914 resultados para Rittermere Farm Craft Studio


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Adipic Acid (AA) is one of the most important chemicals in the actual worldwide Industrial Chemistry, because of his environmental and economical issues a lot of research challenge are open in this context. The main issue is regarding the substitution of Nitric Acid as oxidant in the last step of the industrial synthesis. This step, in fact, cause the production of various kind of nitrogen oxides that are gaseous pollutant and must be removed from the emissions. The substitution of Nitric Acid with molecular Oxygen or air as oxidant can avoid the production of nitric oxides reducing, in this way, the environmental and economic sustainability of the process. In this work is presented an alternative pathway for the synthesis of the AA. This concern a first step of oxidation with hydrogen peroxide that involve the transformation of ciclohexene into trans-1,2-cyclohexanediole than, the latter, is transformed into AA through a catalyzed oxidative cleavage with molecular Oxygen as oxidant. The first step has been already optimized by a work did in the past. This thesis is focused on the second step, here is presented an experimental work based on the study of the catalytic activity of three kind of catalyst, a Keggin heteropoliacid Mo-V, a Ru - based catalyst and an Au NP - based catalyst.


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Il Cor-Ten è un acciaio micro-legato, detto anche acciaio patinabile, che garantisce una buona resistenza alla corrosione da agenti atmosferici. Proprio grazie a questa sua peculiare caratteristica sta conoscendo un vasto impiego in particolare nel campo dell’edilizia e delle infrastrutture. La corrosione infatti interessa tutti i settori produttivi e non, provocando ingenti danni economici. Stime effettuate negli ultimi 40anni da diversi enti internazionali indicano che l’entità di questi danni, pur variando da settore a settore, risulta compresa per i paesi industrializzati tra il 3 e il 4% del PIL. Da questi dati si evince la necessità di proteggere i materiali dalla corrosione; in genere per questo scopo si ricorre a trattamenti superficiali o a rivestimenti protettivi. Queste tecniche non rappresentano però l’unica strada, è possibile infatti agire sulla composizione della lega, come nel caso del Cor-Ten, in modo che l’interazione metallo-ambiente porti alla formazione di una patina protettiva di prodotti di corrosione relativamente stabili. La formazione di questo strato, cosiddetto passivante, protegge il metallo da un’ulteriore attacco corrosivo. Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è studiare il comportamento di questo materiale in ambiente urbano-costiero in tre differenti stati di finitura in cui è commercialmente disponibile: grezzo, pre-patinato e pre-patinato cerato, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli aspetti ambientali legati al suo utilizzo e cercando di valutare in particolare il rilascio dei metalli di lega nell’ambiente, aspetto fino ad ora non considerato in letteratura. I risultati ottenuti indicano che sembrerebbe preferibile l’utilizzo del materiale grezzo rispetto ai pre-patinati, almeno per quanto riguarda il rilascio di metalli in ambiente. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti è possibile fornire una stima, per i tre stati di finitura di Cor-Ten A considerati, del quantitativo totale (solubile + estraibile) dei metalli rilasciati in ambiente nei sette mesi di esposizione durante la stagione primaverile-estiva della sperimentazione condotta in questo studio. La quantità rilasciata stimata per il Fe oscilla tra i 0,5 g/m2 per i provini light e i 0,7 g/m2 per i provini dark e grezzi, per il Ni il range è compreso tra i 3,6 mg/m2 dei provini grezzi e i 5 mg/m2 per i light, nel caso del Mn il quantitativo varia dai 6,8 mg/m2 per i light ai 10 mg/m2 per i grezzi. Per il Cr la stima per i provini pre-patinati è simile e si attesta intorno a 1,7 mg/m2, risultando minore (anche se in maniera non rilevate) per i grezzi.


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La tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un'applicazione che estende la possibilità di effettuare i caricamenti dei package di SAP BPC ai dispositivi mobile, fino ad ora questo era possibile solo attraverso l'interfaccia di Microsoft Excel.


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Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAHs) are widespread wastewater and groundwater contaminants and represent a real danger for human health and environment. This research is related to the biodegradation technologies to treat chlorinated hydrocarbons. In particular the study of this thesis is focused on chloroform cometabolism by a butane-grown aerobic pure culture (Rhodococcus aetherovorans BCP1) in continuous-flow biofilm reactors, which are used for in-situ and on-site treatments. The work was divided in two parts: in the first one an experimental study has been conducted in two packed-bed reactors (PBRs) for a period of 370 days; in the second one a fluid dynamics and kinetic model has been developed in order to simulate the experimental data concerning a previous study made in a 2-m continuous-flow sand-filled reactor. The goals of the first study were to obtain preliminary information on the feasibility of chloroform biodegradation by BCP1 under attached-cell conditions and to evaluate the applicability of the pulsed injection of growth substrate and oxygen to biofilm reactors. The pulsed feeding represents a tool to control the clogging and to ensure a long bioreactive zone. The operational conditions implemented in the PBRs allowed the attainment of a 4-fold increase of the ratio of chloroform degraded to substrate consumed, in comparison with the phase of continuous substrate supply. The second study was aimed at identifying guidelines for optimizing the oxygen/substrate supply schedule, developing a reliable model of chloroform cometabolism in porous media. The tested model led to a suitable interpretation of the experimental data as long as the ratio of CF degraded to butane consumed was ≤ 0.27 mgchloroform /mgbutane. A long-term simulation of the best-performing schedule of pulsed oxygen/substrate supply indicated the attainment of a steady state condition characterized by unsatisfactory bioremediation performances, evidencing the need for a further optimization of the pulsed injection technique.


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Background. Outcome of elderly acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients is dismal. Targeted-therapies might improve current results by overcoming drug-resistance and reducing toxicity. Aim. We conduced a phase II study aiming to assess efficacy and toxicity of Tipifarnib (Zarnestra®) and Bortezomib (Velcade®) association in AML patients >18 years, unfit for conventional therapy, or >60 years, in relapse. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluated the predictive value of the RASGRP1/APTX ratio, which was previously found to be associated to treatment sensitivity in patients receiving Zarnestra alone. Methods. Velcade (1.0 mg/m2) was administered as weekly infusion for 3 weeks (days 1, 8, 15). Zarnestra was administered at dose of 300-600 mg BID for 21 consecutive days. Real-time quantitative-PCR (q-PCR) was used for RASGRP1/APTX quantification. Results. 50 patients were enrolled. Median age was 71 years (56-89). 3 patients achieved complete remission (CR) and 1 partial response (PR). 2 patients obtained an hematological improvement (HI), and 3 died during marrow aplasia. 10 had progressive disease (PD) and the remaining showed stable disease (SD). RASGRP1/APTX was evaluated before treatment initiation on bone marrow (BM) and/or peripheral blood (PB). The median RASGRP/APTX value on BM was higher in responder (R) patients than in non responders (NR) ones, respectively (p=0.006). Interestingly, no marrow responses were recorded in patients with BM RASGRP1/APTX ratio <12, while the response rate was 50% in patients with ratio >12. Toxicity was overall mild, the most common being febrile neutropenia. Conclusion. We conclude that the clinical efficacy of the combination Zarnestra-Velcade was similar to what reported for Zarnestra alone. However we could confirm that the RASGPR1/APTX level is an effective predictor of response. Though higher RASGRP1/APTX is relatively rare (~10% of cases), Zarnestra (±Velcade) may represent an important option in a subset of high risk/frail AML patients.


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Le infezioni post trapianto sono una complicanza frequente, tra queste l'infezione da Polyomavirus rappresenta una patologia molto frequente e causa di perdita del graft. Sono stati studiati 70 pazienti portatori di trapianto renale per valutare l'incidenza dell'infezione e la sua prognosi e la risposta alla terapia


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NGAL è considerato dalla comunità scientifica un marcatore di danno renale sia di tipo ischemico che tossico. In questo studio è stato effettuato un follow-up ad un mese di una popolazione sottoposta a trapianto di rene, sono state analizzate la fase post-operatoria e l’immediato periodo di stabilizzazione del trapianto. E' stato osservato l’andamento di NGAL in relazione alle principali variabili incidenti.


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