919 resultados para Purchase intent


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To use focus groups to understand barriers to glasses use among children in rural China.


Separate focus groups were conducted between December 17, 2007, and August 5, 2008, for the following 3 groups at each of 3 schools in rural China: children aged 14 to 18 years with myopia of less than -0.5 diopters in both eyes, those children's parents, and those children's teachers. Participants were also asked to rank their responses to questions about glasses use. The focus group transcripts were coded independently by 2 investigators using qualitative data management software.


Respondents of all 3 types indicated that glasses purchase and wear should be delayed in children with early myopia and might be harmful to the eyes. Parents and students reported being uncertain about children's actual myopia status and whether glasses should be worn. Parents ranked their most common reason for not buying glasses as being "too busy with work," whereas "too expensive" ranked low. Inconvenience was ranked as an important reason for not wearing glasses among all 3 student groups. "Accuracy of lens power" was the first-ranked requirement for glasses among all student groups, whereas "new and attractive styles" was ranked last by all. All 3 types of respondents believed that wearing glasses or failing to wear them might worsen myopia.


Educational programs are needed to address significant knowledge gaps in families and schools about glasses use in rural China. Cost and the need for attractive styles may not be significant barriers to use in this setting, raising the possibility of paying for such programs through cost recovery.


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OBJECTIVE: To test an educational intervention promoting the purchase of spectacles among Chinese children. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: Children in years 1 and 2 of all 20 junior and senior high schools (ages 12-17 years) in 3 rural townships in Guangdong, China. METHODS: Children underwent visual acuity (VA) testing, and parents of participants with presenting VA worse than 6/12 in either eye improving by more than 2 lines with cycloplegic refraction were recommended to purchase glasses. Children at 10 randomly selected schools received a lecture, video, and classroom demonstration promoting spectacle purchase. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-reported purchase of spectacles (primary outcome) and observed wear or possession of newly purchased glasses (secondary outcome) at follow-up examinations (mean, 219 ± 87 days after the baseline visit). RESULTS: Among 15 404 eligible children, examinations were completed for 6379 (74.6%) at intervention schools and 5044 (73.6%) at control schools. Spectacles were recommended for 2236 (35.1%) children at intervention schools and for 2212 (43.9%) at control schools. Of these, 417 (25.7%) intervention schools children and 537 (34.0%, P = 0.45) control schools children reported buying glasses. Predictors of purchase in regression models included female gender (P = 0.02), worse uncorrected VA (P < 0.001), and higher absolute value of refractive error (P = 0.001). Neither the rate of self-reported purchase of glasses or observed wear or possession of newly purchased glasses differed between control schools and intervention schools in mixed-effect logistic regression models. Among children not purchasing glasses, 21.7% had better-eye VA of worse than 6/18. CONCLUSIONS: An intervention based on extensive pilot testing and focus groups in the area failed to promote spectacle purchase or wear. The high burden of remaining uncorrected poor vision underscores the need to develop better interventions. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.


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The intent of the Handbook of International Special Education is to provide a concise overview of special education services in countries across the world using the Article on Education in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as the analytical frame. The Handbook will provide concise, data-driven contributions from across the globe using two primary frames: the relationship between special and general education in the country and the country’s system as aligned with the Article on Education in the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities.


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This paper presents an approach to develop an intelligent digital mock-up (DMU) through integration of design and manufacturing disciplines to enable a better understanding of assembly related issues during design evolution. The intelligent DMU will contain tolerance information related to manufacturing capabilities so it can be used as a source for assembly simulations of realistic models to support the manufacturing decision making process within the design domain related to tolerance build ups. A literature review of the contributing research areas is presented, from which identification of the need for an intelligent DMU has been developed. The proposed methodology including the applications of cellular modelling and potential features of the intelligent DMU are presented and explained. Finally a conclusion examines the work to date and the future work to achieve an intelligent DMU.


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A investigação realizada encontra-se inserida na área das Ciências de Educação, teve como objetivo principal compreender a atitude diagnóstica no quadro das situações educativas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas educadoras de alguns jardins-de-infância, do distrito de Évora e como finalidade construir uma teoria de médio alcance elaborada numa estrutura explicativa do conjunto de fenómenos em contexto. Em educação de infância, o ato de cuidar estabelece-se numa relação de ajuda à criança e orienta-se para objetivos como promover o bem-estar, o conforto e o desenvolvimento em todas as dimensões. Isto implica conhecer e compreender cada criança ou grupo de crianças e as situações educativas e pedagógicas, em contexto. Compreende um exercício prático e para o qual se projeta uma prática de diagnóstico conciliadora da compreensão dos fenómenos sociais, estruturados em comportamentos, ações e atitudes específicas. Verificam-se lacunas quanto à forma como este exercício se cumpre e evolui nas diferentes fases. Repetem-se fragilidades quanto à mobilização de saberes, atitudes e competências a cada momento do agir. Constatam-se conceitos psicologizados e estruturas muito ténues e, por isso, necessitam ser estudadas, documentadas e teorizadas, particularmente numa dimensão praxiológica do conhecimento. O estudo inseriu-se no quadro das metodologias qualitativas, seguiu o paradigma interpretativo e o raciocínio indutivo. O referencial metodológico reuniu os princípios e procedimentos da Grounded Theory. A colheita de dados efetuou-se em jardins-de-infância da rede pública; a amostra teórica envolveu seis educadoras de infância e as crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os seis anos. Adotámos o uso de multitécnicas, entre as quais, a observação, a entrevista e a narrativa escrita. Fizemos vinte observações, repartidas pelos dois períodos do dia (manhã e tarde); vinte e seis entrevistas e seis narrativas escritas. Da análise dos dados emergiu a Atitude Diagnóstica como uma predisposição que caracteriza o ato de agir e as suas características foram-se tornando evidentes com o desenvolvimento da caracterização do processo de diagnóstico. Desta emergiu o modelo teórico definido em três eixos fundamentais. O “Processo de avaliação diagnóstica e planeamento” representativo das etapas, segundo as quais o educador desenvolve um conjunto de ações propiciadoras de um conhecimento previamente organizado, visando o bem-estar, o conforto, a segurança e o desenvolvimento. Em concomitância emerge o segundo, “Processo de intervenção educativa e pedagógica”, expressivo do conjunto de ações coerentes e evolutivas, empreendidas com vista à execução dos objetivos do ensino aprendizagem. Trata-se de dois processos sistematizados e perspetivados sob as dimensões diacrónica e sincrónica, compostos por uma sequência de pensamentos, permanentemente averbados pela “Atitude Diagnóstica” que dá um caráter coerente e evolutivo às tomadas de decisão nas ações educativas. Estes dois eixos integrados e entrelaçados são auxiliados por um terceiro, o “Processo de relação” que os harmoniza e dá especificidade a cada situação experienciada. A relação consolida-se e assume-se uma ajuda na confiabilidade necessária para a promoção da confiança entre os pares e o conhecimento vai evoluindo gradualmente em função do tempo e dos compromissos. O educador age com intencionalidade e para cada ator traça objetivos a cada momento do agir. A gestão do tempo, dos sentimentos e emoções funciona como variável importante na relação orientada sob a tríade: educador, criança e família e é concomitante com o Desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do educador; ### ABSTRACT: The Diagnostic Attitude as an Analysis Instrument in Educational Action The conducted investigation is inserted in the area of Education Sciences. Its main aim was to understand the diagnostic attitude in the frame of the educative and pedagogical activities developed by the educators of some kindergartens in the district of Évora, and its purpose was to build a medium range theory elaborated in a structure explaining the whole of the phenomena in context. In child education, the act of caring is established in a relationship of help towards the child and is oriented towards goals as specific as promoting the well-being, the comfort and the development in all dimensions. This implies knowing and understanding each child or group of children and the educational and pedagogical situations in context. It includes a practical exercise that determines a complex scenario and for which we project a conciliating diagnostic practice towards the understanding of the social phenomena, structured in specific behaviors, actions and attitudes. We recognize some gaps regarding the way how this exercise is fulfilled and evolves in the different phases. Weaknesses regarding the mobilization of knowledge, attitudes and competences in each acting moment are repeated. We notice psichologized concepts and very superficial structures that need thus to be studied, documented and theorized, particularly in a praxeological dimension of knowledge. The study is inserted in the frame of qualitative methodologies, following an interpretative paradigm and an inductive reasoning. The methodological referential has gathered the principles and procedures of the Grounded Theory. The gathering of data was done in public kindergartens; the theoretical sample involved six child educators and children aged between three and six years. Several techniques were used, such as observation, interview and written narrative. We did twenty observations, divided between the two periods of the day (morning and afternoon); twenty-six interviews and six written narratives. The analysis of the data resulted in the Diagnostic attitude, like a predisposition that characterizes the act of acting and its characteristics became evident with the development of the characterization of the diagnostic process. From this rose the theoretical model defined in three fundamental axes. The Process of diagnostic evaluation and planning that represents the stages according to which the educator develops a group of actions that allow the transmission of a previously organized knowledge that aims well-being, comfort, safety and development. Concomitantly arises the second, Process of educative and pedagogic intervention, that expresses a group of coherent and evolving actions, undertaken to reach the goals of the teaching-learning process. These are two systematized processes, perspectivated under the diachronical and synchronical dimensions, composed by a sequence of thought, permanently confirmed by the Diagnostic attitude that gives a coherent and evolving character to the decision making in educative actions. These two integrated and intertwined axis are aided by a third one, Process of relation that harmonizes them and gives specificity to each experienced situation. The relation is consolidated and one assumes a kind of help in the trustworthiness necessary for the promotion of the trust between pairs and the knowledge keeps evolving gradually according to time and commitments. The educator acts with intent and sets goals for each actor at each acting moment. Time, feeling and emotion management works as an important variable in the relation oriented according to the triad educator, child and family, being also concomitant with the Personal and professional development of the educator.


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A família representa uma forte instituição social, responsável em larga medida, pela estruturação de valores e comportamentos dos membros que a compõem. Neste sentido, o estudo da vinculação parental em adolescentes, contribui fortemente para a compreensão da origem e dos efeitos no desenvolvimento, dos padrões de relacionamento que se estabelecem ao longo da trajectória desenvolvimental do indivíduo, que em paralelo com a escola, se torna determinante numa etapa tão importante da vida como é a adolescência. A presente investigação teve como finalidade estudar as relações que na escola se podem estabelecer entre professores, pais e alunos (adolescentes), analisando a influência da interacção do vínculo parental no desenvolvimento pessoal e escolar destes últimos. Pretende-se também deste modo, verificar como se correlacionam as variáveis estatuto sócio-económico familiar, faixa etária dos alunos e resultados escolares, com a variável vinculação parental no percurso educativo do adolescente (período neste estudo, compreendido entre os Segundo e Terceiro Ciclos). A investigação efectuada procurou acentuar a pertinência e a necessidade de uma postura interpretativa dos comportamentos e fenómenos sociais, tendo como um dos seus princípios, reforçar a intencionalidade em identificar a forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social no qual acabam por participar e construir interactivamente. Com este propósito, foram recolhidas opiniões em cinco escolas dos Segundo e Terceiro Ciclos do Ensino Básico do Distrito de Aveiro, através de dois questionários dirigidos a adolescentes, a Escala de Avaliação da Vinculação em Adolescentes, adaptada por Ribeiro, J. e Sousa, M. (2002) e a Escala do Inventário de Percepções Adolescentes adaptada, por Fleming, M. (1993), tendo ainda sido recolhidos dados nos processos individuais dos alunos. Os resultados descritos na última parte, de uma maneira geral, salientam que o vínculo parental influencia significativamente o processo e os resultados escolares dos adolescentes, assinalando no entanto, algumas discrepâncias quanto à frequência, à forma e à importância que os mesmos atribuem à vinculação parental, tendo em conta o estatuto sócio-económico e a idade em questão. Os pais revelaram ainda, diferentes formas de percepcionar a escola e de entender o seu código, realçando-se assim, a importância e a necessidade do diálogo entre a escola e a família, de forma a inferir mudança de atitudes e práticas, impondo-se nesta perspectiva a necessidade de regularização da comunicação entre estas duas entidades.


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This thesis analyses the concept of Political Will, suggests its operationalization and establishes a typological theory that provides the necessary support for the diverse strategies of action of a leader. It claims that political leadership styles articulate a choice of action that results from the Political Will of a leader, which is determined by his intention and his discerned possibilities to act. One main research question guided our research: How does a political leader select and change his leadership style? The most illustrative literature on political leadership is reviewed and the characteristics of democratic governance are analyzed. This is followed by an overview of the most noteworthy theories on the theme and a claim for the need of concept coherence, given the multiplicity of the existent standpoints. After that, we concentrate on leadership styles, with a focus on the local governance context. Human action and intentionality are addressed with particular attention, as well as the motivational drivers for action, in order to advance a conceptualization of Political Will through two dimensions: intention and possibility. This analysis led to a number of relevant propositions: (1) Political Will ‘exists’ when the agent has the intent and the possibility to act; (2) these two dimensions ‘translate’ simultaneously what the agent believes he must do and can do; (3) Intention and possibility reflect diverse but limited worldviews; (4) political leadership styles result from the agent’s Political Will; (5) different combinations of the expected and actual worldviews result in different leadership styles; and (6) political leadership styles can change accordingly to several strategies which allow conformity or reflect reaction to worldviews. We suggested the operationalization of the two dimensions of Political Will through the analytical tool of Grid-group Theory, which provided the identification of the heuristic devices that allowed further comprehension on the subjectivity of the agent’s choice. Four standard property spaces – representing four types of leadership styles – result from a preliminary approach to this process. Afterwards, and because these dimensions operate simultaneously, we advance on the analysis and suggest some plausible heuristical conflicts to happen and describe which consequences, strategies and type migrations are conceivable. An inclusive and more complete set of resulting property spaces renders fourteen different types of leadership styles and sixty different predictable causal paths that result from the expected migration strategies. Case-studies were conducted as plausibility probes designed to provide improvements to our theoretical claims and addressed the cases we selected for research purposes: Portuguese Mayors. The findings from five case studies are discussed and the probable impact and congruence of each with the theoretical claims are assessed. The communalities of the causal mechanisms related to the function of intention and possibility as the dimensions of Political Will and their role in explaining different leadership styles are, finally, addressed. To conclude, we advance some repercussions, mainly in the public policies field of research, and suggest a number of different and necessary paths for further work.


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O presente trabalho foca-se na ligação das actividades inward e outward das pequenas e médias empresas do sector industrial do distrito de Aveiro. O trabalho explora as ligações inward-outward e os seus benefícios. Analisa mais em profundidade a perspectiva do importador e a sua relação com o fornecedor, visto ser uma área pouco analisada na literatura. As actividades inward como a compra de máquinas, a procura de matérias-primas criam oportunidades para construir relações mais próximas com os fornecedores estrangeiros. Para analisar esta situação, foi realizado um questionário às empresas do distrito de Aveiro.


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Com o objetivo de sublinhar a habilidade e o direito à criação do indivíduo com necessidades especiais este projeto deriva da beleza do território da arte e dos paradigmas de interação e imersão, hoje potencializados pelo feedback multimodal e multissensorial dos ambientes multimédia responsivos. Enfatizando o atual contexto da escola inclusiva, este estudo teve lugar num estabelecimento de ensino, em Portugal, envolvendo um grupo de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais — NEE — de Currículo Específico Individual — CEI. Num contexto real, intentámos avaliar que tipo de impacto poderão ter os ambientes artísticos interativos nestes alunos, enquanto meio de autoexpressão e de inclusão. O estudo realizado assumiu um carácter exploratório. Special INPUT foi o conceito proposto por diferentes ambientes e abordagens de interação, implementados em sessões individuais com os participantes, que permitiu observar e promover, sob um contexto artístico, as habilidades intelectual, emocional, de personalidade, interpessoal, intrapessoal, psicomotora e, artística. Conceptualizámos, prototipámos e implementámos oito ambientes interativos, artísticos e lúdicos, que enfatizaram de formas diversas a experiência imersiva mediada pela técnica. Daí emergiram três grupos de ambientes – Special SOUND, Special MOVEMENT e Special ME – que intentaram promover nestes alunos a descoberta de si mesmos através do input de som, movimento e/ou vídeo processados em tempo real. O feedback visual e/ou sonoro visou o “engajamento lúdico” e a “ressonância estética” enquanto meios de descoberta e desenvolvimento da habilidade e valor pessoais. Numa perspetiva de diferenciação e individualização curricular, reconhecemos as vantagens dos ambientes artísticos interativos na inclusão de alunos com NEE, tendo-se observado um impacto positivo derivado da autoria e do controlo propiciados aos participantes nestes contextos. Hoje, a possibilidade de recorrer ao multimédia e a toda uma panóplia de interfaces não invasivas, explorando a poética de som e imagem interativos, em contexto artístico, inspira abordagens originais, centradas na pessoa, atentando às potencialidades e plasticidades das vigentes ferramentas de autor para a programação de interação, promovendo a dignificação da diferença, a autoexpressão e sensibilidade individuais, e os processos de autoobservação, autodescoberta e autoconsciência da capacidade expressiva que promovem a ideia positiva do “self” e o desenvolvimento de diferentes aptidões pessoais.


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O estudo do comportamento do consumidor turista é a chave para descodificar todas as atividades de marketing, usadas para desenvolver, comunicar e vender um produto turístico. A maximização destas atividades depende da compreensão da forma como os consumidores tomam as decisões para comprar ou utilizar os produtos turísticos (Swarbrooke e Horner, 1999). Deste modo, torna-se fundamental conhecer e compreender este tipo de turista, identificando as suas necessidades e, desta forma, criar novos pacotes de produtos, escolher os melhores canais de comunicação, estabelecer contactos com os operadores certos, de modo a adequar a oferta à procura. Assim, de forma a dar resposta às questões anteriormente definidas, foi elaborado o presente estudo, o qual tinha como objetivo principal identificar o perfil dos enoturistas, bem como as dimensões das motivações (push e pull) que estão relacionadas com a satisfação e, por conseguinte, com a sua lealdade. Deste modo foi realizada uma extensa revisão da literatura de referência nas áreas da motivação, satisfação, lealdade e dos modelos de decisão de compra, tendo especial atenção à tipologia do turista em causa. Resultante da revisão da literatura, e nela apoiada, foi construído um modelo de investigação que estabelece que as motivações (push e pull) influenciam positivamente a satisfação e, consequentemente, a lealdade ao destino e aos produtos do destino. Com o intuito de validar o modelo de investigação, foi realizado um estudo empírico que incluiu a recolha de dados primários, a partir de um questionário administrado com o apoio de algumas unidades de Turismo do Douro. Assim, a partir de uma amostra de 519 turistas, o estudo chama a atenção para a importância das motivações internas e externas na lealdade ao destino e aos produtos do destino. Deste modo, este estudo indica que os responsáveis das diferentes organizações do destino devem dar especial atenção aos fatores motivacionais internos, Reencontro com a Natureza (REN), Novidade e Conhecimento (NC), Relaxamento (REL) e Socialização (SOC) dado que estes fatores influenciam positivamente as motivações pull, as quais foram medidas através da Oferta de Atividades Enoturísticas (OAE), da Diversidade e Qualidade Gastronómica (DQG) e da Reputação da Região (RR), o que segundo o modelo testado faz aumentar a lealdade aos produtos da região. Por outro lado, os resultados fornecem evidências de que as Motivações Externas deste tipo de turista estão intimamente associadas com a vantagem competitiva da região. Por último, apresentam-se algumas das limitações inerentes ao estudo e sugerem-se pistas para a investigação futura que prossigam e complementem o presente trabalho.


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This paper takes as its context widespread feelings of anxiety within neoliberal society caused by a combination of material and discursive factors including precarious access to work and resources. It is argued that the state uses ‘discourses of affect’ to produce compliant subjects able to deal with (and unable to desire beyond) neoliberal precarity and anxiety. Critical education theorists have argued that discourses of ‘well-being’, emotional support and self-help have gained increasing purchase in mainstream education and in popular culture. These discourses are dangerous because they are individualized and depoliticized, and undermine collective political struggle. At the same time there has been a ‘turn to affect’ in critical academia, producing critical pedagogies that resist state affective discourse. I argue that these practices are essential for problematizing neoliberal discourse, yet existing literature tends to elide the role of the body in effective resistance, emphasising intellectual aspects of critique. The paper sketches an alternative, drawing on psychoanalytic and practiced pedagogies that aim to transgress the mind-body dualism and hierarchy, in particular Roberto Freire’s work on Somatherapy.


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The application of a supercritical Rankine cycle in combined cycles does not happen in today’s thermoelectric power stations. Nevertheless, the most recent development in gas turbines, that allows a high efficiency and high exhaust gases temperatures, and the improvement of high pressure and temperature alloys, makes this cycle possible. This study’s intent is to prove the viability of this combined cycle, since it can break the 60% efficiency barrier, which is the plafond in actual power stations. To attain this target, several configurations for this cycle have been simulated, optimized and analyzed [1]. The simulations were done with the computational program IPSEpro [2] and the optimizations were effectuated with software developed for the effect, using the DFP method [3]. In parallel with the optimization that claims the cycle’s efficiency maximization, an exergetic analysis was also made [4] to all the cycle components. In opposite to what happens in subcritical combined cycles, it was demonstrated that in supercritical combined cycles the higher efficiency takes place with a single steam pressure in the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Nowadays, to be competitive in society means to have a technological framework that fi ts customer responses. In tourism, the need for ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) is even more important, since to sell the tourist product it is crucial to disclose the information that characterizes it, plus, it is necessary to organize, manage and deal with it in accordance with the tourists’ expectations. After the tourist product has been consumed, it is important to share the experience with other travellers. The process of purchase and consumption of a tourist product is possible only if tourists and professionals have access to the information required, and for this it is necessary to use systems that can: manage results, flights and customer loyalty, distribute information and travel planning, among other things. All these systems have tourist information management in common, which leads to the conclusion that they are indispensable to tourism. This paper presents several information systems that coexist in the tourism sector, as well as those used in tourist distribution channels. Finally we show the trends that these systems are causing in tourism.


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The human occupation of the Tavira ridge is characterised by a network of small agglomerations of buildings (known as ‘montes’) belonging to the proprietors of lands around them. This way of organising places is, by and large, extensive to an important area of the schist mountains that stretch from Alentejo to Algarve, from the Guadiana river to the Atlantic Ocean. However, within the scope of that larger entity, the Tavira ridge appears as a sub-unit with traits of its own, which may be attributed not only to biophysical conditions, but also to the historical circumstances associated to the settlement of the territory. This particular ridge, which was confined to the perimeter of the Tavira municipality during the days of the Old Regime, has been more densely populated, due to its lack of interior hierarchisation, unlike what happens in neighbouring sub-units, both in terms of agglomeration sizes and of the property system itself. The traditional architecture of these areas was usually reduced to the bare essentials, reflecting the adverse conditions that generally surrounded the local economies. As can easily be gleaned from the plans shown here, the groupings of edifices that define the ridge’s settlement are largely characterised by the aggregation of buildings belonging to various owners, often intent on achieving a prominent position in the landscape.