918 resultados para Robot architectures


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This paper studies periodic gaits of quadruped locomotion systems. The purpose is to determine the best set of gait and locomotion variables during walking, for different robot velocities, based on two formulated performance measures. A set of experiments reveals the influence of the gait and locomotion variables upon the proposed indices, namely that the gait and the locomotion parameters should be adapted to the robot forward velocity.


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This article studies several Fractional Order Control algorithms used for joint control of a hexapod robot. Both Padé and series approximations to the fractional derivative are considered for the control algorithm. The walking performance is evaluated through two indices: The mean absolute density of energy used per unit distance travelled, and the control effort. A set of simulation experiments reveals the influence of the different approximations upon the proposed indices. The results show that the fractional proportional and derivative algorithm, implemented using the Padé approximation with a small number of terms, gives the best results.


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of the fault tolerant features of microprocessors. This paper proposes the modification of a common on-chip debugging (OCD) infrastructure to add fault injection capabilities and improve performance. The proposed solution imposes a very low logic overhead and provides a flexible and efficient mechanism for the execution of fault injection campaigns, being applicable to different target system architectures.


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Institutions have been creating their own specific weblab infrastructures. Usually, they use distinct software and hardware architectures comprehending instruments and modules (I&M) able to be parameterized but difficult to be shared. These aspects are impairing their widespread in education, since collaboration between institutions, in developing and sharing resources, is still low. To handle both aspects, this paper proposes the adoption of the IEEE1451.0 Std. with FPGA technology for creating reconfigurable weblab infrastructures. It is suggested the adoption of an IEEE1451.0 infrastructure with compatible instruments, described in Hardware Description Languages (HDL), to be reconfigured in FPGA-based boards. Besides an overview of the IEEE1451.0 Std., this paper presents a solution currently under development which seeks to enable the reconfiguration and the remote control of weblab infrastructures using a set of IEEE1451.0 HTTP commands.


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This paper studies the dynamics of foot–ground interaction in hexapod locomotion systems. For that objective the robot motion is characterized in terms of several locomotion variables and the ground is modelled through a non-linear spring-dashpot system, with parameters based on the studies of soil mechanics. Moreover, it is adopted an algorithm with foot-force feedback to control the robot locomotion. A set of model-based experiments reveals the influence of the locomotion velocity on the foot–ground transfer function, which presents complex-order dynamics.


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The ultimate goal of this research plan is to improve the learning experience of students through the combination of pedagogical eLearning services. Service oriented architectures are already being used in eLearning but in this work the focus is on services of pedagogical value, rather then on generic services adapted from other business systems. This approach to the architecture of eLearning platforms raises challenges addressed by this work, namely: conceptual modeling of the pedagogical eLearning services domain; interoperability and coordination of pedagogical eLearning service; conversion of existing eLearning systems to pedagogical services; adaptation of eLearning services to individual learners. An improved eLearning platform will incorporate learning tools adequate to the domains it covers and will focus on the individual learner that uses it. With this approach we expect to raise the pedagogical value of eLearning platforms.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Learning systems are evolving from component based and centralized architectures towards service oriented and decentralized architectures. The standardization of e-learning content and interoperability is a powerful force in this evolution. In this chapter we put in perspective the evolution of e-learning systems and standards, and argue that specialized services will play an important role in future learning systems, especially in those targeted for competitive learning.


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Os sistemas de perceção existentes nos robôs autónomos, hoje em dia, são bastante complexos. A informação dos vários sensores, existentes em diferentes partes do robôs, necessitam de estar relacionados entre si face ao referencial do robô ou do mundo. Para isso, o conhecimento da atitude (posição e rotação) entre os referenciais dos sensores e o referencial do robô é um fator critico para o desempenho do mesmo. O processo de calibração dessas posições e translações é chamado calibração dos parâmetros extrínsecos. Esta dissertação propõe o desenvolvimento de um método de calibração autónomo para robôs como câmaras direcionais, como é o caso dos robôs da equipa ISePorto. A solução proposta consiste na aquisição de dados da visão, giroscópio e odometria durante uma manobra efetuada pelo robô em torno de um alvo com um padrão conhecido. Esta informação é então processada em conjunto através de um Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) onde são estimados necessários para relacionar os sensores existentes no robô em relação ao referencial do mesmo. Esta solução foi avaliada com recurso a vários testes e os resultados obtidos foram bastante similares aos obtidos pelo método manual, anteriormente utilizado, com um aumento significativo em rapidez e consistência.


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A elaboração deste trabalho surge no âmbito da unidade curricular de Tese/Dissertação, pertencente ao Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e Computadores, ramo de Automação e Sistemas, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). Este trabalho enquadra-se no âmbito da robótica de inspiração biológica no meio aquático. Pretendeu-se com este trabalho desenvolver e implementar um robô nadador de inspiração biológica. Inicialmente foi realizado um estudo acerca da locomoção dos peixes, para perceber a sua forma de se movimentar. Foi ainda efetuado um estudo acerca dos robôs nadadores existentes, de forma a verificar a sua constituição e formas de locomoção. Numa fase inicial foi desenvolvido um protótipo e, de seguida, procedeu-se à implementação do robô de uma forma sequencial. Implementou-se a estrutura do robô, com o objetivo de se assemelhar o mais possível com um peixe biológico. Foram utilizados servomotores para a locomoção do robô. Para que o robô possua a capacidade de se movimentar numa determinada direção recorreu-se à utilização de uma bússola digital. Posteriormente introduziu-se um emissor/recetor de radiofrequência (RF) para ligar/desligar o robô. Numa fase final procederam-se aos testes da locomoção do robô. Nos ensaios realizados verificou-se que o robô conseguiu nadar com estabilidade e com sentido de direção.


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Trabalho de projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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In recent years emerged several initiatives promoted by educational organizations to adapt Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) to e-learning. These initiatives commonly named eLearning Frameworks share a common goal: to create flexible learning environments by integrating heterogeneous systems already available in many educational institutions. However, these frameworks were designed for integration of systems participating in business like processes rather than on complex pedagogical processes as those related to automatic evaluation. Consequently, their knowledge bases lack some fundamental components that are needed to model pedagogical processes. The objective of the research described in this paper is to study the applicability of eLearning frameworks for modelling a network of heterogeneous eLearning systems, using the automatic evaluation of programming exercises as a case study. The paper surveys the existing eLearning frameworks to justify the selection of the e-Framework. This framework is described in detail and identified the necessary components missing from its knowledge base, more precisely, a service genre, expression and usage model for an evaluation service. The extensibility of the framework is tested with the definition of this service. A concrete model for evaluation of programming exercises is presented as a validation of the proposed approach.


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Mestrado em engenharia electrotécnica e de computadores - Área de Especialização de Sistemas Autónomos


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IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 220 – 223, Seattle, EUA


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores