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本文利用结合了particle-in-cell方法的直接模拟Monte Carlo方法模拟了稳态等离子体推进器的羽流场.为了更真实地再现实验设备中的流动,模拟中包含了背压气体,并在计算中直接模拟,改变了以往的中性粒子平衡态的处理方式.为了匹配试验结果,修正了推进器出口处气流偏转角分布,并建议最大偏转半角取为20°.计算结果与现有的实验结果符合较好.


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We present the Gaussian process density sampler (GPDS), an exchangeable generative model for use in nonparametric Bayesian density estimation. Samples drawn from the GPDS are consistent with exact, independent samples from a distribution defined by a density that is a transformation of a function drawn from a Gaussian process prior. Our formulation allows us to infer an unknown density from data using Markov chain Monte Carlo, which gives samples from the posterior distribution over density functions and from the predictive distribution on data space. We describe two such MCMC methods. Both methods also allow inference of the hyperparameters of the Gaussian process.


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By means of experiments of instability of a uniform cylindrical soap film, Boys had showed that the bubble molded by the film is unstable when its length is greater than its circumference. Recently that is generally called the Rayleigh Criterion. In this paper, a linear theory in hydrodynamics is applied to analyze the stability of the cylindrical soap film supported by two equal size disks; all conditions of the stationary wave on the end plates of two disks are given. From here we get that the Rayleigh Criterion on the stability of the cylindrical soap film is proved.


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The subject of the present work is to report an experimental comparative study of the effect of dispersion-induced turbulence on dust combustion in constant volume vessel, carried out both in normal gravity and in microgravity environment. Dispersion system with small scale of turbulence, creating uniform homogeneous mixture, was used in experiments. To improve reproducibility of the explosion data an ignitor of small energy, with local soft ignition was developed. Both factors contributed to acquisition of more reproducible experimental data. In experiments under microgravity conditions a dust suspension during combustion remains constant. This makes possible to study dust explosion under stationary dust suspension without influence of turbulence.


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An understanding of within-host dynamics of pathogen interactions with eukaryotic cells can shape the development of effective preventive measures and drug regimes. Such investigations have been hampered by the difficulty of identifying and observing directly, within live tissues, the multiple key variables that underlay infection processes. Fluorescence microscopy data on intracellular distributions of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) show that, while the number of infected cells increases with time, the distribution of bacteria between cells is stationary (though highly skewed). Here, we report a simple model framework for the intensity of intracellular infection that links the quasi-stationary distribution of bacteria to bacterial and cellular demography. This enables us to reject the hypothesis that the skewed distribution is generated by intrinsic cellular heterogeneities, and to derive specific predictions on the within-cell dynamics of Salmonella division and host-cell lysis. For within-cell pathogens in general, we show that within-cell dynamics have implications across pathogen dynamics, evolution, and control, and we develop novel generic guidelines for the design of antibacterial combination therapies and the management of antibiotic resistance.


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We present methods for fixed-lag smoothing using Sequential Importance sampling (SIS) on a discrete non-linear, non-Gaussian state space system with unknown parameters. Our particular application is in the field of digital communication systems. Each input data point is taken from a finite set of symbols. We represent transmission media as a fixed filter with a finite impulse response (FIR), hence a discrete state-space system is formed. Conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques such as the Gibbs sampler are unsuitable for this task because they can only perform processing on a batch of data. Data arrives sequentially, so it would seem sensible to process it in this way. In addition, many communication systems are interactive, so there is a maximum level of latency that can be tolerated before a symbol is decoded. We will demonstrate this method by simulation and compare its performance to existing techniques.


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In this paper we address the problem of the separation and recovery of convolutively mixed autoregressive processes in a Bayesian framework. Solving this problem requires the ability to solve integration and/or optimization problems of complicated posterior distributions. We thus propose efficient stochastic algorithms based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We present three algorithms. The first one is a classical Gibbs sampler that generates samples from the posterior distribution. The two other algorithms are stochastic optimization algorithms that allow to optimize either the marginal distribution of the sources, or the marginal distribution of the parameters of the sources and mixing filters, conditional upon the observation. Simulations are presented.


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Resumen: Este trabajo analiza la acción colectiva sindical postnacional en el MERCOSUR en un período histórico signado por profundas mutaciones políticas, económicas, y productivas sociales (1991-2012) a partir de los relatos y representaciones de sus protagonistas. El trabajo cualitativo intentará explicar la configuración del sindicalismo internacional en la globalización, y describir las estrategias del movimiento obrero mercosureño. La metodología cualitativa ilustra un trabajo de campo a partir de entrevistas en profundidad a 34 sindicalistas del Mercosur, y entrevistas adicionales a tres representantes de la Confederación Sindical de las Américas, dos empresarios del Mercosur, un especialista académico en la dimensión sociolaboral de la integración regional y un representante de la OIT en la región. La metodología de análisis e interpretación de dichas entrevistas ha sido la teoría fundamentada, entendida como la técnica más idónea de aprehender los procesos sociales a través de las voces de los líderes obreros, comprender su realidad, sus representaciones y sistema de valores, sus ideas y su acción colectiva. La literatura de los movimientos sociales en la globalización capitalista ha puesto el énfasis en la emergencia de nuevos colectivos cuyos reclamos se concentran en el reconocimiento (Fraser y Honneth, 2006) de sus identidades que el modelo fordista de producción pareció invisibilizar y soslayar ante la primacía de las prácticas económicas y demandas distributivas. Esta tesis conjuga una perspectiva dualista y demuestra que las estrategias de reconocimiento y las reivindicaciones de redistribución de tipo clasista se resignificaron en el escenario postnacional a través de la Coordinadora de Centrales Sindicales del Cono Sur –CCSCS- (subregional) y, con un desarrollo menor: los Sindicatos Globales (FSI, GUFs) en la acción sectorial [1991-2012]. Para arribar al núcleo configurativo de sus representaciones y su sistema de valores, la investigación transitó por los sentidos y significados del trabajo, las mutaciones productivas y de las condiciones del trabajo, las teorías del fin del trabajo, la precarización y la representación de los trabajadores más frágiles: mujeres, jóvenes y migrantes. En un segundo orden se interpeló sobre la gobernanza mundial, los organismos internacionales, el régimen normativo internacional, la civilización capitalista, para luego abordar el estudio específico del Mercosur y la acción obrera en dicho proceso. El núcleo determinó que para los representantes obreros la acción colectiva sindical debe ser postnacional y su objetivo es limitar la globalización capitalista neoliberal. La CCSCS conformó desde sus inicios un movimiento capaz de elevarse al rango supranacional para representar la voz de los trabajadores del MERCOSUR. La pluralidad configuró su mayor virtud durante sus primeros 20 años, reconociendo una experiencia de aprendizaje de tolerancia y respeto, que ellos definen como la unidad en la diversidad. Esta entidad constituye un patrimonio único como paradigma del sindicalismo postnacional. Los sindicatos del Cono Sur adoptaron diversas modalidades de acción colectiva: a) reactiva (con repertorios de insubordinación, de lucha y resistencia al modelo neoliberal), b) proactiva (con repertorios de incidencia normativa en el MERCOSUR) y c) participativa (con repertorios de producción propositiva de incidencia en la dimensión social del MERCOSUR). Su acción colectiva reactiva, normativa y propositiva fue eficaz a mediano plazo para participar e incidir en el MERCOSUR, crear una dimensión social del bloque y dotar de derechos normativos a los ciudadanos de la región. Su acción tuvo un sentido político de gran poder instituyente, con capacidad movilización y alta exposición pública. Sin embargo, en la segunda década su lógica de construcción quedó subordinada a los procesos nacionales y a los partidos gobernantes, dejó de ser performativa y de creación política, dirimiéndose en la esfera social junto a otros movimientos sociales emergentes, y provocó un ciclo de desmovilización. Simultáneamente, emergió con fuerza otra modalidad de sindicalismo postnacional con la fusión y refundación de los Sindicatos Globales. Su acción sectorial contribuye a restaurar las demandas de distribución que habían quedado soslayadas, pero esta tesis manifiesta que los protagonistas afirman que sus marcos de acción colectiva deberán ser conjuntos para ser exitosa. El sindicalismo postnacional en el MERCOSUR se define a sí mismos como agente de desarrollo, protagonista del modelo socioproductivo, pero también como vehículo partícipe de la democracia y de una matriz sustentable de desarrollo


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We present a stochastic simulation technique for subset selection in time series models, based on the use of indicator variables with the Gibbs sampler within a hierarchical Bayesian framework. As an example, the method is applied to the selection of subset linear AR models, in which only significant lags are included. Joint sampling of the indicators and parameters is found to speed convergence. We discuss the possibility of model mixing where the model is not well determined by the data, and the extension of the approach to include non-linear model terms.


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This work addresses the problem of estimating the optimal value function in a Markov Decision Process from observed state-action pairs. We adopt a Bayesian approach to inference, which allows both the model to be estimated and predictions about actions to be made in a unified framework, providing a principled approach to mimicry of a controller on the basis of observed data. A new Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler is devised for simulation from theposterior distribution over the optimal value function. This step includes a parameter expansion step, which is shown to be essential for good convergence properties of the MCMC sampler. As an illustration, the method is applied to learning a human controller.


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Numerical simulations were conducted to study thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges of molten tin with Prandtl number Pr = 0.009, under ramped temperature difference. The spatio-temporal structures in the thermocapillary flows in short half-zone liquid bridges with aspect ratios As = 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 were investigated. The first critical Marangoni numbers were compared with those predicted by linear stability analyses (LSA). The second critical Marangoni numbers for As = 0.6 and 0.8 were found to be larger than that for As = 1.0. The time evolutions of the thermocapillary flows exhibited unusual features such as a change in the azimuthal wave number during the three-dimensional stationary (non-oscillating) flow regime, a change in the oscillation mode during the three-dimensional oscillatory flow regime, and the decreasing and then increasing of amplitudes in a single oscillation mode. The effects of the ramping rate of the temperature difference on the flow modes and critical conditions were studied as well. In this paper, the experimental observability of the critical conditions was also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Many experimental observations have shown that a single domain in a ferroelectric material switches by progressive movement of domain walls, driven by a combination of electric field and stress. The mechanism of the domain switch involves the following steps: initially, the domain has a uniform spontaneous polarization; new domains with the reverse polarization direction nucleate, mainly at the surface, and grow though the crystal thickness; the new domain expands sideways as a new domain continues to form; finally, the domain switch coalesces to complete the polarization reversal. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of the ferroelectric material and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of a ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total potential energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u(i), electric displacement D-i and volume fraction rho(I) of the domain switching for the variant I. The mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total potential energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion established by Hwang et al. [ 1]. Based on the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for determining the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. If the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each domain is prescribed, the unknown displacement and electric potential can be obtained based on the conventional finite element procedure. It is assumed that a domain switches if the reduction in potential energy exceeds a critical energy barrier. According to the experimental results, the energy barrier will strengthen when the volume fraction of the domain switching increases. The external mechanical and electric loads are increased step by step. The volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each element obtained from the last loading step is used as input to the constitutive equations. Then the strain and electric fields are calculated based on the conventional finite element procedure. The finite element analysis is carried out on the specimens subjected to uniaxial coupling stress and electric field. Numerical results and available experimental data are compared and discussed. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results.


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In this paper, an unstructured Chimera mesh method is used to compute incompressible flow around a rotating body. To implement the pressure correction algorithm on unstructured overlapping sub-grids, a novel interpolation scheme for pressure correction is proposed. This indirect interpolation scheme can ensure a tight coupling of pressure between sub-domains. A moving-mesh finite volume approach is used to treat the rotating sub-domain and the governing equations are formulated in an inertial reference frame. Since the mesh that surrounds the rotating body undergoes only solid body rotation and the background mesh remains stationary, no mesh deformation is encountered in the computation. As a benefit from the utilization of an inertial frame, tensorial transformation for velocity is not needed. Three numerical simulations are successfully performed. They include flow over a fixed circular cylinder, flow over a rotating circular cylinder and flow over a rotating elliptic cylinder. These numerical examples demonstrate the capability of the current scheme in handling moving boundaries. The numerical results are in good agreement with experimental and computational data in literature. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The time correlations of pressure modes in stationary isotropic turbulence are investigated under the Kraichnan and Tennekes "random sweeping" hypothesis. A simple model is obtained which predicts a universal form for the time correlations. It implies that the decorrelation process of pressure fluctuations in time is mainly dominated by the sweeping velocity, and the pressure correlations have the same decorrelation time scales as the velocity correlations. These results are verified using direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence at two moderate Reynolds numbers; the mode correlations collapse to the universal form when the time separations are scaled by wavenumber times the sweeping velocity, and the ratios of the correlation coefficients of pressure modes to those of velocity modes are approximately unity for the entire range of time separation. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Resumen: Finalmente, el pronóstico sobre la profundización de la tensión entre oferta y demanda total (interna + externa) de carne que hiciéramos a mediados de 2005, ya es una realidad más que palpable. En este trabajo planteamos el conflicto ganadero y lo ponemos en perspectiva, sintetizando los factores que lo desencadenaron y las respuestas que fue ensayando el gobierno a las señales enviadas por el mercado. Concluimos indicando que el principal desafío pasa por armonizar los intereses del gobierno nacional con la realidad que enfrenta la cadena de valor. Existen razones económicas, políticas y sociales, que explican la intención de las autoridades nacionales de mantener estable el precio de la carne. Pero, por valiosas que resulten estas razones, no pueden ignorar la cuestión ganadera. Deben contemplarse la realidad sectorial y las consecuencias de afectarla seriamente con políticas que limiten o, peor aún, anulen su rentabilidad.