915 resultados para Soybean rust


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El daño hepático asociado a Nutrición Parenteral es una complicación letal en pacientes con nutrición parenteral prolongada. Su etiología no es clara aún, y se cree que las emulsiones lipídicas tradicionales con en base aceite de soya pueden contribuir a su génesis. Recientemente la modificación del contenido de ácidos grasos de las emulsiones lipídicas tradicionalmente de ácidos grasos omega-6 a ricas en omega-3 se postula como terapia prometedora en niños con PNALD. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en Cochrane y Pubmed, se seleccionaron ensayos clínicos controlados y estudios de cohorte prospectiva. Se utilizó le metodología SIGN para la calificación de los estudios y evaluación del grado de recomendación basada en la evidencia. El meta-análisis que se llevó a cabo incluyó dos artículos de cohorte prospectiva del grupo de Boston para la variable principal de desenlace considerada: tiempo de reverso de la colestasis. Los pacientes que recibieron emulsiones de lípidos de pescado experimentaron regresión de la colestasis significativamente más rápido que los que recibieron emulsiones de soya (HR=10.3, IC 95%:3.7,29,0, efectos fijos), menor mortalidad y menor necesidad de trasplante hepático. Su utilización no se asocia con deficiencia de ácidos grasos, hipertrigliceridemia, coagulopatía o retraso en el crecimiento. Se evidencio una correlación entre la disminución de los niveles de triglicéridos y aumento de los niveles de albúmina, sugiriendo un beneficio nutricional en los pacientes bajo infusiones de lípidos de pescado.


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Verificar la viabilidad de que algunas actividades eje de la Agencia Logística de las Fuerzas Militares se involucraran en el comercio exterior, teniendo en cuenta que esta es la entidad encargada de proveer alimentos y suministros a los diferentes centros de abastecimiento y distribución a lo largo del territorio nacional. Para esto, se tuvieron en cuenta tres productos para hacer el análisis: lenteja, arveja verde seca y aceite de soya. Para estos casos en específico, se realiza un análisis de la situación actual, verificando como se lleva a cabo los procesos de compra y de aprovisionamiento y se hace una descripción detallada dependiendo de la zona de distribución en que se demanden. Por otro lado, se adelanto un proceso de análisis de los diferentes términos de negociación por medio de los cuales se podría llegar a beneficiar la agencia; y para cada Incoterm, se hizo el respectivo desglose de costes para luego compararlos con el método de compra realizado actualmente, evidenciando así, a través de cuáles mecanismos se obtienen ahorros y beneficios económicos en general. De igual manera se tuvo en cuenta la posición de oferta de los principales proveedores a nivel mundial de los productos mencionados anteriormente, por medio de una investigación a través de bases de datos del Ministerio de Comercio Exterior Colombiano. Finalmente se hacen las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones, lo anterior con el fin de que la Agencia tenga la oportunidad de aprovechar las ventajas de ingresar directamente al mercado internacional sin necesidad de intermediarios.


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La búsqueda de los Estados por mitigar su dependencia energética de las fuentes fósiles, ha traído consigo la búsqueda de energías alternativas, desencadenando en el uso y producción de biocombustibles. A su vez, la producción de estos últimos a través de cultivos transgénicos ha ido cobrando importancia en el escenario internacional. Esta opción se ha considerado como una salida al dilema de utilización de tierras "Biocombustible vs. Alimentos". En este contexto, el caso de Argentina, como uno de los mayores productores de cultivos transgénicos del mundo, entre los cuales se destaca la soja, se analiza en esta investigación por ser importante para determinar cuál es el impacto de los biocombustibles producidos a través de cultivos transgénicos en la seguridad alimentaria de la población.


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Se busca ver cuál es el uso que las organizaciones hacen del concepto y estrategias comunitarias mediante el marketing; aunque existen varias formas de fidelizar el cliente, en el sector de comercio al por mayor, se vio una gran dificultad de acercarse al consumidor. Una de las formas más fáciles y efectivas de hacerlo es por medio de comunidades ya que elimina las barreras de mercado y crea vínculos entre cliente-empresa. Para esto se utilizó el análisis de caso, seleccionando una organización de relevancia en el sector de venta al por mayor. En dicha organización no se encontró el uso de la relación estratégica comunitaria de forma directa, aunque se vio un interés en incorporarlo; esto se evaluó mediante fuentes de evidencia, tales como entrevistas, informes financieros de la compañía, documentos que proporciono la organizaciones, pagina web e información del comercio de venta al por mayor y fundamentación teórica para realizar un óptimo análisis. A la empresa se le recomienda incorporar en sus planes estratégicos la relación estratégica comunitaria; esto ayudaría a eliminar barreras de mercado, identificar las necesidades o nuevos nichos de mercado.


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Para maximizar los beneficios, una compañía fundamenta sus acciones en ciertas estrategias que ayudan a cumplir su objetivo de generar utilidades. Entre las diferentes acciones que una organización puede utilizar, están las de responsabilidad social y las de relaciones estratégicas con la comunidad. Partiendo de la definición de comunidad, pasando por una descripción de responsabilidad social y sus diferentes formas de aplicabilidad dentro de una empresa, hasta la definición de relación estratégica con la comunidad; esta investigación dirige sus esfuerzos a determinar el vínculo que existe entre los conceptos de responsabilidad social y relación estratégica comunitaria. Adicionalmente, se plantea que otras estrategias de relacionamiento con clientes, como el mercadeo relacional o el CRM, las cuales enfocan sus esfuerzos en conocer a cada uno de los clientes de una compañía para plantear una oferta acorde a sus necesidades, no son muy efectivas a la hora de crear un vínculo emocional con la comunidad.


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Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.


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En aquest treball s'ha dissenyat un mètode ràpid i fiable de tinció amb fluorocroms per a l'anàlisi de la integritat i viabilitat espermàtiques a partir del marcatge de la beina mitocondrial amb MitoTracker®Green FM, de l'acrosoma amb la lectina Trypsin inhibitor from Soybean (SBTI) conjugada amb el fluorocrom Alexa Fluor®488 específic per la proacrosina i del nucli amb els fluorocroms bis-benzimida (específic per a cèl·lules viables) i iodur de propidi (específic per a cèl·lules no viables). També s'ha determinat l'efecte de la filtració de dosis seminals de mascles astentoteratonecrospèrmics en columnes de Sephadex neutre i de dosis de mascles amb baixa qualitat espermàtica per filtració en columnes de Sephadex iònic, llana de vidre i glass beads sobre la qualitat espermàtica dels diferents grups de mascles analitzats. Els resultats obtinguts han mostrat que diversos paràmetres de qualitat espermàtica milloren després de la filtració en les diferents reïnes segons la patologia que presentin.


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In 1977 Grahame Clark suggested that the siting of megalithic tombs along the west coast of Scandinavia reflected the distribution of productive fishing grounds. Unlike the situation in other parts of Europe, these monuments were not associated with agriculture. Opinions have varied over the last quarter century, but enough is now known about changes of sea-level for his interpretation to be investigated on the ground. There seems to have been considerable diversity. On the large island of Örust some of the tombs located near to the sea appear to be associated with small natural enclosures defined by rock outcrops and may have been associated with grazing land. On the neighbouring island of Tjörn, however, the tombs were associated with small islands and important sea channels. During the Bronze Age the same areas included carvings of ships. Recent fieldwork in western Norway suggests that such locations were especially important in a maritime economy.


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Currently we have little understanding of the impacts of land use change on soil C stocks in the Brazilian Amazon. Such information is needed to determine impacts'6n the global C cycle and the sustainability of agricultural systems that are replacing native forest. The aim of this study was to predict soil carbon stocks and changes in the Brazilian Amazon during the period between 2000 and 2030, using the GEFSOC soil carbon (C) modelling system. In order to do so, we devised current and future land use scenarios for the Brazilian Amazon, taking into account: (i) deforestation, rates from the past three decades, (ii) census data on land use from 1940 to 2000, including the expansion and intensification of agriculture in the region, (iii) available information on management practices, primarily related to well managed pasture versus degraded pasture and conventional systems versus no-tillage systems for soybean (Glycine max) and (iv) FAO predictions on agricultural land use and land use changes for the years 2015 and 2030. The land use scenarios were integrated with spatially explicit soils data (SOTER database), climate, potential natural vegetation and land management units using the recently developed GEFSOC soil C modelling system. Results are presented in map, table and graph form for the entire Brazilian Amazon for the current situation (1990 and 2000) and the future (2015 and 2030). Results include soil organic C (SOC) stocks and SOC stock change rates estimated by three methods: (i) the Century ecosystem model, (ii) the Rothamsted C model and (iii) the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) method for assessing soil C at regional scale. In addition, we show estimated values of above and belowground biomass for native vegetation, pasture and soybean. The results on regional SOC stocks compare reasonably well with those based on mapping approaches. The GEFSOC system provided a means of efficiently handling complex interactions among biotic-edapho-climatic conditions (> 363,000 combinations) in a very large area (similar to 500 Mha) such as the Brazilian Amazon. All of the methods used showed a decline in SOC stock for the period studied; Century and RothC simulated values for 2030 being about 7% lower than those in 1990. Values from Century and RothC (30,430 and 25,000 Tg for the 0-20 cm layer for the Brazilian Amazon region were higher than those obtained from the IPCC system (23,400 Tg in the 0-30 cm layer). Finally; our results can help understand the major biogeochemical cycles that influence soil fertility and help devise management strategies that enhance the sustainability of these areas and thus slow further deforestation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Transgenic crops are now grown commercially on several million hectares, principally in North America. To date, the predominant crops are maize (corn), soybean, cotton, and potatoes. In addition, there have been field trials of transgenics from at least 52 species including all the major field crops, vegetables, and several herbaceous and woody species. This review summarizes recent data relating to such trials, particularly in terms of the trends away from simple, single gene traits such as herbicide and insect resistance towards more complex agronomic traits such as growth rate and increased photosynthetic efficiency. Much of the recent information is derived from inspection of patent databases, a useful source of information on commercial priorities. The review also discusses the time scale for the introduction of these transgenes into breeding populations and their eventual release as new varieties.


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Genetic differentiation among plant populations and adaptation to local environmental conditions are well documented. However, few studies have examined the potential contribution of plant antagonists, such as insect herbivores and pathogens, to the pattern of local adaptation. Here, a reciprocal transplant experiment was set up at three sites across Europe using two common plant species, Holcus lanatus and Plantago lanceolata. The amount of damage by the main above-ground plant antagonists was measured: a rust fungus infecting Holcus and a specialist beetle feeding on Plantago, both in low-density monoculture plots and in competition with interspecific neighbours. Strong genetic differentiation among provenances in the amount of damage by antagonists in both species was found. Local provenances of Holcus had significantly higher amounts of rust infection than foreign provenances, whereas local provenances of Plantago were significantly less damaged by the specialist beetle than the foreign provenances. The presence of surrounding vegetation affected the amount of damage but had little influence on the ranking of plant provenances. The opposite pattern of population differentiation in resistance to local antagonists in the two species suggests that it will be difficult to predict the consequences of plant translocations for interactions with organisms of higher trophic levels.


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The aim was to determine the fate of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA fragments in the blood, tissues, and digesta of broilers. Male broiler chicks (n = 24) were allocated at 1 day old to each of four treatment diets designated T1-T4. T1 and T2 contained the near isogenic nongenetically modified (GM) maize grain, whereas T3 and T4 contained GM maize grain [cry1a(b) gene]; T1 and T3 also contained the near isogenic non-GM soybean meal, whereas T2 and T4 contained GM soybean meal (cp4epsps gene). Four days prior to slaughter at 39-42 days old, 50% of the broilers on T2-T4 had the source(s) of GM ingredients replaced by their non-GM counterparts. Detection of specific DNA sequences in feed, tissue, and digesta samples was completed by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Seven primer pairs were used to amplify fragments (similar to 200 bp) from single copy genes (maize high mobility protein, soya lectin, and transgenes in the GM feeds) and multicopy genes (poultry mitochondrial cytochrome b, maize, and soya rubisco). There was no effect of treatment on the measured growth performance parameters. Except for a single detection of lectin (nontransgenic single copy gene; unsubstantiated) in the extracted DNA from one bursa tissue sample, there was no positive detection of any endogenous or transgenic single copy genes in either blood or tissue DNA samples. However, the multicopy rubisco gene was detected in a proportion of samples from all tissue types (23% of total across all tissues studied) and in low numbers in blood. Feed-derived DNA was found to survive complete degradation up to the large intestine. Transgenic DNA was detected in gizzard digesta but not in intestinal digesta 96 h after the last feeding of treatment diets containing a source of GM maize and/or soybean meal.


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Three successive field experiments (2000/01-2002/03) assessed the effect of wheat cultivar (Consort.. Hereward and Shamrock) and fungicide (epoxiconazole and azoxystrobin) applied at and after flag leaf emergence on the nitrogen in the above-ground crop (Total N) and grain (Grain N), net nitrogen remobilization from non-grain tissues (Remobilized N). grain dry matter (Grain Dill), and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE(g) = Grain DM/Total N). Ordinary logistic curves were fitted to the accumulation of Grain N, Grain DM and Remobilized N against thermal time after anthesis and used to simultaneously derive fits for Total N and NUtE(g). When disease was controlled, Consort achieved the greatest Grain DM, Total N, Grain N and NUtEg; in each case due mostly to longer durations, rather than quicker rates, of accumulation. Fungicide application increased final Grain Dill.. Grant N, Total N and Remobilized N, also mostly through effects on duration rather than rate of accumulation. Completely senesced leaf laminas retained less nitrogen when fungicide had been applied compared with leaf laminas previously infected severely with brown rust (Puccinia recondita) and Septoria tritici, or with just S. tritici. Late movement of nitrogen out of fungicide-treated laminas contributed to extended duration of both nitrogen remobilization and grain N filling, and meant that increases in NUtE(g) could occur without simultaneous reductions in grain N concentration.


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Previous experiments from our group have demonstrated that abomasal infusion of unsaturated free fatty acids (FFA) markedly decreases dry matter intake (DMI) in dairy cows. In contrast, experiments from other groups have noted smaller decreases in DMI when unsaturated triglycerides (TG) were infused postruminally. Our hypothesis was that unsaturated FFA would be more potent inhibitors of DMI than an equivalent amount of unsaturated TG. Four Holstein cows in late lactation were used in a single reversal design. Cows were fed a total mixed ration containing (DM basis) 23% alfalfa silage, 23% corn silage, 40.3% ground shelled corn, and 10.5% soybean meal. Two cows received soy FFA (UFA; 0, 200, 400, 600 g/d) and 2 received soy oil (TG) in the same amounts; cows then were switched to the other lipid source. Cows were abomasally infused with each amount for 5-d periods. The daily amount of lipid was pulse-dosed in 4 equal portions at 0600, 1000, 1700, and 2200 h; no emulsifiers were used and there was no sign of digestive disturbance. Both lipid sources linearly decreased DMI, with a significant interaction between lipid source and amount. Slope-ratio analysis indicated that UFA were about 2 times more potent in decreasing DMI than were TG. Decreased DMI led to decreased milk production. Milk fat content was increased linearly by lipid infusion. Milk fat yield decreased markedly for UFA infusion but was relatively unaffected by infusion of TG. Contents of short- and medium-chain fatty acids in milk fat decreased as the amount of either infusate increased. Contents of C-18:2 and C18: 3 in milk fat were increased linearly by abomasal infusion of either fat source; cis-9 C-18:1 was unaffected. Transfer of infused C18: 2 to milk fat was 35.6, 42.5, and 27.8% for 200, 400, and 600 g/d of UFA, and 34.3, 39.6, and 34.0% for respective amounts of TG. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide (GLP-1) concentration in plasma significantly increased as DMI decreased with increasing infusion amount of UFA or TG. Plasma concentration of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) was unaffected by lipid infusion. These results indicate that unsaturated FFA reaching the duodenum are more potent inhibitors of DMI than are unsaturated TG; the effect may be at least partially mediated by GLP-1.


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Effects of increased ammonia and/or arginine absorption across the portal-drained viscera (PDV) on net splanchnic (PDV and liver) metabolism of nitrogenous compounds and urinary N excretion were investigated in six cathetenzed Hereford x Angus steers (501 +/- 1 kg BW) fed a 75% alfalfa:25% (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet (0.523 MJ of ME/[kg BW0.15.d]) every 2 h without (27.0 g of N/kg of dietary DM) and with 20 g of urea/kg of dietary DM (35.7 g of N/kg of dietary DM) in a split-plot design. Net splanchnic flux measurements were obtained immediately before beginning and ending a 72-h mesenteric vein infusion of L-arginine (15 mmol/h). For 3 d before and during arginine infusion, daily urine voided was measured and analyzed for N composition. Feeding urea increased PDV absorption (P < 0.01) and hepatic removal (P < 0.01) of ammonia N, accounting for 80% of increased hepatic urea N output (P < 0.01). Numerical increases in net hepatic removal of AA N could account for the remaining portion of increased hepatic urea N output. Arginine infusion increased hepatic arginine removal (P < 0.01) and hepatic urea N output (P < 0.03) and switched hepatic ornithine flux from net uptake to net output (P < 0.01), but numerical changes in net hepatic removal of ammonia and AA N could not account fully for the increase in hepatic urea N output. Increases in urine N excretion equaled quantities of N fed as urea or infused as arginine. Estimated salivary urea N excretion was not changed by either treatment. Urea cycle regulation occurs via a complex interaction of mechanisms and requires N sources other than ammonia, but the effect of increased ammonia absorption on hepatic catabolism of individual AA in the present study was not significant.