976 resultados para Push-out test
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scoring obtained by an instrument, which evaluates the ability to read and understand items in the health care setting, according to education and age. METHODS: The short version of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults was administered to 312 healthy participants of different ages and years of schooling. The study was conducted between 2006 and 2007, in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. The test includes actual materials such as pill bottles and appointment slips and measures reading comprehension, assessing the ability to read and correctly pronounce a list of words and understand both prose passages and numerical information. Pearson partial correlations and a multiple regression model were used to verify the association between its scores and education and age. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 47.3 years(sd=16.8) and the mean education was 9.7 years(sd=5; range: 1 - 17). A total of 32.4% of the sample showed literacy/numeracy deficits, scoring in the inadequate and marginal functional health literacy ranges. Among the elderly (65 years or older) this rate increased to 51.6%. There was a positive correlation between schooling and scores (r=0.74; p<0.01) and a negative correlation between age and the scores (r=-0.259; p<0.01). The correlation between the scores and age was not significant when the effects of education were held constant (rp=-0.031, p=0.584). A significant association (B=3.877, Beta =0.733; p<0.001) was found between schooling and scores. Age was not a significant predictor in this model (B=-0.035, Beta=-0.22; p=0.584). CONCLUSIONS: The short version of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults was a suitable tool to assess health literacy in the study population. The high number of individuals classified as functional illiterates in this test highlights the importance of special assistance to help them properly understand directions for healthcare.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 3 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Arte d’escrita desenvolvimento da escrita em alunos de língua materna e alunos de língua não materna
Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
IBD is a gastro-intestinal disorder marked with chronic inflammation of intestinal epithelium, damaging mucosal tissue and manifests into several intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. Currently used medical therapy is able to induce and maintain the patient in remission, however no modifies or reverses the underlying pathogenic mechanism. The research of other medical approaches is crucial to the treatment of IBD and, for this, it´s important to use animal models to mimic the characteristics of disease in real life. The aim of the study is to develop an animal model of TNBS-induced colitis to test new pharmacological approaches. TNBS was instilled intracolonic single dose as described by Morris et al. It was administered 2,5% TNBS in 50% ethanol through a catheter carefully inserted into the colon. Mice were kept in a Tredelenburg position to avoid reflux. On day 4 and 7, the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The induction was confirmed based on clinical symptoms/signs, ALP determination and histopathological analysis. At day 4, TNBS group presented a decreased body weight and an alteration of intestinal motility characterized by diarrhea, severe edema of the anus and moderate morbidity, while in the two control groups weren’t identified any alteration on the clinical symptoms/signs with an increase of the body weight. TNBS group presented the highest concentrations of ALP comparing with control groups. The histopathology analysis revealed severe necrosis of the mucosa with widespread necrosis of the intestinal glands. Severe hemorrhagic and purulent exsudates were observed in the submucosa, muscular and serosa. TNBS group presented clinical symptoms/signs and histopathological features compatible with a correct induction of UC. The peak of manifestations became maximal at day 4 after induction. This study allows concluding that it’s possible to develop a TNBS induced colitis 4 days after instillation.
A Mundotêxtil foi fundada em 1975 tendo iniciado a sua actividade na área comercial de produtos têxteis. Actualmente é o maior produtor nacional de atoalhados de felpo e emprega 575 colaboradores. Como resultado do seu crescimento e sobretudo da actividade de tingimento de fio e felpo, as necessidades de água são consideráveis e o volume de efluentes gerados nos processos industriais é cada vez maior a empresa avançou com a construção de uma estação de tratamento por lamas activadas, colocando-a em funcionamento em Setembro de 2004. Inicialmente surgiram dificuldades para a remoção da cor e da concentração da Carência Química de Oxigénio (CQO) de modo a cumprir os limites máximos de emissão permitidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e no Decreto-Lei nº 236/98, de 1 de Agosto. Com a descarga de parte dos efluentes no SIDVA e a utilização de um coagulante adicionado ao reactor o tratamento passou a apresentar melhores resultados. O intuito deste trabalho é o de apresentar soluções de modo a optimizar o funcionamento do tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil. A optimização pode começar na concepção dos produtos, pode incidir no processo de fabrico para além de poder ser efectuada no seio da estação de tratamento biológico. Foi efectuado um estudo do tratamento biológico por lamas activadas no Laboratório de Tecnologia Química Profª Doutora Lída de Vasconcelos, laboratório tecnológico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) que decorreu nos meses de Maio, Junho e Julho de 2010. O estudo laboratorial foi efectuado para três situações distintas: 1) tratamento do efluente bruto sem qualquer tipo de pré-tratamento (ensaios 1 a 3); 2) tratamento do efluente bruto submetido a pré-tratamento com coagulante Ambifloc BIO MD (ensaios 4 e 5) e 3) tratamento com adição de fungos ao tanque de arejamento (ensaio 6). Foram utilizadas duas instalações de tratamento alimentadas a partir do mesmo tanque de alimentação. Os dois sistemas eram idênticos, diferiram nos caudais de alimentação de efluente que foram alterados ao longo do estudo. O efluente a tratar foi fornecido pela empresa Mundotêxtil, sendo recolhido por diversas vezes ao longo dos ensaios. Este efluente foi retirado após o pré-tratamento da empresa, ou seja este efluente é o mesmo que alimenta o tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil. Devido a este facto o efluente usado no estudo laboratorial teve uma variabilidade no período em que decorreu o estudo, nomeadamente em termos de concentração de CQO e cor. A relação entre a Carência Bioquímica (CBO5) e a CQO situouse entre 0,47 e 0,63 o que traduz que está dentro dos valores típicos para um efluente têxtil. Os melhores resultados globais de remoção de CQO foram obtidos no ensaio 5 e estiveram compreendidos entre 73,2% e 77,5% para o ensaio 5.1 e entre 62,9 e 73,2% para o ensaio 5.2. Neste ensaio foi utilizado o coagulante. Todos os valores de concentração de CQO obtidos nos efluentes dos decantadores para os ensaios 2, 5 e 6 são inferiores aos valores limite de descarga definidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e o Decreto-Lei 236/98. Os valores de concentração de Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), pH, fósforo, CBO5 e cor nos decantadores cumpriram os limites de descarga definidos nas normas de descarga no rio Ave e no Decreto-Lei nº 236/98 em todos os ensaios. Os parâmetros cinéticos obtidos para os ensaios com descorante são os que melhor se ajustam ao projecto de uma instalação de tratamento biológico por lamas activadas do efluente da Mundotêxtil. Os valores obtidos, após ajuste, são os seguintes: k=0,015 L/(mgSSV*d); Sn=12 mg/L; a=0,7982 kgO2/kgCBO5; b=0,0233 [kgO2/(kgSSV*d); y=0,2253 kgSSV/kgCBO5; kd=0,0036 kgSSV/(kgSSV*d. Com base nos parâmetros cinéticos obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados para o projecto de uma estação de tratamento biológico por lamas activadas: · Tempo de retenção hidráulica no reactor de 1,79 d, · Volume do reactor igual a 3643 m3 · Consumo de oxigénio no reactor de 604 kg/d · Razão de recirculação igual a 0,8 · Volume total do decantador secundário igual a 540 m3 · Diâmetro do decantador secundário igual a 15 m A quantidade de oxigénio necessário é baixa e o valor mais adequado deverá ser da ordem de 1200 kg/d. Também foi efectuada uma análise aos produtos químicos consumidos pela empresa na área das tinturarias com a finalidade de identificar as substâncias com uma maior influência potencial no funcionamento da Estação de Tratamento Biológico. O encolante CB, Cera Têxtil P Líquida, Perfemina P-12, Meropan DPE-P, Meropan BRE-P, Indimina STS e Benzym TEC são os produtos químicos que têm uma influência potencial mais significativa na qualidade dos efluentes. Devido ao facto das temperaturas do efluente alimentado ao tratamento biológico da Mundotêxtil oscilarem entre 35 ºC e 43ºC efectuou-se um estudo às necessidades de água quente das tinturarias e por outro lado à capacidade de aquecimento dos efluentes disponíveis. Actualmente a racionalização dos consumos de água é cada vez mais premente, por isso também é apresentado neste trabalho um estudo para a substituição das máquinas convencionais das tinturarias com uma relação de banho 1:10 por máquinas de banho curto (1:6,5). Verifica-se a redução de consumos de 40% de água, 52% de energia eléctrica, 35% de produtos químicos, 51% das necessidades de vapor e por consequência um aumento da produtividade. A empresa pode reduzir os consumos de água em cerca de 280.000 m3/ano. A utilização do pré-tratamento com o coagulante permitirá baixar a concentração da CQO e reduzir a cor à entrada do reactor tratamento biológico. Deste modo é possível manter um tratamento eficiente à saída do tratamento biológico nas situações de descarga de cores carregadas e carga orgânica elevada. Com este conjunto de soluções, quer sejam aplicadas na totalidade ou não, a empresa Mundotêxtil pode enfrentar o futuro com mais confiança podendo estar preparada para fazer face à escassez de água e custos cada vez maiores da energia. Por outro lado pode tratar os seus efluentes a custos menores. A substituição das máquinas de tingimento por máquinas com relação de banho mais baixa (banho curto) implica investimentos elevados mas estes investimentos são necessários não só por motivos ambientais mas também devido à grande competitividade dos mercados.
As lectures, but above all, as Erasmus....
O contributo da área de investigação Interacção Humano-Computador (HCI) está patente não só na qualidade da interacção, mas também na diversificação das formas de interacção. A HCI define-se como sendo uma disciplina que se dedica ao desenho, desenvolvimento e implementação de sistemas de computação interactivos para uso humano e estudo dos fenómenos relevantes que os rodeiam. Pretende-se, no âmbito desta tese de mestrado, o desenvolvimento de um Editor Gráfico de Layout Fabril a integrar num SAD para suporte ao Planeamento e Controlo da Produção. O sistema deve ser capaz de gerar um layout fabril do qual constam, entre outros objectos, as representações gráficas e as respectivas características/atributos do conjunto de recursos (máquinas/processadores) existentes no sistema de produção a modelar. O módulo desenvolvido será integrado no projecto de I&D ADSyS (Adaptative Decision Support System for Interactive Scheduling with MetaCognition and User Modeling Experience), melhorando aspectos de interacção referentes ao sistema AutoDynAgents, um dedicado ao escalonamento, planeamento e controlo de produção. Foi realizada a análise de usabilidade a este módulo com a qual se pretendeu realizar a respectiva avaliação, através da realização de um teste de eficiência e do preenchimento de um inquérito, da qual se identificaram um conjunto de melhorias e sugestões a serem consideradas no refinamento deste módulo.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between growth patterns in early childhood and the onset of menarche before age 12. METHODS: The study included 2,083 women from a birth cohort study conducted in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, starting in 1982. Anthropometric, behavioral, and pregnancy-related variables were collected through home interviews. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson's chi-square and chi-square test for linear trends. A multivariable analysis was carried out using Poisson regression based on a hierarchical model. RESULTS: Mean age of menarche was 12.4 years old and the prevalence of menarche before age 12 was 24.3%. Higher weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height z-scores at 19.4 and 43.1 months of age were associated with linear tendencies of increased prevalence and relative risks of the onset of menarche before age 12. Girls who experienced rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score from birth to 19.4 months of age and in weight-for-age or height-for-age z-scores from 19.4 to 43.1 months of age also showed higher risk of menarche before age 12. Higher risk was seen when rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score was seen during these age intervals and the highest risk was found among those in the first tertile of Williams' curve at birth. Rapid growth in weight-for-height z-score was not associated with menarche before age 12. CONCLUSIONS: Menarche is affected by nutritional status and growth patterns during early childhood. Preventing overweight and obesity during early childhood and keeping a "normal" growth pattern seem crucial for the prevention of health conditions during adulthood.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) were used as potentiometric sensors for the selective recognition and determination of chlormequat (CMQ). They were produced after radical polymerization of 4-vinyl pyridine (4-VP) or methacrylic acid (MAA) monomers in the presence of a cross-linker. CMQwas used as template. Similar nonimprinted (NI) polymers (NIP) were produced by removing the template from reaction media. The effect of kind and amount of MIP or NIP sensors on the potentiometric behavior was investigated. Main analytical features were evaluated in steady and flow modes of operation. The sensor MIP/4-VP exhibited the best performance, presenting fast near-Nernstian response for CMQover the concentration range 6.2×10-6 – 1.0×10-2 mol L-1 with detection limits of 4.1×10-6 mol L-1. The sensor was independent from the pH of test solutions in the range 5 – 10. Potentiometric selectivity coefficients of the proposed sensors were evaluated over several inorganic and organic cations. Results pointed out a good selectivity to CMQ. The sensor was applied to the potentiometric determination of CMQin commercial phytopharmaceuticals and spiked water samples. Recoveries ranged 96 to 108.5%.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze reliability of a self-applied questionnaire on substance use and misuse among adolescent students. METHODS: Two cross-sectional studies were carried out for the instrument test-retest. The sample comprised male and female students aged 1119 years from public and private schools (elementary, middle, and high school students) in the city of Salvador, Northeastern Brazil, in 2006. A total of 591 questionnaires were applied in the test and 467 in the retest. Descriptive statistics, the Kappa index, Cronbach's alpha and intraclass correlation were estimated. RESULTS: The prevalence of substance use/misuse was similar in both test and retest. Sociodemographic variables showed a "moderate" to "almost perfect" agreement for the Kappa index, and a "satisfactory" (>0.75) consistency for Cronbach's alpha and intraclass correlation. The age which psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis) were first used and chronological age were similar in both studies. Test-retest reliability was found to be a good indicator of students' age of initiation and their patterns of substance use. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaire reliability was found to be satisfactory in the population studied.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of edentulism and estimate the prevalence of functional dentition and shortened dental arch among elderly population. METHODS: A population-based epidemiological study was carried out with a sample of 5,349 respondents aged 65 to 74 years obtained from the 2002 and 2003 Brazilian Ministry of Health/Division of Oral Health survey database. The following variables were studied: gender; macroregion of residence; missing teeth; percentage that met the World Health Organization goal for oral health in the age group 65 to 74 years (50% having at least 20 natural teeth); presence of shortened dental arch; number of posterior occluding pairs of teeth. The Chi-square test assessed the association between categorical variables. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to assess differences of mean between number of posterior occluding pairs teeth, macro-region and gender. RESULTS: The elderly population had an average of 5.49 teeth (SD: 7.93) with a median of 0. The proportion of completely edentulous respondents was 54.7%. Complete edentulism was 18.2% in the upper arch and 1.9% in the lower arch. The World Health Organization goal was achieved in 10% of all respondents studied. However, only 2.7% had acceptable masticatory function and aesthetics (having at least shortened dental arch) and a mean number of posterior occluding pairs of 6.94 (SD=2.97). There were significant differences of the percentage of respondents that met the World Health Organization goal and presence of shortened dental arch between men and women. There were differences in shortened dental arch between macroregions. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian epidemiological oral health survey showed high rate of edentulism and low rate of shortened dental arch in the elderly population studied, thus suggesting significant functional and aesthetic impairment in all Brazilian macroregions especially among women.
Using a longitudinal database (1996-2003) at the plant level, this article aims to shed light on the proposition that most productive domestic firms self-select to export markets. Self-selection and learning by exporting are two non-mutually-exclusive theses that attempt to explain the high correlation between firms’ international trade involvement and their superior performance relative to domestic firms. In general, we find evidence of a self-selection to exports. However, there is significant heterogeneity of sales destinations, firm import status before exporting,and the specificities of the sectors firms belong to.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis in inmates. METHODS: Observational study was carried out with inmates of a prison and a jail in the State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between March and December of 2008. Questionnaires were used to collect sociodemographic and epidemiological data. Tuberculin skin testing was administered (PPD-RT23-2TU/0.1 mL), and the following laboratory tests were also performed: sputum smear examination, sputum culture, identification of strains isolated and drug susceptibility testing. The variables were compared using Pearson's chi-square (Χ2) association test, Fisher's exact test and the proportion test. RESULTS: Of the 2,435 inmates interviewed, 2,237 (91.9%) agreed to submit to tuberculin skin testing and of these, 73.0% had positive reactions. The prevalence of tuberculosis was 830.6 per 100,000 inmates. The coefficients of prevalence were 1,029.5/100,000 for inmates of the prison and 525.7/100,000 for inmates of the jail. The sociodemographic characteristics of the inmates in the two groups studied were similar; most of the inmates were young and single with little schooling. The epidemiological characteristics differed between the prison units, with the number of cases of previous tuberculosis and of previous contact with the disease greater in the prison and coughing, expectoration and smoking more common in the jail. Among the 20 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identified, 95.0% were sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drugs, and 5.0% were resistant to streptomycin. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis were higher in the incarcerated population than in the general population, and they were also higher in the prison than in the jail.