875 resultados para Trailer camps.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un estudio sobre la activación de conocimientos previos como una de las estrategias que los docentes utilizan para trabajar la comprensión lectora con alumnos de segundo y tercero de Educación Primaria. Los datos que se analizan han sido recogidos mediante observaciones realizadas, durante dos cursos, en diversas aulas de la geografía española. Como resultado del análisis, se ofrece una panorámica de las maneras de activar conocimientos previos y cómo se distribuyen en función del tipo de texto y de la finalidad de la lectura.


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The training of Irish soldiers for service in the British Army during the First World War required the establishment of training camps across the island, such as at Shane’s Castle Estate, close to Randalstown in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The camp saw active use from 1914 to 1918 but after the war it was demilitarised and returned to use as farmland. Archaeological investigations have revealed that earthwork traces of the camp can still be identified in the modern landscape. Comparison of a map of the camp from 1915, Airborne Laser Scanning data and aerial photographs has enabled the footprint of the camp to be re-established, while also helping to identify the location of specific elements such as the remains of barrack huts, stores, mess halls and officers’ quarters.


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Franz Liszt has all too often been discarded as the virtuosic showman, despite the fact that his several of works have often gained great praise and attracted scholarly engagement. However, one also finds striking development of formal design and tonal harmony in many of the works for his principal composition medium, the piano. This paper seeks to explore the practical application of James A. Hepokoski and Warren Darcy’s 'Sonata Theory' upon Liszt’s magnum opus for the instrument, the Sonata in B Minor.

I shall first consider the historical analyses placed upon the work that deal with structural design, as it pertains to the paradigm of Classical sonata-form. Previous research reveals two main theoretical camps; those in favour of a multi-movement analysis (with conflicting hypotheses therein) and those in favour of a single movement sonata-form. An understanding of these historical conceptions of the piece allows one to then highlight areas of conflict and offer a new solution.

Finally, I shall use Sonata Theory to survey the Sonata in B Minor’s landscape in a new light. The title ‘Sonata’ has clear generic implications, many of which are met by Liszt; 'Sonata Theory' provides a model with which to outline the compositional deformations employed by the composer and the implications of this practice. In particular, I offer new perspectives on the validity of the double-function form, insight into the rhetorical layout of a rotational discourse, and propose a nuanced analysis befitting of this striking work.


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In this article, I focus on Licínio de Azevedo’s 2012 film, Virgem Margarida, in relation to Frelimo’s policy of forced re-education camps and their effects on marginalized women in 1980s Mozambique. I also examine the recent political instability in Mozambique and the gendered legacies of regional sentiments on Mozambican national identity


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A conventional way to identify bridge frequencies is utilizing vibration data measured directly from the bridge. A drawback with this approach is that the deployment and maintenance of the vibration sensors are generally costly and time-consuming. One of the solutions is in a drive-by approach utilizing vehicle vibrations while the vehicle passes over the bridge. In this approach, however, the vehicle vibration includes the effect of road surface roughness, which makes it difficult to extract the bridge modal properties. This study aims to examine subtracting signals of two trailers towed by a vehicle to reduce the effect of road surface roughness. A simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used in the numerical simulation; the vehicle - trailer and bridge system are modeled as a coupled model. In addition, a laboratory experiment is carried out to verify results of the simulation and examine feasibility of the damage detection by the drive-by method.


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A potentially powerful drive-by bridge inspection approach was proposed to inspect bridge conditions utilizing the vibrations of a test vehicle while it passes over the target bridge. This approach suffers from the effect of roadway surface roughness and two solutions were proposed in previous studies: one is to subtract the responses of two vehicles (time-domain method) before spectral analysis and the other one is to subtract the spectrum of one vehicle from that of the other (frequency-domain method). Although the two methods were verified theoretically and numerically, their practical effectiveness is still an open question.Furthermore, whether the outcome spectra processed by those methods could be used to detect potential bridge damage is of our interests. In this study, a laboratory experiment was carried out with a test tractor-trailer system and a scaled bridge. It was observed that, first, for practical applications, it would be preferable to apply the frequency-domain method, avoiding the need to meet a strict requirement in synchronizing the responses of the two trailers in time domain; second, the statistical pattern of the processed spectra in a specific frequency band could be an effective anomaly indicator incorporated in drive-by inspection methods.


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Coal ignited the industrial revolution. An organic sedimentary rock that energized the globe, transforming cities, landscapes and societies for generations, the importance of ‘King Coal’ to the development and consolidation of modernity has been well-recognised. And yet, as a critical factor in the production of modern architecture, coal—as well as other forms of energy—has been mostly overlooked.

From Appalachia to Lanarkshire, from the pits of northern France, Belgium and the Ruhr valley, to the monumental opencast excavations of Russia, China, Africa and Australia, mining operations have altered the immediate social and physical landscapes of coal-rich areas. But in contrast to its own underground conditions of production, the winning of coal, especially in the twentieth-century, has produced conspicuously enlightened and humane approaches to architecture and urbanism. In the twentieth century, educational buildings, holiday camps, hospitals, swimming pools, convalescent homes and housing prevailed alongside model collieries in mining settlements and areas connected to them. In 1930s Britain, pit head baths—funded by a levy on each ton produced—were often built in the International Style. Many won praise for architectural merit, appearing in Nicholas Pevsner’s guides to the buildings of England alongside cathedrals, village manors and Masonic halls as testimonies to the public good.

The deep relationships between coal and modernity, and the expressions of architecture it has articulated, in the collieries from which it was hewn, the landscape and towns it shaped, and the power stations and other infrastructure where it was used, offer innumerable opportunities to explore how coal produced architectures which embodied and expressed both social and technological conditions. While proposals on coal are preferred, we also welcome papers that interrogate the complexity, heterogeneity and hybridity of other forms of energy production and how these have also interceded into architectural form at a range of scales.


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This study had three objectives: (1) to develop a comprehensive truck simulation that executes rapidly, has a modular program construction to allow variation of vehicle characteristics, and is able to realistically predict vehicle motion and the tire-road surface interaction forces; (2) to develop a model of doweled portland cement concrete pavement that can be used to determine slab deflection and stress at predetermined nodes, and that allows for the variation of traditional thickness design factors; and (3) to implement these two models on a work station with suitable menu driven modules so that both existing and proposed pavements can be evaluated with respect to design life, given specific characteristics of the heavy vehicles that will be using the facility. This report summarizes the work that has been performed during the first year of the study. Briefly, the following has been accomplished: A two dimensional model of a typical 3-S2 tractor-trailer combination was created. A finite element structural analysis program, ANSYS, was used to model the pavement. Computer runs have been performed varying the parameters defining both vehicle and road elements. The resulting time specific displacements for each node are plotted, and the displacement basin is generated for defined vehicles. Relative damage to the pavement can then be estimated. A damage function resulting from load replications must be assumed that will be reflected by further pavement deterioration. Comparison with actual damage on Interstate 80 will eventually allow verification of these procedures.


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Dans un article publié en 1982, Danièle Hervieu-Léger établissait un rapprochement signi-ficatif entre l’idéologie apocalyptique née dans l’Antiquité avec l’apparition de la pensée juive et l’idéologie écologiste née dans les années 1970 en réaction à la crise environne-mentale. Selon cette auteure, il existerait une affinité élective entre l’idéologie apocalyp-tique religieuse, judéo-chrétienne, et l’idéologie apocalyptique sécularisée incorporée à l’idéologie écologiste. Bien plus qu’à un simple « catastrophisme » ambiant, l’idéologie écologiste obéirait donc à des schémas eschatologiques issus de l’imaginaire religieux occidental. Nous avons voulu vérifier si cette piste d’analyse était encore féconde. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord construit un idéal-type de l’idéologie apocalyptique nous permettant d’identifier les similitudes, mais aussi les différences fondamentales distinguant l’idéologie apocalyptique religieuse de l’idéologie apocalyptique sécularisée. En nous ba-sant sur la littérature spécialisée, nous avons découvert que les quatre caractéristiques centrales de cet idéal-type peuvent être : (1) l’idée de la fin du monde imminente, (2) la croyance en la détermination suprahumaine de l’histoire, (3) la conviction de l’urgence d’agir et (4) la division du monde en deux camps opposés (les bons et les mauvais). Ensuite, pour vérifier la présence cette hypothétique « apocalypse verte » dans l’imaginaire collectif, nous avons choisi un échantillon de la pensée écologiste nous per-mettant de noter l’influence de l’idéologie apocalyptique. Nous avons enfin procédé à une analyse de contenu de la dernière version du bestseller écologiste Earth in the Balance d’Al Gore, initialement paru en 1993 et réédité en français en 2007 sous le titre d’Urgence Planète Terre. Mots-clés : écologisme, apocalypse, idéologie, religion séculière, environnement.


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This study measured fuel consumption in transporting grain from Iowa origins to Japan and Amsterdam by alternative routes and modes of transport and applied these data to construct equations for fuel consumption from Iowa origins to alternative final destinations. Some of the results are as follows: (1) The metered tractor-trailer truck averaged 186.6 gross ton-miles per gallon and 90.5 net ton-miles per gallon when loaded 50% of total miles. (2) The 1983 fuel consumption of seven trucks taken from company records was 82.4 net ton-miles per gallon at 67.5% loaded miles and 68.6 net ton-miles per gallon at 50% loaded miles. (3) Unit grain trains from Iowa to West Coast ports averaged 437.0 net ton-miles per gallon whereas unit grain trains from Iowa to New Orleans averaged 640.1 net ton-miles per gallon--a 46% advantage for the New Orleans trips. (4) Average barge fuel consumption on the Mississippi River from Iowa to New Orleans export grain elevators was 544.5 net ton-miles per gallon, with a 35% backhaul rate. (5) Ocean vessel net ton-miles per gallon varies widely by size of ship and backhaul percentage. With no backhaul, the average net ton-miles per gallon were as follows: for 30,000 dwt ship, 574.8 net ton-miles per gallon; for 50,000 dwt ship, 701.9; for 70,000 dwt ship, 835.1; and for 100,000 dwt ship, 1,043.4. (6) The most fuel efficient route and modal combination to transport grain from Iowa to Japan depends on the size of ocean vessel, the percentage of backhaul, and the origin of the grain. Alternative routes and modal combinations in shipping grain to Japan are ranked in descending order of fuel efficiencies.


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A presente dissertação expõe um sistema de monitorização de veículos de mercadorias, que permite obter a localização através do GPS instalado no veículo, registar a abertura/fecho de portas e a temperatura da mercadoria transportada no reboque do veículo. A comunicação entre o trator do veículo e o reboque é realizado por radiofrequência. A informação recolhida, localização, estado das portas e temperatura, é enviada via GPRS, através do módulo central presente no trator do veículo, para uma base de dados externa instalada na central. A nível de interação com o sistema, tanto a empresa da frota dos veículos (transportadora) como o cliente requerente dos serviços da transportadora, podem consultar a informação registada na base de dados através de uma página Web criada para o efeito. A página Web incorpora um sistema de login restrito à administração ou aos clientes registados e a selecção de opções variáveis com esse mesmo login. A localização e o percurso do veículo podem ser visualizados sobre o mapa do Google Maps presente na página Web. A temperatura pode ser consultada num gráfico de comparação entre a temperatura desejada e a temperatura registada ao longo do percurso. É também possível adicionar os dados dos novos clientes através da administração da página Web.


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Foyer du catholicisme en Amérique du Nord, le Québec des années 1930 connaît, principalement à cause de la crise économique, un tel fourmillement d'idées que le sociologue Fernand Dumont a pu qualifier cette période de "première résolution tranquille". Le catholicisme qui jouit alors d'une "domination tranquille" depuis près d'un siècle dans la société canadienne-française, se voit contesté et remis en cause principalement par des mouvements révolutionnaires d'inspiration marxiste: le socialisme et le communisme. Reposant sur un modèle de société où le spirituel n'a pas de place, le communisme est vivement combattu par l'Église catholique tant au Québec que sur le plan mondial. Il existe déjà d'excellentes études sur les mouvements de gauche au Québec dans les années 1930 comme le livre de Marcel Fournier: Communisme et anticommunisme au Québec (1920-1950) et celui d'Andrée Lévesque: Virage à gauche interdit (1929-1939). Il en est cependant autrement en ce qui concerne une autre forme politique qui connaît également beaucoup de succès dans les années 30: il s'agit du fascisme, face auquel subsistent encore bien des questions quant à l'appui qu'il avait reçu de la part des catholiques du Québec. Parler de fascisme au Québec fait tout de suite penser ou bien au Parti National Social Chrétien (P.N.S.C.) d'Adrien Arcand, ou bien à une Église catholique réactionnaire qui, pour lutter contre la menace communiste, va appuyer sans réserve l'extrême-droite au niveau international tout en encourageant le développement de mouvements de ce genre au Québec. Cette opinion se retrouve surtout au Canada anglais comme le démontre Eugene Forsey avec son article "Clérical Fascism in Quebec", publié en 1937 dans Canadian Forum. Mais qu'en est-il vraiment de l'attitude des catholiques du Québec face au fascisme? Disons d'abord que le terme "fasciste" est aujourd'hui lourdement hypothéqué. Il évoque l'État totalitaire, le racisme, le recours à la terreur, la suppression de toute liberté et des procédés inhumains tels que la torture et les camps de concentration. Largement associé et identifié aux horreurs nazies, le fascisme s'est chargé après la Seconde Guerre mondiale d'un contenu très négatif qu'il n'avait pas dans les années 30 où il ne désignait que le régime autoritaire mis en place par Mussolini en Italie. En tout cas un bref examen des publications d'époque suffit pour nous convaincre que l'expérience italienne est suivie très attentivement au Québec dès ses débuts en 1922 et qu'elle ne cesse d'attirer l'attention des Québécois tout le long des années 1930. Parmi ceux qui vont s'intéresser le plus au phénomène fasciste, nous retrouvons les catholiques pour qui le fascisme pourrait constituer une façon efficace de lutter contre le communisme. Mais nous ne disposons que de très peu de recherches sur la perception des régimes et des idéologies d'extrême-droite par les Québécois. Si les années 1930 au Québec sont une période qui a déjà commencé à être étudiée par les historiens, ceux-ci ne se sont intéressés au phénomène fasciste que d'une façon mineure et indirecte. Pour s'en rendre compte il suffit d'ouvrir les ouvrages d'André J. Bélanger : L'apolitisme des idéologies québécoises (1934-1936) ou de Femand Dumont et al. : Idéologies au Canada français, 1930-1939. La perception de l'étranger par les Québécois ne semble pas être l'une de leurs grandes préoccupations. C'est une partie de ce vide que notre étude se propose de combler en essayant de découvrir quelle fut réellement la vision que les catholiques francophones du Québec ont eu du régime fasciste en Italie durant les années 30. Par l'analyse du contenu de publications catholiques ou d'esprit catholique, nous verrons quelle opinion ceux-ci se font du régime mussolinien et surtout nous capterons l’évolution de cette opinion à mesure que le monde avance vers la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Nous tenterons également de voir dans quelle mesure les jugements portés sur le fascisme peuvent être révélateurs de la vision que les catholiques entre tiennent de la société québécoise et de son avenir. Bien qu'elle fasse souvent allusion à des événements qui se sont déroulés dans les années 1920, notre étude porte d'abord sur les années 30 et s'arrête au moment où débute la Seconde Guerre mondiale, alors qu'il devient évident que tout le monde prend position contre le fascisme. [...]


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Cabomba caroliniana is a submersed macrophyte that has become a serious invader. Cabomba predominantly spreads by stem fragments, in particular through unintentional transport on boat trailers ('hitch hiking'). Desiccation resistance affects the potential dispersal radius. Therefore, knowledge of maximum survival times allows predicting future dispersal. Experiments were conducted to assess desiccation resistance and survival ability of cabomba fragments under various environmental scenarios. Cabomba fragments were highly tolerant of desiccation. However, even relatively low wind speeds resulted in rapid mass loss, indicating a low survival rate of fragments exposed to air currents, such as fragments transported on a boat trailer. The experiments indicated that cabomba could survive at least 3 h of overland transport if exposed to wind. However, even small clumps of cabomba could potentially survive up to 42 h. Thus, targeting the transport of clumps of macrophytes should receive high priority in management. The high resilience of cabomba to desiccation demonstrates the risk of continuing spread. Because of the high probability of fragment viability on arrival, preventing fragment uptake on boat trailers is paramount to reduce the risk of further spread. These findings will assist improving models that predict the spread of aquatic invasive macrophytes.


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Relief shown by hachures.


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My novel, 'How Long the Night,' and my essay, ‘The Ghosts of Muranów: Confronting Poland’s Jewish Past,’ focus on the relationship between urban space, memory and identity. Before the Second World War Muranów was one of the largest Jewish districts in Europe. In August 1939 Poland’s capital was home to 380,000 Jews, which accounted for about 30 percent of the city’s total population. During the war the district was the central part of the Warsaw Ghetto located near the Umschlagplatz, the place from which Jews were transported to concentration camps. After the failed uprising in 1943 the Nazis burnt the entire quarter to the ground. There was nothing left, except for heaps of rubble. The debris was to be the foundation on which the new socialist realist residential district would stand. The new Muranów, erected on the ashes of the former ghetto, is a space of absence, emptiness and repressed guilt. There are no physical traces of the Jewish presence in the area, except for commemorative plaques, monuments or obelisks. Former tenement houses, shops, synagogues are gone; street names and their layout are different as well. Nevertheless, the former Jewish district is present in images, dreams (or nightmares), in fantasies, memories and stories. My novel and my essay explore the connection between place, history, memory and trauma. The space of Muranów becomes a symbolic trigger for investigation and re-examination of the forgotten or suppressed past. What is more, the novel examines the way a foreign language serves as a tool through which painful and repressed stories can be (re)told.