, while providing a useful index of SAD form in its single fitted parameter. As such, gambin has wide potential applicability in the study of SADs, and ecology more generally.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo optimização energética na indústria química


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The deep-sea environment is difficult to sample, and often only small quantities of samples can be obtained when using less destructive methods than dredging. When working with marine animals that are difficult to sample and with limited quantities of tissue to extract lipids, it is essential to ensure that the used method extracts the maximum possible quantity of lipids. This study evaluates the efficiency of introducing modifications to the method originally described by Bligh & Dyer (1959). This lipid extraction method is broadly used with modifications, although these usually lack proper description and evaluation of increment in lipids. In this study we consider the improvement in terms of amount of lipids extracted by changing the method. Lipid content was determined by gravimetric measurements in eight invertebrates from the deep-sea, including deep-sea hydrothermal vents animals, using three different approaches. Results show increases of 14% to 30% in lipid contents obtained from hydrothermal vent invertebrate tissues and whole animals by placing the samples in methanol for 24 hours before applying the Bligh & Dyer mixture. Efficiency of the extractions using frozen and freeze-dried samples was also compared. For large sponges, the use of lyophilized materials resulted in increases of 3 to 7 times more lipids extracted when compared with extractions using frozen samples.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Ramo de Manutenção e Produção