947 resultados para Serum Dioxin


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Progressive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) is a leading cause of chronic allograft dysfunction. Increased extracellular matrix remodeling regulated by matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) has been implicated in the development of IF/TA. The aim of this study was to investigate whether urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs correlate with subclinical IF/TA detected in surveillance biopsies within the first 6months post-transplant. We measured eight different MMPs/TIMPs simultaneously in urine and serum samples from patients classified as normal histology (n=15), IF/TA 1 (n=15) and IF/TA 2-3 (n=10). There was no difference in urinary MMPs/TIMPs among the three groups, and only 1/8 serum MMPs/TIMPs (i.e. MMP-1) was significantly elevated in biopsies with IF/TA 2-3 (p=0.01). In addition, urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different between surveillance biopsies demonstrating an early development of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA≥1 compared to a previous biopsy obtained three months before; n=11) and stable grade of IF/TA (i.e. delta IF/TA=0; n=20). Next, we investigated whether urinary/serum MMP/TIMP levels are elevated during acute subclinical tubulitis in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant (n=25). Compared to biopsies with normal histology, serum MMPs/TIMPs were not different; however, all urinary MMP/TIMP levels were numerically higher during subclinical tubulitis (MMP-1, MMP-7, TIMP-1 with p≤0.04). We conclude that urinary/serum MMPs/TIMPs do hardly correlate with existing or early developing IF/TA in surveillance biopsies obtained within the first 6months post-transplant. This could be explained by the dynamic process of extracellular matrix remodeling, which seems to be active during acute tubulo-interstitial injury/inflammation, but not in quiescent IF/TA.


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Medial arterial calcification is accelerated in patients with CKD and strongly associated with increased arterial rigidity and cardiovascular mortality. Recently, a novel in vitro blood test that provides an overall measure of calcification propensity by monitoring the maturation time (T50) of calciprotein particles in serum was described. We used this test to measure serum T50 in a prospective cohort of 184 patients with stages 3 and 4 CKD, with a median of 5.3 years of follow-up. At baseline, the major determinants of serum calcification propensity included higher serum phosphate, ionized calcium, increased bone osteoclastic activity, and lower free fetuin-A, plasma pyrophosphate, and albumin concentrations, which accounted for 49% of the variation in this parameter. Increased serum calcification propensity at baseline independently associated with aortic pulse wave velocity in the complete cohort and progressive aortic stiffening over 30 months in a subgroup of 93 patients. After adjustment for demographic, renal, cardiovascular, and biochemical covariates, including serum phosphate, risk of death among patients in the lowest T50 tertile was more than two times the risk among patients in the highest T50 tertile (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 5.4; P=0.04). This effect was lost, however, after additional adjustment for aortic stiffness, suggesting a shared causal pathway. Longitudinally, serum calcification propensity measurements remained temporally stable (intraclass correlation=0.81). These results suggest that serum T50 may be helpful as a biomarker in designing methods to improve defenses against vascular calcification.


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Trichloroethylene (TCE)-induced liver toxicity and carcinogenesis is believed to be mediated in part by activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). However, the contribution of the two TCE metabolites, dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) to the toxicity of TCE, remains unclear. The aim of the present study was to determine the metabolite profiles in serum and urine upon exposure of mice to TCE, to aid in determining the metabolic response to TCE exposure and the contribution of DCA and TCA to TCE toxicity. C57BL/6 mice were administered TCE, TCA, or DCA, and urine and serum subjected to ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS)-based global metabolomics analysis. The ions were identified through searching metabolomics databases and by comparison with authentic standards, and quantitated using multiple reactions monitoring. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction of mRNA, biochemical analysis, and liver histology were also performed. TCE exposure resulted in a decrease in urine of metabolites involved in fatty acid metabolism, resulting from altered expression of PPARα target genes. TCE treatment also induced altered phospholipid homeostasis in serum, as revealed by increased serum lysophosphatidylcholine 18:0 and 18:1, and phosphatidylcholine metabolites. TCA administration revealed similar metabolite profiles in urine and serum upon TCE exposure, which correlated with a more robust induction of PPARα target gene expression associated with TCA than DCA treatment. These data show the metabolic response to TCE exposure and demonstrate that TCA is the major contributor to TCE-induced metabolite alterations observed in urine and serum.


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The performance of high-resolution CZE for determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in human serum based on internal and external quality data gathered over a 10-year period is reported. The assay comprises mixing of serum with a Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis of the iron saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. CDT values obtained with a human serum of a healthy individual and commercial quality control sera are shown to vary less than 10%. Values of a control from a specific lot were found to slowly decrease as function of time (less than 10% per year). Furthermore, due to unknown reasons, gradual changes in the monitored pattern around pentasialo-transferrin were detected, which limit the use of commercial control sera of the same lot to less than 2 years. Analysis of external quality control sera revealed correct classification of the samples over the entire 10-year period. Data obtained compare well with those of HPLC and CZE assays of other laboratories. The data gathered over a 10-year period demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution CZE assay. This is the first account of a CZE-based CDT assay with complete internal and external quality assessment over an extended time period.


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BACKGROUND β2-microglobulin has been increasingly investigated as a diagnostic marker of kidney function and a prognostic marker of adverse outcomes. To date, non-renal determinants of β2-microglobulin levels have not been well described. Non-renal determinants are important for the interpretation and appraisal of the diagnostic and prognostic value of any endogenous kidney function marker. METHODS This cross-sectional analysis was performed within the framework of the www.seniorlabor.ch study, which includes subjectively healthy individuals aged ≥ 60 years. Factors known or suspected to have a non-renal association with kidney function markers were investigated for a non-renal association with serum β2-microglobulin. As a marker of kidney function, the Berlin Initiative Study equation 2 for the estimation of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR(BIS2)) in the elderly was employed. RESULTS A total of 1302 participants (714 females and 588 males) were enrolled in the study. The use of a multivariate regression model adjusting for age, gender and kidney function (eGFR(BIS2)) revealed age, male gender, and C-reactive protein level to be positively associated with β2-microglobulin levels. In addition, there was an inverse non-renal relationship between systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol and current smoking status. No association with markers of diabetes mellitus, body stature, nutritional risk, thyroid function or calcium and phosphate levels was observed. CONCLUSIONS Serum β2-microglobulin levels in elderly subjects are related to several non-renal factors. These non-renal factors are not congruent to those known from other markers (i.e. cystatin C and creatinine) and remind of classical cardiovascular risk factors.


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BACKGROUND Vitamin D and the components of humoral immunity play important roles in human health. Older people have lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) serum levels than younger adults. We aimed to determine the levels of 25(OH)D serum concentrations in healthy senior citizens and to study their relationship to the levels of components of humoral immunity. METHODS A total of 1,470 healthy Swiss men and women, 60 years or older, were recruited for this study. A total of 179 subjects dropped out of the study because of elevated serum concentrations of C-reactive protein. Fasting blood sera were analyzed for 25(OH)D with the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for parathyroid hormone (PTH), immunoglobulins and complement C4 and C3 concentrations with immunoassays. The percentage of participants in each of the four 25(OH)D deficiency groups--severely deficient (<10 ng/ml), deficient (10 to 20), insufficient (21 to 29 ng/ml) and normal (>=30 ng/ml)--were statistically compared. The relationship of the major components of the humoral system and age with 25(OH)D levels was also assessed. RESULTS About 66% of the subjects had insufficient levels of 25(OH)D. Normal levels of 25(OH)D were found in 26.1% of the subjects of which 21% were males and 30.5% were females (total study population). Severely deficient levels of 25(OH)D were found in 7.98% of the total study population. Low levels of 25(OH)D were positively associated with IgG2 (P = 0.01) and with C4 (P = 0.02), yet were inversely related to levels of IgG1 and IgA (P < 0.05) and C3 (P = 0.01). Serum levels of total IgA, IgG, IgG2 and IgG4 peaked together with 25(OH)D during late summer. CONCLUSIONS Approximately two-thirds of the healthy, older Swiss population presented with Vitamin D insufficiency. The incremental shift in IgA and C3 levels might not necessarily reflect a deranged humoral immune defense; however, given the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, the importance of this condition in humoral immunity will be worth looking at more closely. This study supports the role of vitamin D in the competent immune system.


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Crosslinking of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) bound at the surface of mast cells and subsequent mediator release is considered the most important trigger for allergic reactions. Therefore, the genetic control of IgE levels is studied in the context of allergic diseases, such as asthma, atopic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis (AD). We performed genome-wide association studies in 161 Labrador Retrievers with regard to total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. We identified a genome-wide significant association on CFA 5 with the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Acarus siro. We detected a second genome-wide significant association with respect to the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Tyrophagus putrescentiae at a different locus on chromosome 5. A. siro and T. putrescentiae both belong to the family Acaridae and represent so-called storage or forage mites. These forage mites are discussed as major allergen sources in canine AD. No obvious candidate gene for the regulation of IgE levels is located under the two association signals. Therefore our studies offer a chance of identifying a novel mechanism controlling the host's IgE response.


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High-resolution capillary zone electrophoresis in the routine arena with stringent quality assurance is employed for the determination of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in human serum. The assay comprises mixing of human serum with a Fe(III) -containing solution prior to analysis of the iron-saturated mixture in a dynamically double-coated capillary using a commercial buffer at alkaline pH. In contrast to other assays, it provides sufficient resolution for proper recognition of genetic transferrin variants. Analysis of 7290 patient sera revealed 166 isoform patterns that could be assigned to genetic variants, namely, 109 BC, 53 CD, one BD and three CC variants. Several subtypes of transferrin D can be distinguished as they have large enough differences in pI values. Subtypes of transferrin C and B cannot be resolved. However, analysis of the detection time ratios of tetrasialo isoforms of transferrin BC and transferrin CD variants revealed multimodal frequency histograms, indicating the presence of subtypes of transferrin C, B and D. The data gathered over 11 years demonstrate the robustness of the high-resolution capillary zone electrophoresis assay. This is the first account of a capillary zone electrophoresis based carbohydrate-deficient transferrin assay with a broad overview on transferrin isoform patterns associated with genetic transferrin variants.


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CZE-based assays for carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) in which serum is mixed with an Fe(III) ion-containing solution prior to analysis are effective approaches for the determination of CDT in patient samples. Sera of patients with progressed diseases, however, are prone to interferences comigrating with transferrin (Tf) that prevent the proper determination of CDT by CZE in these samples. The need of a simple and economic approach to immunoextract Tf from human serum prompted us to investigate the use of a laboratory-made anti-Tf spin column containing polyclonal rabbit anti-human Tf antibodies linked to Sepharose 4 Fast Flow beads. This article reports extraction column manufacturing and column characterization with sera having normal and elevated CDT levels. The developed procedure was applied to a number of relevant hepatology and dialysis patient samples and could thereby be shown to represent an effective method for extraction and concentration of all Tf isoforms. Furthermore, lipemic sera were delipidated using a mixture of diisopropyl ether and butanol prior to immunoextraction. CDT could unambiguously be determined in all pretreated samples.


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OBJECTIVE To measure nitric oxide (NO) concentrations in serum, urine, and synovial fluid (SF) of dogs with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture and normal dogs, and to compare these with clinical and histologic changes of osteoarthritis (OA). STUDY DESIGN Prospective clinical study including 2 groups of animals selected from the hospital population. ANIMALS Forty-three dogs (CCL group) with OA secondary to CCL rupture; 30 healthy dogs (control group) without CCL rupture. METHODS Serum, urine, and SF were collected before and during surgery in the CCL group or immediately after euthanasia in the control group. Articular cartilage and synovial membrane tissue specimens were prepared for routine histologic examination. The stable end products of NO, total nitrite and nitrate (NOt) activity, were measured in body fluids and compared with macroscopic and histologic degrees of OA. Urinary NOt concentration was compared with urinary creatinine concentration and stated as urinary NOt:creatinine ratio (UNCR). RESULTS-SF NOt concentrations were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Serum NOt concentrations (45.6 vs 28.9 micromol/L; P =.042) and the UNCR (0.007 vs 0.004; P =.035) were significantly higher in dogs of the CCL group compared with the control population. An association between UNCR and histologic and macroscopical OA grades could be demonstrated. CONCLUSION UNCR might be a useful indicator of nitrite and nitrate production and, therefore, osteoarthritic changes in joints. CLINICAL RELEVANCE UNCR could be used as a tool to evaluate the NOt production by joint tissues over time and might therefore provide a method of evaluating the effects of drugs in the control of osteoarthritis.


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Diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) is based upon the clinical orthopaedic examination and the radiographic assessment, both of which can be non-specific and insensitive in early joint disease. The aim of our study was to investigate if there is an increase in serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in degenerative joint disease (DJD) and if CRP could be used to help diagnose OA. We also wished to investigate whether it was possible to distinguish a joint with clinically and radiographically confirmed OA from a healthy joint by comparing lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels within the synovial fluid and the serum. We have shown a difference in synovial LDH levels between diseased and healthy joints (P<0.0001). There was also a significant difference between LDH in arthritic synovial fluid and serum, with no correlation between the values. Despite the fact that the values of our clinical patients tended to be higher than the values of our control group (P=0.05) all measured values were within the normal limits of previous publications. From these data, we conclude that single measurements of serum CRP do not permit detection of OA in clinical patients and that serum LDH is not a reliable marker for osteoarthritis. LDH levels in the synovial fluid could be of diagnostic value for identifying osteoarthritis.


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OBJECTIVES: Proteomics approaches to cardiovascular biology and disease hold the promise of identifying specific proteins and peptides or modification thereof to assist in the identification of novel biomarkers. METHOD: By using surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization time of flight mass spectroscopy (SELDI-TOF-MS) serum peptide and protein patterns were detected enabling to discriminate between postmenopausal women with and without hormone replacement therapy (HRT). RESULTS: Serum of 13 HRT and 27 control subjects was analyzed and 42 peptides and proteins could be tentatively identified based on their molecular weight and binding characteristics on the chip surface. By using decision tree-based Biomarker Patternstrade mark Software classification and regression analysis a discriminatory function was developed allowing to distinguish between HRT women and controls correctly and, thus, yielding a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 100%. The results show that peptide and protein patterns have the potential to deliver novel biomarkers as well as pinpointing targets for improved treatment. The biomarkers obtained represent a promising tool to discriminate between HRT users and non-users. CONCLUSION: According to a tentative identification of the markers by their molecular weight and binding characteristics, most of them appear to be part of the inflammation induced acute-phase response


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An in vitro system allowing the culture of ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) is described. Bone marrow (BM) cells from the sternum of 4- to 9-month-old sheep were cultured in liquid suspension in hydrophobic bags with medium containing 20% autologous serum and 20% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cells with macrophage characteristics were positively selected and increased four- to five-fold between day (d) 0 and d18. Granulocytes and cells of lymphoid appearance including progenitor cells were negatively selected and were diminished 50-fold during this 18-d culture. The addition of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-containing supernatants to liquid cultures did not significantly improve the yield of BMM in 18-d cultures. In contrast, cell survival at d6 and macrophage cell yield at d18 depended on the concentration and source of serum in the culture medium. FCS and 1:1 mixtures of FCS and autologous serum were superior to autologous serum alone. Analysis of growth requirements of ovine BMMs suggested that they are under more complex growth control than their murine counterparts. In an [3H]thymidine incorporation assay with BM cells collected at different times of culture, d3 or d4 BM cells responded to human recombinant M-CSF, human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), bovine GM-CSF, murine M-CSF or murine M-CSF-containing supernatants, and bovine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in decreasing order of magnitude. Likewise, pure murine BMM populations harvested at d6 responded to homologous GM-CSF, IL-3, and human or murine M-CSF. FCS did not stimulate the proliferation of murine BMMs (d6) and of ovine BM cells (d3 or d4). In contrast, ovine BM cells harvested at d12 responded to FCS by proliferation in a dose-dependent manner but failed to proliferate in the presence of human or murine M-CSF or M-CSF-containing supernatants of mouse and sheep fibroblasts containing mouse macrophage growth-promoting activity. Likewise, various cytokine-containing supernatants and recombinant cytokines (murine IL-3, murine and human GM-CSF, murine and bovine IL-1 beta) did not promote proliferation of ovine d12 BM cells to an extent greater than that achieved with 15% FCS alone. Thus, ovine BMM proliferation is under the control of at least two factors acting in sequence, M-CSF and an unidentified factor contained in FCS. The ovine BMM culture system may provide a model for the analysis of myelomonocytopoiesis in vitro.