996 resultados para Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870.
Se determinaron correlaciones entre diferentes parámetros de funcionamiento de la red de arrastre empleadas para las calas de comprobación. Abertura vertical con Abertura horizontal, profundidad con longitud de cable, abertura vertical y abertura horizontal versus velocidad de arrastre, analizándose un total de 72 lances de comprobación. Los datos de comportamiento de la red como la abertura horizontal y abertura vertical de la boca de la red, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc. se obtuvo en forma directa por medio del sistema SCANMAR RX 400, los arrastres tuvieron una duración promedio de 13,58 minutos con una velocidad de arrastre promedio de 3,8 nudos. Se aplicó el modelo de regresión lineal para la correlación entre los valores de: (a) abertura vertical y abertura horizontal, (b) longitud del cable de arrastre principal con la profundidad de arrastre, (c) abertura horizontal-vertical y la velocidad de arrastre.
Estudia la respuesta selectiva de la red de arrastre de fondo tipo 450/120, utilizada en la toma de muestras durante el Crucero BIC José Olaya Balandra 9806-07 empleando el método de copo cubierto, con un tamaño de malla de 90 mm. (Polipropileno PP). Se obtuvieron las ojivas de selección mediante el método de la curva logística, para la zona de toda la extensión que abarcó el crucero desde las subáreas A, B, C, D, E, F, G y H (3°30 'S - 11°00 'S), presentando una L50%=23,68 cm. y curvas de selectividad parciales de las subáreas A, B, C y D, E, F, G y H con una L50%=25,45 cm. y L50%=23,68 cm. respectivamente. Se encontró un factor de selección general de (FS)=2,63. Los resultados fueron mayores que en el experimento modelo de selectividad con red de arrastre de fondo, realizado en invierno 1997.
Resultado del comportamiento de la red de arrastre pelágica Engel 988/400 utilizada para la evaluación del recurso krill (Euphausia superba) en el Estrecho de Bransfield durante el Crucero Multidisciplinario 9801 a bordo del BIC Humboldt. Se determinó el área de la boca y el volumen de aguas filtrada por la red en los 29 lances de comprobación, siendo positivos en su totalidad, obteniéndose un buen rendimiento. Se capturó un total de 11.629 kg, correspondiendo para el krill 9.522 kg y para otros recursos 2.107 kg, con un índice de captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) de 961,9 kg/h. Los valores de otros datos de comportamiento de la red como la abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red, distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvo por medio de una netsonda FS 900 SIMRAD, los arrastres tuvieron en promedio una duración de 20,1 minutos con una velocidad de arrastre promedio de 3,0 nudos.
Presenta los resultados del comportamiento de la red de arrastre pelágica modelo japonés 124/1800 que se utilizó en el Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos 9811-12 a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra entre la isla Lobos de Tierra y el Morro Sama. Se determinaron el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada que tuvo la red durante los arrastres efectivos de una milla náutica de distancia entre 100 lances de comprobación. Se obtuvo buena eficiencia y buen rendimiento; se capturó un total de 62.845 kg, correspondiendo para la anchoveta 45.576 kg, sardina 1006 kg, jurel 8 kg, caballa 2 kg, samasa 1.656 kg, vinciguerria 246 kg, múnida 9933 kg y otros recursos 4.418 kg, con un índice de captura (CPUE) de 2.020,74 kg/h. Los valores del comportamiento de la red como abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, se obtuvieron en forma directa por medio de una net sonda SCANMAR RX 400; los arrastres tuvieron en promedio una duración de 19 minutos con una velocidad de arrastre promedio de 3,8 nudos. La anchoveta, durante los 100 lances de comprobación, se presentó mezclada con otros recursos y con múnida en las 30 primeras mn de la costa. Se obtuvieron correlaciones aceptables de regresión lineal entre los valores de longitud del cable de arrastre principal con la profundidad de la red de arrastre, longitud de cable de arrastre principal con la profundidad de cardumen, longitud del cable de arrastre principal con la abertura vertical, abertura vertical con abertura horizontal y velocidad de arrastre con abertura vertical de la boca de la red.
Los resultados del Crucero 9902-03 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de los Recursos Pelágicos: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus) y samasa (Anchoa nasus), a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra, entre Zorritos (Tumbes) y Los Palos (Tacna), del 10 de febrero al 1 de abril 1999, muestran que la red de arrastre pelágica 124/1800 tuvo una buena eficiencia y comportamiento en 168 lances de comprobación. Se obtuvo una captura total de 57.032,55 kg; correspondieron a la anchoveta 36.902,6 kg; sardina 302,6 kg; jurel 43,9 kg; caballa 1.256,3 kg; samasa 3.160,8 kg y otros recursos 15.366,35 kg. El índice de captura total (CPUE) fue de 1.035,07 kg/h ejerciendo mayor esfuerzo en la anchoveta con 669,74 kg/h. Se determinó que el mayor porcentaje de mezcla de los 153 lances con recursos pelágicos correspondió a la anchoveta con otros recursos a 5 mn de distancia de la costa. Se determinó el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada en una milla náutica de arrastre. Los datos de comportamiento de la red: abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvieron en forma directa por medio de una net sonda RX 400 SCANMAR interconectada a un sistema de post-procesamiento.
The Iowa State Patrol appreciates your assistance and compliance with these guidelines and laws to ensure the safety of the public and Iowa law enforcement.
The distribution patterns of benthic algal assemblages in the Tinto, Odiel and Piedras rivers were analyzed during the winter of 2005 in 18 sampling stations. The main objective was to assess and compare the algal communities and parameters affecting them both in the zones affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) and in naturally alkaline waters. A total of 108 benthic diatom taxa and 31 non-diatom taxa were identi ed. Results showed large differences between algal communities in the two environments: Pinnularia acoricola, P. subcapitata and Eunotia exigua were the most frequent diatom taxa in regions affected by acid mine drainage, along with algae like Klebsormidium and Euglena mutabilis were the most relevant non-diatom taxa. In alkaline waters the dominant diatom taxa were Planothidium frequentissimum, Gomphonema angustum, Fragilaria capucina, and some species of Navicula (N. viridula, N. veneta or N. radiosa), accompanied by Oscillatoria and Anabaena as well as by streptophytes of the group of zygnemataceae and desmidiaceae
The first record of the European catfish (Silurus glanis L. 1758) introduced to the Llobregat river basin (NE Spain) is reported. We captured one individual of this silurid fish species (of a total of 541 fish) in La Baells reservoir on 30 August 2006. Given the low catchability of this fish species, the popularity among some anglers, and old rumours on this introduction, we hypothesize that this species has been present in the reservoir since a few years ago, despite we did not capture it in two previous surveys. The illegal introduction of this and other exotic species to other Iberian river basins should be prevented by the Spanish administration
Survey of potential sharpshooter and spittlebug vectors of Xylella fastidiosa to grapevines at the São Francisco River Valley, Brazil. Pierce's disease of grapevines, caused by Xylella fastidiosa, is a serious problem in some regions of North America, not yet reported in Brazil. In this study, a survey of potential sharpshooter (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae) and spittlebug (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) vectors of X. fastidiosa was conducted in vineyards at the São Francisco River Valley, a major grape growing region in Brazil. Four vineyards of Vitis vinifera L. were sampled fortnightly from June/2005 to June/2007, using yellow sticky cards, each placed at two different heights (45 cm aboveground and 45 cm above the crop canopy) in 10 sampling localities. A total of 4,095 specimens of sharpshooters were collected, nearly all from 3 Proconiini species, Homalodisca spottii Takiya, Cavichioli & McKamey, 2006 (96.8% of the specimens), Tapajosa fulvopunctata (Signoret, 1854) (3.1%), and Tretogonia cribrata Melichar, 1926 (1 specimen). Hortensia similis (Walker, 1851) (2 specimens) was the only Cicadellini species. Only 1 cercopid specimen, belonging to Aeneolamia colon (Germar, 1821), was trapped. Even though they are not considered potential Xylella vectors, 2 Gyponini leafhoppers were collected: Curtara samera DeLong & Freytag, 1972 (11 specimens) and Curtara inflata DeLong & Freytag, 1976 (1 specimen). Homalodisca spottii was observed feeding and mating on green branches of grapevines, in addition to egg masses. Because of its prevalence on the crop canopy, occurrence throughout the year (with peaks from February to August), and ability to colonize grapevines, H. spottii could be an important vector if a X. fastidiosa strain pathogenic to grapevines becomes introduced at the São Francisco River Valley.
BACKGROUND: Consumption of red meat has been related to increased risk of several cancers. Cooking methods could modify the magnitude of this association, as production of chemicals depends on the temperature and duration of cooking. METHODS: We analyzed data from a network of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2009. The studies included 1465 oral and pharyngeal, 198 nasopharyngeal, 851 laryngeal, 505 esophageal, 230 stomach, 1463 colon, 927 rectal, 326 pancreatic, 3034 breast, 454 endometrial, 1031 ovarian, 1294 prostate and 767 renal cancer cases. Controls included 11 656 patients admitted for acute, non-neoplastic conditions. Odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for known confounding factors. RESULTS: Daily intake of red meat was significantly associated with the risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx (OR for increase of 50 g/day = 1.38; 95% CI: 1.26-1.52), nasopharynx (OR = 1.29; 95% CI: 1.04-1.60), larynx (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.30-1.64), esophagus (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.23-1.72), colon (OR = 1.17; 95% CI: 1.08-1.26), rectum (OR = 1.22; 95% CI:1.11-1.33), pancreas (OR = 1.51; 95% CI: 1.25-1.82), breast (OR = 1.12; 95% CI: 1.04-1.19), endometrium (OR = 1.30; 95% CI: 1.10-1.55) and ovary (OR = 1.29; 95% CI: 1.16-1.43). Fried meat was associated with a higher risk of cancer of oral cavity and pharynx (OR = 2.80; 95% CI: 2.02-3.89) and esophagus (OR = 4.52; 95% CI: 2.50-8.18). Risk of prostate cancer increased for meat cooked by roasting/grilling (OR = 1.31; 95% CI: 1.12-1.54). No heterogeneity according to cooking methods emerged for other cancers. Nonetheless, significant associations with boiled/stewed meat also emerged for cancer of the nasopharynx (OR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.30-3.00) and stomach (OR = 1.86; 95% CI: 1.20-2.87). CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis confirmed red meat consumption as a risk factor for several cancer sites, with a limited impact of cooking methods. These findings, thus, call for a limitation of its consumption in populations of Western countries.
Audit report on the City of Red Oak, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2008
ABSTRACTIn order to expand the knowledge on the composition of Ephemeroptera from large rivers, we present, herein, the first survey of mayflies from the São Mateus River Basin, Espírito Santo State. Adults were collected biannually in 2012 and 2013 with the aid of Pennsylvania light trap in eleven points distributed in the main river of the river basin, São Mateus River and its two main tributaries, Cotaxé River (Braço Norte) and Cricaré River (Braço Sul). Thirty-three species were identified (22 nominal and 11 morphospecies) in 24 genera and five families. One genus and one species are reported for the first time from Brazil, three species from Southeastern Region of Brazil, and two species from the state. Five species and one genus not previously described were also found. Moreover, around 20% of the known species of mayfly registered from the state were found. This work reinforces the need to give more attention to research on large rivers due to the high potential for diversity, not only for Ephemeroptera, but also for other aquatic insects.
The Barge Terminal Directory has been prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Modal Division to provide quick access to information on Iowa’s river terminals and fleeting/harbor services. The information is to assist those who may need barge transportation services. The information in the directory was provided by the terminal operators. The Modal Division would appreciate any help on corrections, additions or deletions.