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Logbook set and trip summary data (containing catch and cost information, respectively) collected by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) were analyzed for U.S. pelagic longline vessels that participated in Atlantic fisheries in 1996. These data were augmented with vessel information from the U.S. Coast Guard. Mean fish weights and ex-vessel prices from NMFS observers and licensed seafood dealers, respectively, were used to estimate gross revenues. Comparisons revealed that net returns varied substantially by vessel size and fishing behavior (i.e. sets per trip, fishing location, season, and swordfish targeting). While the calculated economic effects of proposed regulations will depend on the descriptive statistic chosen for analysis, which itself depends on the type of analysis being conducted, results show that considering heterogeneity within this fleet can have a significant effect on predicted economic consequences.


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At her launch on 19 October 1882 in Wilmington, Del., the Albatross was the world’s first large deep-sea oceanographic and fisheries research vessel, and she would go on to have a distinguished 40-year career, ranging from the north Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, around Cape Horn in 1887–88, and into the North Pacific. By 1908, Deputy Fish Commissioner Hugh M. Smith reported that “The Albatross has contributed more to the knowledge of marine biology than has any other vessel.” And, of course, her career continued for another 13 years, being decommissioned in late 1921, serving later as a training vessel for nautical cadets, and disappearing from the records in Hamburg, Germany, in late 1928.


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Fonte de riquezas supostamente inesgotáveis, os oceanos e as zonas costeiras há muito tempo servem de depósito para todo tipo de resíduo produzido pelo homem, desde águas residuais a todo tipo de resíduos sólidos descartados inadequadamente e que acabam por originar o lixo marinho. A Baía de Guanabara é um reflexo histórico dessas ações mal geridas em terra e que acabam refletidas em seu espelho dágua. O presente estudo procura fazer uma analise sobre as origens do lixo marinho na Enseada de Jurujuba, localizada na Baía de Guanabara, e seu principal canal de drenagem, o Canal de São Francisco (CSF), com ênfase ao descarte de resíduos nas comunidades localizadas a montante do canal. Apresenta também uma avaliação da experiência de projetos de intervenção e prevenção à geração do lixo marinho, com destaque a um projeto de coleta de lixo flutuante com uso de embarcação, bem como a iniciativa da Prefeitura de Niterói em um Projeto de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos no alto da bacia contribuinte ao CSF. O trabalho foi estruturado através de observações de campo, entrevistas, analise de relatórios dos projetos envolvidos, bem como consulta a sites e blogs relacionados ao assunto. O fato de resíduos sólidos terminarem em um corpo hídrico torna sua retirada e destinação adequadas muito mais complicadas do que em terra, evidenciando a complexidade do lixo marinho. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de mais estudos nas áreas periféricas, que abrangem a maior parte da população, com vista à integração de politicas públicas no planejamento de ações por bacias ou microbacias hidrográficas e como forma de prevenção à geração do lixo marinho e melhora da qualidade de vida dessas populações.


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California’s Monterey Bay area is an important center of recreational fishing for rockfish of various Sebastes species. The species composition of commercial passenger fishing vessel catches from 1959 to 1994 varied with changes in fishing location and depth. The shift from shallow nearshore locations to deeper offshore locations in the late 1970’s and 1980’s changed the emphasis from the blue rockfish, S. mystinus, of shallow waters to the deeper, commercially fished chilipepper, S. goodei, and bocaccio, S. paucispinis. The mean size of rockfish in the catch increased as the latter species were targeted at greater depths but then declined as stocks of older fish disappeared by the mid 1980’s. During 1960–94 the mean size of all ten leading species in the recreational catch declined. The declines ranged from 1% for canary rockfish, S. pinniger, to 27% for chilipepper. The sizes of the deeper living species declined more than those of shallower species. The low frequency of strong recruitment events and increase in fishing mortality and natural mortality appear to have contributed to the declining mean size. The scarcity of older fish, observed as a drop in mean size to below the size of maturity for 50% of females, leads to concern for future recruitment of the larger species, especially bocaccio, chilipepper, yellowtail rockfish, S. flavidus, and canary rockfish.


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Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.


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Two species of halfbeaks, ballyhoo, Hemiramphus brasiliensis, and balao, H. balao, form the basis of a relatively small but valuable bait fishery in southeastern Florida. Halfbeak landings increased rapidly in the late 1960's but are now relatively stable (about 450,000 kg or 1 million lb annually), and their ex-vessel price is about $600,000. Fishing methods, which had changed in the late 1960's when landings increased, have changed little since the 1970's. Data from a fishery-dependent survey (1988-91) show that catch rates were highest from October to February, when catches were dominated by large ballyhoo (>200 mm or 8 inches fork length (FL)); rates were lowest from May to September, when catches contained both species in more equal numbers and the size range was greater (about 150-250 mm FL) than it was for winter landings. There was little bycatch, and only flyingfishes (Exocoetidae) and needlefishes (Belonidae) occurred consistently. Comparisons of the 1988-91 data with similar data reported from 1974 indicated that halfbeak populations have remained relatively stable.


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The origin, development, and utilization of the skimmer net is reviewed along with other historical shrimp gears used in coastal Louisiana. The skimmer was developed to catch white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, observed jumping over the cork line (headrope) of trawls being worked in shallow waters. A description of the gear is presented including basic components and various frame designs used by fishermen during its development. The advantages of skimmers over bottom trawls include: multiple use as both trawl and butterfly net (wing net), ease of deployment, increased maneuverability, reduction and greater survivability of bycatch, and ability to cover more area due to increased speed and continuous fishing capability. Disadvantages may include compromising vessel stability when stored upright on the deck, possible damage to water bottoms when improperly rigged, and limitation to a 12-foot (3.6 m) maximum depth due to size restrictions. The growing popularity of the skimmer net is evident by its introduction into North Carolina and inquiries from other southeastern Atlantic and Gulf coast states.


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Hawaii's diverse pelagic fisheries supply the bulk of the State's total catch. The largest Hawaii fishery is the recently expanded longline fishery, which now lands about 4,400 metric tons (t) of broadbill swordfish, Xiphias gladius; 1,500 t of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, and 3,000 t of other pelagic species annually. The increased catch of these other species has raised concerns regarding the continued availability of yellowfin tuna, T. albacares; blue marlin, Makaira mazara; and mahimahi, Coryphaena hippurus, in the small-vessel troll and handline fisheries which target those species. Analysis of catch per unit effort (CPUE) statistics from Hawaii's fisheries did not provide strong evidence of recent declines in availability related to local fishery expansion. A more influential factor was variation in Pacific-wide CPUE, representing overall population abundance and catchability. Exogenous factors, including Pacific-wide fishing pressure, may overwhelm the influence of local fishing pressure on fish availability.


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Domestic fisheries in American Samoa landed 587,000 lb of fish and invertebrates in 1991 worth $993,000. Most of the catch (78%) and value (80%) was taken by the shoreline subsistence fishery that occurs on the coral reefs surrounding the islands. Artisanal fisheries for offshore pelagic fishes (primarily skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis; and yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares) and bottomfishes (snappers, emperors, groupers) accounted for 16% and 3%, respectively, of the domestic catch. Recreational tournament catches for pelagic fishes represented the remainder (3%). While sportfishing is becoming increasingly important, other domestic fisheries have declined in recent years. The shoreline subsistence fishery has dropped by about 25% over the past decade owing to socioeconomic factors and possibly overexploitation. Artisanal fisheries have also declined precipitously in recent years owing to hurricane-related damages, attrition of fishermen, and competition with imports. Artisanal fisheries show some potential for growth, but may be constrained by marketing issues, vessel capabilities, and limited stock sizes (for bottomfish) or local availability of high-value (pelagic) fishes. In contrast to the small-scale domestic fisheries, American Samoa is also homeport to a distant-water fleet of large purse seiners and longliners that fish beyond the EEZ and deliver about 160,000-220,000 short tons of tuna per year to local canneries.


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Management of the Texas penaeid shrimp fishery is aimed at increasing revenue from brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, landings and decreasing the level of discards. Since 1960 Texas has closed its territorial sea for 45-60 days during peak migration of brown shrimp to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1981 the closure was extended to 200 miles to include the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Simulation modeling is used in this paper to estimate the changes in landings, revenue, costs, and economic rent attributable to the Texas closure. Four additional analyses were conducted to estimate the effects of closing the Gulf 1- to 4-fathom zone for 45 and 60 days, with and without effort redirected to inshore waters. Distributional impacts are analyzed in terms of costs, revenues, and rents, by vessel class, shrimp species, vessel owner, and crew.


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With its genesis in New England during the 1800's, the purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, expanded south and by the early 1900's ranged the length of the eastern seaboard. The purse seine fishery for Gulf menhaden. B. patronus, is of relatively recent development, exploitation of the stock beginning in the late 1940's. Landings from both fisheries annually comprise 35-40% of the total U. S. fisheries landings, ranking menhaden first in terms of volume landed. Technological advances in harvesting methods, fish-spotting capabilities, and vessel designs accelerated after World War II, resulting in larger, faster, and wider-ranging carrier vessels, improved speed and efficiency of the harvest, and reduction in labor requirements. Chief products of the menhaden industry are fish meal, fish oil, and solubles, but research into new product lines is underway. Since 1955 on the Atlantic coast and 1964 on the Gulf coast, the NMFS has monitored the fisheries for biostatistical data. Annual data summaries of numbers-of-fish-at-age harvested, catch tonnage, and fishing effort of the fleet form the basis of routine stock assessments and annual catch forecasts to industry for the upcoming fishing season. After landings declined in the 1960's, the Atlantic menhaden stock has recovered through the 1970's and 1980's. Exceptional year classes of Gulf menhaden in recent years account for record landings during the 1980's.


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Shrimp fishermen trawling in the Gulf of Mexico and south Atlantic inadvertently capture and kill sea turtles which are classified as endangered species. Recent legislation requires the use of a Turtle Excluder Device(TED) which, when in place in the shrimp trawl, reduces sea turtle mortality. The impact of the TED on shrimp production is not known. This intermediate analysis of the TED regulations using an annual firm level simulation model indicated that the average Texas shrimp vessel had a low probability of being an economic success before regulations were enacted. An assumption that the TED regulations resulted in decreased production aggravated this condition and the change in Ending Net Worth and Net Present Value of Ending Net Worth before and after a TED was placed in the net was significant at the 5 percent level. However, the difference in the Internal Rate of Return for the TED and non-TED simulations was not significant unless the TED caused a substantial change in catch. This analysis did not allow for interactions between the fishermen in the shrimp industry, an assumption which could significantly alter the impact of TED use on the catch and earnings of the individual shrimp vessel.


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Samples of shrimp trawl catches were collected from a commercial artisanal vessel fishing inside the 6-fm isobath in the Gulf of Paria, Trinidad. From August 1986 to May 1987, 34 late evening-early morning trawl trips were made and 97 hauls were sampled. Annual ratio estimates were 9 (SD 1.3) finfish:shrimp and 14.7 (SD 2.0) by-catch: shrimp, with the highest ratios observed August through December and the lowest from late January through May, the dry season. Extrapolation of ratios, using shrimp catch statistics, indicates that for 1986, 974,000 kg of finfish and 620,000 kg of crabs, Callinectes spp., were caught incidentally by artisanal shrimp trawlers fishing in the Gulf of Paria. Of this total incidental catch (1,594,000 kg), about 1,500,000 kg were discarded (94 percent). Four penaeid shrimp species are targeted: Penaeus schmitti, P. notialis, P. subtilis, and Xiphopenaeus kroyeri. Callinectes spp. were caught in large quantities from Augustto mid-January. Small (4-15 cm) pelagic and demersal species of little commercial importance dominated the finfish by-catch: Harengula spp., Cetengraulis edentulus, Chloroscombrus chrysurus, Eucinostomous spp., Diapterus rhombeus, and Cyclopsetta spp. Altogether, the monthly percentage of the species ranged from 70 to 85 percent of the total finfish by-catch.


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Grenadiers (family Macrouridae) are the most abundant fish on most continental slope areas worldwide. Off California the Pacific grenadier, Coryphaenoides acrolepis, occurs in relatively large numbers and may have marketing potential. This repon provides information on the biology of the species and catch results from a number of scientific cruises. Catch data on several other species found together with Pacific grenadier, panicularly sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, are also given. The fish were caught with a bottom trawl (15 trawls), and with free-vehicle longline gear (117 sets). The latter was a hook and line system in which the gear was dropped to the seafloor untethered to the fishing vessel, and floated to the surface, with the catch, when detachable weights were automatically released. Sablefish dominated longline catches in depths of 200-600fm (334-1,098m), while Pacific grenadier was most abundant between 600 and 1,OOOfm (1,098-1,830m). Best trawl catches of Pacific grenadier were made at depths between 615 and 675fm (1,125 and 1,235 m) and at 760fm (1,391 m). Ripe females were absent from our samples, but spent females were found during the entire year with highest numbers in the spring and early summer. Only one larva was found despite extensive sampling with plankton nets. Pacific grenadier was found to have good edible qualities by a taste-test panel, although the protein content (15 percent) and flesh yield (24 percent) were significantly lower than those of other fishes. A second species, the giant grenadier, Albatrossia pectoralis, was found to have exceptionally poor eating qualities and even lower protein content.


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Commercial catch and effort data were fit to the Leslie model to estimate preexploitation abundance and the catchability coefficient of slipper lobster, Scyllarides squammosus, in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). A single vessel fished for 34 consecutive days in the vicinity of Laysan Island and caught 126,127 total slipper lobster in 36,170 trap hauls. Adjusted catch of legal slipper lobster dropped from a high of 3.70 to 1.16 lobster per trap haul. Preexploitation abundance at Laysan Island was an estimated 204,000 legal slipper lobster, which was extrapolated to yield an estimate of 1.2 X 106 to 3.8 X 106 lobster for the entire NWHI slipper lobster fishery.