943 resultados para Peanut Allergy
A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of liming and time of harvesting on peanut cv. Botutatu (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed yield and yield components in the period of July, 1991 to February, 1992, in São Manuel, State of São Paulo. The soil was a Dark Red Latosol (Hapludult, sandy loam), and the experimental design was a subplot replicated four times in completely randomized blocks. Lime levels (0.0 and 1.75 t/ha) were applied in the plots, and the subplots were nine weekly harvests, starting at 87 days after planting (DAP). There was no effect of lime on hulls or seed yield and on peanut yield components. The germination of seeds in hulls was incresead at each harvest and was lower at lime presence. The highest yield was observed at 129 DAP.
A rapid and economical method is described for the determination of deltamethrin in wheat, rice, peanuts and corn. It is based on simultaneous extraction and clean-up on a column packed with alumina and silica gel using n-hexane-ethyl ether (8:2, v/v), followed by a derivatization step and gas-chromatographic analysis. Recoveries from fortified cereal and peanut samples were determined at four concentration levels and ranged from 73 to 109%. The detection limits were 0.01 to 0.03 mg/ kg. This method simplifies the traditional procedures in terms of sample size, solvent consumption and analysis time. © Springer-Verlag 1998.
A cutaneous hypersensitivity test (CHT) was used to correlate host resistance to ticks and type of reaction elicited to unfed larval extract-ULE of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus in European and Indian cattle. Twenty calves were separated into four groups of five animals each: naïve or preinfested Indian or European cattle. CHT was induced by intradermal inoculation of 0.1 ml of ULE cattle tick B. microplus (50 μg protein) in the calf ear. Ear thickness was measured using calipers before and 10 min, 1, 2, 6, 18, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 144 h postinoculation (PI). Preinfested European calves showed only an immediate type reaction with maximum response (75% increase in ear thickness) at 10 min PI. On the other hand, preinfested Indian calves presented an immediate response with maximum reaction (70% increase in ear thickness) between 10 min and one hour PI, and a delayed type reaction at 72 h PI (60% increase in ear thickness). These results point out the crucial role of the cellular immune response of cattle in the expression of resistance to cattle tick B. microplus. Skin test might be useful in the ranking of cattle according to the susceptibility/resistance to ticks.
Wild Arachis germplasm includes potential forage species, such as the rhizomatous Arachis glabrata and the stoloniferous A. pinto and A. repens. Commercial cultivars of A. pintoi have already been released in Australia and in several Latin American countries, and most of these cultivars were derived from a single accession of A. pintoi (GK 12787). Arachis repens is less productive as a forage plant than is A. pintoi. However, it can be crossed with A. pintoi, and thus has good potential as germplasm for the improvement of A. pintoi. Arachis repens is also used as an ornamental plant and ground cover. Many new accessions of these two stoloniferous species are now available, and they harbor significant genetic variability beyond that available in the few older accessions, previously available. Therefore, these new accessions need to be conserved, documented and considered in terms of their potential for crop improvement and direct commercial use. Sixty-four accessions of this new germplasm were analyzed using RAPD analysis. Most of the accessions of A. repens grouped together into a clearly distinct group. In general, the accessions from the distinct valleys of the Jequitinhonha, Sao Francisco and Parana rivers did not group together, suggesting there is not a tight relation between dispersion by rivers and the geographic distribution of genetic variation in these species.
Two wild diploid (2n = 20 chromosomes) and self-pollinating Arachis species, Arachis Pintoi Krapov and W.C. Gregory and A. villosulicarpa Hoehne were submmited to C-band technique to karyotype analyses. Root tips were employed in the analyses. Morphometric data chose that chromosome lengths varied from 3.12 in A. villosulicarpa to 1.45 in A. Pintoi. Karyotype formula obtained was 10sm to A. Pintoi and 9sm + 1m to A. villosulicarpa. There was a predominance of pericentromeric C-band in all mitotic metaphasic chromosomes in both species. Besides C-band values, both species still did not differ in respect to chromosome absolute and relative lengths, centromeric index, symmetry index and total karyotype haploid length. C-band and morphometric data did not show strong or significant differences which could separate these two species of peanut which belong to evolutive different sections.
In the present study we compared the immunological reactions between Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick-infested susceptible (dogs and mice) and tick-resistant hosts (guinea pigs), elucidating some of the components of efficient protective responses against ticks. We found that T-cells from guinea pigs infested with adult ticks proliferate vigorously in the presence of concanavalin A (ConA), whereas ConA-induced cell proliferation of tick-infested mice and dogs was significantly decreased at 43.1 and 94.0%, respectively, compared to non-infested controls. Moreover, cells from mice and dogs submitted to one or three successive infestations did not exhibit a T-cell proliferative response to tick antigens, whilst cells from thrice tick-infested guinea pigs, when cultured with either a tick extract or tick saliva, displayed a significant increase in cell proliferation. Also, we evaluated the response of tick-infested mice to a cutaneous hypersensitivity test induced by a tick extract. Tick-infested mice developed a significant immediate reaction, whereby a 29.9% increase in the footpad thickness was observed. No delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction was detected. Finally, the differential cell count at the tick attachment site in repeatedly infested mice exhibited a 6.6- and 4.1-fold increase in the percentage of eosinophils and neutrophils, respectively, compared to non-infested animals, while a decrease of 77.0-40.9 in the percentage of mononuclear cells was observed. The results of the cutaneous hypersensitivity test and the cellular counts at the tick feeding site for mice support the view that tick-infested mice develop an immune response to R. sanguineus ticks very similar to dogs, the natural host of this species of tick, but very different from guinea pigs (resistant host), which develop a DTH reaction in addition to a basophil and mononuclear cell infiltration at the tick-attachment site. In conclusion, saliva introduced during tick infestations reduces the ability of a susceptible animal host to respond to tick antigens that could stimulate a protective immune response. As a consequence, the animals present a lack of DTH response and disturbed cellular migration to tick feeding site, which can represent a deficient response against ticks. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study was conducted in Adamantina, region of Alta Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1989 to 1993. Yield of Apoatã coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) was evaluated during four years of intercropping with five plant species: IAC 20 - cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); cv. Tatu - peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.); IAC 165 - rice (Oryza sativa L.); cv. Guarani - castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and IAC 100-B - corn (Zea mays L.). The crops were seeded 50 cm apart from coffee canopy. The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with five replications. Yield was significantly decreased when coffee was intercropped with castor bean, corn, cotton and peanut, but height and diameter of orthotropic branches were not affected. Linear correlation analysis showed that coffee yield was inversely correlated with the dry biomass of the intercrops.
From September 2000 to January 2001, airborne fungi were isolated from the building of the Clinical Analyses laboratories, including its didactic and research rooms, in Araraquara São Paulo State, Brazil, by using Andersen, MAS-100® (MERCK) machine, with Sabouraud chloramphenicol medium. After 5 days of incubation at 25°C, the colonies of the fungi were counted, resulting in the identification of 21 taxa. Cladophialophora spp. was the most isolated in internal and external environments as well, followed by Penicillium spp. and Mycelia spp. In accordance with the resolution n° 9, January 2003 (ANVISA), fungi considered unacceptable were found in nine internal environments and one of these presented the amount of fungi above of the acceptable limit. Among the obtained fungi, at least 16 taxa were reported as opportunistic, nine were related to plant diseases and seven were associated to allergy problems.
Objective: The present study aimed at evaluating the occurrence and recurrence of middle ear effusion and possible associated factors in the first two years of life of 190 newborns and infants, participants in the interdisciplinary prevention, detection, and intervention program at the Clínica de Educação para Saúde of Universidade do Sagrado Coração, Methods: Newborns and infants were monthly submitted to anamneses, otoscopy, behavioral hearing assessment using sound instruments and pure tones (pediatric audiometry) and tympanometry. Results: The results revealed that 68.4% of infants presented one or more episodes of middle ear effusion during their two first years, with more recurrence among males. Peak occurrence was between four and 12 months of age and, the earlier the first episode, the higher the probability of recurrence. Greatest incidence was during May and August. It was found that, of the variables investigated, the period of exclusive breastfeeding actuated as a protector factor. With respect of risk factors, it was observed that passive smoking, gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory allergy were related with the recurrences of effusion. Conclusion: Findings revealed the importance of periodic auditory follow-up for infants during their first two years of life, considered to be the critical period of auditory system maturation, during which sensory deprivation can be responsible for damage to the development of speech, language and other auditory abilities. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
The Arachis section is the most important of the nine sections of the genus Arachis because it includes the cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea. The genetic improvement of A. hypogaea using wild relatives is at an early stage of development in spite of their potential as sources of genes, including those for disease and pests resistance, that are not found in the A. hypogaea primary gene pool. Section Arachis species germplasm has been collected and maintained in gene banks and its use and effective conservation depends on our knowledge of the genetic variability contained in this material. Microsatellites are routinely used for the analysis of genetic variability because they are highly polymorphic and codominant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the transferability of microsatellite primers and the assay of genetic variability between and within the germplasm of some species of the Arachis section. Fourteen microsatellite loci developed for three different species of Arachis were analyzed and 11 (78%) were found to be polymorphic. All loci had transferability to all the species analyzed. The polymorphic loci were very informative, with expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.70 to 0.94. In general, the germplasm analyzed showed wide genetic variation. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Genética.
Objective: The present study aimed at evaluating the occurrence and recurrence of middle ear effusion and possible associated factors in the first two years of life of 190 newborns and infants, participants in the interdisciplinary prevention, detection, and intervention program at the Clínica de Educação para Saúde of Universidade do Sagrado Coração. Methods: Newborns and infants were monthly submitted to anamneses, otoscopy, behavioral hearing assessment using sound instruments and pure tones (pediatric audiometry) and tympanometry. Results: The results revealed that 68.4% of infants presented one or more episodes of middle ear effusion during their two first years, with more recurrence among males. Peak occurrence was between four and 12 months of age and, the earlier the first episode, the higher the probability of recurrence. Greatest incidence was during May and August. It was found that, of the variables investigated, the period of exclusive breastfeeding actuated as a protector factor. With respect of risk factors, it was observed that passive smoking, gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory allergy were related with the recurrences of effusion. Conclusion: Findings revealed the importance of periodic auditory follow-up for infants during their first two years of life, considered to be the critical period of auditory system maturation, during which sensory deprivation can be responsible for damage to the development of speech, language and other auditory abilities. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría.
Despite efforts to the contrary, some cosmetic products can cause undesirable side effects in the users. These may often be due to individual factors or inappropriate use of the product. Thus, biological assays to assess the safety of a new cosmetic must precede its being placed on the market. Historically, these tests have always been carried out in vivo, in animals, since such tests can be used to evaluate many of the potential risks, such as irritation, allergy or systemic effects; but, recently, some research centers have been adopting in vitro alternatives, in order to replace the animal tests. This review emphasizes the need to employ biological assays to test the safety of cosmetic products, and reviews the main in vivo and in vitro tests used, focusing on the need to develop and use alternatives to the in vivo assays of product safety, so as to offer the consumers the maximum safety with the least possible risk, while ensuring the best conditions of use of the product.
Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are diseases in which blisters and vesicles are the primary and fundamental types of skin lesion. Their classification is based on the location of the blister: intraepidermal and subepidermal. Patients produce autoantibodies against self-specific structures of the skin detectable by immunofluorescence techniques, immunoblotting and ELISA. Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have brought to knowledge these self-antigens, against which patients are sensitized, and which are found in epidermis or in the dermo-epidermal junction. These are low incidence, but high morbidity diseases that may be fatal. The aim of this article is to review and describe the progress of four autoimmune vesiculobullous disorders: endemic pemphigus foliaceous (wild fire), pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid and dermatitis herpetiformis. ©2009 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.
In the experimental area of the Department of Environmental Sciences (21.85° S; 48.43° W; 786 m), in the School of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, an experiment was carried out using peanut (Arachis hypogaea L), cv. IAC-TATU-ST, to quantify the crop daily water requirements. During the peanut crop cycle, the environmental variables, such as rainfall, air temperature, air relative humidity, soil matric potential, soil heat flux and radiation balance, have been registered continually. These measurements were used to calculate the daily crop evapotranspiration, by the Bowen ratio method. The water replacement required by the peanut crop was done the dripping irrigation system, oriented by a dynamic agrometeorological model that computes the entrance and exit of water in the soil. During the peanut crop cycle, 9.0 mm of water was used from sowing to emergence; 67.0 mm of water, in the growth stage; 166.0 mm, in the flowering stage; 124.0 mm in the final stage and 46.0 mm from physiological maturity to harvest. Oot of 412.0 mm of the total consumption, 246.0 mm of water was supplied by irrigation and 166.0 mm by the rain. The grain yield was 3.15 t ha-1 for 15% of humidity, and the water use efficiency was 0.764 kg m-3.