981 resultados para Psychology, Applied.


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This study aimed to examine the structure of the statistics anxiety rating scale. Responses from 650 undergraduate psychology students throughout the UK were collected through an on-line study. Based on previous research three different models were specified and estimated using confirmatory factor analysis. Fit indices were used to determine if the model fitted the data and a likelihood ratio difference test was used to determine the best fitting model. The original six factor model was the best explanation of the data. All six subscales were intercorrelated and internally consistent. It was concluded that the statistics anxiety rating scale was found to measure the six subscales it was designed to assess in a UK population.


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Este artículo resulta de investigaciones en torno al “enverdecimiento” de las ciudades y las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana para la alimentación de una población en constante aumento que no trabaja la tierra. También es fruto de actividades de mejora de ambientes urbanos realizadas con la Escuela de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A través de casos de agricultura urbana, entendiendo por ella el conjunto de prácticas para la producción de alimentos y plantas ornamentales dentro de las ciudades y en sus entornos, se analizan alternativas para la recuperación de espacios construidos e incremento de la calidad de vida de la población. Todo ello se traduce, además, en creación de riqueza y mejora del paisaje urbano, siempre desde criterios de sostenibilidad que favorecen el desarrollo local desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río de 1992 y la Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Río+20 de 2013.


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The use of image processing techniques to assess the performance of airport landing lighting using images of it collected from an aircraft-mounted camera is documented. In order to assess the performance of the lighting, it is necessary to uniquely identify each luminaire within an image and then track the luminaires through the entire sequence and store the relevant information for each luminaire, that is, the total number of pixels that each luminaire covers and the total grey level of these pixels. This pixel grey level can then be used for performance assessment. The authors propose a robust model-based (MB) featurematching technique by which the performance is assessed. The development of this matching technique is the key to the automated performance assessment of airport lighting. The MB matching technique utilises projective geometry in addition to accurate template of the 3D model of a landing-lighting system. The template is projected onto the image data and an optimum match found, using nonlinear least-squares optimisation. The MB matching software is compared with standard feature extraction and tracking techniques known within the community, these being the Kanade–Lucus–Tomasi (KLT) and scaleinvariant feature transform (SIFT) techniques. The new MB matching technique compares favourably with the SIFT and KLT feature-tracking alternatives. As such, it provides a solid foundation to achieve the central aim of this research which is to automatically assess the performance of airport lighting.


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This article presents a novel classification of wavelet neural networks based on the orthogonality/non-orthogonality of neurons and the type of nonlinearity employed. On the basis of this classification different network types are studied and their characteristics illustrated by means of simple one-dimensional nonlinear examples. For multidimensional problems, which are affected by the curse of dimensionality, the idea of spherical wavelet functions is considered. The behaviour of these networks is also studied for modelling of a low-dimension map.


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Objective: To review the psychometric performance of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) in samples ofchildren with cerebral palsy (CP).

Method: Four search terms were applied to five databases in a search forpapers published between 1993 and January 2007.

Results: A total of 13 papers were identified, providingdata on 1229 unique children aged 2–18 years old. Three studies reported on the reliability of the CHQ(internal consistency), whilst six studies provided evidence on various dimensions of validity (concurrent;discriminant and item discriminant validity).

Conclusions: This review identified a number ofpsychometric issues that need to be addressed. These include the assessment of additional types of reliability;an examination of the factor structure of the CHQ within the CP population; and the development ofnormative data using substantial representative samples, particularly in Europe. Until these issues areaddressed, researchers utilizing the CHQ in children with CP should be cautious about its interpretation.


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Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a collection of motor impairments which result in abnormal posture and movement following an insult or damage to the developing brain. Psychological adjustment in children with CP is under researched with little population-based or longitudinal data, but there is sufficient evidence to suggest that children with CP are at increased risk for psychological problems. The types of difficulties they experience include emotional, hyperactivity and peer problems with conduct disorder being more prevalent in mildly affected children. The origins of psychological problems in this group are complex but include ‘disease’ and ‘psychosocial’ factors related to having a brain-based disability in the family, as well as other factors that influence adjustment in all children. There are no intervention studies in children with CP aimed at preventing psychological problems or promoting mental wellbeing. However, evidence from other work suggests it is possible to work with the child and family to develop skills, manage symptoms, and build confidence and resilience. Acting as early as possible has been found to be beneficial for bonding, child development and reducing parental anxiety.


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Several studies have sought to link punitive public attitudes to attribution style and/or lay theories of crime. This research finds that those who believe criminal acts are the result of freely chosen and willful behavior are more likely to be punitive than those who feel crime is the result of external circumstances and constraints. These analyses focus on only one dimension of attributions: locus of control (internal/external). In this analysis, we include a second dimension, thought to be a better predictor of attitudes in social psychological research: stability/instability. In addition to measuring lay theories of crime causation, we also test for “belief in redeemability” (or beliefs about the ability of deviants to change their ways). Our hypothesis is that this other dimension of personal attributions (stability/instability) may be as critical in explaining support for highly punitive criminal justice policies as beliefs about criminal responsibility. We find evidence supportive of this model in an analysis of data from postal survey of residents of six areas in England.


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This paper introduces the application of linear multivariate statistical techniques, including partial least squares (PLS), canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and reduced rank regression (RRR), into the area of Systems Biology. This new approach aims to extract the important proteins embedded in complex signal transduction pathway models.The analysis is performed on a model of intracellular signalling along the janus-associated kinases/signal transducers and transcription factors (JAK/STAT) and mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) signal transduction pathways in interleukin-6 (IL6) stimulated hepatocytes, which produce signal transducer and activator of transcription factor 3 (STAT3).A region of redundancy within the MAPK pathway that does not affect the STAT3 transcription was identified using CCA. This is the core finding of this analysis and cannot be obtained by inspecting the model by eye. In addition, RRR was found to isolate terms that do not significantly contribute to changes in protein concentrations, while the application of PLS does not provide such a detailed picture by virtue of its construction.This analysis has a similar objective to conventional model reduction techniques with the advantage of maintaining the meaning of the states prior to and after the reduction process. A significant model reduction is performed, with a marginal loss in accuracy, offering a more concise model while maintaining the main influencing factors on the STAT3 transcription.The findings offer a deeper understanding of the reaction terms involved, confirm the relevance of several proteins to the production of Acute Phase Proteins and complement existing findings regarding cross-talk between the two signalling pathways.


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Previous research has demonstrated that students’ cognitions about statistics are related to their performance in statistics assessments. The purpose of this research is to examine the nature of the relationships between undergraduate psychology students’ previous experiences of maths, statistics and computing; their attitudes toward statistics; and assessment on a statistics course. Of the variables examined, the strongest predictor of assessment outcome was students’ attitude about their intellectual knowledge and skills in relation to statistics at the end of the statistics curriculum. This attitude was related to students’ perceptions of their maths ability at the beginning of the statistics curriculum. Interventions could be designed to change such attitudes with the aim of improving students’ learning of statistics.