922 resultados para Propagação por estaquia


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O ambiente hospitalar é veículo de grande parte das infeções. Muitas destas infeções são originadas pelos microrganismos multirresistentes requerendo soluções de controlo difíceis e dispendiosas. Em Portugal, dos pacientes admitidos em hospitais, 5 a 10% adquirem infeções agudas que correspondem a cerca de 3 milhões de pacientes/ano. A existência de têxteis com eficiência antimicrobiana no contacto entre o doente e os profissionais de saúde poderia constituir uma barreira à propagação de tais microrganismos, com um relevante impacto na redução da infeção nosocomial. Alguns destes têxteis são descontaminados durante o seu ciclo de higienização (lençóis), outros são eliminados (batas e máscaras), acarretando custos substanciais e elevado impacto ambiental. Neste projeto pretende-se conjugar as necessidades atuais de têxteis hospitalares com alta eficiência antimicrobiana, sendo reutilizáveis e versáteis. Esta conjugação surge da necessidade de obter equipamento de proteção cirúrgica: a bata, a touca e a máscara. Todo este processo de estudo e criação, passa pela inserção da metodologia de design, desde a pesquisa das necessidades até à prototipagem, como também a validação do resultado obtido.


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Reverberation is caused by the reflection of the sound in adjacent surfaces close to the sound source during its propagation to the listener. The impulsive response of an environment represents its reverberation characteristics. Being dependent on the environment, reverberation takes to the listener characteristics of the space where the sound is originated and its absence does not commonly sounds like “natural”. When recording sounds, it is not always possible to have the desirable characteristics of reverberation of an environment, therefore methods for artificial reverberation have been developed, always seeking a more efficient implementations and more faithful to the real environments. This work presents an implementation in FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays ) of a classic digital reverberation audio structure, based on a proposal of Manfred Schroeder, using sets of all-pass and comb filters. The developed system exploits the use of reconfigurable hardware as a platform development and implementation of digital audio effects, focusing on the modularity and reuse characteristics


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Micro cracking during service is a critical problem in polymer structures and polymer composite materials. Self-healing materials are able to repair micro cracks, thus their preventing propagation and catastrophic failure of structural components. One of the self-healing approaches presented in the literature involves the use of solvents which react with the polymer. The objective of this research is to investigate a procedure to encapsulate solvents in halloysite nanotubes to promote self-healing ability in epoxy. Healing is triggered by crack propagation through embedded nanotubes in the polymer, which then release the liquid sovent into the crack plane. Two solvents were considered in this work: dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and nitrobenzene. The nanotubes were coated using the layer-by-layer technique of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium polyacrylate. Solvent encapsulation was verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), analysis thermogravimetry (TGA), adsorption and desorption of nitrogen and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The introduction of the solvent DMSO into the cavity of the nanotubes was confirmed by the techniques employed. However, was not verified with nitrobenzene only promoted clay aggregation. The results suggest that the CTAB reacted with the halloystite to form a sealing layer on the surface of the nanotubes, thus encapsulating the solvent, while this was not verified using sodium polyacrylate.


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The reverse time migration algorithm (RTM) has been widely used in the seismic industry to generate images of the underground and thus reduce the risk of oil and gas exploration. Its widespread use is due to its high quality in underground imaging. The RTM is also known for its high computational cost. Therefore, parallel computing techniques have been used in their implementations. In general, parallel approaches for RTM use a coarse granularity by distributing the processing of a subset of seismic shots among nodes of distributed systems. Parallel approaches with coarse granularity for RTM have been shown to be very efficient since the processing of each seismic shot can be performed independently. For this reason, RTM algorithm performance can be considerably improved by using a parallel approach with finer granularity for the processing assigned to each node. This work presents an efficient parallel algorithm for 3D reverse time migration with fine granularity using OpenMP. The propagation algorithm of 3D acoustic wave makes up much of the RTM. Different load balancing were analyzed in order to minimize possible losses parallel performance at this stage. The results served as a basis for the implementation of other phases RTM: backpropagation and imaging condition. The proposed algorithm was tested with synthetic data representing some of the possible underground structures. Metrics such as speedup and efficiency were used to analyze its parallel performance. The migrated sections show that the algorithm obtained satisfactory performance in identifying subsurface structures. As for the parallel performance, the analysis clearly demonstrate the scalability of the algorithm achieving a speedup of 22.46 for the propagation of the wave and 16.95 for the RTM, both with 24 threads.


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Ambient seismic noise has traditionally been considered as an unwanted perturbation in seismic data acquisition that "contaminates" the clean recording of earthquakes. Over the last decade, however, it has been demonstrated that consistent information about the subsurface structure can be extracted from cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise. In this context, the rules are reversed: the ambient seismic noise becomes the desired seismic signal, while earthquakes become the unwanted perturbation that needs to be removed. At periods lower than 30 s, the spectrum of ambient seismic noise is dominated by microseism, which originates from distant atmospheric perturbations over the oceans. The microsseism is the most continuous seismic signal and can be classified as primary – when observed in the range 10-20 s – and secondary – when observed in the range 5-10 s. The Green‘s function of the propagating medium between two receivers (seismic stations) can be reconstructed by cross-correlating seismic noise simultaneously recorded at the receivers. The reconstruction of the Green‘s function is generally proportional to the surface-wave portion of the seismic wavefield, as microsseismic energy travels mostly as surface-waves. In this work, 194 Green‘s functions obtained from stacking of one month of daily cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise recorded in the vertical component of several pairs of broadband seismic stations in Northeast Brazil are presented. The daily cross-correlations were stacked using a timefrequency, phase-weighted scheme that enhances weak coherent signals by reducing incoherent noise. The cross-correlations show that, as expected, the emerged signal is dominated by Rayleigh waves, with dispersion velocities being reliably measured for periods ranging between 5 and 20 s. Both permanent stations from a monitoring seismic network and temporary stations from past passive experiments in the region are considered, resulting in a combined network of 33 stations separated by distances between 60 and 1311 km, approximately. The Rayleigh-wave, dispersion velocity measurements are then used to develop tomographic images of group velocity variation for the Borborema Province of Northeast Brazil. The tomographic maps allow to satisfactorily map buried structural features in the region. At short periods (~5 s) the images reflect shallow crustal structure, clearly delineating intra-continental and marginal sedimentary basins, as well as portions of important shear zones traversing the Borborema Province. At longer periods (10 – 20 s) the images are sensitive to deeper structure in the upper crust, and most of the shallower anomalies fade away. Interestingly, some of them do persist. The deep anomalies do not correlate with either the location of Cenozoic volcanism and uplift - which marked the evolution of the Borborema Province in the Cenozoic - or available maps of surface heat-flow, and the origin of the deep anomalies remains enigmatic.


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High dependability, availability and fault-tolerance are open problems in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The possibility of generating software applications by integrating services from heterogeneous domains, in a reliable way, makes worthwhile to face the challenges inherent to this paradigm. In order to ensure quality in service compositions, some research efforts propose the adoption of verification techniques to identify and correct errors. In this context, exception handling is a powerful mechanism to increase SOA quality. Several research works are concerned with mechanisms for exception propagation on web services, implemented in many languages and frameworks. However, to the extent of our knowledge, no works found evaluates these mechanisms in SOA with regard to the .NET framework. The main contribution of this paper is to evaluate and to propose exception propagation mechanisms in SOA to applications developed within the .NET framework. In this direction, this work: (i)extends a previous study, showing the need to propose a solution to the exception propagation in SOA to applications developed in .NET, and (ii) show a solution, based in model obtained from the results found in (i) and that will be applied in real cases through of faults injections and AOP techniques.


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The Ionospheric Disturbances – TIDs – are irregularities on the ionospheric plasma propagating in speeds in the order of tens to a few hundreds of meters per second. This present study detected and characterized the TIDs of LSTIDs (Large Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance) type at low latitudes during intense geomagnetic storms and its propagation over the Brazilian sector. This work also shows as being the first to report systematically propagation of gravity waves over Natal. For this purpose, we used ionospheric records obtained from type of digisonde CADI (Canadiam Advanced Digital Ionosonde) located in Natal and the type DSP (Digisonde Portable Souder) located in Cachoeira Paulista, Fortaleza and São Luis, whereupon we used a dataset of 12 years collected by INPE (National Institute of Space Research). In this study, both calm days, that preceded the storms, and the geomagnetically disturbed days were related during the years 2000 and 1012, which cover a period of maximum and minimum solar activity. And it is presented the variations that happened in the electron density from region F of the ionosphere over the Brazilian sector, especially near the Equator (Natal, Fortaleza and São Luis), caused by ionospheric disturbances in the equatorial region during intense geomagnetic storms, because, as we know of the literature in this area, this phenomenon contributes positively to the emergence of LSTIDs in the auroral region, which may move to the equatorial region where a few cases have been documented and studied systematically. From the observation of signatures if TIDs in ionogram records, a study of the morphology of these events was performed and compared with the main characteristics of the wave of this phenomenon during great magnetic storms, i.e., DST <(-200 nT) and KP > 6. Thus, we obtained the main characteristics of TIDs over our region, i.e., period, vertical wavelength, phase and propagation speed, as well as the delay of these disturbances compared to the beginning of the magnetic storms to the Brazilian Sector.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the propagation of an anticommunism movement in Rio Grande do Norte Estate, Brazil, in a process that started on the first decades of the twentieth century and shows reflections until today. Firstly, we introduce the operation promoted by the catholic oriented newspaper A Ordem. Through the analysis of publications from 1935 to 1945, we observe its role in an image campaign of the “Communist Conspiracy” event, in an attempt to legitimate the power of Right wing groups, specially the Catholic Church and the Military Police. The newspapers discourse is analyzed in serial, quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Secondly, we search to understand the space dynamic of the anticommunism discourse thought the creation of evocation and representation spaces that ended up becoming memory places. Our considerations are based on the concept of representation by Roger Chartier, observing the way communism is represented by A Ordem, as well as the spatial category used to reactivate the anticommunist memory and represent it. We analyze the interests that are served by the construction of the monuments, the Oral History, as well as the relation between the local communities with them. Thirdly, we establish a parallel with many authors, in an approach that gathers Cultural and Social elements and Political History, in order to find explanations for the articulation of these discourses.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os impactos da oscilação de Madden-Julian (OMJ) na precipitação da região Nordeste do Brasil (NEB). Para tanto foram utilizados dados diários de precipitação baseados em 492 pluviômetros distribuídos na região e cobrindo um período de 30 anos (1981 − 2010). As análises através de composições de anomalias de precipitação, radiação de onda longa e fluxo de umidade, foram obtidas com base no índice da OMJ desenvolvido por Jones-Carvalho. Para distinguir o sinal da OMJ de outros padrões de variabilidade climática, todos os dados diários foram filtrados na escala de 20 − 90 dias; portanto somente dias classificados como eventos da OMJ foram considerados nas composições. Uma análise preliminar baseada apenas nos dados de precipitação foi feita para uma pequena área localizada no interior semiárido do NEB, conhecida como Seridó. Essa microrregião é uma das áreas mais secas do NEB e foi reconhecida pela Convenção das Nações Unidas para o Combate à Desertificação e Mitigação dos Efeitos das Secas como particularmente vulnerável à desertificação. Composições de anomalias de precipitação foram feitas para cada uma das oito fases da OMJ durante Fevereiro-Maio (principal período chuvoso da microrregião). Os resultados mostraram a existência de variações significativas nos padrões de precipitação (de precipitação excessiva à deficiente) associados à propagação da OMJ. A combinação dos sinais de precipitação obtidos durantes as fases úmidas e secas da OMJ mostrou que a diferença corresponde cerca de 50 − 150% de modulação das chuvas na microrregião. Em seguida, uma investigação abrangente sobre o papel da OMJ sobre toda a região Nordeste foi feita considerando-se as quatro estações do ano. Os resultados mostraram que os impactos da OMJ na precipitação intrassazonal do NEB apresentam forte sazonalidade. A maior coerência espacial dos sinais de precipitação ocorreram durante o verão austral, quando cerca de 80% das estações pluviométricas apresentaram anomalias positivas de precipitação durante as fases 1 − 2 da OMJ e anomalias negativas de precipitação nas fases 5 − 6 da oscilação. Embora impactos da OMJ na precipitação intrassazonal tenham sido encontrados na maioria das localidades e em todas as estações do ano, eles apresentaram variações na magnitude dos sinais e dependem da fase da oscilação. As anomalias de precipitação do NEB observadas são explicadas através da interação existente entre as ondas de Kelvin-Rossby acopladas convectivamente e as características climáticas predominantes sobre a região em cada estação do ano. O aumento de precipitação observado sobre a maior parte do NEB durante o verão e primavera austrais encontra-se associado com o fluxo de umidade de oeste (regime de oeste), o qual favorece a atividade convectiva em amplas áreas da América do Sul tropical. Por outro lado, as anomalias de precipitação durante o inverno e outono austrais apresentaram uma variabilidade espacial mais complexa. Durante estas estações, as anomalias de precipitação observadas nas estações localizadas na costa leste do NEB dependem da intensidade do anticiclone do Atlântico Sul, o qual é modulado em grande parte por ondas de Rossby. As características topográficas do NEB parecem desempenhar um papel importante na variabilidade observada na precipitação, principalmente nestas áreas costeiras. A intensificação do anticiclone aumenta a convergência dos ventos alísios na costa contribuindo para a ocorrência de precipitação observada à barlavento do planalto da Borborema. Por outro lado, o aumento da subsidência parece ser responsável pelos déficits de precipitação observados à sotavento. Tais condições mostraram-se típicas durante o predomínio do regime de leste sobre a região tropical da América do Sul e o NEB, durante o qual ocorre uma diminuição no fluxo de umidade proveniente da Amazônia.


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This research analyzes the transmedia narrative television series Cheias de Charme, understood as a fictional multiplatform world, composed of several pieces distributed in different media, and into the context of media convergence. With a view to its expansion in various media controlled by production, we investigated how the principles (Jenkins 2008, 2009a, 2009b) and the strategies of expansion and spread (Fechine et al., 2013) were appropriate for fiction. To do this, literature reviews were conducted about transmidiation processes and the specifics of transmedia narrative, in order to identify possible areas of action and forms of engagement with the public. In addition, he reflected on reconfigurations of the soap opera genre in the era of participatory culture. For a better understanding of the dissertation, the observations were divided into four distinct chapters, taking as a guide and starting point the inclusion of the soap opera in the internet environment. With the aid of a descriptive research with a view to the application of the Case Study procedure in the light of Gil contributions (2010), it is believed that the proposed objectives were achieved. Finally, it was concluded that Cheias de Charme, aired by TV Globo in 2012, in time of 19h, we used creative and planned actions that have worked effectively in developing a transmedia narrative.


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This research analyzes the transmedia narrative television series Cheias de Charme, understood as a fictional multiplatform world, composed of several pieces distributed in different media, and into the context of media convergence. With a view to its expansion in various media controlled by production, we investigated how the principles (Jenkins 2008, 2009a, 2009b) and the strategies of expansion and spread (Fechine et al., 2013) were appropriate for fiction. To do this, literature reviews were conducted about transmidiation processes and the specifics of transmedia narrative, in order to identify possible areas of action and forms of engagement with the public. In addition, he reflected on reconfigurations of the soap opera genre in the era of participatory culture. For a better understanding of the dissertation, the observations were divided into four distinct chapters, taking as a guide and starting point the inclusion of the soap opera in the internet environment. With the aid of a descriptive research with a view to the application of the Case Study procedure in the light of Gil contributions (2010), it is believed that the proposed objectives were achieved. Finally, it was concluded that Cheias de Charme, aired by TV Globo in 2012, in time of 19h, we used creative and planned actions that have worked effectively in developing a transmedia narrative.


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In this work it was developed mathematical resolutions taking as parameter maximum intensity values for the interference analysis of electric and magnetic fields and was given two virtual computer system that supports families of CDMA and WCDMA technologies. The first family were developed computational resources to solve electric and magnetic field calculations and power densities in Radio Base stations , with the use of CDMA technology in the 800 MHz band , taking into account the permissible values referenced by the Commission International Protection on non-Ionizing Radiation . The first family is divided into two segments of calculation carried out in virtual operation. In the first segment to compute the interference field radiated by the base station with input information such as radio channel power; Gain antenna; Radio channel number; Operating frequency; Losses in the cable; Attenuation of direction; Minimum Distance; Reflections. Said computing system allows to quickly and without the need of implementing instruments for measurements, meet the following calculated values: Effective Radiated Power; Sector Power Density; Electric field in the sector; Magnetic field in the sector; Magnetic flux density; point of maximum permissible exposure of electric field and power density. The results are shown in charts for clarity of view of power density in the industry, as well as the coverage area definition. The computer module also includes folders specifications antennas, cables and towers used in cellular telephony, the following manufacturers: RFS World, Andrew, Karthein and BRASILSAT. Many are presented "links" network access "Internet" to supplement the cable specifications, antennas, etc. . In the second segment of the first family work with more variables , seeking to perform calculations quickly and safely assisting in obtaining results of radio signal loss produced by ERB . This module displays screens representing propagation systems denominated "A" and "B". By propagating "A" are obtained radio signal attenuation calculations in areas of urban models , dense urban , suburban , and rural open . In reflection calculations are present the reflection coefficients , the standing wave ratio , return loss , the reflected power ratio , as well as the loss of the signal by mismatch impedance. With the spread " B" seek radio signal losses in the survey line and not targeted , the effective area , the power density , the received power , the coverage radius , the conversion levels and the gain conversion systems radiant . The second family of virtual computing system consists of 7 modules of which 5 are geared towards the design of WCDMA and 2 technology for calculation of telephone traffic serving CDMA and WCDMA . It includes a portfolio of radiant systems used on the site. In the virtual operation of the module 1 is compute-: distance frequency reuse, channel capacity with noise and without noise, Doppler frequency, modulation rate and channel efficiency; Module 2 includes computes the cell area, thermal noise, noise power (dB), noise figure, signal to noise ratio, bit of power (dBm); with the module 3 reaches the calculation: breakpoint, processing gain (dB) loss in the space of BTS, noise power (w), chip period and frequency reuse factor. Module 4 scales effective radiated power, sectorization gain, voice activity and load effect. The module 5 performs the calculation processing gain (Hz / bps) bit time, bit energy (Ws). Module 6 deals with the telephone traffic and scales 1: traffic volume, occupancy intensity, average time of occupancy, traffic intensity, calls completed, congestion. Module 7 deals with two telephone traffic and allows calculating call completion and not completed in HMM. Tests were performed on the mobile network performance field for the calculation of data relating to: CINP , CPI , RSRP , RSRQ , EARFCN , Drop Call , Block Call , Pilot , Data Bler , RSCP , Short Call, Long Call and Data Call ; ECIO - Short Call and Long Call , Data Call Troughput . As survey were conducted surveys of electric and magnetic field in an ERB , trying to observe the degree of exposure to non-ionizing radiation they are exposed to the general public and occupational element. The results were compared to permissible values for health endorsed by the ICNIRP and the CENELEC .


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O tema da dissertação aborda a conservação e reabilitação do parque edificado do centro histórico de Leiria. Um pouco por todas as cidades, tem existido de forma gradual a migração dos centros urbanos históricos para a periferia, ficando em muitas situações praticamente desabitados. Leiria não foi exceção, como se pode verificar estas medidas acabam por trazer consequências irreversíveis, porque ao ficarem desabitados, estes edifícios ficam em muitos casos por sua conta, com o passar do tempo acabam por precisar de pequenas conservações. Caso não sejam realizadas a tempo acabam por danificar progressivamente os edifícios, onde em muitos casos acabam por entrar em ruína ou ficam em tal estado degradação que necessitam de uma reabilitação profunda, acabando por perder características fundamentais que garantem a sua autenticidade e a própria cultura da cidade. Existem vários trabalhos realizados noutros centros históricos, como por exemplo Coimbra e Seixal, que já efetuaram um estudo semelhante. É importante referir o interesse de estudar cada centro histórico, pois a sua identidade depende muito dos materiais provenientes na região, e das técnicas construtivas usadas na altura da construção. Ao longo do trabalho são realizadas algumas comparações entre vários estudos de diferentes centros históricos, justificando desta forma a importante caracterização de cada centro histórico. Pois com materiais e técnicas diferentes, é normal surgirem anomalias “diferentes”, com maior relevância ou não. Nesta dissertação é desenvolvido um estudo em parceria com a Câmara Municipal de Leiria, tendo-se realizado a inspeção de uma amostra significativa de edifícios antigos tradicionais (edifícios que surgiram antes da propagação do betão armado). O ponto fundamental desta dissertação consiste na inspeção de edifícios de forma a conseguir determinar e registar as suas anomalias estruturais e não estruturais, os seus materiais, e as suas técnicas construtivas.O desconhecimento das técnicas das construções tradicionais e os seus materiais acabam por tornar os processos de conservação e reabilitação em muitos casos impróprios, comprometendo assim a fiabilidade do diagnóstico e a eficácia de eventuais ações de reabilitação. Por fim, realizou-se um capítulo de apoio à conservação e reabilitação, apresentando boas práticas de conservação e reabilitação de construções tradicionais, aplicando-se ao centro histórico de Leiria com o objetivo de incentivar potenciais investidores na área da reabilitação (população, empresas e outras entidades, nomeadamente a câmara municipal de Leiria).


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O clima marítimo ao longo da costa da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM) apresenta algumas diferenças, sendo para isso fundamental efetuar uma análise das características oceanográficas e geotécnicas do Arquipélago da Madeira. A referida análise tem como pressuposto retratar, o mais fiável possível, as diferenças, incidindo especialmente nos Portos do Funchal, Caniçal, Porto Moniz e Porto Santo. A caracterização e simulação da propagação da agitação marítima, aplicada a estruturas portuárias da RAM, representam o cerne desta dissertação, sendo os seus objetivos primordiais: a definição da onda de projeto de uma obra marítima; a descrição da metodologia de determinação de estimativas de longo prazo; a análise comparativa; a definição de metodologias de cálculo e a aplicação a registos da costa da RAM. Numa primeira fase procedeu-se à recolha de informação bibliográfica e de todos os registos informáticos disponibilizados pelas identidades responsáveis, nomeadamente a Administração dos Portos da Região Autónoma da Madeira (APRAM). Posteriormente efetuou-se um registo fotográfico das estruturas portuárias de modo a poder enquadra-las geograficamente na região. Com recurso aos dados fornecidos pela APRAM e a folhas de cálculo desenvolvidas no programa Microsoft Excel foi possível efetuar uma análise das alturas de onda significativa, do período de pico e da direção de ocorrência, por forma a poder caracterizar a agitação marítima que ocorre em cada um dos locais alvo deste estudo, sendo esta complementada pela análise das variáveis oceanográficas através do programa Carol. O passo seguinte incidiu sobre a análise da propagação da agitação marítima em cada um dos locais analisados, com recurso ao programa Mopla e à caracterização supracitada, por forma a conseguir definir a altura de onda que ocorre na estrutura portuária em causa. Como tarefa final são expostas as principais conclusões, algumas considerações finais e alguns objetivos que deveriam ser alcançados num futuro próximo.