998 resultados para Single-lap


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In any discipline, where uncertainty and variability are present, it is important to have principles which are accepted as inviolate and which should therefore drive statistical modelling, statistical analysis of data and any inferences from such an analysis. Despite the fact that two such principles have existed over the last two decades and from these a sensible, meaningful methodology has been developed for the statistical analysis of compositional data, the application of inappropriate and/or meaningless methods persists in many areas of application. This paper identifies at least ten common fallacies and confusions in compositional data analysis with illustrative examples and provides readers with necessary, and hopefully sufficient, arguments to persuade the culprits why and how they should amend their ways


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Omnidirectional cameras offer a much wider field of view than the perspective ones and alleviate the problems due to occlusions. However, both types of cameras suffer from the lack of depth perception. A practical method for obtaining depth in computer vision is to project a known structured light pattern on the scene avoiding the problems and costs involved by stereo vision. This paper is focused on the idea of combining omnidirectional vision and structured light with the aim to provide 3D information about the scene. The resulting sensor is formed by a single catadioptric camera and an omnidirectional light projector. It is also discussed how this sensor can be used in robot navigation applications


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Most network operators have considered reducing LSR label spaces (number of labels used) as a way of simplifying management of underlaying virtual private networks (VPNs) and therefore reducing operational expenditure (OPEX). The IETF outlined the label merging feature in MPLS-allowing the configuration of multipoint-to-point connections (MP2P)-as a means of reducing label space in LSRs. We found two main drawbacks in this label space reduction a)it should be separately applied to a set of LSPs with the same egress LSR-which decreases the options for better reductions, and b)LSRs close to the edge of the network experience a greater label space reduction than those close to the core. The later implies that MP2P connections reduce the number of labels asymmetrically


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This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible


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Article published in Judgement and Decision-Making


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This video shows you how to create a single PDF file combining the contents of several files. The steps relate to using Adobe Pro X. For best viewing Download the file.


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This video shows you how to create a single PDF file combining the contents of several files. The steps relate to using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro which can be accessed in any of the University's workstation rooms or can be installed from the Additional Software folder on a staff desktop. For best viewing Download the file.


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Resumen tomado del autor


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Este título pertenece a una serie que ofrece en profundidad una visión de las células en todo el mundo vivo, su estructura y los procesos en que se basa la vida en la Tierra. Explora cómo las células han formado la vida que vemos a nuestro alrededor. Nadie sabe cuántos millones de especies diferentes pueden existir en nuestro planeta, y cada año se descubren otras nuevas. Los científicos clasifican los seres vivos en distintos grupos para ayudar a dar sentido a esta diversidad de la vida. Esta publicación examina cómo ha cambiado la clasificación a lo largo del tiempo, incluyendo una reciente propuesta para clasificar a los seres vivos en tres dominios en lugar de seis reinos. Tiene índice, glosario, referencias bibliográficas y un gráfico ramificado para dar una idea aproximada de la diversidad del reino animal.


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Explica los organismos microscópicos cómo bacterias, protozoos y levaduras. Los estudiantes de entre once y catorce años aprenden la descomposición de los alimentos por las bacterias, la diferencia entre bacterias beneficiosas y patógenas, cómo un virus invade una célula huésped o cómo las levaduras crecen y se multiplican.


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Esta escrito para apoyar las nueva especificación Edexcel AS en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (ICT). Su contenido se estructura en tres unidades: la edad de la información; la economía digital; y el trabajador del conocimiento.


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Esta escrito para ayudar a los profesores y estudiantes en la preparación del curso sobre las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (ICT) para las especificaciones AQA AS. Su contenido se estructura en cuatro secciones, la primera trata de las ICT y la sociedad; la segunda sobre las ICT y las organizaciones; la tercera sobre utilización de datos; y la última sobre portfolios.


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Libro para estudiantes de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, de enseñanza secundaria - bachillerato, orientado a la consecución del certificado de Edexcel nivel A2. Contiene las unidades 7 a 12 y cubre las siguientes materias: uso de bases de datos, gestión de proyectos TIC, uso de programas multimedia, uso de hojas de cálculo, y personalización de aplicaciones. Incluye proyectos de ejemplo y casos de estudio que permiten al alumno entender cómo planificar, producir, revisar y presentar sus propios porfolios digitales. Cd-rom con material de apoyo.


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A simple and most promising oxide-assisted catalyst-free method is used to prepare silicon nitride nanowires that give rise to high yield in a short time. After a brief analysis of the state of the art, we reveal the crucial role played by the oxygen partial pressure: when oxygen partial pressure is slightly below the threshold of passive oxidation, a high yield inhibiting the formation of any silica layer covering the nanowires occurs and thanks to the synthesis temperature one can control nanowire dimensions