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This paper presents a decentralized/peer-to-peer architecture-based parallel version of the vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) algorithm for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite plates using message passing interface (MPI). The design optimization of laminated composite plates being a combinatorially explosive constrained non-linear optimization problem (CNOP), with many design variables and a vast solution space, warrants the use of non-parametric and heuristic optimization algorithms like PSO. Optimization requires minimizing both the weight and cost of these composite plates, simultaneously, which renders the problem multi-objective. Hence VEPSO, a multi-objective variant of the PSO algorithm, is used. Despite the use of such a heuristic, the application problem, being computationally intensive, suffers from long execution times due to sequential computation. Hence, a parallel version of the PSO algorithm for the problem has been developed to run on several nodes of an IBM P720 cluster. The proposed parallel algorithm, using MPI's collective communication directives, establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the constituent parallel processes, deviating from the more common master-slave approach, in achieving reduction of computation time by factor of up to 10. Finally we show the effectiveness of the proposed parallel algorithm by comparing it with a serial implementation of VEPSO and a parallel implementation of the vector evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA) for the same design problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transmission loss (TL) of an elliptical cylindrical chamber muffler having a single side/end inlet and multiple side/end outlet is analyzed by means of the 3-D semi-analytical formulation based upon the modal expansion (in terms of the angular and radial Mathieu functions) and the Green's function. The acoustic pressure response obtained in terms of Green's function is integrated over surface area of the side/end ports (modeled as rigid pistons) and upon subsequent division by the port area, yields the acoustic pressure response or impedance Z] matrix parameters due to the uniform piston-driven model. The 3-D semi-analytical results are found to be in excellent agreement with the results obtained by means of 3-D FEA (SYSNOISE) simulations, thereby validating the semi-analytical procedure suggested in this work. Parametric studies such as the effect of chamber length (L), angular and axial locations of the ports, interchanging the locations of inlet and outlet ports as well as the addition of an outlet port for double outlet mufflers on the TL performance are reported, thereby leading to the formulation of design guidelines for obtaining muffler configurations exhibiting a broad-band TL spectrum. One such configuration is an axially long chamber having side-inlet and side-outlet ports such that one of the side ports is located at half the axial length on themajor/minor axis and the other side port is located at three-quarters (or one-quarter) of the axial length on the minor/major axis. (C) 2012 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.


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This paper presents simulation and experimental studies on the characterization of ultra wideband antennas for imaging applications. Various configurations of antennas were simulated for their time and frequency domain characteristics with special emphasis on flat responses for group delay and gain versus frequency. Parametric studies reported here showed that locating the capacitive feed strip near the vertex of the triangle gave better response in these respects. An antenna with operating frequency from 2.9GHz to 4.1GHz was fabricated and measured.


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Present study performs the spatial and temporal trend analysis of annual, monthly and seasonal maximum and minimum temperatures (t(max), t(min)) in India. Recent trends in annual, monthly, winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon extreme temperatures (t(max), t(min)) have been analyzed for three time slots viz. 1901-2003,1948-2003 and 1970-2003. For this purpose, time series of extreme temperatures of India as a whole and seven homogeneous regions, viz. Western Himalaya (WH), Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), North Central (NC), East coast (EC), West coast (WC) and Interior Peninsula (IP) are considered. Rigorous trend detection analysis has been exercised using variety of non-parametric methods which consider the effect of serial correlation during analysis. During the last three decades minimum temperature trend is present in All India as well as in all temperature homogeneous regions of India either at annual or at any seasonal level (winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon). Results agree with the earlier observation that the trend in minimum temperature is significant in the last three decades over India (Kothawale et al., 2010). Sequential MK test reveals that most of the trend both in maximum and minimum temperature began after 1970 either in annual or seasonal levels. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper extends some geometric properties of a one-parameter family of relative entropies. These arise as redundancies when cumulants of compressed lengths are considered instead of expected compressed lengths. These parametric relative entropies are a generalization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. They satisfy the Pythagorean property and behave like squared distances. This property, which was known for finite alphabet spaces, is now extended for general measure spaces. Existence of projections onto convex and certain closed sets is also established. Our results may have applications in the Rényi entropy maximization rule of statistical physics.


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This paper presents a unified framework using the unit cube for measurement, representation and usage of the range of motion (ROM) of body joints with multiple degrees of freedom (d.o.f) to be used for digital human models (DHM). Traditional goniometry needs skill and kn owledge; it is intrusive and has limited applicability for multi-d.o.f. joints. Measurements using motion capture systems often involve complicated mathematics which itself need validation. In this paper we use change of orientation as the measure of rotation; this definition does not require the identification of any fixed axis of rotation. A two-d.o.f. joint ROM can be represented as a Gaussian map. Spherical polygon representation of ROM, though popular, remains inaccurate, vulnerable due to singularities on parametric sphere and difficult to use for point classification. The unit cube representation overcomes these difficulties. In the work presented here, electromagnetic trackers have been effectively used for measuring the relative orientation of a body segment of interest with respect to another body segment. The orientation is then mapped on a surface gridded cube. As the body segment is moved, the grid cells visited are identified and visualized. Using the visual display as a feedback, the subject is instructed to cover as many grid cells as he can. In this way we get a connected patch of contiguous grid cells. The boundary of this patch represents the active ROM of the concerned joint. The tracker data is converted into the motion of a direction aligned with the axis of the segment and a rotation about this axis later on. The direction identifies the grid cells on the cube and rotation about the axis is represented as a range and visualized using color codes. Thus the present methodology provides a simple, intuitive and accura te determination and representation of up to 3 d.o.f. joints. Basic results are presented for the shoulder. The measurement scheme to be used for wrist and neck, and approach for estimation of the statistical distribution of ROM for a given population are also discussed.


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The stability of a bioreactor landfill slope is influenced by the quantity and method of leachate recirculation as well as on the degree of decomposition. Other factors include properties variation of waste material and geometrical configurations, i.e., height and slope of landfills. Conventionally, the stability of slopes is evaluated using factor of safety approach, in which the variability in the engineering properties of MSW is not considered directly and stability issues are resolved from past experiences and good engineering judgments. On the other hand, probabilistic approach considers variability in mathematical framework and provides stability in a rational manner that helps in decision making. The objective of the present study is to perform a parametric study on the stability of a bioreactor landfill slope in probabilistic framework considering important influencing factors, such as, variation in MSW properties, amount of leachate recirculation, and age of degradation, in a systematic manner. The results are discussed in the light of existing relevant regulations, design and operation issues.


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A low thermal diffusivity of adsorption beds induces a large thermal gradient across cylindrical adsorbers used in adsorption cooling cycles. This reduces the concentration difference across which a thermal compressor operates. Slow adsorption kinetics in conjunction with the void volume effect further diminishes throughputs from those adsorption thermal compressors. The problem can be partially alleviated by increasing the desorption temperatures. The theme of this paper is the determination the minimum desorption temperature required for a given set of evaporating/condensing temperatures for an activated carbon + HFC 134a adsorption cooler. The calculation scheme is validated from experimental data. Results from a parametric analysis covering a range of evaporating/condensing/desorption temperatures are presented. It is found that the overall uptake efficiency and Carnot COP characterize these bounds. A design methodology for adsorber sizing is evolved. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The safety of an in-service brick arch railway bridge is assessed through field testing and finite-element analysis. Different loading test train configurations have been used in the field testing. The response of the bridge in terms of displacements, strains, and accelerations is measured under the ambient and design train traffic loading conditions. Nonlinear fracture mechanics-based finite-element analyses are performed to assess the margin of safety. A parametric study is done to study the effects of tensile strength on the progress of cracking in the arch. Furthermore, a stability analysis to assess collapse of the arch caused by lateral movement at the springing of one of the abutments that is elastically supported is carried out. The margin of safety with respect to cracking and stability failure is computed. Conclusions are drawn with some remarks on the state of the bridge within the framework of the information available and inferred information. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000338. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The goal of speech enhancement algorithms is to provide an estimate of clean speech starting from noisy observations. The often-employed cost function is the mean square error (MSE). However, the MSE can never be computed in practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to find practical alternatives to the MSE. In image denoising problems, the cost function (also referred to as risk) is often replaced by an unbiased estimator. Motivated by this approach, we reformulate the problem of speech enhancement from the perspective of risk minimization. Some recent contributions in risk estimation have employed Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE) together with a parametric denoising function, which is a linear expansion of threshold/bases (LET). We show that the first-order case of SURE-LET results in a Wiener-filter type solution if the denoising function is made frequency-dependent. We also provide enhancement results obtained with both techniques and characterize the improvement by means of local as well as global SNR calculations.


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Transient signals such as plosives in speech or Castanets in audio do not have a specific modulation or periodic structure in time domain. However, in the spectral domain they exhibit a prominent modulation structure, which is a direct consequence of their narrow time localization. Based on this observation, a spectral-domain AM-FM model for transients is proposed. The spectral AM-FM model is built starting from real spectral zero-crossings. The AM and FM correspond to the spectral envelope (SE) and group delay (GD), respectively. Taking into account the modulation structure and spectral continuity, a local polynomial regression technique is proposed to estimate the GD function from the real spectral zeros. The SE is estimated based on the phase function computed from the estimated GD. Since the GD estimation is parametric, the degree of smoothness can be controlled directly. Simulation results based on synthetic transient signals generated using a beta density function are presented to analyze the noise-robustness of the SEGD model. Three specific applications are considered: (1) SEGD based modeling of Castanet sounds; (2) appropriateness of the model for transient compression; and (3) determining glottal closure instants in speech using a short-time SEGD model of the linear prediction residue.


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In this work, the wave propagation analysis of built-up composite structures is performed using frequency domain spectral finite elements, to study the high frequency wave responses. The paper discusses basically two methods for modeling stiffened structures. In the first method, the concept of assembly of 2D spectral plate elements is used to model a built-up structure. In the second approach, spectral finite element method (SFEM) model is developed to model skin-stiffener structures, where the skin is considered as plate element and the stiffener as beam element. The SFEM model developed using the plate-beam coupling approach is then used to model wave propagation in a multiple stiffened structure and also extended to model the stiffened structures with different cross sections such as T-section, I-section and hat section. A number of parametric studies are performed to capture the mode coupling, that is, the flexural-axial coupling present in the wave responses.


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A numerical model to study the growth of dendrites in a pure metal solidification process with an imposed rotational flow field is presented. The micro-scale features of the solidification are modeled by the well-known enthalpy technique. The effect of flow changing the position of the dendrite is captured by the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. An imposed rigid-body rotational flow is found to gradually transform the dendrite into a globular microstructure. A parametric study is carried out for various angular velocities and the time for merger of dendrite arms is compared with the order estimate obtained from scaling.


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We study the process of bound state formation in a D-brane collision. We consider two mechanisms for bound state formation. The first, operative at weak coupling in the worldvolume gauge theory, is pair creation of W-bosons. The second, operative at strong coupling, corresponds to formation of a large black hole in the dual supergravity. These two processes agree qualitatively at intermediate coupling, in accord with the correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski. We show that the size of the bound state and time scale for formation of a bound state agree at the correspondence point. The time scale involves matching a parametric resonance in the gauge theory to a quasinormal mode in supergravity.


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This paper illustrates a Wavelet Coefficient based approach using experiments to understand the sensitivity of ultrasonic signals due to parametric variation of a crack configuration in a metal plate. A PZT patch sensor/actuator system integrated to a metal plate with through-thickness crack is used. The proposed approach uses piezoelectric patches, which can be used to both actuate and sense the ultrasonic signals. While this approach leads to more flexibility and reduced cost for larger scalability of the sensor/actuator network, the complexity of the signals increases as compared to what is encountered in conventional ultrasonic NDE problems using selective wave modes. A Damage Index (DI) has been introduced, which is function of wavelet coefficient. Experiments have been carried out for various crack sizes, crack orientations and band-limited tone-burst signal through FIR filter. For a 1 cm long crack interrogated with 20 kHz tone-burst signal, the Damage Index (DI) for the horizontal crack orientation increases by about 70% with respect to that for 135 degrees oriented crack and it increases by about 33% with respect to the vertically oriented crack. The detailed results reported in this paper is a step forward to developing computational schemes for parametric identification of damage using sensor/actuator network and ultrasonic wave.