999 resultados para Stress (Psicologia) - Prevenção
L'autor exposa el treball de camp dut a terme durant més de cent hores de pràctiques en un centre de salut mental, CSAM de Manresa. S'inicia amb una visió general del centre, la seva història i els seus òrgans de funcionament. Es fa una petita exposició dels motius de l'elecció per part de l'alumne, l'orientació teòrica del centre, així com la metodologia utilitzada i la temporalització amb la qual s'ha dut a terme la tasca i, finalment, un seguiment i alguns resultats obtinguts de les sessions que s'han dut a terme en les àrees infanto-juvenil i d'addicció i control d'impulsos en adults. Acaba el treball amb una reflexió per als futurs estudiants de psicologia, en l'àrea clínica: Lluiteu, lluitem tots junts "por un prácticum clínico que no convierta a los estudiantes de psicología en pedigüeños de las prácticas y los coloquen en la zozobra inquieta que les lleve a un peregrinaje absurdo por diversos centros públicos o privados, a la búsqueda de algún paciente al que puedan simplemente observar" (De Josep Mª Farré, Psiquiatre de l'Institut Dexeus, en el llibre de María Dolores Avia (dir), "Cartas a un joven psicólogo", en la seva segonda edició).
The Firmicutes bacteria participate extensively in virulence and pathological processes. Enterococcus faecalis is a commensal microorganism; however, it is also a pathogenic bacterium mainly associated with nosocomial infections in immunocompromised patients. Iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters are inorganic prosthetic groups involved in diverse biological processes, whose in vivo formation requires several specific protein machineries. Escherichia coli is one of the most frequently studied microorganisms regarding [Fe-S] cluster biogenesis and encodes the iron-sulfur cluster and sulfur assimilation systems. In Firmicutes species, a unique operon composed of the sufCDSUB genes is responsible for [Fe-S] cluster biogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of the E. faecalis sufCDSUB system in the [Fe-S] cluster assembly using oxidative stress and iron depletion as adverse growth conditions. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction demonstrated, for the first time, that Gram-positive bacteria possess an OxyR component responsive to oxidative stress conditions, as fully described for E. coli models. Likewise, strong expression of the sufCDSUB genes was observed in low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, indicating that the lowest concentration of oxygen free radicals inside cells, known to be highly damaging to [Fe-S] clusters, is sufficient to trigger the transcriptional machinery for prompt replacement of [Fe-S] clusters.
BACKGROUND & AIMS By means of this update, the GARIN working group aims to define its position regarding the treatment of patients with diabetes or stress hyperglycaemia and artificial nutrition. In this area there are many aspects of uncertainty, especially in non-critically ill patients. METHODS Bibliographical review, and specific questions in advance were discussed and answered at a meeting in the form of conclusions. RESULTS We propose a definition of stress hyperglycaemia. The indications and access routes for artificial nutrition are no different in patients with diabetes/stress hyperglycaemia than in non-diabetics. The objective must be to keep pre-prandial blood glucose levels between 100 and 140 mg/dl and post-prandial levels between 140 and 180 mg/dl. Hyperglycemia can be prevented through systematic monitoring of capillary glycaemias and adequately calculate energy-protein needs. We recommend using enteral formulas designed for patients with diabetes (high monounsaturated fat) to facilitate metabolic control. The best drug treatment for treating hyperglycaemia/diabetes in hospitalised patients is insulin and we make recommendations for adapt the theoretical insulin action to the nutrition infusion regimen. We also addressed recommendations for future investigation. CONCLUSIONS This recommendations about artificial nutrition in patients with diabetes or stress hyperglycaemia can add value to clinical work.
The precise relationship between the positive psychological state of work (i.e. engagement ) and the negative psychological state (i.e. burnout) has recently received research attention. Some view these as opposite states on the same similar continuum, while others take the position that they represent different biobehavioral spheres. This study expands our knowledge of the phenomenta engagement and burnout by analyzing their separate and joint manifestations. Using a sample of 2094 nurses, respondents were analyzed to determine the configuration of antecedents leading to separate and joint states of engagement and burnout, the configuration of engagement and burnout leading to mental, physical and organizational outcomes, and the relationship between engagement, bornout, and risk of metabolic syndrome. The study found that while both work engagement and burnout are highly correlated to health and organizational outcomes, the relative statistical power of burnout has a greater direct effect on health. It is important for workers and managers to adress the sources of burnout before addressing the positive psychological aspects of worker engagement.
Malnutrition affects 40-50% of patients with ear, nose and throat (ENT) cancer. The aim of this study was to assess changes induced by a specific nutritional supplement enriched with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and greater amounts of proteins and electrolytes, as compared with a standard nutritional supplement, on markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and metabolic status of ENT cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy (RT). Fourteen days after starting RT, 26 patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups, 13 supplemented with Prosure, an oncologic formula enriched with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and greater amounts of proteins and electrolytes (specific supplement), and 13 supplemented with Standard-Isosource (standard supplement). Patients were evaluated before RT, and 14, 28 and 90 days after starting RT. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the groups, but greater changes were observed in the standard supplement group, such as a decline in body mass index (BMI), reductions in hematocrit, erythrocyte, eosinophil and albumin levels, and a rise in creatinine and urea levels. We concluded that metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters were altered during RT, and began to normalize at the end of the study. Patients supplemented with Prosure showed an earlier normalization of these parameters, with more favorable changes in oxidative stress markers and a more balanced evolution, although the difference was not significant.
INTRODUCTION Chronic low-grade inflammation and immune activation may persist in HIV patients despite effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). These abnormalities are associated with increased oxidative stress (OS). Bilirubin (BR) may have a beneficial role in counteracting OS. Atazanavir (ATV) inhibits UGT1A1, thus increasing unconjugated BR levels, a distinctive feature of this drug. We compared changes in OS markers in HIV patients on ATV/r versus efavirenz (EFV)-based first-line therapies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cohort of the Spanish Research Network (CoRIS) is a multicentre, open, prospective cohort of HIV-infected patients naïve to ART at entry and linked to a biobank. We identified hepatitis C virus/hepatitis B virus (HCV/HBV) negative patients who started first-line ART with either ATV/r or EFV, had a baseline biobank sample and a follow-up sample after at least nine months of ART while maintaining initial regimen and being virologically suppressed. Lipoprotein-associated Phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), Myeloperoxidase (MPO) and Oxidized LDL (OxLDL) were measured in paired samples. Marker values at one year were interpolated from available data. Multiple imputations using chained equations were used to deal with missing values. Change in the OS markers was modelled using multiple linear regressions adjusting for baseline marker values and baseline confounders. Correlations between continuous variables were explored using Pearson's correlation tests. RESULTS 145 patients (97 EFV; 48 ATV/r) were studied. Mean (SD) baseline values for OS markers in EFV and ATV/r groups were: Lp-PLA2 [142.2 (72.8) and 150.1 (92.8) ng/mL], MPO [74.3 (48.2) and 93.9 (64.3) µg/L] and OxLDL [76.3 (52.3) and 82.2 (54.4) µg/L]. After adjustment for baseline variables patients on ATV/r had a significant decrease in Lp-PLA2 (estimated difference -16.3 [CI 95%: -31.4, -1.25; p=0.03]) and a significantly lower increase in OxLDL (estimated difference -21.8 [-38.0, -5.6; p<0.01] relative to those on EFV, whereas no differences in MPO were found. Adjusted changes in BR were significantly higher for the ATV/r group (estimated difference 1.33 [1.03, 1.52; p<0.01]). Changes in BR and changes in OS markers were significantly correlated. CONCLUSIONS In virologically suppressed patients on stable ART, OS was lower in ATV/r-based regimens compared to EFV. We hypothesize these changes could be in part attributable to increased BR plasma levels.
1. Dietary conditions affect cognitive abilities of many species, but it is unclear to what extent this physiological effect translates into an evolutionary relationship. 2. A reduction of competitive ability under nutritional stress has been reported as a correlated response to selection for learning ability in Drosophila melanogaster. Here we test whether the reverse holds as well, i.e. whether an evolutionary adaptation to poor food conditions leads to a decrease in learning capacities. 3. Populations of D. melanogaster were: (i) not subject to selection (control), (ii) selected for improved learning ability, (iii) selected for survival and fast development on poor food, or (iv) subject to both selection regimes. 4. There was no detectable response to selection for learning ability. 5. Selection on poor food led to higher survival, faster development and smaller adult size as a direct response, and to reduced learning ability as a correlated response. This study supports the hypothesis that adaptation to poor nutrition is likely to trade off with the evolution of improved learning ability.
Among the various work stress models, one of the most popular has been the job demands-control (JDC) model developed by Karasek (1979), which postulates that work-related strain is highest under work conditions characterized by high demands and low autonomy. The absence of social support at work further increases negative outcomes. This model, however, does not apply equally to all individuals and to all cultures. This review demonstrates how various individual characteristics, especially some personality dimensions, influence the JDC model and could thus be considered buffering or moderator factors. Moreover, we review how the cultural context impacts this model as suggested by results obtained in European, American, and Asian contexts. Yet there are almost no data from Africa or South America. More crosscultural studies including populations from these continents would be valuable for a better understanding of the impact of the cultural context on the JDC model.
AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Pro-atherogenic and pro-oxidant, oxidised LDL trigger adverse effects on pancreatic beta cells, possibly contributing to diabetes progression. Because oxidised LDL diminish the expression of genes regulated by the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER), we investigated the involvement of this transcription factor and of oxidative stress in beta cell failure elicited by oxidised LDL. METHODS: Isolated human and rat islets, and insulin-secreting cells were cultured with human native or oxidised LDL or with hydrogen peroxide. The expression of genes was determined by quantitative real-time PCR and western blotting. Insulin secretion was monitored by EIA kit. Cell apoptosis was determined by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: Exposure of beta cell lines and islets to oxidised LDL, but not to native LDL raised the abundance of ICER. Induction of this repressor by the modified LDL compromised the expression of important beta cell genes, including insulin and anti-apoptotic islet brain 1, as well as of genes coding for key components of the secretory machinery. This led to hampering of insulin production and secretion, and of cell survival. Silencing of this transcription factor by RNA interference restored the expression of its target genes and alleviated beta cell dysfunction and death triggered by oxidised LDL. Induction of ICER was stimulated by oxidative stress, whereas antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine or HDL prevented the rise of ICER elicited by oxidised LDL and restored beta cell functions. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Induction of ICER links oxidative stress to beta cell failure caused by oxidised LDL and can be effectively abrogated by antioxidant treatment.
The long-term implications of sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence (CSA) have been relatively well documented regarding attachment (disorganized attachment in childhood, unresolved trauma in adulthood), stress reactions (altered patterns of stress reactivity under experimental conditions), and psychopathology. Attachment has been shown to mediate the implications of CSA, namely on psychopathology. The implication of attachment on stress responses of abused persons has not been documented. Twenty-seven 20-46 years old women who had experienced episodes of CSA, and 17 controls have been interviewed using the Adult Attachment Interview. Sixty-three percent of abused women presented an unresolved trauma (12% for the controls). Thirty-six women (14 controls and 22 abused) came again to the laboratory for a session involving an experimental stress challenge (TSST). Subjects provided repeated appreciations of perceived stress on visual analogue scales and saliva samples were collected to assay cortisol levels. Whereas abused women with unresolved trauma showed the highest levels of perceived stress, they simultaneously presented the most suppressed cortisol reactions (there were significant post hoc differences between "unresolved abused" and controls on the increase of perceived stress and on cortisol recovery after the acute stress). It is suggested that important stressful experiences (such as CSA), especially when they have not been psychologically assimilated, may cause a disconnection, during subsequent mildly stressful circumstances, between the perception of stress and natural defensive body reactions.
BACKGROUND: A hallmark of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia is a dysfunction of parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking interneurons, which are essential for the coordination of neuronal synchrony during sensory and cognitive processing. Oxidative stress as observed in schizophrenia affects parvalbumin interneurons. However, it is unknown whether the deleterious effect of oxidative stress is particularly prevalent during specific developmental time windows. METHODS: We used mice with impaired synthesis of glutathione (Gclm knockout [KO] mice) to investigate the effect of redox dysregulation and additional insults applied at various periods of postnatal development on maturation and long-term integrity of parvalbumin interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex. RESULTS: A redox dysregulation, as in Gclm KO mice, renders parvalbumin interneurons but not calbindin or calretinin interneurons vulnerable and prone to exhibit oxidative stress. A glutathione deficit delays maturation of parvalbumin interneurons, including their perineuronal net. Moreover, an additional oxidative challenge in preweaning or pubertal but not in young adult Gclm KO mice reduces the number of parvalbumin-immunoreactive interneurons. This effect persists into adulthood and can be prevented with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine. CONCLUSIONS: In Gclm KO mice, early-life insults inducing oxidative stress are detrimental to immature parvalbumin interneurons and have long-term consequences. In analogy, individuals carrying genetic risks to redox dysregulation would be potentially vulnerable to early-life environmental insults, during the maturation of parvalbumin interneurons. Our data support the need to develop novel therapeutic approaches based on antioxidant and redox regulator compounds such as N-acetylcysteine, which could be used preventively in young at-risk subjects.