951 resultados para São Luís-Grajaú basin
Retrofit activities, such as improving hydrology and incorporating more advanced treatment methods into systems where feasible, may improve phosphorus (P) removal performance of current Best Management Practices (BMPs). In the recent past, chemical treatment systems such as chemical dosing and the use of adsorptive media have become more prevalent for treating stormwater and hold promise for improving the P removal performance of stormwater treatment BMPs (Bachand et al., 2005; Patel et al., 2005). Our primary objective for this project has been to investigate whether adsorptive media hold any promise for improving P removal performance of stormwater basins and treatment wetlands at Lake Tahoe.... (PDF contains 99 pages)
This Technical memorandum fulfills Task 2 for Agreement 03-495 between El Dorado County and the Office of Water Programs at California State University Sacramento and their co-authors, Bachand & Associates and the University of California Tahoe Research Group: 1) a review of current stormwater treatment Best Management Practices (BMP) in the Tahoe Basin and their potential effectiveness in removing fine particles and reducing nutrient concentrations; 2) an assessment of the potential for improving the performance of different types of existing BMPs through retrofitting or better maintenance practices; 3) a review of additional promising treatment technologies not currently in use in the Tahoe Basin; and 4) a list of recommendations to help address the knowledge gaps in BMP design and performance. ... (PDF contains 67 pages)
José Mariano da Conceição Velloso, 172?-1811 - Frei Velloso teve duas grandes paixões: a botânica e o desenho, inclusive a gravura e a pintura. Esforça-se para difundir o desenho e a pintura pela sua oficina do Arco do Cego. Trabalha na produção de livros didáticos, num esforço gigantesco, produz obras relacionadas com a agricultura, a mineração, a pecuária e as artes que se podiam obter àquela época. Como relata Borba de Moraes, o esforço fracassou devido ao imenso atraso das elites brasileiras da época. A respeito do Fazendeiro do Brasil, o Governador de São Paulo informou à Corte que não conseguira vender um só exemplar da coleção e que não achava quem os quisesse levar de graça.
Os constituintes já apresentaram 1200 pedidos de Destaques de Emendas, uma emenda destacada tem preferencia na hora da votação. As emendas mais destacadas são as que tratam do direito dos trabalhadores, a reforma agrária e o tabelamento dos juros. Os constituintes do PSDB, os tucanos, se reuniram para selecionar os destaques que vão apresentar nesta etapa. A prioridade dos tucanos é acelerar o processo de votação e depois garantir as conquistas do 1º Turno. O PFL apresentou 40 emendas para o 2º Turno, o Presidente do Partido, Senador Marco Maciel, explicou as mais importantes. O Centrão também se prepara para o 2º Turno, os centristas já sabem o que querem tirar e o que vão tentar manter no novo texto. Os constituintes discutem como vão votar os temas mais polêmicos, desde reforma agrária até as eleições em dois turnos.
Líderes avançam nos pontos polêmicos: adiantaram as negociações com acordo para os direitos individuais e coletivos. Estão garantidos o habeas data, o direito autoral, o mandado de segurança coletivo e a pena de morte em caso de guerra extrema. São discutidos os direitos dos trabalhadores, que ficaram pendentes por se tornarem de matérias polêmicas. O governo discute sobre os gastos sem cobertura criados no capítulo da previdência, tais como a a transferência de 60 % do PIS(fim social) para a seguridade e a garantia do salário mínimo para idosos e deficientes.
A constituinte votou o texto constitucional, com emendas sobre os direitos individuais. Os líderes discutiram os direitos sociais e políticos. Metalúrgicos se reuniram para defender as conquistas trabalhistas já aprovadas em 1º turno, tais como : o turno de seis horas, abono de férias, 120 dias, 44 horas semanais, garantia do emprego. Não houve acordo na questão do turno de 6 horas ininterruptas na jornada de trabalho. O constituinte da ala do empresariado acredita que só com a ação do governo será possível mudar as conquistas sociais, mas segundo os constituintes da ala trabalhistas nada está sendo feito neste sentido.
Um balanço da Constituinte é um dos assuntos do Congresso Nacional do BC do B, que se realiza em São Paulo até domingo. A constituinte começa a votar na semana próxima o último título da futura Carta. É o título da Ordem Social. Existem vários pontos polêmicos, tais como os temas que se referem à Educação. O outro ponto polêmico da Ordem Social é o Capítulo da Comunicação. Foi o único Capítulo da Constituição que não conseguiu ser votado nas etapas anteriores, por causa das divergências. Representantes da Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas e do Sindicato dos Artistas se reuniram com os constituintes para discutir algumas questões: 1ª : A Criação de um Conselho de Comunicação. 2ª: Moralizar a concessão de canais de rádio e TV. 3ª: Importância cultural do rádio e da TV para o país. À tarde houve Sessão Solene em homenagem aos 100 anos da Abolição da Escravidão no Brasil.
Sediment sampling was used to evaluate chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss) spawning habitat quality in the South Fork Trinity River (SFTR) basin. Sediment samples were collected using a McNeil-type sampler and wet sieved through a series of Tyler screens (25.00 mm, 12.50 mm, 6.30 mm, 3.35 mm, 1.00 mm, and 0.85 mm). Fines (particles < 0.85 mm) were determined after a l0-minute settling period in Imhoff cones. Thirteen stations were sampled in the SFTR basin: five stations were located in mainstem SFTR between rk 2.1 and 118.5, 2 stations each were located in EF of the SFTR, Grouse Creek, and Madden Creek, and one station each was located in Eltapom and Hayfork Creeks. Sample means for fines(particles < 0.85 mm) fer SFTR stations ranged between 14.4 and 19.4%; tributary station sample mean fines ranged between 3.4 and 19.4%. Decreased egg survival would be expected at 4 of 5 mainstem SFTR stations and at one station in EF of SFTR and Grouse Creek where fines content exceed 15%. Small gravel/sand content measured at all stations were high, and exceed levels associated with reduced sac fry emergence rates. Reduction of egg survival or sac fry emergence due to sedimentation in spawning gravels could lead to reduced juvenile production from the South Fork Trinity River. (PDF contains 18 pages.)
Adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) scales were analyzed from eight fall-run, two spring-run, and one winter-run stocks within the Klamath-Trinity River system, from 1981 through 1983, to provide basic information on age, growth, and life history. The higher degree of half-pounder occurrence of upper Klamath River steelhead stocks (86.7 to 100%) compared to Trinity River steelhead stocks (32.0 to 80.0%) was the major life history difference noted in scale analysis. Early life history was similar for all areas sampled with most juveniles (86.4%) remaining in freshwater during the first two years of life before migrating to sea. Repeat spawning ranged from 17.6 to 47.9% for fall-run, 40.0 to 63.6% for spring-run, and 31.1% for winter-run steelhead. Mean length of adults at first spawning was inversely related to percent half-pounder occurrence in each stock. Ages of returning spawners, back calculated lengths at various life stages, and growth information are presented. (PDF contains 22 pages)
We study the language choice behavior of bilingual speakers in modern societies, such as the Basque Country, Ireland andWales. These countries have two o cial languages:A, spoken by all, and B, spoken by a minority. We think of the bilinguals in those societies as a population playing repeatedly a Bayesian game in which, they must choose strategically the language, A or B, that might be used in the interaction. The choice has to be made under imperfect information about the linguistic type of the interlocutors. We take the Nash equilibrium of the language use game as a model for real life language choice behavior. It is shown that the predictions made with this model t very well the data about the actual use, contained in the censuses, of Basque, Irish and Welsh languages. Then the question posed by Fishman (2001),which appears in the title, is answered as follows: it is hard, mainly, because bilingual speakers have reached an equilibrium which is evolutionary stable. This means that to solve fast and in a re ex manner their frequent language coordination problem, bilinguals have developed linguistic conventions based chie y on the strategy 'Use the same language as your interlocutor', which weakens the actual use of B.1
Das Institut für Fischereiökologie führt regelmäßig radioökologische Untersuchungen im früheren Versenkungsgebiet für schwach radioaktive Stoffe im Nordostatlantik durch (Vobach 2002). In diesem Zusammenhang werden an bestimmten Positionen Wasserproben aus verschiedenen Tiefen, von der Oberfläche bis hinab zum Grund in knapp 5000 m Tiefe genommen. Dabei hat es sich als zweckmäßig erwiesen, mittels eines Pingersystems (kurze 12 kHz Schallsignale) Tiefen bis etwa 3000 m als Entfernung vom Schiff und darunter liegende als Entfernung vom Grund (Bethke und Kellermann 1994) zu bestimmen. Damit einheitlich für alle Ergebnisse die Probenahmetiefe angegeben werden kann, muss die Entfernung vom Schiff bis zum Grund, also die Wassertiefe, bekannt sein.
Estuda o novo modelo de ativismo político levado a efeito por meio das mídias sociais e tem como objeto de análise o fenômeno dos hackers intitulados Anonymous, especialmente no que diz respeito às atividades do grupo no Brasil.
The main objective of this paper is to introduce bamboo floating cage and net enclosure fish culture technology aimed at producing fish from almost all available inland bodies of water in Nigeria. The experimental approach embarked upon at Kainji Lake Research Institute is discussed. Results obtained from these experiments would help in identifying the inherent problems of this culture system and in determining the urgently needed information that will serve as management and production guidelines for adapting the technology to local conditions of varying ecological characteristics in Nigeria. Ultimately, the project is aimed at increasing the productivity of fishermen/fish farmers and hastening the development of rural communities
Marketing of smoked fish in the Kainji Lake Basin (Nigeria) has been found to be complex, traditional and inefficient. It is also said to be limited in scope due to poor handling and processing techniques, lack of storage facilities and inadequate marketing informations. The invention of Kainji gas kiln has been found suitable to overcoming poor handling and processing techniques. This paper discusses the feasibility of operating Kainji gas kiln commercially supported with adequate storage facilities and competent management hands. The financial indicators of net present value (NPV), 47,481.11, Internal rate of return (IRR) 24% and payback period of 2.3 years that are calculated confirmed that the commercial use of Kainji gas kiln is indeed profitably feasible