1000 resultados para Recursos humans -- Aspectes econòmics
Based on phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA sequences and clade taxon composition, this paper adopts a biogeographical approach to understanding the evolutionary relationships of the human and primate infective trypanosomes, Trypanosoma cruzi, T. brucei, T. rangeli and T. cyclops. Results indicate that these parasites have divergent origins and fundamentally different patterns of evolution. T. cruzi is placed in a clade with T. rangeli and trypanosomes specific to bats and a kangaroo. The predominantly South American and Australian origins of parasites within this clade suggest an ancient southern super-continent origin for ancestral T. cruzi, possibly in marsupials. T. brucei clusters exclusively with mammalian, salivarian trypanosomes of African origin, suggesting an evolutionary history confined to Africa, while T. cyclops, from an Asian primate appears to have evolved separately and is placed in a clade with T. (Megatrypanum) species. Relating clade taxon composition to palaeogeographic evidence, the divergence of T. brucei and T. cruzi can be dated to the mid-Cretaceous, around 100 million years before present, following the separation of Africa, South America and Euramerica. Such an estimate of divergence time is considerably more recent than those of most previous studies based on molecular clock methods. Perhaps significantly, Salivarian trypanosomes appear, from these data, to be evolving several times faster than Schizotrypanum species, a factor which may have contributed to previous anomalous estimates of divergence times.
La finca Solà i Comes, situada a la solana del municipi de Bellver de Cerdanya, enfront la serra del Cadí-Moixeró, és un espai natural que combina el paisatge forestal amb un mosaic de prats i pastures, aprofitats per l’activitat ramadera extensiva que es practica a la zona. Les activitat agrícoles i ramaderes són, des de temps enrere, activitats fortament lligades al medi natural: el clima, la geologia i els ecosistemes han determinat els tipus de cultiu i també el tipus de ramaderia. I al seu torn, aquestes activitats han actuat sobre el medi, modelant el paisatge i configurant uns hàbitats amb unes condicions ecològiques molt específiques que mantenen una relació molt intensa amb els hàbitats naturals més propers (com les zones arbustives, marges, bosquets, cursos d’aigua...) i que constitueixen importants extensions del paisatge del nostre país. La diversitat biològica que produeixen aquests espais és essencial per mantenir un equilibri ambiental i obtenir uns recursos dels quals depèn la nostra qualitat de vida i el desenvolupament de bona part de la nostra activitat econòmica. En aquest pla de gestió es vol donar importància no només a la conservació dels hàbitats, sinó també a la principal activitat econòmica que fa possible que aquests hàbitats romanguin igual que fa uns anys: la ramaderia extensiva actualment en fort retrocés a Catalunya i a la resta d’Europa. En el document del pla de gestió es fa una descripció detallada del conjunt de la finca que inclou tots els àmbits, partint del punt de vista administratiu fins al físic, ecològic, biològic i socioeconòmic. Una vegada situats en el context de la zona d’estudi, s’avaluen els objectius que es volen dur a terme i es proposen mesures de gestió per poder-los assolir. A continuació, es fa un breu resum dels aspectes descriptius de la zona d’estudi, destacant els punts més rellevants, i es comenten les mesures de gestió proposades a línies generals per a cadascun. Les mesures de gestió proposades són fruit d’una avaluació dels factors limitants que trobem sobre els objectius ideals plantejats per a l’espai. D’aquesta avaluació se’n deriven els objectius operacionals a partir dels quals es creen les propostes de gestió.
S’ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu retrospectiu dels 13 casos de malalts intervinguts de sustitución valvular aòrtica transapical en els darrers tres anys en l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Els resultats han sigut comparats amb la bibliografia existent, ficant de manifest diferents aspectes perioperatoris sobre els que podem incidir i millorar amb la fi d’optimitzar els malalts davant a la cirurgia. Disminuint les complicacions i per tant la mortalitat, així com millorant la gestió de recursos hospitalaris i el seu consegüent estalvi econòmic.
We analyzed the coherence of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals recorded symmetrically from the two hemispheres, while subjects (n = 9) were viewing visual stimuli. Considering the many common features of the callosal connectivity in mammals, we expected that, as in our animal studies, interhemispheric coherence (ICoh) would increase only with bilateral iso-oriented gratings located close to the vertical meridian of the visual field, or extending across it. Indeed, a single grating that extended across the vertical meridian significantly increased the EEG ICoh in normal adult subjects. These ICoh responses were obtained from occipital and parietal derivations and were restricted to the gamma frequency band. They were detectable with different EEG references and were robust across and within subjects. Other unilateral and bilateral stimuli, including identical gratings that were effective in anesthetized animals, did not affect ICoh in humans. This fact suggests the existence of regulatory influences, possibly of a top-down kind, on the pattern of callosal activation in conscious human subjects. In addition to establishing the validity of EEG coherence analysis for assaying cortico-cortical connectivity, this study extends to the human brain the finding that visual stimuli cause interhemispheric synchronization, particularly in frequencies of the gamma band. It also indicates that the synchronization is carried out by cortico-cortical connection and suggests similarities in the organization of visual callosal connections in animals and in man.
The genus Leishmania includes 30 described species which infect a wide variety of mammalian hosts. The precise identification of leishmanial parasites at the species level is very important in order to determine whether an organism, causing the disease in a given area, is of the same biotype as that found in suspected mammalian reservoirs. The objectives of the present study were (1) to identify leishmanial parasites isolated from humans and wild rodents from the State of Campeche, an endemic focus of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) in southern Mexico, using an indirect immunofluorescent assay (IFA) with monoclonal antibodies (Mabs); and (2) to determine if the parasites of the two types of hosts were of the same biotype. All the wild rodents (six Ototylomys phyllotis, eight Oryzomys melanotis, five Peromyscus yucatanicus and two Sigmodon hispidus) and 96% (24/25) of the human isolates were identified as Leishmania (L.) mexicana confirming that this specific LCL focus is a wild zoonosis. The presence of one human isolate of L. (Viannia) braziliensis in the State of Campeche, confirmed the importance of an accurate taxonomic identification at species level.
We investigated the neural basis for spontaneous chemo-stimulated increases in ventilation in awake, healthy humans. Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional MRI was performed in nine healthy subjects using T2 weighted echo planar imaging. Brain volumes (52 transverse slices, cortex to high spinal cord) were acquired every 3.9 s. The 30 min paradigm consisted of six, 5-min cycles, each cycle comprising 45 s of hypoxic-isocapnia, 45 s of isooxic-hypercapnia and 45 s of hypoxic-hypercapnia, with 55 s of non-stimulatory hyperoxic-isocapnia (control) separating each stimulus period. Ventilation was significantly (p<0.001) increased during hypoxic-isocapnia, isooxic-hypercapnia and hypoxic-hypercapnia (17.0, 13.8, 24.9 L/min respectively) vs. control (8.4 L/min) and was associated with significant (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) signal increases within a bilateral network that included the basal ganglia, thalamus, red nucleus, cerebellum, parietal cortex, cingulate and superior mid pons. The neuroanatomical structures identified provide evidence for the spontaneous control of breathing to be mediated by higher brain centres, as well as respiratory nuclei in the brainstem.
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi consisteix a determinar quines implicacions té en l’ordenament jurídic civil català l’aprovació de la Directiva 2008/122, del Parlament Europeu i del Consell, 14.1.2009, relativa a la protecció dels consumidors respecte a determinats aspectes dels contractes d’aprofitament per torn de béns d’ús turístic, d’adquisició de productes de vacances de llarga durada, de revenda i d’intercanvi.
Les infraccions penals en matèria de seguretat viària constitueixen un dels grups delictius que més interès teòric i pràctic han despertat en la doctrina i la jurisprudència. Per aquest motiu, al llarg de la recerca s'ha dut a terme l'anàlisi dels diferents il·lícits penals des d'una perspectiva interdisciplinar i transversal on no tan sols han tingut cabuda les reflexions teòriques i pràctiques sobre els arts. 379 i ss. CP, sinó també la valoració dels problemes processals i criminològics que són propis d'aquests fets justiciables que es vinculen amb la seguretat viària
Aquest Projecte final és una continuació d’anteriors Projectes Finals de MTIG i és el resultat del conveni de col·laboració entre l’Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès, Departament del Cadastre dels Serveis Econòmics, i el LIGIT. El Projecte final es basa en l’aplicatiu, ja existent, web d’intranet amb software lliure que permet la visualitazació de cartografia urbana i rústica del municipi, per a diferents anys, i la realització de consultes alfanumèriques simples. L’objectiu del Projecte final és l’ampliació i millora de l’aplicatiu existent, en concret en els seus aspectes d’accés i sortida a dades alfanumèriques de forma detallada
The low frequency of self-peptide-specific T cells in the human preimmune repertoire has so far precluded their direct evaluation. Here, we report an unexpected high frequency of T cells specific for the self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 in CD8 single-positive thymocytes from human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen-A2 healthy individuals, which is maintained in the peripheral blood of newborns and adults. Postthymic replicative history of Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells was independently assessed by quantifying T cell receptor excision circles and telomere length ex vivo. We provide direct evidence that the large T cell pool specific for the self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 is mostly generated by thymic output of a high number of precursors. This represents the only known naive self-peptide-specific T cell repertoire directly accessible in humans.
Human organism is interpenetrated by the world of microorganisms, from the conception until the death. This interpenetration involves different levels of interactions between the partners including trophic exchanges, bi-directional cell signaling and gene activation, besides genetic and epigenetic phenomena, and tends towards mutual adaptation and coevolution. Since these processes are critical for the survival of individuals and species, they rely on the existence of a complex organization of adaptive systems aiming at two apparently conflicting purposes: the maintenance of the internal coherence of each partner, and a mutually advantageous coexistence and progressive adaptation between them. Humans possess three adaptive systems: the nervous, the endocrine and the immune system, each internally organized into subsystems functionally connected by intraconnections, to maintain the internal coherence of the system. The three adaptive systems aim at the maintenance of the internal coherence of the organism and are functionally linked by interconnections, in such way that what happens to one is immediately sensed by the others. The different communities of infectious agents that live within the organism are also organized into functional networks. The members of each community are linked by intraconnections, represented by the mutual trophic, metabolic and other influences, while the different infectious communities affect each other through interconnections. Furthermore, by means of its adaptive systems, the organism influences and is influenced by the microbial communities through the existence of transconnections. It is proposed that these highly complex and dynamic networks, involving gene exchange and epigenetic phenomena, represent major coevolutionary forces for humans and microorganisms.