963 resultados para Zé, Tom 1936-


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We study random walks systems on Z whose general description follows. At time zero, there is a number N >= 1 of particles at each vertex of N, all being inactive, except for those placed at the vertex one. Each active particle performs a simple random walk on Z and, up to the time it dies, it activates all inactive particles that it meets along its way. An active particle dies at the instant it reaches a certain fixed total of jumps (L >= 1) without activating any particle, so that its lifetime depends strongly on the past of the process. We investigate how the probability of survival of the process depends on L and on the jumping probabilities of the active particles.


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We consider a random walks system on Z in which each active particle performs a nearest-neighbor random walk and activates all inactive particles it encounters. The movement of an active particle stops when it reaches a certain number of jumps without activating any particle. We prove that if the process relies on efficient particles (i.e. those particles with a small probability of jumping to the left) being placed strategically on Z, then it might survive, having active particles at any time with positive probability. On the other hand, we may construct a process that dies out eventually almost surely, even if it relies on efficient particles. That is, we discuss what happens if particles are initially placed very far away from each other or if their probability of jumping to the right tends to I but not fast enough.


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In this work we show that the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic operator are generically simple in the set Of Z(2)-symmetric regions of R-n, n >= 2, with a suitable topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s lemma, a generalised version of the transversality theorem, due to Henry [Perturbation of the boundary in boundary value problems of PDEs, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 318 (Cambridge University Press, 2005)], and the method of rapidly oscillating functions developed in [A. L. Pereira and M. C. Pereira, Mat. Contemp. 27 (2004) 225-241].


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In this paper, we study the Reidemeister spectrum for metabelian groups of the form Q(n) x Z and Z[1/p](n) x Z. Particular attention is given to the R(infinity)-property of a subfamily of these groups.


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Let G = Z/a x(mu) (Z/b x TL(2)(F(p))) and X(n) be an n-dimensional CW-complex with the homotopy type of the n-sphere. We determine the automorphism group Aut(G) and then compute the number of distinct homotopy types of spherical space forms with respect to free and cellular G-actions on all CW-complexes X(2dn - 1), where 2d is a period of G. Next, the group E(X(2dn - 1)/alpha) of homotopy self-equivalences of spherical space forms X(2dn - 1)/alpha, associated with such G-actions alpha on X(2dn - 1) are studied. Similar results for the rest of finite periodic groups have been obtained recently and they are described in the introduction. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An ultrasound-assisted synthesis of functionalized vinylic chlorides is described by palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of potassium aryltrifluoroborate salts and (Z)-2-chloro vinylic tellurides. This procedure offers easy access to vinylic chlorides architecture that contains sterically demanding groups in good yields. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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I korthet har uppsatsens syfte varit att ge en bild av vilken social bakgrund de flickor hade som gick på Snöå Lanthushållsskola i Dala-Järna, att ta reda på varför de valde att gå där och att undersöka vad som hände med eleverna senare i livet. Metoden som använts hör till den muntliga historieforskningens sätt att gå till väga: Under ett besök på skolans 100-års jubileum i september 2009 delades en enkät ut till ett hundrafemtiotal före detta elever, av vilka 15 stycken valdes ut. Dessa 15 delades in i tre grupper: den äldre generationens elever från 1936-1960, mellangenerationens elever från 1961-1970, och slutligen den yngre generationens elever från 1971-1989, varefter de intervjuades. Intervjuerna låg sedan till grund för uppsatsens resultat.Resultatet visar att elevernas sociala bakgrund har varierat, liksom ambitionerna bakom att söka till lanthushållsskolan och i vilken grad skolan fick betydelse för framtiden. Trenden verkar dock vara att det bland de tidigaste snöåkullorna var vanligt att man ville bli en god husmor, medan 1950-, 1960- och det tidiga 1970-talets elever behövde kursen i lanthushållning för att kunna vidareutbilda sig. Under 1970- och 1980-talet blev antalet skoltrötta som sökte sig till Snöån större, och skolan tycks ha blivit en nödlösning och ett andrahandsval. Samtliga minns snöåtiden som en mycket rolig och lärorik tid, och många av dem fick väninnor för livet.


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The exploitation of Islander pearl divers in Torres Strait and the Queensland Government's control of divers' wages was the major cause of a strike by 400 divers in 1936. The strike was also fuelled by overall discontent with the Queensland Government's rule and a desire to be free of the Queensland Protectors. An address in 1935 by Stephen Davies, Bishop of Carpentaria, urging the Commonwealth of Australia to strip Queensland and other states of management of Island and Aboriginal affairs provided the catalyst. Davies's Torres Strait Island clergy played a pivotal role in the resistance to state control. One lasting effect of the strike lay in the introduction of elected Islander councils in 1937, but what happened subsequently allowed the perpetuation of Queensland control through the new Department of Native Affairs. The results of the strike fell short of the complete transfer to the Commonwealth that the Torres Strait pearl divers and clergy had envisaged.


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Z-pinning is a newly developed technique to enhance the strength of composite laminates in the thickness direction. Recent experimental and theoretical studies have shown that z-pins significantly improve mode I and mode II fracture toughness. In practice, buckling accompanying delamination is a typical failure mode in laminated composite structures. For a complete understanding of the z-pinning technique towards improvements of the overall mechanical properties of laminated composites, a numerical model is developed in this paper to investigate the influence of z-pins on the buckling composite laminates with initial delaminations under edge-wise compression. The numerical results indicate that z-pinning can indeed effectively increase the compressive strength of the composite laminates provided that the initial imperfection is within a certain range. The magnitude of the improvement is consistent with available experimental data.


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A finite element (FE) model is developed to investigate mode I delamination toughness of z-pin reinforced composite laminates. The z-pin pullout process is simulated by the deformation of a set of non-linear springs. A critical crack opening displacement (COD) criterion is used to simulate crack growth in a double-cantilever-beam (DCB) made of z-pinned laminates. The toughness of the structure is quantified by the energy release rate, which is calculated using the contour integral method. The FE model is verified for both unpinned and z-pinned laminates. Predicted loading forces from FE analysis are compared to available test data. Good agreement is achieved. Our numerical results indicate that z-pins can greatly increase the mode I delamination toughness of the composite laminates. The influence of design parameters on the toughness enhancement of z-pinned laminates is also investigated, which provides important information to optimise and improve the z-pinning technique.


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Mode II delamination toughness of z-pin reinforced composite laminates is investigated using finite element (FE) method. The z-pin pullout process is simulated by the deformation and breakage of non-linear springs. A critical shear stress criterion based on linear elastic fracture mechanics is used to simulate crack growth in an end-notched-flexure (ENF) beam made of z-pinned laminates. The mode II toughness is quantified by the potential energy release rate calculated using the contour integral method. This FE model is verified for an unpinned ENF composite beam. Numerical results obtained indicate that z-pins can significantly increase the mode II delamination toughness of composite laminate. The effects of design variables on the toughness enhancement of z-pinned laminates are also studied, which provides an important technological base and useful data to optimize and improve the z-pinning technique.


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This presentation will Involve a discussion of Canadian fringe artist Mike Hoolboom's experimental narrative Tom (2002 75 minutes, Digital Video) The presentation will Include a short excerpt and stills from the film Tom is a biography of experimental filmmaker Tom Chomont who tells of his struggle with HIV and Parkinson's disease and disarmingly recounts confronting memories of infanticide, incest, fetishism and death It is how these revelations are innovatively processed through excerpts of Chomont's films, home movies, photos, Images lifted straight form Video Busters, archival and found footage that is so telling it is as If the surface of cinema itself is the body that is being marked and reconstituted and "the personal" forever changed by the Infection of this material Into our psyche.

This work is offered as exemplary evidence of the strong link between an experimental non-narrative cinema that flourishes In North America and new media art

The presentation will touch on the following areas:

> The Innovative marking out of the self In terms relevant to a new media practice.
> The correspondence between this film and media theorist Arthur Kroker's Ideas about panic bodies and excremental culture.
> An examination of erasure and loss In non-narrative forms.
> The historical context of Hoolboom's work as part of a North American experimental tradition and as a shared non-narrative tradition With New Media.

The presentation Will conclude With some comments about the relationship between experimental film and new media In this country and how the failure to Identify this relationship constructively here may have contributed to the current "death of the new" The concept of new media and New Australian Will be contrasted to attain some Insight Into the Ideological underpinnings of "Creative Nation".


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This paper presents an experimental investigation on mode I delamination of z-pinned double-cantilever-beams (DCB) and associate z-pin bridging mechanisms. Tests were performed with three types of samples: big-pin with an areal density of 2%, small-pin with an areal density of 2% and small-pin with an areal density of 0.5%. The loading rates for each type of samples were set at 1 mm/min and 100 mm/min. Comparison of fracture load under different loading rates shows the rate effects on delamination crack opening and delamination growth. Optical micrographs of z-pins after pullout were also presented to identify the bridging mechanisms of z-pins under different loading rates.