983 resultados para catheter ablation
Transcatheter stent-valve implantation in stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valves is under debate. Heavily calcified elliptic bicuspid valves represent a contraindication to catheter-based valve therapies because of a risk of stent-valve displacement, distortion, or malfunctioning after the implantation. In this case report we illustrate our experience with a patient suffering from stenosed congenital bicuspid aortic valve who successfully underwent a transapical 26-mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve (Edwards Lifesciences Inc, Irvine, CA) implantation. Postoperative distortion, malfunctioning, and paravalvular leaks were not detected.
The infection of an intervertebral disk is a serious condition. The diagnosis often is elusive and difficult to make. It is imperative to have appropriate microbiologic specimens before the initiation of treatment. We report the case of a 51-year-old woman with lumbar spondylodiscitis caused by infection after the placement of an epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia. A spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan confirmed the diagnosis, but computed tomography (CT)-guided fine-needle biopsy did not yield adequate material for a microbiologic diagnosis. Laparoscopic biopsies of the involved disk provided good specimens and a diagnosis of Propionibacterium acnes infection. We believe that this minimally invasive procedure should be performed when CT-guided fine-needle biopsy fails to yield a microbiologic diagnosis in spondylodiscitis.
In cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) perfused in vitro, inhibiting the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) reduces Cl(-) absorption. Since ENaC does not transport Cl(-), the purpose of this study was to determine how ENaC modulates Cl(-) absorption. Thus, Cl(-) absorption was measured in CCDs perfused in vitro that were taken from mice given aldosterone for 7 days. In wild-type mice, we observed no effect of luminal hydrochlorothiazide on either Cl(-) absorption or transepithelial voltage (V(T)). However, application of an ENaC inhibitor [benzamil (3 μM)] to the luminal fluid or application of a Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibitor to the bath reduced Cl(-) absorption by ∼66-75% and nearly obliterated lumen-negative V(T). In contrast, ENaC inhibition had no effect in CCDs from collecting duct-specific ENaC-null mice (Hoxb7:CRE, Scnn1a(loxlox)). Whereas benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption did not depend on CFTR, application of a Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransport inhibitor (bumetanide) to the bath or ablation of the gene encoding Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter 1 (NKCC1) blunted benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption, although the benzamil-sensitive component of V(T) was unaffected. In conclusion, first, in CCDs from aldosterone-treated mice, most Cl(-) absorption is benzamil sensitive, whereas thiazide-sensitive Cl(-) absorption is undetectable. Second, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) absorption occurs by inhibition of ENaC, possibly due to elimination of lumen-negative V(T). Finally, benzamil-sensitive Cl(-) flux occurs, at least in part, through transcellular transport through a pathway that depends on NKCC1.
This paper reports the results from a second characterisation of the 91500 zircon, including data from electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser fluorination analyses. The focus of this initiative was to establish the suitability of this large single zircon crystal for calibrating in situ analyses of the rare earth elements and oxygen isotopes, as well as to provide working values for key geochemical systems. In addition to extensive testing of the chemical and structural homogeneity of this sample, the occurrence of banding in 91500 in both backscattered electron and cathodoluminescence images is described in detail. Blind intercomparison data reported by both LA-ICP-MS and SIMS laboratories indicate that only small systematic differences exist between the data sets provided by these two techniques. Furthermore, the use of NIST SRM 610 glass as the calibrant for SIMS analyses was found to introduce little or no systematic error into the results for zircon. Based on both laser fluorination and SIMS data, zircon 91500 seems to be very well suited for calibrating in situ oxygen isotopic analyses.
La pose d'un cathéter veineux central est un geste fréquent dans un service de médecine interne. En suivant la formation des médecins-assistants, nous nous sommes aperçus que certaines questions, doutes ou craintes concernant cette procédure nous sont régulièrement adressées: «Est-ce qu'un cathéter sous-clavier peut être posé avec une thrombocytopénie modérée?»; «Quel site de ponction présente le moins de risques pour le patient?»; «Après combien de jours un cathéter doit-il être changé?». Cet article se propose de répondre à ces questions et à d'autres, en partant d'une mini-revue de la littérature actuelle. Central venous catheterization is a frequently performed procedure in internal medicine units. Residents in training frequently share the same questions, doubts and fears about this procedure : "Should I perform a subclavian catheterization in a patient with mild thrombopenia?"; "Which site has the lesser complication rate?"; "After how long does a catheter need to be replaced?". This mini-review of the current literature tries to answer this and other questions
No-reflow phenomenon is a consequence of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) which arises most of the time in the setting of myocardial infarction, but can be also the consequence of PCI in stable angina patients (rotatablator ablation technique or angioplasty in saphenous vein grafts). In this review, we summarize two ways of treating the no-reflow according to the current literature. First through the pharmacological approach where several compounds have been assessed like adenosine, nitroprusside, verapamil, nicorandil, dipyridamole, epinephrine or cyclosporine. Second through the mechanical approach where few strategies have been examined like intra-aortic balloon pumping or postconditioning. Finally, we provide an algorithm for treating a no-reflow even though no studies showed a beneficial effect in terms of clinical endpoints.
Splenic arterial interventions are increasingly performed to treat various clinical conditions, including abdominal trauma, hypersplenism, splenic arterial aneurysm, portal hypertension, and splenic neoplasm. When clinically appropriate, these procedures may provide an alternative to open surgery. They may help to salvage splenic function in patients with posttraumatic injuries or hypersplenism and to improve hematologic parameters in those who otherwise would be unable to undergo high-dose chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Splenic arterial interventions also may be performed to exclude splenic artery aneurysms from the parent vessel lumen and prevent aneurysm rupture; to reduce portal pressure and prevent sequelae in patients with portal hypertension; to treat splenic artery steal syndrome and improve liver perfusion in liver transplant recipients; and to administer targeted treatment to areas of neoplastic disease in the splenic parenchyma. As the use of splenic arterial interventions increases in interventional radiology practice, clinicians must be familiar with the splenic vascular anatomy, the indications and contraindications for performing interventional procedures, the technical considerations involved, and the potential use of other interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, in combination with splenic arterial interventions. Familiarity with the complications that can result from these interventional procedures, including abscess formation and pancreatitis, also is important.
In situ UV-Iaser ablation Ar-40/(39) Ar geochronological and geochemical data, together with rock and mineral compositional data, have been determined from pseudotachylyte and surrounding mylonitic gneiss associated with the UHP whiteschists of the Dora Maira Massif, Italy. Several generations of fresh pseudotachylyte occur as irregular veins up to a few cur thick both parallel and at high angles to the foliation. Whole rock XRF data collected from representative lithologies of mylonitic gneiss are uniformly consistent with a mildly alkalic granitic protolith. Minimal compositional variation is observed between the pseudotachylyte and its surrounding mylonitic gneiss. The pseudotachylyte contains newly crystallized grains of biotite and K-feldspar in a matrix of glass with partially fused grains of quartz, zircon, apatite, and titanite. Electron microprobe analyses of the glass show significant compositional variation that is probably strongly influenced by micrometer-scale changes in mineralogy. UV-Iaser ablation ICP-MS traverses across the mylonitic gneiss-pseudotachylyte contact are consistent with cataclastic communition of REE carriers such as epidote, monazite, allanite, zircon, and apatite before melting as an efficient mechanism of REE homogenization in the pseudotachylyte. The 40Ar/39Ar data from one band of pseudotachylyte indicate formation at 20.1 +/- 0.5 Ma, when the mylonitic gneisses were already in a near surface position. The variable effects of top-to-the-west shear deformation within outcrops of the coesite-bearing unit are reflected in localized zones of protomylonite, cataclasite, ultracataclasite, and pseudotachylyte. Preservation of several generations of pseudotachylyte suggests that seismic events may have played a significant role in triggering late unroofing of the UHP rocks. It is speculated that deeper crustal seismic events potentially played a role in the unroofing of the UHP rocks at earlier stages in their exhumation history. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: In obstetrics, post-dural puncture headache is a well-recognised complication. Typical symptoms include fronto-temporal or occipital headache, worsening with ambulation and improving in the decubitus position. Occasionally, patients present with non-postural headache, although relatively little is known about this atypical presentation. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence, associated signs and risk factors for this atypical manifestation of post-dural puncture headache. METHODS: We analysed a series of 27 064 parturients having a neuraxial procedure between January 2001 and December 2010. Using data from electronic anaesthesia patient records, medical charts and a postpartum quality audit, we identified all parturients with atypical post-dural puncture headache. We assessed the incidence and used uni- and multivariate analysis to identify associated risk factors. RESULTS: Amongst 142 parturients with post-dural puncture headache, eight (5.6%, 95% CI 1.7-9.4%) had atypical non-postural headache. Associated symptoms were stiffness and pain in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar vertebral area, visual disturbances and vertigo. Significant risk factors for developing atypical signs were previous migraine, odds ratio 6.1 (95% CI 1.2-28.7), a more cephalad level of needle insertion, odds ratio 17.2 (95% CI 1.4-210.1) and identification of dural puncture by aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid from the epidural catheter, odds ratio 5.5 (95% CI 1.2-24.4). Following multivariate analysis, recognition of dural puncture by aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid from the epidural catheter was the most significant predictor of non-orthostatic postdural puncture headache. CONCLUSION: Anaesthetists should be aware of this atypical clinical presentation, particularly if there is a past history of migraine, a more cephalad level of needle insertion or identification of dural puncture by aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid from the epidural catheter.
Epitaxial Fe/MgO heterostructures have been grown on Si(001) by a combination of sputtering and laser ablation deposition techniques. The growth of MgO on Si(001) is mainly determined by the nature of the interface, with large lattice mismatch and the presence of an amorphous layer of unclear origin. Reflection high energy electron diffraction patterns of this MgO buffer layer are characteristic of an epitaxial, but disordered, structure. The structural quality of subsequent Fe and MgO layers continuously improves due to the better lattice match and the burial of defects. A weak uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy is found superimposed on the expected cubic biaxial anisotropy. This additional anisotropy, of interfacial nature and often found in Fe/MgO and Fe/MgO/GaAs(001) systems, is less intense here due to the poorer MgO/Si interface quality compared with that of other systems. From the evolution of the anisotropy field with film thickness, magnetic anisotropy is also found to depend on the crystal quality. Kerr measurements of a Fe/MgO multilayered structure grown on Si show two different switching fields, suggesting magnetic coupling of two of the three Fe layers. Nevertheless, due to the little sensitivity to the bottom Fe film, independent switching of the three layers cannot be ruled out.
OBJECTIVE: To describe treatment, survival, and morbidity for liveborn infants with isolated transposition of great arteries (TGA). DESIGN: Population-based data from 7 European registries of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). RESULTS: Ninety-seven infants were diagnosed with isolated TGA and livebirth prevalence was 2.0 per 10,000 livebirths. The majority of infants were treated with prostaglandins (83%) and 57% had a catheter atrial septostomia performed. Arterial switch surgery was performed in 78 infants, other or unknown type of surgery was performed in 3 cases, and for 6 infants there was no information on surgery. At 1 year of age 69 infants were alive (71%) and 24 (25%) were dead (4 unknown). There were 10 deaths before surgery and 58% of all deaths took place during the first week. There was no statistically significant regional difference in mortality. Eight infants diagnosed prenatally all survived to 1 year and only 71% of infants diagnosed after birth survived (P = 0.08). Data on morbidity at 1 year of age was available for 57 infants. Fifty-one infants were reported with normal health and development. CONCLUSIONS: In this population-based study survival for liveborn infants with TGA is lower than in studies published from tertiary centers. Outcome for survivors at 1 year of age seems favorable.
NLRC5 deficiency selectively impairs MHC class I- dependent lymphocyte killing by cytotoxic T cells.
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors (NLRs) are intracellular proteins involved in innate-driven inflammatory responses. The function of the family member NLR caspase recruitment domain containing protein 5 (NLRC5) remains a matter of debate, particularly with respect to NF-κB activation, type I IFN, and MHC I expression. To address the role of NLRC5, we generated Nlrc5-deficient mice (Nlrc5(Δ/Δ)). In this article we show that these animals exhibit slightly decreased CD8(+) T cell percentages, a phenotype compatible with deregulated MHC I expression. Of interest, NLRC5 ablation only mildly affected MHC I expression on APCs and, accordingly, Nlrc5(Δ/Δ) macrophages efficiently primed CD8(+) T cells. In contrast, NLRC5 deficiency dramatically impaired basal expression of MHC I in T, NKT, and NK lymphocytes. NLRC5 was sufficient to induce MHC I expression in a human lymphoid cell line, requiring both caspase recruitment and LRR domains. Moreover, endogenous NLRC5 localized to the nucleus and occupied the proximal promoter region of H-2 genes. Consistent with downregulated MHC I expression, the elimination of Nlrc5(Δ/Δ) lymphocytes by cytotoxic T cells was markedly reduced and, in addition, we observed low NLRC5 expression in several murine and human lymphoid-derived tumor cell lines. Hence, loss of NLRC5 expression represents an advantage for evading CD8(+) T cell-mediated elimination by downmodulation of MHC I levels-a mechanism that may be exploited by transformed cells. Our data show that NLRC5 acts as a key transcriptional regulator of MHC I in lymphocytes and support an essential role for NLRs in directing not only innate but also adaptive immune responses.
Mandatory infectious diseases consultation for MRSA bacteremia is associated with reduced mortality.
OBJECTIVES: Although infectious disease (ID) consultation has been associated with lower mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections, it is still not mandatory in many centers. This study aimed at assessing the impact of ID consultation on diagnostic and therapeutic management of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) bacteremia. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of all patients with MRSA bacteremia from 2001 to 2010. ID consultations were obtained on request between 2001 and 2006 and became mandatory since 2007. RESULTS: 156 episodes of MRSA bacteremia were included, mostly from central venous catheter (32%) and skin and soft tissue (19%) infections. ID consultation coverage was 58% between 2001 and 2006 and 91% between 2007 and 2010. ID consultation was associated with more echocardiography (59% vs. 26%, p < 0.01), vancomycin trough level measurements (99% vs. 77%, p < 0.01), follow-up blood cultures (71% vs. 50%, p = 0.05), deep-seated infections (43% vs. 16%, p < 0.01), more frequent infection source control (83% vs. 57%, p = 0.03), a longer duration of MRSA-active therapy (median and IQR: 17 days, 13-30, vs. 12, 3-14, p < 0.01) and a 20% reduction in 7-day, 30-day and in-hospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS: ID consultation was associated with a better management of patients with MRSA bacteremia and a reduced mortality.
The TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP/TRAIP) is a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-mediated NF-κB activation. TRIP ablation results in early embryonic lethality in mice. To investigate TRIP function in epidermis, we examined its expression and the effect of TRIP knockdown (KD) in keratinocytes. TRIP mRNA expression was strongly downregulated in primary human keratinocytes undergoing differentiation triggered by high cell density or high calcium. Short-term phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA) treatment or inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase signaling in proliferative keratinocytes suppressed TRIP transcription. Inhibition by TPA was protein kinase C dependent. Keratinocytes undergoing KD of TRIP expression by lentiviral short-hairpin RNA (shRNA; T4 and T5) had strongly reduced proliferation rates compared with control shRNA. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that TRIP-KD caused growth arrest in the G1/S phase. Keratinocytes with TRIP-KD resembled differentiated cells consistent with the augmented expression of differentiation markers keratin 1 and filaggrin. Luciferase-based reporter assays showed no increase in NF-κB activity in TRIP-KD keratinocytes, indicating that NF-κB activity in keratinocytes is not regulated by TRIP. TRIP expression was increased by ∼2-fold in basal cell carcinomas compared with normal skin. These results underline the important role of TRIP in the regulation of cell cycle progression and the tight linkage of its expression to keratinocyte proliferation.
Phengites from the eclogite and blueschist-facies sequences of the Cycladic island of Syros (Greece) have been dated by the in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 method. A massive, phengite-rich eclogite and an omphacite-rich metagabbro were investigated. The phengites are eubedral and coarse-grained (several 100 mum), strain-free and exhibit no evidence for late brittle deformation or recrystallization. Apparent ages in these samples range from 43 to 50 Ma for the phengite-rich eclogite and 42 to 52 Ma for the ompbacitic metagabbro. This large spread of ages is visible at all scales-within individual grains as well as in domains of several 100 mum and across the entire sample (ca. 2 cm). Such variations have been traditionally attributed to metamorphic cooling or the incorporation of excess argon. However, the textural equilibrium between the phengites and other high pressure phases and the subtle compositional variations within the phengites, especially the preservation of growth textures, alternatively suggest that the observed range in ages may reflect variations of radiogenic argon acquired during phengite formation and subsequent growth, thus dating a discrete event on the prograde path. This implies that the oldest phengite 40Ar/39Ar ages provide the best estimate of a minimum crystallization age, which is in agreement with recently reported U-Pb and Lu-Hf geochronological data. Our results are consistent with available stable isotope data and further suggest that, under fluid-restricted conditions, both stable and radiogenic isotopic systems can survive without significant isotopic exchange during subduction and exhumation from eclogite-facies P-T conditions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.