967 resultados para Pharmaceutical Preparations
Grewia gum was extracted from the inner stem bark of Grewia mollis and characterized by several techniques such as gas chromatography (GC), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis of the extracted sample. Spectroscopic techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), fourier-transformed infrared (FT-IR), solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and 1H and 13C NMR techniques were also used to characterize the gum. The results showed that grewia gum is a typically amorphous polysaccharide gum containing glucose, rhamnose, galactose, arabinose and xylose as neutral sugars. It has an average molecular weight of 5925 kDa expressed as the pullulan equivalent. The gum slowly hydrated in water, dispersing and swelling to form a highly viscous dispersion exhibiting pseudoplastic flow behaviour. The polysaccharide gum is thermally stable and may have application as stabilizer or suspending agent in foods, cosmetics and in pharmaceuticals. It may have application as a binder or sustained-release polymer matrix in tablets or granulations. © IPEC-Americas Inc.
A gyógyszeripar egyszerre tartozik a leginkább csodált és a legtöbbet kritizált iparágak közé. Az iparág produktumai életeket menthetnek, emberek millióinak könnyÃtik meg az életét, és a gyógyszereknek köszönhetÅ‘en számos korábbi gyilkos kór vált ismeretlenné a fejlett országokban. Mindezek mellett azonban az iparágat számos kritika is éri: túl magas árakkal dolgozik, etikátlan promóciós praktikákkal él, magára hagyja a világ szegényeit, kétes etikai hátterű klinikai kÃsérleteket végez, és állami intézményekkel köt háttéralkukat. A CSR koncepciójának intenzÃv jelenléte az iparágban többek között a fenti ellentmondásokra adott válaszként is értelmezhetÅ‘ (erre utalnak a késÅ‘bbiekben bemutatandó kvalitatÃv kutatás eredményei is). Az alábbi tanulmányban arra teszek kÃsérletet, hogy feltárjam, a magyar gyógyszeripar szereplÅ‘i hogyan látják társadalmi felelÅ‘sségüket, milyen programokat valósÃtanak meg CSR kezdeményezéseik során. Milyen kihÃvások várnak a gyógyszeripari cégek vezetÅ‘ire, és milyen dilemmákkal szembesülnek társadalmi felelÅ‘sségvállalásuk kapcsán? Mennyiben találhatók meg a nemzetközi kutatások által feltárt nézÅ‘pontok a hazai cégek CSR interpretációiban, illetve vannak-e a magyar gyógyszeriparnak sajátosságai ebben a tekintetben? / === / The pharmaceutical industry is among the most admired and most criticized of all. The pharmaceutical products can save lives, they make the lives of millions of people lot easier, and many legendary diseases were eradicated from the world thanks to the innovations of the industry. However, the industry receives many criticisms in the same time: the big pharma is often accused of working with high prices, applying immoral marketing practices, abandoning the poor, having a no money-no cure attitude, doing ethically questionable clinical trials, etc. This contradiction can be one reason why pharmaceutical industry is among the most CSR-oriented sectors. In this paper I investigate what the CSR initiatives and activities of the pharmaceutical companies look like in Hungary. How do the managers of these firms react to the challenges of the industry? What is their perception about the contradictions described in the previous paragraph? Are there Hungarian peculiarities regarding CSR principles and actions? During research I also wanted to identify patterns of CSR activities of the Hungarian pharmaceutical firms in order to create clusters that group companies with similar characteristics.
A vállalatok jelentÅ‘s része szembesül azzal, hogy termékei jelentÅ‘s része iránt viszonylag kevés alkalommal jelentkezik kereslet. EbbÅ‘l következik, hogy az ilyen termékekre a klasszikus elÅ‘rejelzési módszerek, mint pl. a mozgó átlag számÃtása, vagy az exponenciális simÃtás nem alkalmazható. Azon termékeket, amelyek iránt viszonylag ritkán jelenik meg kereslet, sporadikus keresletű termékeknek nevezzük. A megkülönböztetés a sporadikus és nem sporadikus termékek között sokszor csak hüvelykujj szabály alapján állapÃtható meg, de erre vonatkozóan a szakirodalomban találunk iránymutatást. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban már megjelentek olyan új kereslet-elÅ‘rejelzési módszerek, melyeket kimondottan az ilyen, sporadikus kereslettel rendelkezÅ‘ termékek estében javasoltak. Cikkünk célja, hogy ezeket a szakirodalmi ajánlásokat egy konkrét hazai vállalat valós adatain esettanulmány jelleggel tesztelje. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban is ritkán publikálnak tudományos dolgozatokat, amelyek ezt a témakört valós alkalmazási környezetben tárgyalják; ismereteink szerint magyar nyelven errÅ‘l tudományos dolgozat pedig még nem született. Elméleti bevezetÅ‘nk után egy gyógyszer-nagykereskedelmi vállalatnál valós adatait használva vizsgáljuk a kérdéskört. Sor kerül a vállalat termékportfóliójának a kereslet-elÅ‘rejelzés szempontjából történÅ‘ tipizálására, majd sporadikus keresletű termékek keresletének elÅ‘rejelzésére és ennek során a szakirodalomban az alkalmazandó módszerekre vonatkozó ajánlások vizsgálatára. _____ Significant numbers of companies have the problem that demand for their products are sporadic in nature. Demand of such products is not continual in time; its demand is diffused, is random with large proportion of zero values in the analyzed time series. The sporadic character of a demand pattern actually means that available information on the demand of previous selling periods is leaky resulting in lower quality of data available. In these cases traditional forecasting techniques do not result in reliable forecast. Special forecasting algorithms have been developed during the last decade dealing with this problem. The paper introduces these techniques and offers suggestions for application. It also presents the case study of a Hungarian pharmaceutical wholesaler company. Based on real data we develop a topology of the company's product portfolio, carry out forecasts using different techniques including those developed for products with sporadic demand and also analyze the quality of these forecasts.
This article studies the determinants of pharmaceutical innovation diffusion among specialists. To this end, it investigates the influences of six categories of factors—social embeddedness, socio-demography, scientific orientation, prescribing patterns, practice characteristics, and patient panel composition—on the use of new drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Hungary. Here, in line with international trends, 11 brands were introduced between April 2008 and April 2010, outperforming all other therapeutic classes. The Cox proportional hazards model identifies three determinants—social contagion (in the social embeddedness category) and prescribing portfolio and insulin prescribing ratio (in the prescribing pattern category). First, social contagion has a positive effect among geographically close colleagues—the higher the adoption ratio, the higher the likelihood of early adoption—but no influence among former classmates and scientific collaborators. Second, the wider the prescribing portfolio, the earlier the new drug uptake. Third, the lower the insulin prescribing ratio, the earlier the new drug uptake—physicians’ therapeutic convictions and patients’ socioeconomic statuses act as underlying influencers. However, this finding does not extend to opinion-leading physicians such as scientific leaders and hospital department and outpatient center managers. This article concludes by arguing that healthcare policy strategists and pharmaceutical companies may rely exclusively on practice location and prescription data to perfect interventions and optimize budgets.
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a modern analytical technique, which is electrokinetic separation generated by high voltage and taken place inside the small capillaries. In this dissertation, several advanced capillary electrophoresis methods are presented using different approaches of CE and UV and mass spectrometry are utilized as the detection methods. ^ Capillary electrochromatography (CEC), as one of the CE modes, is a recent developed technique which is a hybrid of capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Capillary electrochromatography exhibits advantages of both techniques. In Chapter 2, monolithic capillary column are fabricated using in situ photoinitiation polymerization method. The column was then applied for the separation of six antidepressant compounds. ^ Meanwhile, a simple chiral separation method is developed and presented in Chapter 3. Beta cycodextrin was utilized to achieve the goal of chiral separation. Not only twelve cathinone analytes were separated, but also isomers of several analytes were enantiomerically separated. To better understand the molecular information on the analytes, the TOF-MS system was coupled with the CE. A sheath liquid and a partial filling technique (PFT) were employed to reduce the contamination of MS ionization source. Accurate molecular information was obtained. ^ It is necessary to propose, develop, and optimize new techniques that are suitable for trace-level analysis of samples in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was selected for this task, as it requires lower amounts of samples, it simplifies sample preparation, and it has the flexibility to perform separations of neutral and charged molecules as well as enantiomers. ^ Overall, the study demonstrates the versatility of capillary electrophoresis methods in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.^
Chapter 1: Patents and Entry Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Role of Marketing Exclusivity Effective patent length for innovation drugs is severely curtailed because of extensive efficacy and safety tests required for FDA approval, raising concern over adequacy of incentives for new drug development. The Hatch-Waxman Act extends patent length for new drugs by five years, but also promotes generic entry by simplifying approval procedures and granting 180-day marketing exclusivity to a first generic entrant before the patent expires. In this paper we present a dynamic model to examine the effect of marketing exclusivity. We find that marketing exclusivity may be redundant and its removal may increase generic firms' profits and social welfare. Chapter 2: Why Authorized Generics?: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations Facing generic competition, the brand-name companies some-times launch generic versions themselves called authorized generics. This practice is puzzling. If it is cannibalization, it cannot be profitable. If it is divisionalization, it should be practiced always instead of sometimes. I explain this phenomenon in terms of switching costs in a model in which the incumbent first develops a customer base to ready itself against generic competition later. I show that only sufficiently low switching costs or large market size justifies launch of AGs. I then use prescription drug data to test those results and find support. Chapter 3: The Merger Paradox and R&D Oligopoly theory says that merger is unprofitable, unless a majority of firms in industry merge. Here, we introduce R&D opportunities to resolve this so-called merger paradox. We have three results. First, when there is one R&D firm, that firm can profitably merge with any number of non-R&D firms. Second, with multiple R&D firms and multiple non-R&D firms, all R&D firms can profitably merge. Third, with two R&D firms and two non-R&D firms, each R&D firms prefer to merge with a non-R&D firm. With three or more than non-R&D firms, however, the R&D firms prefer to merge with each other.
This survey was funded by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Grant No: CZH/4/998.
This survey was funded by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), Grant No: CZH/4/998.
The research and development costs of 106 randomly selected new drugs were obtained from a survey of 10 pharmaceutical firms. These data were used to estimate the average pre-tax cost of new drug and biologics development. The costs of compounds abandoned during testing were linked to the costs of compounds that obtained marketing approval. The estimated average out-of-pocket cost per approved new compound is $1395 million (2013 dollars). Capitalizing out-of-pocket costs to the point of marketing approval at a real discount rate of 10.5% yields a total pre-approval cost estimate of $2558 million (2013 dollars). When compared to the results of the previous study in this series, total capitalized costs were shown to have increased at an annual rate of 8.5% above general price inflation. Adding an estimate of post-approval R&D costs increases the cost estimate to $2870 million (2013 dollars).
Telescoped approach to aryl hydroxymethylation in the synthesis of a key pharmaceutical intermediate
An efficient synthetic approach leading to introduction of the hydroxymethyl group to an aryl moiety via combination of the Bouveault formylation and hydride reduction has been optimized using a rational, mechanistic-based approach. This approach enabled telescoping of the two steps into a single efficient process, readily amenable to scaleup.
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a modern analytical technique, which is electrokinetic separation generated by high voltage and taken place inside the small capillaries. In this dissertation, several advanced capillary electrophoresis methods are presented using different approaches of CE and UV and mass spectrometry are utilized as the detection methods. Capillary electrochromatography (CEC), as one of the CE modes, is a recent developed technique which is a hybrid of capillary electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Capillary electrochromatography exhibits advantages of both techniques. In Chapter 2, monolithic capillary column are fabricated using in situ photoinitiation polymerization method. The column was then applied for the separation of six antidepressant compounds. Meanwhile, a simple chiral separation method is developed and presented in Chapter 3. Beta cycodextrin was utilized to achieve the goal of chiral separation. Not only twelve cathinone analytes were separated, but also isomers of several analytes were enantiomerically separated. To better understand the molecular information on the analytes, the TOF-MS system was coupled with the CE. A sheath liquid and a partial filling technique (PFT) were employed to reduce the contamination of MS ionization source. Accurate molecular information was obtained. It is necessary to propose, develop, and optimize new techniques that are suitable for trace-level analysis of samples in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was selected for this task, as it requires lower amounts of samples, it simplifies sample preparation, and it has the flexibility to perform separations of neutral and charged molecules as well as enantiomers. Overall, the study demonstrates the versatility of capillary electrophoresis methods in forensic, pharmaceutical, and environmental applications.
Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) depicts the sequential order of activities connecting externally generated knowledge into an organisation; this involves a company’s ability to acquire new knowledge from an external source, assimilate and transform it, and eventually exploit it via its industrial processes and products/services. The sandwiched role of middle managers, being interlinked between decision makers and employees, has been argued as vital to organisational success. However, their role is often viewed as having conflicts astride management i.e. between employees and decision makers. This study, using a thematic analysis approach, explores and identifies the common and conflicting role of middle managers, as viewed by different respondents in organisational hierarchies. Results, based on a sample of 33 employees operating in the Pakistan Pharmaceutical sector, indicate that conflicting roles of middle managers also persist with more common roles in organisations.
This paper focuses on the issue of polypharmacy in older people and potential pharmaceutical strategies to optimize the use of multiple medicines. Although polypharmacy has long been viewed negatively, increasing emphasis is being placed on the difference between appropriate and inappropriate polypharmacy. This is largely being driven by the increasing prevalence of multimorbidity and the use of evidence-based guidelines. In this paper, we outline a number of key considerations that are pertinent to optimizing polypharmacy, notably prescribing appropriate polypharmacy, pharmaceutical formulations, the involvement of older people in clinical trials and patient adherence.
Engineered cocrystals offer an alternative solid drug form with tailored physicochemical properties. Interestingly, although cocrystals provide many new possibilities, they also present new challenges, particularly in regard to their design and large-scale manufacture. Current literature has primarily focused on the preparation and characterization of novel cocrystals typically containing only the drug and coformer, leaving the subsequent formulation less explored. In this paper we propose, for the first time, the use of hot melt extrusion for the mechanochemical synthesis of pharmaceutical cocrystals in the presence of a meltable binder. In this approach, we examine excipients that are amenable to hot melt extrusion, forming a suspension of cocrystal particulates embedded in a pharmaceutical matrix. Using ibuprofen and isonicotinamide as a model cocrystal reagent pair, formulations extruded with a small molecular matrix carrier (xylitol) were examined to be intimate mixtures wherein the newly formed cocrystal particulates were physically suspended in a matrix. With respect to formulations extruded using polymeric carriers (Soluplus and Eudragit EPO, respectively), however, there was no evidence within PXRD patterns of either crystalline ibuprofen or the cocrystal. Importantly, it was established in this study that an appropriate carrier for a cocrystal reagent pair during HME processing should satisfy certain criteria including limited interaction with parent reagents and cocrystal product, processing temperature sufficiently lower than the onset of cocrystal Tm, low melt viscosity, and rapid solidification upon cooling.