849 resultados para Rejeição de Enxerto


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O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia de cultivares de pereiras sobre porta enxertos de marmeleiros 'Adam's e 'EMC'. O experimento foi desenvolvido em viveiro comercial da empresa Frutirol Agrícola Ltda, localizada no município de Vacaria - RS, a 980 m de altitude. Os porta enxertos de marmeleiros 'Adam's e 'EMC' foram enxertados no mês de julho de 2006 com as cultivares copa Danjou, Conference, Packham's Triumph, Abate Fetel e Rocha sobre os dois porta enxertos; Santa Maria, Benita, Foreli e Decana de Comice sobre o marmeleiro 'Adam's e, Clapp's Favourite e William's sobre 'EMC'. Utilizou-se a técnica de enxertia de garfagem dupla fenda, onde se enxertou ramos da cultivar copa com duas gemas sobre os respectivos porta enxertos, os quais apresentavam diâmetro médio de 8 mm. Em seguida foram amarrados com fita biodegradável BUDTAPE. Em julho de 2007 procederam-se as seguintes avaliações: diâmetro da copa e do porta enxerto (distantes 5 cm do ponto de enxertia), medido com auxílio de um paquímetro; altura de plantas (medida a partir do nível do solo até o ápice da planta); área da seção do tronco da copa e do porta enxerto foi obtida através da fórmula A = (? x (D/2)2) Sendo: A = área da seção do ramo (cm3); ? = 3,1416; D = Diâmetro do ramo principal (mm) e os resultados foram expressos em centímetros cúbicos; Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e posteriormente à comparação de médias através do teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro. Os resultados demonstram que a cv. Danjou apresenta pouco vigor em relação as demais cvs. estudadas, para ambos os porta enxertos; plantas vigorosas apresentam menor diferença de diâmetro entre porta enxerto e copa; a cv. Conference apresenta-se mais vigorosa em relação às demais cvs. estudadas quando enxertadas sobre 'EMC'; a cv. William's apresenta incompatibilidade com o marmelo 'EMC'.


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The obtaining of a compact plant, with less vigor and high productivity, equivalent to a conventional plant, constitutes a strong tendency in the current horticulture, aiming at a raising of the fruit production at the same planted area. One of the techniques that have had success nowadays is the interstem use. This study was developed in a commercial orchard of Randon Agro Silvo Pastoril S.A. (RASIP), located in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of apple trees of 'Imperial Gala' with different lengths of EM-9 interstem. The treatments consisted of five interstem lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 cm. In the seventh year of implantation the following parameters were evaluated: the height of the plant, the diameter of the 'Imperial Gala' 5 cm above the second graft point, the volume of the tree-head (height, width and length), the number of bud per branch, and the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch. Through this study it could be concluded that the greater interstem (30 cm) presented better indices with relation of vigor control. However, the number of fruits per lineal centimeter of branch with the interstem of 10 cm offered only significant superiority, when compared with the interstem of 30 cm. Using interstem technique allows to gather the benefits of the rootstock 'Marubakaido' and to control excessive vigour with the interstem EM-9.


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The lack of pear-compatible rootstocks in Brazil calls for the application of classical genetic techniques. Therefore, in order to obtain select suitable material, the search for genetic segregation must be continuous, being used as alternative scion cultivars. This study aims to assess fruit set, number of seeds, fruit weight and fruit diameter according to crosses between pear cultivars. The trial was carried out from September 2008 to February 2009 in a commercial orchard in the city of Vacaria/RS, Brazil. For the pollination process, pollen was extracted from flowers at full-white stage in the same orchard. The cultivars used were 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Clapps Favorite'. The crossings were defined as: open pollination; selfpollination of 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Packham's Triumph' × 'Clapps Favorite'. The pollinations were done manually in flowers at full-white stage, which were opened, emasculated and then pollinated. Each pollinated flower was then isolated with a fine nylon bag. Open pollination and cross pollination between 'Packham's Triumph' × 'Clapps Favorite' provided higher fruit set (17 and 18%, respectively). Fruit weight and diameter did not differ between treatments. Open pollination provided fruits with a higher number of seeds.


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Existem diferentes formas de se produzir uma muda de café, desde a mais simples, onde se fazem mudas em viveiros comercias, podendo ser permanentes ou temporários, e ainda em ambientes controlados ou não, sendo nestes casos sempre por meio de sementes. Outra possibilidade é o emprego de técnicas mais complexas, como cultura de tecidos, enxertia, estaquia, técnicas essas tidas como clonagem, uma vez que se consegue obter o mesmo material genético da planta a ser trabalhada.


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A importância da utilização de porta-enxertos na viticultura mundial é amplamente conhecida, especialmente no que se refere a sua influência na absorção de água e adaptação adiferentes tipos de solos, resistência a doenças e na produção das cultivares copa. O porta-enxerto ideal para as condições semiáridas brasileiras deve reunir características como vigor, resistência a pragas, doenças, e principalmente aos nematóides que estão presentes nos solos arenosos desta região (LEÃO et al., 2009). Apesar da recente diversificação da viticultura e introdução de novas cultivares de uvas de mesa no Vale do Submédio São Francisco, estudos que permitam a identificação dos melhores porta-enxertos, anteriores ao estabelecimento comercial dessas novas cultivares, geralmente não são realizados. A utilização de porta-enxertos adequados para cada cultivar copa são necessários porque permitem que as videiras expressem a sua máxima capacidade produtiva e qualidade das uvas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência do porta-enxerto sobre a produção e características dos frutos de novas cultivares de uvas de mesa no Vale do Submédio São Francisco.


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Beliefs and behavior towards language are usually uniform in a spoken community which means that they are shared by the members of certain community. Those behaviors, being either positive or negative, are not revealed when the speaker is directly questionned about different dialects. In with the purpose of applying them to the respondents so that they are unaware of the investigation goal.  Among the several indirect assessments, the most known is the matched guise method, proposed by Lambert (2003 [1967]). It consists of presenting the collected data to a group of “referees” (listeners who measure or assess the recorded speakers’ interviews). The recorded interviews consists of speakers reading aloud the same passage of a text. The referees’s duty is to listen to the recordings and measure each speaker’s personal traces, using only the vocal clues and the reading.  This work, based on Linguistic Beliefs and Behaviors Studies, brings the results obtained by means of a questionnaire adapted from the matched guise method, aiming to assess cariocas (from Rio de Janeiro), gauchos (from Rio Grande do Sul) and Northern Parana respondents, regarding their three different linguistic varieties. For the assessment, referees were not informed whether they would listen to different kinds of linguistic varieties or if they were produced by speakers of different dialects as well. One of the varieties represented, in fact, the own referee’s dialect. Forty-eight Maringa dwellers responded to the interview. Thirty-two of them were born in other states (16 cariocas and 16 gauchos). Results showed positive assessment related to gauchos, signaling to a preference for that dialect. As to carioca’s dialect, the assessment was also positive and close to the gauchos’, only 2% percentage difference.  As to Northern Parana speakers, however, results showed negative assessment, signaling to rejection or prejudice towards the speaking group.