L'associazione Tipifarnib-Bortezomib nel trattamento delle leucemie acute mieloidi: risultati di uno studio multicentrico di fase I/II e validazione di un profilo genico predittivo di risposta

Autoria(s): Paolini, Stefania <1978>

Baccarani, Michele




Background. Outcome of elderly acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients is dismal. Targeted-therapies might improve current results by overcoming drug-resistance and reducing toxicity. Aim. We conduced a phase II study aiming to assess efficacy and toxicity of Tipifarnib (Zarnestra®) and Bortezomib (Velcade®) association in AML patients >18 years, unfit for conventional therapy, or >60 years, in relapse. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluated the predictive value of the RASGRP1/APTX ratio, which was previously found to be associated to treatment sensitivity in patients receiving Zarnestra alone. Methods. Velcade (1.0 mg/m2) was administered as weekly infusion for 3 weeks (days 1, 8, 15). Zarnestra was administered at dose of 300-600 mg BID for 21 consecutive days. Real-time quantitative-PCR (q-PCR) was used for RASGRP1/APTX quantification. Results. 50 patients were enrolled. Median age was 71 years (56-89). 3 patients achieved complete remission (CR) and 1 partial response (PR). 2 patients obtained an hematological improvement (HI), and 3 died during marrow aplasia. 10 had progressive disease (PD) and the remaining showed stable disease (SD). RASGRP1/APTX was evaluated before treatment initiation on bone marrow (BM) and/or peripheral blood (PB). The median RASGRP/APTX value on BM was higher in responder (R) patients than in non responders (NR) ones, respectively (p=0.006). Interestingly, no marrow responses were recorded in patients with BM RASGRP1/APTX ratio <12, while the response rate was 50% in patients with ratio >12. Toxicity was overall mild, the most common being febrile neutropenia. Conclusion. We conclude that the clinical efficacy of the combination Zarnestra-Velcade was similar to what reported for Zarnestra alone. However we could confirm that the RASGPR1/APTX level is an effective predictor of response. Though higher RASGRP1/APTX is relatively rare (~10% of cases), Zarnestra (±Velcade) may represent an important option in a subset of high risk/frail AML patients.






Paolini, Stefania (2011) L'associazione Tipifarnib-Bortezomib nel trattamento delle leucemie acute mieloidi: risultati di uno studio multicentrico di fase I/II e validazione di un profilo genico predittivo di risposta, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze biomediche: progetto n. 2 "Ematologia clinica e sperimentale ed ematopatologia" <http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/view/dottorati/DOT426/>, 23 Ciclo.




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna





Palavras-Chave #MED/15 Malattie del sangue

Doctoral Thesis
