996 resultados para Waste-handling unit
Arbetet som omsorgspräst sedan 1990 har väckt många frågor samband med mötet med personer som har grava funktionshinder. Det har skett framför allt i skriftskolor och konfirmationsundervisning från år 1984 framåt. Men speciellt samarbetet med fysioterapeut Karin Isaksson fick betydelse. Vi inbjöd personer med svåra spänningar och lite aktivitet att delta i en grupp med avslappning och kontemplativ sång. Gruppen (1997-2001)som höll på en timme gav uppmuntrande resultat. Men det var lättare för Isaksson att tänka på det i termer av avslappning och fysiskt välbefinnande då det för mig ingick sådant som helig närvaro och tystnad i mötet med deltagarna. Det resulterade så småningom i ett forskningsprojekt som jag kallar för Aaa-gruppen efter de kontemplativa intonationsövningar som ingår i ritualen. (AÅOM). Sex par (deltagare och handledare) anmälde sig till forskningsprojektet. Materialet samlades in åren 2002-2003. Aaa-gruppens ritual består av kontemplativ gregoriansk sång(intonationsövningar + antifoner som Kyrie eleison, Hosanna Filio David, Sanctus, Non i solo pane - Människan skall icke leva av bröd allenast och Fader Vår bönen.) Samarbetet i Aaa-gruppen mellan deltagare och handledare omfattade taktil stimulans (beröring enligt strykningar och ”Keep in Touch”) Materialet samlades in som observationsprotokoll, frågeformulär och intervjuer. Materialet har jag använt för att reflektera över hur vi kan förstå Aaa-gruppen och verklighet. I avhandlingen utgår jag från tankar om kontextens betydelse för en förståelse. Jag uppfattar att tre sammanhang är av betydelse för förståelsen. Dem har jag kallat för omsorgssammanhang, religiöst sammanhang och forskarsammanhang. I avhandlingen användes tre perspektiv som jag kallar för dialogfilosofi, neurofilosofi och livsformsfilosofi för att reflektera materialet. Den nära relationen mellan deltagare och handledare i Aaa-gruppen kan förstås ur olika sammanhang. Resultatet av den religionsfilosofiska reflektionen är att sammanhangen liksom de olika filosofiska perspektiven kompletterar och ger en mångsidig förståelse för religion och personer med grava funktionshinder. Reflektionen berör grundläggande frågeställningar kring kropp och medvetande och frågan om språk (nonverbalt och verbalt) och verklighet. En dualistisk uppfattning om jaget, som delbart i kropp och medvetande, avisas till förmån för ett så kallat ”kroppsjag”. Religion i Aaa-gruppen kan förstås som ett möte i en nära relation. Ett möte som är nonverbalt men inbegriper en mänskligt förhållningssätt som inom dialogfilosofin kan beskrivas med ordparet Jag-Du.
Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty yhteistyössä Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston ja Enviroc Oy:n kanssa. Työn tarkoituksena on ollut kehittää suomalaisiin olosuhteisiin soveltuva laskentamalli purku- ja korjausrakentamiskohteiden hiilijalanjäljelle. Kehitettyä mallia voi käyttää yrityksessä lainsäädännön vaatimusten noudattamisen todentamiseen sekä purku- ja korjausrakentamiskohteiden toimintatapojen vertailuun. Työssä käsitellään purku- ja korjausrakentamiskohteiden hiilijalanjälkeen vaikuttavia asioita, joita ovat työmaan energiankulutus sekä syntyvien jätteiden lajittelu, kuljetukset, käsittely ja hyödyntäminen tai loppusijoitus. Laskentamalli on kehitetty laskemalla esimerkkikohteille hiilijalanjäljet elinkaarimallintamisen avulla. Työssä on tarkasteltu myös vaihtoehtoisia jäteskenaarioita sekä laskentamallin luotettavuutta. Työn lopputuloksena on saatu kolmen eri kokoluokan esimerkkikohteen hiilijalanjäljet ja laskentamallin periaatekaaviot. Jätteiden toimituspisteiden ja jätejakeiden kulkureittien vaihtelevuuden sekä eri kohteista muodostuvien erityyppisten jätejakeiden johdosta yhden kokonaisvaltaisen laskentamallin kehittäminen on haasteellista. Myös tietojen hankinta kohteista ja jatkokäsittelyistä ja etenkin primääritietojen saaminen on ongelmallista. Tämänhetkinen laskentamalli perustuu enimmäkseen sekundääritietoihin ja arvioihin, joten mallin luotettavuuden lisäämiseksi olisi panostettava primääritiedon määrän lisäämiseen. Laskennan perusteella jäteskenaariovaihtoehdoista lajitteleva toimintamalli osoittautui hiilijalanjäljen kannalta suotuisimmaksi pienemmissä kohteissa ja käsittelylaitospainotteinen malli suuressa kohteessa. Merkittäviä tekijöitä kohteiden hiilijalanjälkien muodostumiselle olivat metallien käsittely, jätteiden poltto sekä neitsytraaka-aineista valmistetun teräksen ja fossiilisten polttoaineiden vältetyt päästöt. Merkittävimmiksi kasvihuonekaasuiksi purku- ja korjausrakentamiskohteiden laskennassa osoittautuivat hiilidioksidin lisäksi halogenoidut hiilivedyt ja metaani.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of industrial solid waste (whitewash mud) on geotechnical properties considering the following engineering parameters: California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Atterberg limits and Permeability test. Seven soil samples derived from Alagoinhas, Bahia - Brazil, were classified by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) system. Two were selected as having a great geotecnical potential classified as A-3 (0) and A-2-4 (0), whitewash mud contents 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% dry weight and medium compaction effort were studied in the laboratory testing program. The results indicated the soil denominated good gravel as being the most promising one, when stabilized with whitewash mud, reaching the best results with the dosage of 20 and 25% of whitewash mud.
ABSTRACT The possibility to vary the energy matrix, thus reducing the dependency on fossil fuels, has amplified the acceptance of biomass as an alternative fuel. Despite being a cheap and renewable option and the fact that Brazil is a major producer of waste from agriculture and forestry activities, the use of these materials has barriers due to its low density and low energetic efficiency, which can raise the costs of its utilization. Biomass densification has drawn attention due to its advantage in comparison to in natura biomass due to its better physical and combustion characteristics. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of biomass densification in distribution and transport costs. To reach this objective, a mathematical model was used to represent decisions at a supply chain that coordinates the purchase and sale of forestry and wood waste. The model can evaluate the options to deliver biomass through the supply chain combining demand meeting and low cost. Results point to the possibility of an economy of 60% in transport cost and a reduction of 63% in the required quantity of trucks when densified waste is used. However, costs related to the densifying process lead to an increase of total supply costs of at least 37,8% in comparison to in natura waste. Summing up, the viability of biomass briquettes industry requires a cheaper densification process.
This book is dedicated to celebrate the 60th birthday of Professor Rainer Huopalahti. Professor Rainer “Repe” Huopalahti has had, and in fact is still enjoying a distinguished career in the analysis of food and food related flavor compounds. One will find it hard to make any progress in this particular field without a valid and innovative sample handling technique and this is a field in which Professor Huopalahti has made great contributions. The title and the front cover of this book honors Professor Huopahti’s early steps in science. His PhD thesis which was published on 1985 is entitled “Composition and content of aroma compounds in the dill herb, Anethum graveolens L., affected by different factors”. At that time, the thesis introduced new technology being applied to sample handling and analysis of flavoring compounds of dill. Sample handling is an essential task that in just about every analysis. If one is working with minor compounds in a sample or trying to detect trace levels of the analytes, one of the aims of sample handling may be to increase the sensitivity of the analytical method. On the other hand, if one is working with a challenging matrix such as the kind found in biological samples, one of the aims is to increase the selectivity. However, quite often the aim is to increase both the selectivity and the sensitivity. This book provides good and representative examples about the necessity of valid sample handling and the role of the sample handling in the analytical method. The contributors of the book are leading Finnish scientists on the field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. Some of them are also Repe’ s personal friends and former students from the University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry. Importantly, the authors all know Repe in one way or another and are well aware of his achievements on the field of analytical chemistry. The editorial team had a great time during the planning phase and during the “hard work editorial phase” of the book. For example, we came up with many ideas on how to publish the book. After many long discussions, we decided to have a limited edition as an “old school hard cover book” – and to acknowledge more modern ways of disseminating knowledge by publishing an internet version of the book on the webpages of the University of Turku. Downloading the book from the webpage for personal use is free of charge. We believe and hope that the book will be read with great interest by scientists working in the fascinating field of organic instrumental analytical chemistry. We decided to publish our book in English for two main reasons. First, we believe that in the near future, more and more teaching in Finnish Universities will be delivered in English. To facilitate this process and encourage students to develop good language skills, it was decided to be published the book in English. Secondly, we believe that the book will also interest scientists outside Finland – particularly in the other member states of the European Union. The editorial team thanks all the authors for their willingness to contribute to this book – and to adhere to the very strict schedule. We also want to thank the various individuals and enterprises who financially supported the book project. Without that support, it would not have been possible to publish the hardcover book.
The purpose of this work was evaluating the energetic demand of a seeder-fertilizer machine as a function of the type and handling of vegetal covering culture and of the fertilizer deposition shank depth. A Valtra BM100 tractor was used implemented to pull a high precision seeder-fertilizer machine with four ranks of seeding, spaced 0.9 m for maize culture. Experiment was conducted with design in randomized blocks in factorial plots, in the Laboratory of Machines and Agricultural Mechanization experimental area (LAMMA) of UNESP-Jaboticabal, using two covering cultures (black-mucuna and crotalaria), three handlings of this covering, two mechanical (straw crusher and roller knife) and one chemical (pulverization of herbicide), performed 120 days after seeding of covering cultures and three depths of fertilizer deposition shank, completing 18 treatments, with four repetitions, totaling 72 observations. Parameters of displacement speed, gliding, force on traction bar, peak force, power on pulling bar and fuel consumption were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that force on traction bar was less for depths of 0.11 and 0.14 m of fertilizer plough shank, the same occurring for peak force, power on traction bar and volumetric consumption. The specific consumption was lower at a depth of 0.17 m of fertilizer plough shank. Covering cultures and their handlings did not interfere in the performance of machines under inquiry.
The utilization of organic wastes represents an alternative to recover degraded pasture. The experiment aimed to assess the changes caused by the provision of different organic waste (poultry litter, turkey litter and pig manure) in a medium-textured Oxisol in Brazilian Savanna under degraded pasture. It was applied different doses of waste compared to the use of mineral fertilizers and organic mineral and evaluated the effect on soil parameters (pH, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium) and leaf of Brachiariadecumbens (crude protein, phosphorus and dry mass production). It was observed that application of organic waste did not increase the level of soil organic matter and pH in the surface layer, and the application of turkey litter caused acidification at depths of 0.20-0.40 m and 0.40-0.60 m. There was an increase in P and K in the soil with the application of poultry litter and swine manure. All organic wastes increased the productivity of dry matter and crude protein and phosphorus. The recycling of nutrients via the application of organic waste allows efficiency of most parameters similar to those observed with the use of mineral sources, contributing to improving the nutritional status of soil-plantsystem.
Modern swine production faces many challenges nowadays, among which are productivity growth, meat quality improvement, decrease of environmental damage and reduction of cost production. Pigs spend energy to vocalizing, especially when they undergo stress. The waste of energy can increase the cost of production and lead to greater environmental damage. The goal of this study was to estimate the energy spent by pigs under the stress of castration and its effect on the animals' weight gain. Two groups of ten animals each were castrated, being one group with local anesthetic and the other without anesthetic. The piglets' vocalizations were recorded during different stages of the neutering process and then estimated of the amount of energy emitted during each vocalization. Afterwards, this energy was associated with the animals' weight gain. There was no difference in the total energy spent in both groups, since the energy used during the application of anesthetic was similar to the energy spent during the castration of the animals without anesthetic. There was also no correlation between energy spent and the animals' weight gain. It was possible to estimate the amount of energy emitted through vocalization. This energy spent by piglets in pain was greater than in other handling situations (contention, weighting and realease).
This work aimed to study the agronomic performance and capacity of nutrient removal by bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) and cattail (Typha sp.) when grown in constructed wetlands systems (CWSs) of vertical and horizontal flow, respectively, used in the post-treatment of swine breeding wastewater (ARS). The average yield of dry matter (DM) of bermudagrass in sections of 60-day interval ranged from 14 to 43 t ha-1, while the cultivated cattail produced in a single cut after 200 days of cultivation between 45 and 67 t ha-1 of DM. Bermudagrass extracted up to 17.65 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.76 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 6.67 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 54.75 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail extracted up to 5.10 kg ha-1 d-1 of nitrogen, 1.07 kg ha-1 d-1 of phosphorus, 1.41 g ha-1 d-1 of copper and 16.04 g ha-1 d-1 of zinc. Cattail and bermudagrass were able to remove, respectively, 5.0 and 4.6% of the nitrogen and 11.2 and 5.4% of the phosphorus applied via ARS, being less efficient in extracting N and P when the initial intake of these nutrients is evaluated.
Since the advent of mechanized farming and intensive use of agricultural machinery and implements on the properties, the soil began to receive greater load of machinery traffic, which can cause increased soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) in the layers of 0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40m, using geostatistics in an area cultivated with mango in Haplic Vertisol of the northeastern semi-arid, with mobile unit equipped with electronic penetrometer. The RP data was collected in 56 points from an area of 3 ha, and random soil samples were collected to determine the soil moisture and texture. For RP data analysis we used descriptive statistics and geostatistics. The soil mechanical resistance to penetration presented increased variability, with adjustment of the spherical and exponential semivariograms in the layers. We found that 42% of the area in the layer of 0.10-0.20m showed RP values above 2.70 MPa. Maximum values of RP were found in the layer of 0.19-0.27m, predominantly in 56% of the area.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-slaughter handling on the occurrence of PSE (Pale, Soft, and Exudative) meat in swine slaughtered at a commercial slaughterhouse located in the metropolitan region of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Based on the database (n=1,832 carcasses), it was possible to apply the integrated multivariate analysis for the purpose of identifying, among the selected variables, those of greatest relevance to this study. Results of the Principal Component Analysis showed that the first five components explained 89.28% of total variance. In the Factor Analysis, the first factor represented the thermal stress and fatiguing conditions for swine during pre-slaughter handling. In general, this study indicated the importance of the pre-slaughter handling stages, evidencing those of greatest stress and threat to animal welfare and pork quality, which are transport time, resting period, lairage time before unloading, unloading time, and ambience.
In this study, was studied the biogas generation from swine manure, using residual glycerine supplementation. The biogas production by digestion occurred in the anaerobic batch system under mesophilic conditions (35°C), with a hydraulic retention time of 48 days. The experiment was performed with 48 samples divided into four groups, from these, one was kept as a control (without glycerin) and the other three groups were respectively supplemented with residual glycerine in the percentage of 3%, 6% and 9% of the total volume of the samples. The volume of biogas was controlled by an automated system for reading in laboratory scale and the quality of the biogas (CH4) measured from a specific sensor. The results showed that the residual glycerine has high potential for biogas production, with increases of 124.95%, 156.98% and 197.83% in the groups 3%, 6% and 9%, respectively, relative to the sample control. However, very high organic loads can compromise the process of digestion affecting the quality of the biogas generated in relation to methane.
Aiming to evaluate the use of sugarcane industry waste such as byproducts from vinasse concentration process, it was assessed the organomineral fertilizer BIOFOM (concentrated vinasse, filter cake, boiler ash, soot from chimneys and supplemented with mineral fertilizers). The study included characterization and agronomic potential analysis of a test plant (corn), by noting the differences between mineral fertilizers and BIOFOM fertilization until 45 days after sowing. The technology traditionally used to produce BIOFOM was based on vinasse evaporation with high heat transfer coefficients. It was observed that the technology, which can be formulated according to the needs of any crop, could be used in many cases as mineral fertilizer. Therefore, the use of this organomineral fertilizer reduces waste generation of sugarcane industry.
Vegetation cover on soil acts positively in maintaining temperature and soil moisture, yet, it has been imposing specific operational conditions on seeders. The objective of this study was to evaluate performance of different mechanisms regarding straw mobilization, employed in a no-till seeder. The experimental area was conducted on clayey soil under no-tillage with a large quantity of sorghum residue. The experiment was established in a randomized block design, as the treatments consisted of a combination of two mechanisms at front of the furrow opener composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, and three mechanisms behind the seed furrower, covering discs prototype model M1, Spider and commercial model, with the combination of cutting disc and Spider model not being evaluated. We assessed the coverage permanence on soil index, vegetation mass on surface and inside the line. The treatment containing the row cleaner mechanism efficiently removed straw from the surface of sowing line as well as the return one acted on straw replacement. It was identified that use of the cutting disc at the front of seeder contributed to the increase of straw installation inside the line, three times more than in the row cleaner system when operating individually. Covering mechanism with row cleaners reduced straw inside the line and kept line covering similar to treatment of cutting disc operating alone.