952 resultados para Transmission thalamocorticale
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Male sheep of reproductive age were distributed into three groups: GI, a sheep inoculated (oral) with 2.0×105 oocysts of the P strain of Toxoplasma gondii; GII, a sheep infected (subcutaneous) with 1.0×106 tachyzoites of the RH strain of T. gondii; and GIII, a sheep kept as a control (not infected). After the inoculation of the males, 12 breeding ewes, which were not pregnant and which were serologically negative for reproductive diseases (particularly toxoplasmosis), were distributed into three groups, synchronized, and subsequently exposed to natural mating with previously inoculated males. The distribution was as follows: five ewes that underwent natural mating with the GI male, five ewes that were exposed to natural mating with the GII male, and two ewes that were mated with the non-infected male (control). Serum samples of all the ewes were collected on days -30, -14, -7, -1, and 0 (days before natural mating) and on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, and weekly until birth; the presence of serum antibodies against T. gondii was assessed by IFAT. Using a bioassay and PCR, T. gondii was isolated from the semen of the infected reproducing sheep before mating. Following natural mating, 5 of the 12 females displayed antibodies specific for T. gondii; of these animals, two of the ewes underwent natural mating with the male inoculated with oocysts (GI) and three with the male infected with tachyzoites (GII). One of the females that displayed antibodies specific to this coccidian and that underwent natural mating with the GII sheep had a macerated fetus on the 70th day following coverage. Using a bioassay after the birth, it was possible to isolate T. gondii from samples of the pool of tissues from the five females that seroconverted after natural mating and from their respective lambs. Using PCR, the DNA of T. gondii was isolated from the pool of tissues from one and two females exposed to natural mating with the reproductive males infected with the oocysts and tachyzoites, respectively. Using this technique, it was also possible to diagnose the presence of the parasite in the pool of tissues from the lambs of one female that underwent natural mating with the male sheep infected with oocysts. These results demonstrated the sexual transmission of T. gondii in the sheep species with consequent vertical transmission to their lambs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
The phases of a transmission line are tightly coupled due to mutual impedances and admittances of the line. One way to accomplish the calculations of currents and voltages in multi phase lines consists in representing them in modal domain, where its n coupled phases are represented by their n propagation modes. The separation line in their modes of propagation is through the use of a modal transformation matrix whose columns are eigenvectors associated with the parameters of the line. Usually, this matrix is achieved through numerical methods which do not allow the achievement of an analytical model for line developed directly in the phases domain. This work will show an analytical model for phase currents and voltages of the line and results it will be applied to a hypothetical two-phase. It will be shown results obtained with that will be compared to results obtained using a classical model © 2003-2012 IEEE.
This paper describes a computational model based on lumped elements for the mutual coupling between phases in transmission lines without the explicit use of modal transformation matrices. The self and mutual parameters and the coupling between phases are modeled using modal transformation techniques. The modal representation is developed from the intrinsic consideration of the modal transformation matrix and the resulting system of time-domain differential equations is described as state equations. Thus, a detailed profile ofthe currents and the voltages through the line can be easily calculated using numerical or analytical integration methods. However, the original contribution of the article is the proposal of a time-domain model without the successive phase/mode transformations and a practical implementation based on conventional electrical circuits, without the use of electromagnetic theory to model the coupling between phases. © 2003-2012 IEEE.
In this paper, a hybrid heuristic methodology that employs fuzzy logic for solving the AC transmission network expansion planning (AC-TEP) problem is presented. An enhanced constructive heuristic algorithm aimed at obtaining a significant quality solution for such complicated problems considering contingency is proposed. In order to indicate the severity of the contingency, 2 performance indices, namely the line flow performance index and voltage performance index, are calculated. An interior point method is applied as a nonlinear programming solver to handle such nonconvex optimization problems, while the objective function includes the costs of the new transmission lines as well as the real power losses. The performance of the proposed method is examined by applying it to the well-known Garver system for different cases. The simulation studies and result analysis demonstrate that the proposed method provides a promising way to find an optimal plan. Obtaining the best quality solution shows the capability and the viability of the proposed algorithm in AC-TEP. © Tübi̇tak..
This study presents a new methodology based on risk/investment to solve transmission network expansion planning (TNEP) problem with multiple future scenarios. Three mathematical models related to TNEP problems considering multiple future generation and load scenarios are also presented. These models will provide planners with a meaningful risk assessment that enable them to determine the necessary funding for transmission lines at a permissible risk level. The results using test and real systems show that the proposed method presents better solutions compared with scenario analysis method. ©The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
Modal analysis is widely approached in the classic theory of power systems modelling. This technique is also applied to model multiconductor transmission lines and their self and mutual electrical parameters. However, this methodology has some particularities and inaccuracies for specific applications, which are not clearly described in the technical literature. This study provides a brief review on modal decoupling applied in transmission line digital models and thereafter a novel and simplified computational routine is proposed to overcome the possible errors embedded by the modal decoupling in the simulation/ modelling computational algorithm. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.
This article shows a transmission line model developed directly in the phase domain. The proposed model is based on the relationships between the phase currents and voltages at both the sending and receiving ends of a single-phase line. These relationships, established using an ABCD matrix, were extended to multi-phase lines. The proposed model was validated by using it to represent a transmission line during short-and open-circuit tests. The results obtained with the proposed model were compared with results obtained with a classical model based on modal decomposition. These comparisons show that proposed model was correctly developed. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
An alternative and simplified procedure is described to estimate the longitudinal resistances of transmission lines based on the real-time load profile. This method proposes to estimate the resistance parameters from the synchronized measurements of complex currents and complex voltages at the sending and receiving ends of transmission systems. The synchronized measurements can be in practice obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs). © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Male goats of reproductive age that were serologically negative for Toxoplasma gondii were selected and distributed according to the following arrangement: (A) one goat infected orally with 2.0 × 105 oocysts; (B) one goat infected subcutaneously with 1.0 × 106 tachyzoites; and (C) one uninfected goat kept as a control. After T. gondii inoculation, 12 non-pregnant female breeder goats that were serologically negative for the main reproductive diseases, especially toxoplasmosis, were synchronized and then exposed to natural mating by the males that had previously been inoculated: five females exposed to natural mating by male A (group GI); five females exposed to natural mating by male B (group GII); and two females exposed to natural mating by the uninfected male C (group GIII). In serum samples obtained from all the female goats before and after natural mating, the presence of antibodies against T. gondii was investigated using the ELISA test. PCR was performed on semen samples, on females and fetal tissues and placenta. Ten out of the 12 females showed specific antibodies against T. gondii after natural mating: five in GI and five in GII. On several dates on which natural mating occurred, T. gondii was identified in semen samples from the infected males, using PCR. Subsequently, after the females had been sacrificed, it was also possible to identify T. gondii in tissue samples from the infected females and from their fetuses, stillbirths and offspring, using PCR. Therefore, these results prove, for the first time, that T. gondii infection can be transmitted sexually from male to female goats. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Models of different degrees of complexity are found in the literature for the estimation of lightning striking distances and attractive radius of objects and structures. However, besides the oversimplifications of the physical nature of the lightning discharge on which most of them are based, till recently the tridimensional structure configuration could not be considered. This is an important limitation, as edges and other details of the object affect the electric field and, consequently, the upward leader initiation. Within this context, the Self-consistent leader initiation and propagation model (SLIM) proposed by Becerra and Cooray is state-of-the-art leader inception and propagation leader model based on the physics of leader discharges which enables the tridimensional geometry of the structure to be taken into account. In this paper, the model is used for estimating the striking distance and attractive radius of power transmission lines. The results are compared with those obtained from the electrogeometric and Eriksson's models. © 2003-2012 IEEE.
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Amostras de sangue de índios nativos na aldeia Kararao (Kayapó) foram analisadas, usando-se métodos sorológico e molecular, para caracterizar a infecção e analisar a transmissão do HTLV-II. Observou-se reatividade específica em 3/26 indivíduos, dos quais duas amostras eram de uma mãe e de seu filho. A análise pela RFLP de regiões pX e env confirmou a infecção pelo HTLV-II. A seqüência de nucleotídios do segmento 5'LTR e a análise filogenética mostraram alta similaridade (98%) entre as três amostras e o protótipo HTLV-IIa (mot) e confirmaram a ocorrência do subtipo HTLV-IIc. Houve uma alta similaridade genética (99,9%) entre as amostras da mãe e do filho e a única diferença foi uma deleção de dois nucleotídios (TC) na seqüência materna. Estudos epidemiológicos anteriores entre índios nativos do Brasil forneceram prova da transmissão intrafamilial e vertical do HTLV-IIc. O presente estudo fornece evidência molecular da transmissão do HTLV-IIc de mãe para filho, um mecanismo que em grande parte é responsável pela endemicidade do HTLV nessas populações epidemiologicamente fechadas. Embora a verdadeira via de transmissão seja desconhecida, a amamentação materna poderia ser a mais provável.
Nós determinamos os fatores de risco à infecção pelo HCV em doadores de sangue no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Foram analisados 256 doadores de sangue atendidos na Fundação HEMOPA de 2004 a 2006, sendo divididos em dois grupos: infectados e não-infectados. O diagnóstico foi realizado por PCR em tempo real. Todos os participantes responderam a questionário sobre possíveis fatores de risco, sendo a modelagem estatística feita por regressão logística simples e múltipla. Os fatores de risco à infecção foram: uso de agulhas e seringas de vidros esterilizadas em casa (OR = 4,55), realização de tratamento dentário invasivo (OR = 3,08), compartilhamento de lâminas em domicílio (OR = 1,99), compartilhamento de lâminas descartáveis em barbearias, salões de beleza (OR = 2,34), e compartilhamento de material de manicure e pedicure (OR = 3,45). As autoridades de saúde devem conscientizar a população sobre o compartilhamento de materiais perfuro-cortantes em domicílio, salões de beleza e consultórios dentários como fatores de risco à infecção.